Memory Manipulation

From The Character Database

The ability to influence memory can be achieved through various mechanisms, including empathic, mental, biological, electrical, or data-based manipulation. Additionally, memory can be influenced through other means, such as magic.

Mechanisms of Memory Manipulation:

  1. Empathic Manipulation: Memory is influenced through emotions, typically in a limited manner. This often involves erasing or distorting existing memories rather than creating new ones.
  2. Mental Manipulation: Memory is altered by directly interacting with the consciousness or mind. This method allows for a wide range of actions, including understanding, modifying, deleting existing memories, and creating entirely new ones.
  3. Biochemical Manipulation: Memory is managed by affecting brain cells, often through biochemical or electrochemical processes. This can involve controlling the brain's electrochemical signals to alter, delete, or enhance memories.
  4. Information Manipulation: Memory is treated as structured information, similar to data on a computer. This approach allows for direct access, modification, or retrieval of memories as if accessing a digital storage system.