Cell Max

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Cell Max is a Bio-Android and an improved variation of Cell created by the resurgent Red Ribbon Army to aid them in their goal of world domination. Cell Max was created by Dr. Hedo based on the blueprints of the original Cell and was fully complete aside from the mind control that would allow the Red Ribbon Army to give him orders. However, Magenta was forced to activate him prematurely after they came into conflict with the Z-Fighters. As a result, Cell Max became nothing more than a rampaging monster who instinctively destroys everything in sight. He is the final antagonist of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Name: Cell Max

Origin: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Bio-Android

Created By: Akira Toriyama


Cell Max's appearance greatly resembles that of the original Cell's Semi-Perfect form, though Cell Max is primarily red instead of green, has glowing yellow (later red) eyes, Perfect Cell-like wings, and a mace at the end of his tail. The spots on his body do not appear until he initially powers up, and glow when he uses ki attacks. Initially, Cell Max was shown to be somewhat larger than average, but grew to be gargantuan by the time of the final battle. Additionally, Cell Max's feet have treaded undersides, resembling traditional boots more than Cell's talon-like feet.


Largely because he was prematurely activated by Magenta, Cell Max appears to be completely mindless and totally berserk. He possesses none of the original Cell's calm attributes, though appears to possess strong enough fighting knowledge to contend with wise fighters such as Piccolo.



Magenta, the leader of Red Pharmaceuticals, secretly a front for the Red Ribbon Army, hires genius Dr. Hedo, the grandson of Dr. Gero (the one responsible for the creation of Cell) to create new androids in order to exact his revenge against Goku and his allies.

Though Dr. Hedo feels that there is no need for Cell Max to be released with the existence of the Gamma androids already proving effective, Magenta is insistent on his completion. While his physical form is complete, his mind control program is not. Despite this, he is still described as being far more powerful than the original Cell ever was.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

After witnessing Piccolo take down Gamma 2 with a single blow, Magenta releases Cell Max as a last ditch effort and in his final moments before being killed by Dr. Hedo.

Cell Max breaks from his container and heads outside. He lets out a massive dome of destructive energy which almost kills his creator though the Gammas are able to save him in time. Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, followed by Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks and Android 18 attack the giant together who in retaliation swipes angrily at his foes who proceed to dodge in mid air.

Gamma 1 tells Gohan and the others to aim for the top of his head as Dr. Hedo had placed a weakness there believing such a situation could occur. The group attack again but the surprising speed of Cell Max gives them trouble until Piccolo finds an opening to attack his head. Unfortunately the attack proves to be ineffective and merely causes Cell Max to unleash an array of energy blasts from his spots which the group narrowly avoid.

Goten and Trunks perform the fusion technique but not having performed it in so long it results in the creation of a fat Gotenks instead. Gotenks flies towards Cell Max who swats him away but is ping ponged around and directed back at the monsters head where a crack begins to form.

With a final sacrificial act, Gamma 2 unleashes all of his power and charges at Cell Max from above. The monster is able to block him just in time with his arm though it proceeds to break off, weakening him. He attempts to crush the near lifeless Gamma 2 under his foot though Piccolo is able to intervene upon transforming into his Orange Piccolo state, holding his foot aloft. Following a suggestion from Krillin, Piccolo grows into a giant of equal size and throws him.

Piccolo battles Cell Max alongside Gohan, now transformed in his Potential Unleashed state and while still overpowered, Gohan is able to buy the group some time after destroying the ground beneath Cell Max's feet and causing him to fall. Piccolo urges Gohan to power up as much energy as he can gather as he attempts to buy him some time.

Cell Max brutally beats down Piccolo and the others try to help him though are swiftly defeated. Cell Max strikes Piccolo into the air and unleashes a volley of energy blast at him which causes him to fall unconscious. The sight infuriates Gohan who transforms into Beast Gohan. Cell Max tosses Piccolo and punches at Gohan who does not even flinch. A returning kick from Gohan sends Cell Max flying into the cliffside.

Powering up an enormous sphere of energy before condensing it down to size, Cell Max is grabbed by Piccolo as he tries to take flight to get away from Gohan. Charging up enough energy, Gohan unleashes a Special Beam Cannon that blasts straight through Cell Max's head. He falls to the ground and begins to swell up before self destructing.


  • Cell Max appears to incorporate more technology into his body than the original Cell, seen when his arm is severed by Gamma 2's final attack revealing a mechanical internal structure. His skin color also appears to be painted, with the damage caused by Gamma 2 revealing gray metal underneath. This may be attributed to Dr. Hedo being given incomplete data on the original Cell.
  • The multi-directional beam attack Cell Max uses is very similar to the Giga Rays used by Gandora the Dragon of Destruction from the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, as well as the Dorsal Plate Beams of Shin Godzilla from the Kaiju film of the same name.
  • Owing to his being a modified version of Cell, Cell Max shares the same voice actor as Cell in all dubs, although he never speaks as opposed to roaring.