Zero-Dimensional Existence

From The Character Database

Zero-dimensionality or zero-dimensional existence refers to the ability to exist as a singular point that is infinitely small in all directions. Such entities are virtually impossible to destroy physically, yet they still exist.

Possible Uses

Being infinitely small, a singular point is nearly undetectable, cannot be interacted with, and cannot be divided into smaller parts, making it indestructible in a conventional sense.

Depending on the context—whether the point is isolated or part of a dimensional plane—the point may or may not be completely invulnerable to beings with more than zero dimensions. Each situation must be assessed individually.


If the object exists on a higher-dimensional plane, its destruction will occur if that plane is destroyed.

Additionally, the destruction of any zero-dimensional object is trivial for a beyond-dimensional entity, as such an entity exists outside the concept of dimensions entirely.