No Limits Fallacy

From The Character Database

No Limits Fallacy (shortened as NLF) is a fallacy that, despite not being part of the list of official ones, it's generally used between power scalers to refute arguments that given a certain character and/or ability hasn't showcased a limit within its verse, then it must be able to work against everything, no matter what.

On this wiki we treat this as an actual fallacy due to it falling under the definition of one, that being an argument that is convincing to people, but is in fact false due to it following faulty logic, other than it being a variant of the argument from ignorance, a fallacy that asserts that an argument is right because it has not yet been proven false (or viceversa), essentially shifting the burden of proof.

Explanation and examples

Some examples on what is a NLF can be the following:

  1. "Itachi said that no one without a Mangekyou Sharingan can defeat him. Therefore he can beat all of DC, Marvel, DBS, and Tenchi Muyo."
  2. "Gold Experience Requiem said that no matter the ability that it's used against it, it'll always be nullified from Return to Zero, meaning that it's immune to whatever attack any fictional character can use against it."
  3. "Saitama claimed that no matter what he does, he'll always end the fight in a single punch, thus he can beat everyone and everything from also other fictional universes such as DBS, Re:Creators or Lovecraftian Mythos if he gets actually bloodlusted."
  4. "Zeno is stated to be unbeatable due to no one being above him and from the fact he can erase anything he wants, meaning he can erase even any kind of cosmology, no matter how big it is."

All of these 4 examples happen to assume that these statements hold absolute truth, ignoring that the authors of these fictional universes do not think about other ones when writing their works and the possibility that these characters do not have knowledge of certain enemies nor have expected to encounter them, meaning that these statements do not necessairly apply to other works of fiction due to these statements not taking them in account.

Plus, other than taking the possibility that, generally speaking, characters in-universe can lie, bluff or be misinformed or deluded, this site also takes the policy of taking the fact that we use only what was shown from the character as their maximum capability, as anything beyond that would be just baseless speculation without any proof to back it up.