
From The Character Database

Katas (カタッツ Katattsu) was an ancient Namekian, the father of the Nameless Namekian, who eventually split into Kami and King Piccolo, making him the grandfather of Piccolo Jr.

Names Katas (カタッツ Katattsu), Katats, Katatz
Gender Genderless
Race Namekian
Occupation Dragon Clan
Origin Dragon Ball Chapter 265 (DBZ 71): "The Dragon Balls Change Hands" (うつわる7のドラゴンボール lit. Utsuri Kawaru Nanako no Doragon Bōru lit. "The Seventh Dragon Ball Changes Hands) March 6, 1990 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1990 #14)
Alignment Unknown
Age Unknown
Created By Akira Toriyama
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown


According to Grand Elder Guru, Katas was a genius and a caring parent. He was a good-hearted Namekian like others of his race, though his son developed a dual nature—partly evil—due to exposure to Earth's corrupt humans, which ultimately led to his division into Kami (good) and King Piccolo (evil).


Katas lived on Namek before Age 242 and was part of the Dragon Clan. During this time, Namekians had advanced technological knowledge, including space travel. Around Age 242, Katas birthed a son, who would later be sent to Earth. In Age 261, Namek experienced a catastrophic climate shift. Katas saved his son by sending him to Earth in a Namekian spaceship, but he perished along with nearly all other Namekians. Guru survived and eventually restored the Namekian population.


  • Katas' name pun is based on the Japanese word Katatsumuri, meaning "snail." The second part of this word is also used for Moori's name pun.
  • Katas can be compared to Superman's father, Jor-El, as both characters sent their sons away from their respective doomed planets for survival.