Size Manipulation

From The Character Database
Revision as of 05:43, 14 July 2024 by Laguna97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The ability to alter the size of oneself and others, from tiny to gigantic, while maintaining physical proportions. Some users can also change their density. Strength and durability usually correspond to the size assumed, but users may gain enhanced abilities when growing or retain their normal abilities when shrinking. '''Types:''' * '''Size Enhancement''': The ability to increase the size of oneself or others to a giant form. Enhanced size also boosts physical capabi...")
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The ability to alter the size of oneself and others, from tiny to gigantic, while maintaining physical proportions. Some users can also change their density. Strength and durability usually correspond to the size assumed, but users may gain enhanced abilities when growing or retain their normal abilities when shrinking.


  • Size Enhancement: The ability to increase the size of oneself or others to a giant form. Enhanced size also boosts physical capabilities, allowing access to superhuman strength.
  • Size Reduction: The ability to decrease the size of oneself or others to that of an ant, cell, or smaller. Some users retain or gain enhanced strength, weight, and mass at reduced sizes. This can also include shrinking specific body parts or objects.


  • May be restricted to changing only one's own size or the size of others.
  • May be limited to only growing or only shrinking.
  • There might be a maximum or minimum size limit.
  • Can have mental or emotional side effects.
  • Clothing and equipment might not change size with the user.
  • Growing in confined spaces can result in being trapped or causing damage to surroundings and oneself.
  • Larger size makes evasion difficult, making the user an easier target.
  • Changes in size can cause environmental problems.