Environmental Destruction

From The Character Database

Environmental Destruction refers to a character's ability to cause widespread damage to their surroundings, such as creating weather phenomena, triggering natural disasters, or causing large-scale devastation. This capability doesn't necessarily correlate with the character's ability to inflict harm directly on their opponent, making it distinct from their combat-oriented attributes like Attack Potency.

In practice, Environmental Destruction is considered a form of non-combat Attack Potency. If a character can cause massive environmental damage without any supporting evidence that their other combat statistics are equally powerful, it suggests that they may struggle or be unable to apply this destructive power effectively in combat against similarly tiered opponents.

However, environmental destruction feats can still be relevant to a character's Attack Potency, Durability, and Striking Strength, depending on the context and the nature of the feat. Whether or not these feats can be applied to a character's physical capabilities or scaling depends on a detailed, case-by-case analysis. In some cases, environmental destruction may serve as a defining characteristic of a character or a particular verse.

For a deeper understanding of the energy involved in environmental destruction feats, you can refer to specific calculation guides, such as those for Storm Calculations and Earthquake Calculations. These resources provide detailed methodologies for quantifying the impact of such feats.