Pocket Reality Manipulation

From The Character Database
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Pocket Reality Manipulation is a power that revolves around the manipulation and creation of pocket realities. Pocket realities in this case refer to realms that are spatially separated from other realms (including universes) and are either smaller than universal in size internally or appear as objects smaller than the size of the universe when viewed from the outside.

Travelling between realities is a partial ability of this.

Very often, various characters can only develop their full power in their personal pocket reality, e.g. the Princes of Hell from the Marvel comics are severely weakened outside their pocket reality.

Possible uses

Altering the internal structure of the pocket reality - usually this means that the user is able to control aspects of their pocket reality, such as manipulating time or distorting reality. Usually this is limited to the boundaries of the pocket reality.

Manipulating a pocket reality as a unit - basically controlling the pocket reality without being limited to the boundaries, allowing the user to move, merge, cut and destroy pocket realities.

It should be noted that even if a character has the first type, this doesn't mean that they cannot use the second type.