“ | All you can see is the light shining through the cracks around the edges of the door, Baby.
And you just don't think that little bit of light can overcome your dark plans. But what you can't see is what's behind the door. That's what I am. |
„ |
― Goku |
Goku (Dragon Ball GT)
Articles about Goku |
Goku Goku (Dragon Ball GT), Goku (Dragon Ball Heroes), Goku (Xeno) |
Goku (Dragon Ball GT) | |
Vital statistics | |
Names | Son Goku, Kakarot |
Gender | Male |
Race | Saiyan/Saiyajin |
Occupation | Martial Artist |
Origin | Dragon Ball GT |
Alignment | Good |
Age | 53 (49 physically, 12 after Pilaf's wish) - 54 (13 physically) years old-152 years old |
Created By | Akira Toriyama |
Height | 1.21m (4'0")
175 cm (5'9") "Adult/Super Saiyan 4" |
Weight | 62 kg (137 lbs) "Adult/Super Saiyan 4" |
Personality Type | {{{personality type}}} |
Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan. After departing five years to train Uub, Goku returns to his loved ones only to be reverted back to his child form by a wish from King Pilaf, using the Black Star Dragon Balls. To prevent them from destroying the Earth, Goku must travel across the galaxy to retrieve them and return them to Earth, and, in the process, ultimately comes to face many more worthy opponents.
In Dragon Ball GT. Goku's skin tone got a noticeable tan. His general outfit is a blue gi with a white knot-style obi, pink wristbands, ochre pants, and black kung fu shoes with white stockings, which overall is very similar to his outfit at the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. Due to the carelessness of Emperor Pilaf, Goku was wished back into a 12-year-old. While essentially looking the same as he did back then, Goku showed considerably more defined muscle. Later, with the aid of Old Kai, Goku regenerates his tail, which would poke out from his pants. 100 years later at the 64th World Martial Arts Tournament, despite growing back to his physical prime without transforming, he was not still seen with his tail. However, in one ending, he is seen with a tail in adult form. During which, he wears the outfit from the 28th Martial Arts Tournament. He also wears his Power Pole again
Five years after leaving the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament with Majin Buu's reincarnation, Uub, Goku finishes training Uub, and they have just finished testing their abilities against one another in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Soon after Uub leaves the lookout and Goku finds out what is going on, an accidental wish by Emperor Pilaf transforms Goku back into a child. This wish was made on the Black Star Dragon Balls. As a result, Goku must travel the galaxy and return them to Earth to prevent the planet from exploding from the negative energy created by the wish.
After leaving Earth in the spaceship designed by Bulma, a piece of the ship falls off and Goku, Trunks, and Pan are forced to crash land on the planet Imecka to get the parts needed to repair the ship. Groups of merchants swarm Goku and the others and they have to go to the gold star hotel to hide from the swarms of sellers. They then realize they are being charged every second for everything in the hotel including the lights. They escape without paying and stumble upon the house of an old couple and their children. They talk about Don Kee, the ruler of the planet, and how he mistreats his people. Just then, Don Kee's men come and repossess the old couple's house saying they were behind on payment. Goku suggests that they go and fight Don Kee, but the couple says that is impossible because of his grand army. On their way back to the ship Trunks drops the Dragon Radar and it is swallowed by a small robot named T-2006, nicknamed Giru, who says that he can not give the radar back to them because it is already integrated into his system.
Meanwhile, Goku notices the ship being dragged away by Don Kee's men. He tries to use Instant Transmission to teleport them to the ship, but after two failed attempts, he realizes that he can not use it with his small body. They are forced to travel to Don Kee's palace on foot to recover their ship. Pan decides that they will use a stealth operation to recover the ship and would only result to fighting as a last resort. After briefly sneaking around, a large rock falls on Trunks' head and Giru starts making noises that alarm the guards. The guards open fire on Goku and the others and Pan says that they must fight now, so Goku agrees. Pan jumps in the carrying car while Goku moves the ship onto the car and Pan drives the ship out of the palace with Goku and Trunks. While escaping, Don Kee's henchmen Gale and Sheela fire a combined Energy Wave at Goku, but Goku deflects it back with ease towards Ledgic, Don Kee's right-hand man who recognizes them as Saiyans. Goku and the others escape, but Trunks says they have to go back into town for more parts due to Pan's "reckless driving".
Once they reach the town, everyone hides and Trunks finds the three of them on Imecka's most wanted list. While running from Don Kee's soldiers, they fall into the house of a nice old couple who offer them food after realizing Goku and company mean no harm. They say that Don Kee made it a law that no one is allowed to own a ship so that no one would escape the planet including the old couple. Pan gets fed up and convinces Goku and Trunks to go face Don Kee head on. They turn themselves into the police and get brought to the palace. Once there, Goku, Trunks, and Pan incapacitate Gale, Sheela, and all of Don Kee's guards. Then Goku blasts his way into Don Kee's throne-room. Don Kee sicks Ledgic on the fighters after capturing Pan in an energy chamber. Ledgic says that he will fight Goku, but for his own satisfaction. After a short fight, Goku defeats Ledgic as a Super Saiyan and they take down Don Kee and make him give everyone free rent and give them back their ships free of charge. Plus Don Kee gives them the parts they need for free and they leave Imecka. They then land on an unnamed planet where everything is larger than life. Goku finds the Four Star Ball in the tooth of a giant and they go to the next planet.
On planet Gelbo, they find the Six-Star Dragon Ball in the hair of the princess of the village, Leena. Trunks asks for the ball, but her fiancé Doma said that they were in a large problem already. The amphibian creature Zoonama was threatening the village with his power to create earthquakes and volcano eruptions by shaking his whiskers if they did not give him a wife. Goku decides that he would help them out in exchange for the Dragon Ball and they agree. Pan comes up with the idea to disguise Goku as Leena, but it does not work out, so Trunks poses as Leena instead. Zoonama comes and starts getting impatient waiting for Leena and threatens to shake his whiskers. Then Trunks arrives dressed as Leena and Zoonama takes him to his layer. Trunks gets Zoonama tipsy and Goku arrives with Pan and Doma. Doma slices off Zoonama's left whisker with a huge pair of scissors and as he cuts off the left one, Zoonama awakens in a drunken rage. He begins to wiggle his whiskers and an earthquake begins to come, but stops soon after while Zoonama continues to wiggle his whisker. Pan realizes that he can not cause earthquakes, he can only predict them. But now he is so tipsy that he did not realize that the quake was over. Suddenly a really big earthquake erupts and Goku and the others leave the cavern with Zoonama. Goku then stops the huge volcano with a Kamehameha, saving the city and winning the Dragon Ball. Just as they are leaving the planet, Bon Para, one of the mysterious Para Brothers, arrives and takes the ball from Pan's hands using his telekinesis. In shock, the three Z Fighters just watch as he leaves.
Goku then jumps in the ship with Pan and Trunks and they chase after the Para Brothers' spaceship. The brothers trick them onto the asteroid, Beehay, inhabited by huge bloodthirsty worm-like creatures called Mouma. The Para Brothers escape and fly to the planet Luud. They go to Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, who tells them that they have failed and that Goku has another Dragon Ball on his ship that they failed to get and they must go retrieve it. They travel back to find Goku and the others and they get hypnotized by the Para Para Boogie until they are saved by the hungry Mouma after they wake up. Pan goes aboard the Para Brothers' ship to find the Dragon Ball that they stole. She accidentally activates the auto-pilot and is brought to Luud. There she is captured and turned into a doll for the evil lord, Dolltaki. Goku shows up with Trunks and kills Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy, who reveals that he is actually two parts the body and the whip transforms into Mutchie and fights Goku.
Trunks finishes Mutchie off with the Brave Cannon and saves Goku from his whip arms. Then Dolltaki turns everyone except for Goku, himself, Trunks, and Pan into dolls and feeds them to the machine deity, Luud. Dolltaki then awakens Luud who takes him and Pan inside of his body to gain their energy. While Luud fights Goku and Trunks, Pan forces Dolltaki to tell her the weakness of the seemingly invincible Luud. Dolltaki reveals that Goku must strike the outside of Luud's mechanical heart while Pan strikes the inside at exactly the same time. After multiple tries, Goku finally succeeds and destroys Luud freeing all of the people including Pan who is turned back to normal. Goku then takes back his Dragon Ball and they leave the planet.
Baby Saga
"Then that's what I'll do. I know where Baby's hiding right now, and if everything goes smoothly, Earth and all her people will be back to normal by the end of the day. Mr. Satan, you'll take care of Pan."
— Super Saiyan 4 Goku before fighting Baby Vegeta |
As our heroes arrive on the supposedly deserted planet M-2, they continue on their quest for the Black Star Dragon Balls. They find themselves caught in a trap by the planet's inhabitants, mutant robots, and that Giru was deceiving them all along. Pan manages to escape and later rescues Goku who does battle with the robotic group of commandos known as the Sigma Force and their leader General Rilldo. However, both he and Pan are captured again and taken to Dr. Myuu for studying. Giru has a change of heart though and manages to rescue the trio thanks to a clever plan by Trunks.
It is then that we see Myuu's true creation, Baby, who breaks free from his containment after being revived, but stopped by Goku and the others. However, as a defeated and injured Dr. Myuu escapes, a piece of Baby's scattered remains jumps onto his skin, later busting out of Dr. Myuu and reforming into his original state. Baby, is in fact the last surviving Tuffle, the original inhabitants of Planet Vegeta (Planet Plant). Baby is a machine mutant who was created by Dr. Myuu; however, Baby states that he is Dr. Myuu's master, and that Dr. Myuu was designed to revive him.
Goku, Trunks, and Pan arrive on Earth to return the Black Star Dragon Balls, but soon discover that Baby has infected the population with mind-controlling eggs and chosen Vegeta as his new host. After a short fight with Baby, Goku discovers that he can not sustain Super Saiyan 3 while still being a child. After being pummeled by Baby Vegeta, Goku is weak and defenseless. During this fight, however, Goku learns of Baby's one weakness; he is sensitive to taunts, and easily angered. Meanwhile, Baby uses the Revenge Death Ball to finish off Goku, but Kibito Kai arrives just as the bomb strikes to save Goku and bring him to the Sacred World of the Kais.
There, Old Kai hatches a plan to "solve Goku's energy problem" by re-growing Goku's tail. Progress is slow at first, but Goku has an idea about how to accelerate the process. After a very painful procedure where the tail is pulled out by a pair of pliers, Goku returns to the Tuffle planet (where most of Earth's residents had migrated to) to confront Baby. During the long and hard battle with Baby Vegeta, Goku is able to sustain his Super Saiyan 3 form, but is still unable to win. As he lies on the ground, defenseless, he gazes at Earth and realizes he has failed it. But instead of dying, looking at the Earth causes Goku to transform into the form of a Golden Great Ape. With Pan's help, Goku regains control of himself and become a Super Saiyan 4.
Baby Vegeta is no match against a Super Saiyan 4. In desperation, Bulma (who's under Baby's control) uses a Blutz Wave Generator that causes Baby Vegeta to transform into a Golden Great Ape. Although Goku outclasses Baby in terms of speed, he is slowly worn down by Baby's power. Just as Old Kai loses all hope of Goku succeeding, Kibito Kai removes Gohan, Goten, and Trunks from Baby's control using the Sacred Water from Kami's Lookout. After realizing that they cannot help by fighting the ape, they channel some of their energy to Goku. Goku eventually succeeds in defeating Baby Vegeta and leaves him defenseless. In desperation, Baby leaves Vegeta's body and tries to escape from Planet Tuffle, but Goku uses his Kamehameha attack to destroy Baby and blast his remains into the sun.
Super 17 Saga
A year after the defeat of Baby Goku fights in the 31st World Martial Arts Tournament, having to fight in the Junior Division with Mr. Satan saying there is a height requirement. In the finals, his opponent wins by tickling Goku while he is talking to Vegeta, resulting in Goku falling out of the ring.
Some time afterwards, Goku and his family and friends are at home eating, until a badly beaten up Trunks arrives, saying he encountered Android 17, who told him to tell Goku to go to Hell to set things straight. Goku leaves for Hell, where he meets Dr. Myuu and Dr. Gero, who leave, making Goku very frustrated with no way out, until two of his most fierce enemies of the past drop by, Cell and Frieza. Goku manages to deal with both of them in his normal state. Realizing Goku's power, Cell forces out his tail and absorbs Goku. This only lasts for about ten seconds, since Goku finds his way out of Cell's body. After a fight between Goku, Cell, and Frieza, they show Goku a new technique that they learned in Hell, the Hell's Buster: they create a tornado type spin that throws Goku down to the deepest part of Hell. While there, a strange, old lady demonstrates various tortures, which evidently ends by freezing Goku in a block of ice.
Meanwhile, Cell and Frieza wait to use a finishing move on Goku. Goku's end seems to have arrived until everyone realizes that the finishing move does not work on the living. Despite being frozen, Goku manages to hear their conversation. In his retaliation, he breaks free, attempts the freezing technique on Cell and Frieza, and successfully freezes them, but accidentally shatters them.
"So, you've made quite a mess, 17. What do you say you show your face so I can start cleaning up, now?!"
— Super Saiyan Goku before fighting Super 17 |
Still trapped in Hell, Goku tries to find a way to get out. He asks King Yemma to aid him, with King Yemma responding that he does not know how to get Goku out. Piccolo contacts King Yemma and asks him to transport him to Goku. Believing the plan is ludicrous, King Yemma refuses, leaving Piccolo to destroy significant portions of Heaven as a means to convince him. King Yemma eventually follows through with Piccolo's idea and transports him directly to Goku where he, with Dende's help, open a gate between Hell and Earth to allow Goku to escape Hell. Successfully escaping, Goku immediately leaves for the battlefield.
Goku fights the newly fused Super 17 after reaching the battlefield. He eventually transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 but Super 17's ability to absorb his energy and grow stronger causes difficulties for Goku. With the help of Android 18, vengeful towards Android 17 for Krillin's death, Goku defeats Super 17 with the use of the Super Dragon Fist through the android's stomach and chest. This attack presumably destroys Android 17's Energy Absorption devices. Goku then finishes off the android with a Kamehameha through the wounded Super 17's stomach, causing him to explode.
Shadow Dragon Saga
When the dragon, Shenron, is summoned to revive those killed by Super 17, the Dragon Balls crack and a different, cigar-smoking dragon appears in his place. This Black Smoke Shenron promptly splits into seven Shadow Dragons, each with a cracked Dragon Ball in its body. Goku and his companions fight valiantly to defeat these new dragons.
However, after six of the seven are defeated (Naturon, Rage, Haze, Oceanus, Eis, and Nuova) in a series of many struggles, the One-Star Dragon, Syn Shenron appears.
Proving to be more than a match for the Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Goku is severely beaten by the most powerful of all the Shadow Dragons, losing his Super Saiyan 4 transformation and falling unconscious. Goku's friends provide him with their own power, which makes Goku transform to Super Full Power Saiyan 4 and finally become superior to Syn. Unfortunately, the Evil Dragon absorbs the other Dragon Balls into himself, becoming Omega Shenron. Even as a Ultra-full-power Saiyan 4, Goku can't defeat the powered-up dragon. He even combines 2 of his strongest attacks in the form of Dragon Hammer but Omega still survives this. After Vegeta (now a Super Saiyan 4) joins the fight, they still can't beat him so Vegeta suggests that they fuse to which Goku agrees, even mentioning that this will be "special". Due to fusing Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is born. However, the fused warrior does not finish off the evil Shadow Dragon before the fusion wears off due to wasting too much time. Later Goku's power runs out and he reverts to his base child form. After being presumably killed by Omega's Negative Karma Ball, Goku asks the people of the planet Earth to send him their energy. The collected energy is not enough to defeat Omega Shenron, so Goku asks King Kai to help him by gathering energy from all over the universe, creating the Super Ultra Spirit Bomb. The Spirit Bomb is successful in destroying Omega Shenron.
"You know Shenron, I've never been this tired."
— Goku before he merges with Shenron. |
The people of Earth witness this and finally realize Goku is a hero. Afterward, the real Shenron appears once again, saying that no more wishes will be granted for a long time. After convincing Shenron to grant one last wish and asking that all the people who were killed by Super 17 and the Shadow Dragons be revived, Goku decides to accompany the dragon. Before leaving, Goku tells Vegeta that the lives of everyone are now in his hands, passing the role of protector of the Earth and anyone in need of help, to Vegeta. Goku also visits Krillin, who has recently been revived by the last wish, and the two of them have one last fight before Goku flies off with Shenron. He then visits Hell to apologize to Piccolo for "putting him through nothing but trouble", vowing to remember him for as long as lives. With all loose ends tied up, Goku disappears along with Shenron.
"Til we meet again, guys!"
— "Until We Meet Again" |
A century later, as an aged Pan watches the World Martial Arts Tournament, she catches a glimpse of a familiar face in the stands: her grandfather, Goku (now grown up once again, and without his tail). When she tries to follow him, however, he disappears. Goku leaves since the earth is at peace, but the narrator says he will always return when the earth is in danger. Goku is then seen flying into the air, grabbing onto his Power Pole, calling for the Flying Nimbus and finally flies off into the distance while yelling, "Til we meet again, guys!"
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher as a Golden Oozaru, even higher as a Super Saiyan 4 | 2-C, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher as a Super Saiyan 4 or with the Dragon Fist, far higher as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4, even higher with the Dragon Hammer | 2-C, far higher with the Universal Spirit Bomb
Key: Baby Saga | Super 17/Shadow Dragon Sagas | Post-Negative Karma Ball
Powers and Abilities:
Master Martial Artist, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Analytical Prediction (Predicted where an enemy would teleport), Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. They age slowly after reaching their prime[1] in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades;[2] after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan[3] than humans), Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to |fire ki blasts, which he can control telekinetically to home in on targets, and form defensive barriers that render absorption ineffective and keep out poison, can also suppress others' ki blasts), Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels, and beings in different dimensions), Damage Boost (Can increase the power of his attacks by concentrating his ki into a single point to do more damage), Supernatural Willpower (Able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive. Being able to use Kaioken far beyond King Kai's capability which can heavily damage and destroy the user's body), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects[4] by tracking their smell[5] and see clearly over long distances.[6] Track the movements of others[7][8][9] even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air), Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Flight, Self-Sustenance ('Type 1), Accelerated Development (Training, Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities. As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Shockwaves Generation (Can create powerful shockwaves via Kiai that can also cancel out Ki attacks), Afterimages, Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other fighting techniques after seeing them once), Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light via Solar flare to blind opponents and Super Saiyan forms can generate light in pitch-black condition), Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation and Portal Creation (At Buu Saga level of power he can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy), Heat Generation, Reactive Evolution (As a Super Saiyan 4 his body was able to memorize his opponent's techniques, and render them useless), Regeneration (Low; Over time, regained his sight after he was blinded by Eis Shenron), Telekinesis, Telepathy (Can telepathically communicate with others and read minds), Teleportation, BFR and Dimensional Travel (Via Instant Transmission), Statistics Amplification (Goku can greatly enhance his capabilities with Kaio-ken, by potentially up to one hundred times), Rage Power, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm the ghost warriors), Self-Destruction, Transformation (Can transform into a Super Saiyan, increasing his capabilities drastically, and by transforming into a Super Saiyan 4, return himself to his prime even when in his child form), Electricity Manipulation (As a Super Saiyan 3, he constantly releases electric bolts in all directions), Danmaku, Healing, Fusionism (With the Fusion Dance), Adaptation (Can adapt to gravity). Resistance to Harsh Temperatures (Survived and trained extensively for at least a year within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which has temperatures that range from -40°F to 248°F), Poison Manipulation (Survived after drinking the Water of the Gods), Sleep Manipulation (During the Anime Saiyan Saga, he resisted the sleep-inducing foods from the Princess Snake, but was put to sleep by a magic potion), Cosmic Radiations and Extreme Cold (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects.[10] Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high.[11] Can travel in space, which is cold and filled with radiations[12]), Heat Manipulation, Acid Manipulation (Wasn't harmed much by Buu's enzymes, though it did cause him pain), Absorption, Paralysis Inducement (Managed to get out of Frieza's Imprisonment Ball at the last moment). Fire Breath and Large Size (Type 1; As Great Ape), Energy/Ki Absorption (As a Super Saiyan 4). Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (As Great Ape & Super Saiyan 4). Limited Resistance to Age Manipulation (Super Saiyan 4 grants someone their peak physical condition while it lasts, changing their physical age)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Even in base, was superior to Super Saiyan Baby Gohan, who in Base was superior to Super Saiyan Goten, who in base was superior to Baby, who was heavily implied to be superior to General Rilldo, who is superior to Kid Buu, who threatened to destroy the Kaioshin Realm and caused extensive damage to the Sacred World of the Kais), higher with Super Saiyan transformations (Is 50 times stronger than before as a Super Saiyan. Stronger with Super Saiyan 2 and 3), far higher as a Golden Oozaru (Baby Vegeta 2 was intimidated by his power and made sure to avoid him), even higher with Super Saiyan 4 (Easily stomped Super Baby Vegeta 2 with just a fraction of his power, and later kept up with him after he transformed into a Golden Oozaru) | Low Multiverse level (Far stronger than before. Shook Hell while powering up from a heavily restrained state), higher with Super Saiyan transformations (After the Baby Saga, he became so much stronger that he surpassed Uub as a Super Saiyan and fought evenly with Super 17. Is 50x above his base with Super Saiyan 1 and is even stronger than that with higher transformations), even higher as a Super Saiyan 4 (Stronger than his previous Super Saiyan 4 and far stronger than his Super Saiyan 3) or with the Dragon Fist (Punched through Super 17 and dealt serious damage to him), far higher as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4 (After breaking his limits, he was able to contend with and was stated to have a similar level of strength to Omega Shenron, who could destroy the entire macrocosm), even higher with the Dragon Hammer (Punched a hole through Omega Shenron's body) | Low Multiverse level (Comparable to his Durability), far higher with Universal Spirit Bomb (Able to completely obliterate Omega Shenron, leaving no trace of him)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (During the Otherworld Tournament Saga, his weaker base self traversed the afterlife at 4.38 quadrillion times FTL, and he is far superior now), far higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher with Super Saiyan 4 | Massively FTL+ (Much faster than before), far higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher with Super Saiyan 4 | Massively FTL+ (Considerably faster than any previous state)
Lifting Strength: At least Class P, likely far higher| At least Class P, likely far higher (Even Omega Shenron's most powerful attack can't move him, making him much stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher with Golden Oozaru, even higher with Super Saiyan 4 | Low Multiverse level, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher as a Super Saiyan 4 or with the Dragon Fist, far higher as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4, even higher with the Dragon Hammer | Low Multiverse level (Comparable to his Attack Potency and Durability)
Durability: Low Multiverse level, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher with Golden Oozaru, even higher with Super Saiyan 4 | Low Multiverse level, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher as a Super Saiyan 4 or with the Dragon Fist, far higher as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4, even higher with the Dragon Hammer | Low Multiverse level (Became cloaked in an aura that "won't let any attack near him". Tanked many ki blasts from Omega Shenron, including a Negative Karma Ball)
Stamina: Superhuman (Goku can train for days with minimal rest, and can fight through his long, arduous fights with the likes of Vegeta and Frieza, continuing to fight against Vegeta even after overexerting himself with Kaio-ken x4, and ultimately outlasting the latter even after being effortlessly beaten around, pushing himself to his limits with Kaio-ken, and exhausting himself with his Spirit Bomb. When he was younger, he managed to pull through and defeat Piccolo even after all of his limbs were broken and he was mortally injured. However, his stamina drops greatly as a Super Saiyan 3, and due to being stuck in his child body, it has suffered even more, making it impossible to use for more than a few seconds. The return of his tail minimized this, though. Super Saiyan 4 has no such weakness, and is the most efficient of his transformations)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters as an Oozaru. Low Multiversal with ki-based attacks and Instant Transmission
Standard Equipment: None notable | Power Pole, Nimbus
Intelligence: Average. Genius Combatant (While he lacks knowledge when it comes to things that aren't related to fighting, Goku is a master of prodigal skill when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. His skill when it comes to combat and the usage of ki allows him to replicate other ki-based techniques after seeing them once, and he was the first to realize how much energy the Super Saiyan transformations unnecessarily drained. Despite this drawback, he was the first to master the Super Saiyan state, making it highly efficient. He is a genius in combat and is capable of devising new applications of his techniques on the fly, such as using Kamehameha with his feet)
Weaknesses: Goku seeks strong opponents and therefore will allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. Kaio-ken strains his body, causing him intense pain and exhaustion if he overuses it. He often drops his guard and leaves openings for his opponents whenever he gets distracted, lowering his durability. His Spirit Bomb requires a long charge-up period, during which time he is vulnerable. He needs to locate a ki signature to teleport using Instant Transmission. Super Saiyan 3 drains his ki rapidly, and his weaker, child body makes it even more difficult to use, limiting its use to only a few seconds at a time, though the return of his tail made it more efficient.
- ↑ Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume, Chapter 11, Page 9
- ↑ Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
- ↑ Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 164 — Enter God
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 179 — The Two Weak Points
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 450 — Stage Two's Yakon
- ↑ Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z — “Bardock: The Father of Goku“
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z — “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan“