
From The Character Database

The ability to summon various beings from distant places, different planes of reality, or alternate universes. This also includes summoning undead, souls, energy beings, or information beings.

Possible Uses:

  1. Summoning Material Entities:
    • Description: Summoning an object or being that already exists somewhere and transferring it to the desired location. This can involve dimensional manipulation or necromancy to manipulate the bodies of the dead.
    • Disadvantage: The ability becomes useless if the material body is destroyed.
  2. Summoning Intangible Entities:
    • Description: Summoning a soul or spirit, which can be summoned anytime and anywhere. These entities can be given a tangible form by inhabiting a suitable container or creating a body through matter manipulation.
    • Advantage: The destruction of the material body is not a deterrent, and the physical body might regenerate as long as the spirit occupies it.
  3. Summoning Higher Beings:
    • Description: Using special spells, rituals, or specific manipulations to summon natural gods. This type of summoning is superior to summoning regular spirits.
    • Disadvantage: Control over the summoned being is much weaker and mostly negligible. The summoner must rely on the goodwill of the summoned being, and if their intention to help changes, the summoner cannot force them.