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Ledgic is a minor antagonist who briefly appears in Dragon Ball GT. He serves as a personal bodyguard for Planet Imeka's trillionaire tyrant, Don Kee. Despite claiming to work for Don, Ledgic clearly calls the shots around. Even scolding Don for giving him orders, and saying he only fights people for Don if he personally feels like it. He eventually gets into conflict with saiyans Goku, Trunks, and Pan, who are searching for the Black Star Dragon Balls. Ledgic finds himself outmatched by the young warrior, Goku, though not without a well-fought battle. Proving himself to be a truly formidable opponent and one of the mightiest in all the universe.

Origin: Dragon Ball GT

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Alien

Ledgic for the most part sits alone simply watching the events occurring around him. He will not tolerate any commands directed towards him, and responds to them in an aggravated way. He is shown to be interested or at least pays attention to Goku, Trunks, and Pan's power levels, as he only fights them for his own self gain. He is shown to be confident in his abilities as well. Although he is a mercenary, he does show to have some degree of honor, and does not approve of or accept Don Kee's money, telling him money isn't everything. He also seems to have developed some sort of respect for Goku during his fight, as he left him with a smile.


Dragon Ball GT

Black Star Dragon Ball Saga

Ledgic is first seen when the group take their spaceship back when he deflects a Kamehameha that Goku fired at Gale and Sheela. He then realizes Goku might be a Saiyan. Later, Ledgic enters Don Kee's room and tells him that he cannot defeat Goku, Trunks and Pan with "such toys" (his turret) since they are so weak. After some talking, Trunks attacks, but Ledgic is far too quick for Trunks and he knocks him back. Goku and Ledgic begin fighting and both attack each other.

Ledgic fires a ki blast which destroys the room they are in. At first it appears to be an even match but, after Ledgic pulls out two swords he is able to get in only one blow. Ledgic then pulls out a spear and challenges Goku not to hold back since Ledgic know he is a Saiyan and have hidden power yet to be unleashed. Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan. Goku very quickly finishes off Ledgic with a combination of punches and kicks and then topped off by a Kamehameha. Ledgic is impressed by Goku's strength, and tells him that he is a very strange kid and that he will win the next time they fight and Goku tells Ledgic that he's not really a kid and Ledgic becomes confused. He then gives up the battle, leaving his former employer to defend himself. Don Kee offers Ledgic all of the money that is in his office to defeat Goku. Ledgic kicks Don Kee out of the way and says that money is not everything. Ledgic then leaves and Don Kee is left with Goku, Trunks and Pan.

Baby Saga

Ledgic's last appearance in the franchise is when the Sigma Force are checking the data on Goku's fight with Ledgic, the screenshots of his memory shows Ledgic bleeding red colored blood as he got hit by the Saiyan.