Happy (McDonald's)

From The Character Database

Happy is the current mascot for McDonald's Happy Meals and Play Places, he originally replaces the original iconic mascot Ronald McDonald.

Origin: McDonald's

Gender: Unknown

Species: Happy Meal

Created By: McDonald's

Physical appearance

Happy is an anthropomorphic Happy Meal box with white limbs, and black shoes, he originally debuted back in 2009 in France and some other European countries, he later debuted in the USA on May 19th 2014, in the USA, Happy was created to help kids eating more healthier stuff in any Happy Meal, but gained criticism on social media by calling him "Creepy" and "McScary" by the fans of McDonald's, some people may also criticise Happy for replacing its original mascot, Ronald McDonald, McDonald's later blamed the Happy haters on social media by calling the haters "tough crowd" by hash tagging #CantStopSmiling and later adding their opinion by calling them "cute," which these 2 posts also received criticism and by disagreeing with their likeness of Happy, in the UK he later debuted in 2011 for Happy Studio, but he didn't get debuted officially until 2015, the first UK Happy Meal promotion that features Happy was multiple Hasbro Gaming toys back in 2015.


Happy is wacky, jovial, and very energetic. He enjoys fruit a lot, likes playing sports, and enjoying playing around with most of the fictional characters that got promoted from each Happy Meal.


  • Happy was influenced by the Minions.
  • Some commercials feature multiple Happies, implying that he's part of a larger species.
  • He got a set of 8 action figures of him with different costumes in 2015 and some more have been released sporadically over the years.
  • In the USA, he started out with his face replacing the smile on the box, with perforated eyes. Then, he appeared doing stuff on top of the smile. He was removed in February 2020, but still remains the mascot in Happy Meal boxes, he also still remains in some European countries, most notably France and the UK.
  • Happy also appears on its international web game called "Happy Studio," which was promoted in Happy Meal boxes.
  • Some commercials involves Happy and its clones appearing in its town called "Happy City," which debuted in 2012, the Happy City also appears on some newer updates of Happy Studio as it main focus, the Happy City mainly appeared in the UK, France, Mexico, and Brazil.