Black Smoke Shenron

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"Wishes!? I have no intention of fulfilling any wishes."

— "The Shadow Dragons"

Black Smoke Shenron (の Kokuen no Ryū, lit. "Black Smoke Dragon") is an evil, eternal dragon in the Dragon Ball GT anime. He is summoned from the Cracked Dragon Balls.

He is the first evil dragon to appear in the series, but according to Mr. Popo's words, he may be not the only one of its kind to have appeared in Universe 7, as ages before the main timeline a mysterious evil dragon appeared on planet Eros, destroyed it, and then proceeded to destroy that entire galaxy.

Origin: Dragon Ball GT Episode 47 "The Greatest Surprise" (!とのさく Dai-Gyakuten! Gokū to Jūhachi-Gō no Nidan Kōgeki Sakuretsu, lit. "The Big Reversal! Goku and No. 18's Double-Strike Explosion") (1997)

Race: Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Occupation: Eternal Dragon


Black Smoke Shenron's personality also reflects the negative energy that was used to create him. While Shenron was well mannered and spoke appropriately, Black Smoke Shenron is foul-mouthed and impolite to those who summoned him, as shown when Pan tried to tell him how to act like an eternal dragon. He also smokes cigars and blows his smoke at those who summoned him to show he has no interest in granting wishes. Mr. Popo notes that this is not the first time an evil dragon has appeared, stating that the dragon's malice destroyed planet Eros and every star in its galaxy.



Black Smoke Shenron is an eternal dragon of pure evil and is responsible for the creation of the seven deadly Shadow Dragons. The Shadow Dragons are born from the overuse of Dragon Balls and the accumulation of negative energy throughout the series for selfless wishes (with the exception of one born from an extremely selfish desire, and one where the wish that spawned her was debatable in terms of whether it was selfish or selfless in nature) are all initially manifested within Black Smoke Shenron's body.

Dragon Ball GT

Shadow Dragon Saga

When Goku and friends attempt to use the Dragon Balls to restore the lives of the people killed during Super 17's crusade, it is Black Smoke Shenron who emerges from the artifacts. Before long, the mysterious dragon splits into seven individual Shadow Dragons. Old Kai observes that every time the Dragon Balls have been used in the past, the negative energy housed within each individual ball would increase. When this energy completely filled the Dragon Balls, they cracked, allowing Black Smoke Shenron to escape and release his seven personae.