
From The Character Database

Garlic (ガーリック Gārikku) is a villain in the Dragon Ball Z universe. He is mentioned in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone, and later in the Garlic Jr. Saga.

He is the father and original self of Garlic Jr. (ガーリック Gārikku Junia, lit. "Garlic Junior").

Name: Garlic

Origin: Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (At least thousands of years old)

Species: Makyan



Garlic competed with the Nameless Namekian for the throne of Guardian of the Earth. The Namekian was chosen over Garlic because unlike the Namekian, Garlic held evil ambitions that soon became apparent to the previous Kami. Garlic resented the decision, and led an army of Demon Clansmen up to the Lookout in order to overthrow him. According to Kami, his predecessor sealed Garlic and his demon clansmen.

However, in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone and the Garlic Jr. Saga, a flashback recaps the scene of Garlic forcefully trying to take the throne, revealing that Garlic was sealed in a Dark Crystal in a similar fashion that Kami and Mr. Popo were captured and contained in clear bottles by Garlic Jr. One may infer that Garlic was kept in that crystal for the remainder of his life. It is possible that the crystal is somehow connected to the Dead Zone, thus all who are sealed in it are trapped within the Dead Zone.

Garlic's dying wish was for his son and reincarnation Garlic Jr. to take revenge against Kami, something that Garlic Jr. would attempt 300 years later.