Cat Valentine

From The Character Database
Cat Valentine
What's that supposed to mean?!
― Cat whenever offended

Vital statistics
Names Catarina Valentine,

Cat, Lil' Red (by André), Cutie, Little Red Thing Baby Girl (by Jade)

Gender Female
Race Human
Occupation Student, Babysitter, Singer
Origin Victorious Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot (March 27, 2010)
Alignment Good
Age 16 (season 1-3)

17 (season 4)

Created By Dan Schneider
Height 1.524 m (5ft 0in)
Weight 40.8kg (90lbs)

Catarina "Cat" Valentine is one of the eight main characters on Victorious and is one of the two titular main protagonists on the show Sam & Cat. She is known for her ditzy, bubbly, cheerful, and somewhat dimwitted personality, rarely showing anger but being very sensitive. Cat is best friends with Jade, Tori and Sam and is Robbie's love interest. She is also the only girl at Hollywood Arts who doesn't receive flirtation from Rex.

Cat is portrayed by Ariana Grande.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Cat initially explained that she dyed her hair red because it's the same color as a red velvet cupcake, her favorite dessert. However, in a more recent video, she shared a different story: one night, when she came home late, her brother mistook her for an intruder and hit her on the head with a vase. The injury caused her head to bleed, and the blood stained her hair red. Cat liked the color so much that she decided to dye it red permanently. In Seasons 2 and 3, Cat's hair grew slightly darker and longer compared to Season 1. In the pilot episode, her hair was red and curly, but it remained red and straight throughout the rest of the series, except in "The Blonde Squad," where she wore a blonde wig along with Tori and Jade.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Cat Valentine is almost always cheerful and rarely in a bad mood. For example, in "Survival of the Hottest," she says, "I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood!" highlighting her upbeat nature. Throughout the series, it is suggested that she might be bipolar, but she could also just be very random, excitable, and somewhat insecure. In one of her Slap videos, Cat mentions that her mother was a competitive breath holder while pregnant, which may explain some of her quirky behavior according to baffled doctors.

Ariana Grande, who portrays Cat, has described the character as challenging to play due to her ditziness, which could make it difficult for fans to find her likable. Cat has a deep love for animals, especially those that are fluffy and adorable. Throughout the series, fans have noted that Cat becomes more ditzy, strange, and cute with each season. While she shows some maturity in the first season, she becomes more air-headed and childlike in later seasons.

Cat has a good sense of humor but can be easily offended, often responding with "What's that supposed to mean?" She is very sensitive, and her unpredictable behavior makes interacting with her challenging for others. Her sweet and innocent demeanor, however, makes her a lovable character who tends to see the positive in most situations, such as her joy and excitement during activities at The Gorilla Club.

Despite her cheerful nature, Cat is often dimwitted, random, and naïve, but she displays intelligence at times. She is easily distracted, as shown in "Wi-Fi in the Sky," where she plays with effects on her computer instead of working on a group project. Cat's sensitivity is also evident in the same episode, where she becomes upset and logs off a video chat after Tori yells at her. She is very flirtatious, often interacting with boys in a playful and naïve manner. For instance, in "Survival of the Hottest," she flirts with boys, and in "Sleepover at Sikowitz's," she quickly catches a boy's attention.

Cat also has darker moments, displaying bouts of hypocrisy and selfishness. She often gets offended when Robbie flirts with or dates other girls, even though she frequently dismisses him. She also mocks Tori for being cautious, despite rarely taking risks herself. Cat can be spoiled, using her cuteness to manipulate others into giving her what she wants, as shown in "Car, Rain & Fire." She rarely calls out Jade's cruelty, possibly to avoid being targeted herself.

Cat's bravery varies greatly. She is scared of things like ping pong balls ("The Great Ping Pong Scam"), soldiers ("Locked Up!"), and thugs ("Terror on Cupcake Street"), but she is fearless in situations like The Gorilla Club or when joining a prison gang in Yerba.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Cat was born in Los Angeles, California. Her childhood was described as neglectful, with her parents focusing their attention on her older brother, who is mentally unstable. This likely contributes to Cat's bipolar tendencies.

Victorious[edit | edit source]

Pilot[edit | edit source]

In the pilot episode, Cat first appears when she meets Tori. She later joins the improv class taught by Sikowitz and is seen cheering when Tori kisses Beck. This is the first time she is shown with her hair in its natural curls.

The Bird Scene[edit | edit source]

In "The Bird Scene," Cat is seen in Sikowitz's class again and later interacts with Tori, who handcuffs her to a railing and gives her Red Hot Candies, saying she won't get water until she reveals the secret to the scene. Cat is thrilled when Tori successfully completes the bird scene and loves Tori's new locker design.

Stage Fighting[edit | edit source]

In "Stage Fighting," the class is assigned a stage fighting project where each student pairs up with a partner. The teacher demonstrates a fake punch on Cat, showing how it relies on sound effects. Cat is paired with Beck, and later gets tired of Robbie assuming he's dating Trina because of a stage kiss. To make her point, Cat explains that passion can be faked through acting, and she demonstrates by kissing Robbie. This backfires, as Robbie becomes interested in her and immediately asks Cat to meet his parents.

The Birthweek Song[edit | edit source]

In "The Birthweek Song," Robbie tries to teach his grandmother how to use the internet but becomes frustrated with her constant calls. He invites Cat to join him at his grandmother Mamaw Shapiro's house. However, Mamaw openly dislikes Cat, particularly her bright hair color, and mistakenly assumes Robbie and Cat are dating. Mamaw introduces Robbie to Brenda, whom she believes is more suitable for him. The next night, Robbie brings Cat back to Mamaw's apartment, leading to several arguments between Cat and Mamaw. Fed up, Robbie cuts the cord to his grandmother's computer, lies about the internet being canceled, and leaves with Cat.

Tori the Zombie[edit | edit source]

In "Tori the Zombie," Cat asks Tori to let her practice makeup skills by turning Tori’s face into a terrifying monster to pass her makeup class. Tori reluctantly agrees. At Tori's house, Cat uses "Grizzly Glue," which turns out to be a powerful industrial cement, to attach a gray monster mask to Tori's face. When Tori angrily asks Cat why she used that glue, Cat admits she was charmed by the cute grizzly bear logo on the bottle. While Trina calls a doctor, Cat contacts the glue company, which informs her that the solvent isn't available in stores but can be picked up at their factory in Bakersfield.

Cat and Trina decide to drive to Bakersfield to get the solvent, facing several delays, like being stopped by the police and taking a break for ice cream. Meanwhile, Tori is forced to start the play with the mask still glued on. Eventually, Trina and Cat signal Tori to come offstage, where they use the solvent and knives to carefully remove the mask from her face. Tori returns to the stage, now back to normal.

Robarazzi[edit | edit source]

In "Robarazzi," Tori and her friends are having lunch when Cat excitedly talks about a snow-making machine she bought from an airplane catalog called "Sky Store." She explains that she got the magazine while visiting her "uncle and uncle" in San Francisco and becomes obsessed with the catalog, buying most of its products. At one point, someone from Robarazzi films Cat receiving a package. When she learns she only received one package instead of two, she gets mad at the person filming her and walks away. Later, Beck rips up Cat's "Sky Store" catalog for her safety, but Cat is upset and reveals a spare catalog hidden in her backpack. She then approaches Sinjin, asking if he has a girlfriend and if he has a credit card, suggesting he call her sometime. Sinjin excitedly replies that he'll go buy a phone.

Survival of the Hottest[edit | edit source]

In "Survival of the Hottest," a heatwave hits Los Angeles, prompting the students at Hollywood Arts to find a way to cool off. After Robbie mentions Venice Beach is cooler, Beck suggests they go there in his father's Airstream RV. Once they arrive, Cat goes to find a bathroom, while the rest of the group prepares for the beach. They soon discover that a large motorhome is blocking the RV door, trapping them inside. They expect Cat to return quickly and let them out, but she meets a group of hot guys and decides to hang out with them, forgetting about her friends. The group tries to call Cat, but she doesn't answer. Eventually, Cat returns, and everyone is relieved to get out of the RV. When they step out, they realize the motorhome had left without their knowledge.

Wi-Fi in the Sky[edit | edit source]

In "Wi-Fi in the Sky," Tori, stuck on a delayed flight, opens a video chat with André to work on a script project. They add Cat and Beck to the chat. The assignment requires a seven-to-ten-page script featuring a mystery, three characters, and a plot twist. Cat quickly becomes distracted by the video effects, such as the rainbow effect. While Tori remains focused, the others join Cat in playing with the effects. When Cat starts changing her face into a cherry pie, Tori loses her patience and yells at her to grow up. Cat, hurt by Tori's outburst, starts crying and logs off.

Beck's Big Break[edit | edit source]

In "Beck's Big Break," Tori and Cat return to a studio to help Beck get his job back after he's fired. They encounter Otis, a gullible security guard whom Cat easily tricks into thinking Tori's name is Crystal Waters. Meanwhile, Robbie is having problems with Rex, and Cat suggests he talk to Lane for help.

The Great Ping Pong Scam[edit | edit source]

In "The Great Ping Pong Scam," Tori asks Robbie, André, and Cat to hang out after school, but they claim to have ping pong practice. Suspicious, Tori insists on joining the team, but Jade, the team captain, denies her. Lane tries to intervene, and Tori shows them the rules for joining sports teams from TheSlap, earning a tryout. She easily defeats everyone, including Cat, but Jade still refuses to let her join. When the others defy Jade and allow Tori on the team, they all go to Maestro's, where Tori saves them from legal trouble after Robbie overindulges on caviar, making the bill too high. Tori performs to cover the cost.

Cat's New Boyfriend[edit | edit source]

In "Cat's New Boyfriend," Tori reconnects with Daniel, a boy she dated a year ago, only to find out he's now dating Cat Valentine. Jade finds the situation amusing and attempts to make things awkward for Tori. Tori reveals to Cat that she used to date Daniel, but assures her that she and Daniel are completely over each other. Cat is surprised but decides not to feel bad about dating Daniel.

The next day at the Asphalt Café, Jade mentions a party called the Kickback, which Daniel and Cat plan to attend together, heightening Tori's jealousy. This feeling intensifies when Cat presents Daniel with brownies that he loves, even though he told Tori he didn't like brownies when they were dating. At the Kickback, Tori sees Daniel and Cat kissing and, out of jealousy and embarrassment, sprays them with cheese before running away.

Later, Tori apologizes to both Cat and Daniel, but things get complicated when Daniel and Tori end up kissing. Cat catches them and, feeling hurt, runs away in tears. Tori attempts to apologize to Cat, but Cat avoids her. Tori finally drags Cat into a janitor's closet to make her listen. She admits she was wrong and acted out of jealousy because Cat and Daniel seemed happier together than she and Daniel had been. Tori tells Cat, "If I were you, I'd punch me right in the face." Cat does punch Tori, bruising her nose, but the two quickly make up. Tori acknowledges that she deserved it, and Cat takes her to the hospital.

At the hospital, they discover that everyone who had their feet "smoothed" contracted a virus from the fish saliva used in the procedure, which is toxic and full of bacteria. While the doctor and nurses confirm the patients' feet are now smooth, they also note the severity of the viral infection affecting the nervous system.

Freak the Freak Out[edit | edit source]

In "Freak the Freak Out," Cat and André are performing a scene in the Blackbox Theater during acting class when Tori's phone interrupts. At the end of the class, Sikowitz asks everyone to share their weekend plans. Cat enthusiastically tells the class that she and Jade are going to a new karaoke club called Karaoke Dokie in Los Feliz, where there are singing competitions on weekends. Despite her classmates' disinterest, Cat seems excited.

At Karaoke Dokie, Cat and Jade are accompanied by Beck and André. While Jade steps away to get a soda, two girls, Hayley Ferguson and Tara Ganz, flirt with Beck and André. When Jade returns, Hayley and Tara mock Hollywood Arts, calling it a "school for wannabes." They challenge Cat and Jade to a sing-off. Hayley and Tara perform "Number One" by Ginger Fox first, but their performance is lackluster. Then, Cat and Jade sing "Give It Up," showcasing their strong vocal talents. Although the crowd prefers Cat and Jade's performance, the karaoke club owner, who is revealed to be Hayley's father, declares Hayley and Tara as the winners. Despite protests from the crowd and Cat, Jade, Beck, André, and Rex, Cat and Jade are banned from singing at the club.

Furious at the cheating, Jade devises a plan involving Tori. The next day, the girls leave André, Beck, and Robbie to take care of Trina while they execute their plan. Jade and Cat return to the club while Hayley and Tara are singing "Hate Me Love Me" by Ginger Fox. They bet that anyone in the club could perform better, prompting Hayley and Tara to choose a seemingly unattractive girl named Louise Nordoff (actually Tori in disguise) to compete against. The stakes are set: if Hayley and Tara win, they get to make out with Beck; if they lose, they have to take care of Trina.

To everyone's surprise, except for Cat and Jade who are in on the plan, Tori removes her disguise and reveals her true self, performing "Freak the Freak Out." The audience loves her performance far more than Hayley and Tara's, forcing the two to accept defeat and take care of Trina. Cat then joins her friends in watching Sikowitz perform "Number One" by Ginger Fox.

Wok Star[edit | edit source]

In "Wok Star," Cat plays the lead role in a play written and directed by Jade. The plot revolves around a girl who falls down a well, and Cat's performance is central to the story.

A Film by Dale Squires[edit | edit source]

In "A Film by Dale Squires," a well-known film director named Dale Squires comes to Hollywood Arts to help direct a short film. The students, including Tori, Jade, Cat, Beck, and André, work together on the project. They adapt a one-act play written by Beck into a movie script, with Jade, Cat, and Beck acting, Tori assisting in directing, and André handling the editing. The filming takes place at Tori's house. However, Dale Squires contributes nothing to the project, instead wasting time and ignoring the students' efforts. When the movie premieres and becomes a success, Dale takes all the credit, frustrating the students. To get back at him, they plan to ruin his appearance on the McMurphy Show with the help of André's cousin Kendra. However, before they can act, Dale unexpectedly gives the students full credit for the film. Feeling guilty, they attempt to stop Kendra, but she still exposes Dale as a fraud, leading to the group's embarrassment. They leave the show and go out to get waffles.

Sleepover at Sikowitz's[edit | edit source]

In "Sleepover at Sikowitz's," Sikowitz hosts a sleepover to teach the students about method acting. The challenge is to stay in character until morning, or else be eliminated and banned from his house forever. Each student is assigned a character by their peers. Cat's character, assigned by Beck, is an annoying 80s comedian. The group interacts with Sikowitz's nephew Jason, who plans to go to the Moxi for a movie. Cat, finding Jason attractive, willingly breaks character to go with him, thus getting eliminated from the game. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Vega are trying to enjoy a romantic movie for their anniversary, but are repeatedly interrupted by the eliminated students—first Robbie, then Cat and Jason, André, and Jade—all of whom find the movie unexpectedly hilarious for unknown reasons.

Beggin' on Your Knees[edit | edit source]

In "Beggin' on Your Knees," Cat begins receiving calls from North Star, an emergency helpline for people in car accidents. She believes she is genuinely helping the callers and continues to take the calls, but she never successfully gets paramedics to anyone in need.

Beck Falls for Tori[edit | edit source]

In "Beck Falls for Tori," Cat is excited about her new Costume Designer class, creating various outfits such as Little Bo Beep, a superhero, Sikowitz, and a secret agent. She demonstrates a talent for determining people's exact measurements, even creating an exact replica of an outfit for Beck.

Ice Cream for Ke$ha[edit | edit source]

In "Ice Cream for Ke$ha," Cat helps Tori stop being Trina's assistant by participating in a contest to find letters spelling "KE$HA." The winner receives a free private concert with Ke$ha, and Cat joins in with Beck, André, and Robbie.

Tori Gets Stuck[edit | edit source]

In "Tori Gets Stuck," Cat is seen with Tori in the hospital, although her role is minimal.

Prom Wrecker[edit | edit source]

In "Prom Wrecker," Robbie asks Cat to the prom, but she rejects him because Tug had already asked her. Robbie believes her at first, but after being influenced by Rex, he becomes angry and accuses Cat of lying. This leaves Cat upset, but the situation is never fully resolved.

Locked Up![edit | edit source]

In "Locked Up!," Cat and the gang visit Yerba, where a series of unfortunate events lands them in prison. Tori takes the lead in planning their escape and securing their freedom.

Helen Back Again[edit | edit source]

In "Helen Back Again," Cat auditions again for Hollywood Arts by performing a short acting scene, juggling, and singing a fast, short song while dancing. She passes the audition along with the others, though she nearly fails.

Who Did It to Trina?[edit | edit source]

In "Who Did It to Trina?," Tori is forced to cast Trina as the lead in a play. On opening night, Trina's harness breaks, causing her to fall and the set to collapse on her. It is revealed that the harness had been cut, and Lane calls Jade, André, Tori, Cat, Robbie, and Rex to his office to investigate. Robbie suggests Cat might have done it out of jealousy because Trina flirted with him. Cat, however, is unaware of what happened and starts talking about the "I Love Sushi" episode from Drake & Josh.

Tori Tortures Teacher[edit | edit source]

In "Tori Tortures Teacher," the gang celebrates Sikowitz's ten-year teaching anniversary by taking him to a theater. Meanwhile, Trina attempts to impress a senior named Shawn Becker by making him a pizza, with help from Cat. After failing twice, Trina discovers Shawn has a girlfriend and angrily throws the pizza against the wall. Later, Cat and Jade try to help Sikowitz find a new girlfriend by auditioning for a scene.

Jade Gets Crushed[edit | edit source]

In "Jade Gets Crushed," Robbie helps Tori prepare for her Tech Theater Test by teaching her to use tech equipment. During practice, they use cutouts of Cat, who discovers them when she "bounces" into the room, wearing Jupiter Boots. Throughout the episode, Cat is constantly bouncing around and laughing.

Terror on Cupcake Street[edit | edit source]

In "Terror on Cupcake Street," Sikowitz informs Cat and the gang about a big parade where he wants them to create a float and perform. Through an app on Robbie's PearPad, Cat is randomly chosen to pick the float's theme. She chooses a cupcake theme, and the group stays up almost all night building it. When they try to reach the "Parade parade," the float breaks down on a deserted street filled with thugs. Despite losing Sikowitz, Tori manages to find help to fix the float.

A Christmas Tori[edit | edit source]

In "A Christmas Tori," Cat is Jade's Secret Santa and gives her a new pair of scissors from a scary movie. Robbie, who is Cat's Secret Santa, gifts her a cotton candy cart and a man who follows her around for a week. Cat loves this gift and thanks Robbie with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Meanwhile, Tori is André's Secret Santa but struggles to find the perfect gift. Initially, she makes a miniature ceramic guitar, but after seeing Robbie's gift for Cat, she feels it's not enough. Jade, Tori's Secret Santa, suggests she create her own version of André's song, which had received a low grade. With Cat's help, Tori performs "It's Not Christmas Without You" at school, hoping to impress André's music teacher. André joins in during the performance, and his teacher ultimately raises his grade to an A.

The Breakfast Bunch[edit | edit source]

In "The Breakfast Bunch," Tori, Robbie, Cat, André, Beck, and Jade receive detention on a Saturday from Vice Principal Mr. Dickers because they were late to class while Robbie was choking on a pretzel. Mr. Dickers confiscates their PearPhones and makes them sit in the library all day. They plan to have Trina sneak tacos into Tori's locker, and Jade teases Cat for never having eaten a taco, suggesting she is vegan. After distracting Mr. Dickers with a loud performance of "Make It Shine," Tori escapes from the janitor's closet. Back in the library, the group dances, and Cat and Robbie try tacos for the first time. Cat gives Robbie her chewed gum, which he places in his mouth, hinting at a romantic moment.

The Gorilla Club[edit | edit source]

In "The Gorilla Club," Cat is seen at the Gorilla Club, where she plays poker with the gang and rides the bunny. She also proves surprisingly skilled at completing the "Balls of Pain" challenge without getting hurt.

The Worst Couple[edit | edit source]

In "The Worst Couple," Sinjin invites the group to a rehearsal for his couples' game show "Queries For Couples." When the chosen couples are rejected due to their looks, Sinjin asks the gang to participate. The pairs are André and Cat, Robbie and Tori, and Beck and Jade. Beck and Jade's constant arguing earns them the title of "The Worst Couple," which leads them to question their relationship. They drag Cat into their discussion in the janitor's closet.

André's Horrible Girl[edit | edit source]

In "André's Horrible Girl," Jade, having no one to hang out with after breaking up with Beck, joins Cat while she is dog-sitting. Jade manipulates Cat into thinking it was her idea and posts about having a date to make Beck jealous. At the house, Jade breaks several things, including a guitar signed by Elvis Presley and a glass coffee table. After more damage occurs due to an earthquake, Cat is nearly ready to confess the truth to the owner, but Jade, Robbie, and Beck convince her not to.

Car, Rain & Fire[edit | edit source]

In "Car, Rain & Fire," Cat reads online that her favorite actress, Mona Patterson, has died, so she, Tori, and Jade drive to San Diego to honor her. After a difficult journey through a rainstorm and finding a bag of fake feet in the trunk, they arrive at Mona's house only to find out she is alive and joining a show called The Dead. Mona sprays them with a squirt gun and sends them away. Later, a news report reveals that Cat's candle caused a fire at Mona's house, but Tori quickly changes the channel to avoid further trouble.

Tori & Jade's Play Date[edit | edit source]

In "Tori & Jade's Play Date," Sikowitz asks Cat and Robbie to deliver bad news to his neighbor, Tanner, as gently as possible by singing it. The method proves effective for Tanner and Beck, among others, but fails with Trina, who becomes upset and smashes Robbie's guitar when informed that her date stood her up.

April Fools' Blank[edit | edit source]

In "April Fools' Blank," the episode is a parody of The Wizard of Oz called "The Wizard of Wazz." Cat, playing Dorothy, enters the ladies' restroom with the scene filmed in sepia. She places her fish, Tofu, down and opens a window with a fan attached, accidentally knocking herself out. When she wakes up, the video is now in color. Tori, as Glinda, and Jade, as the Wicked Witch, appear, with Jade trying to grab Cat's ruby-colored PearPhone XT and getting shocked. The scene shifts to Robbie as the Scarecrow, André as the Lion, and Beck as the Tin Man offering to help Cat find her way. The director briefly breaks the fourth wall to note that Leon Thomas is late for a scene before the group performs "Shut Up N' Dance."

Driving Tori Crazy[edit | edit source]

In "Driving Tori Crazy," Cat becomes fixated on a new app called "Tap It," which offers coupons. She buys C Batteries and Bags o' Rags, distributing them at school. Robbie helps her sell the batteries, and Cat eventually uses a coupon for a 90% discount on a party bus ride, providing Tori and the gang with a ride to school for only $20 instead of $200.

How Trina Got In[edit | edit source]

In "How Trina Got In," Cat, Jade, André, and Beck discuss how Trina managed to get into Hollywood Arts.

Tori Goes Platinum[edit | edit source]

In "Tori Goes Platinum," Cat becomes addicted to Mason's bibble, a fictional British food. She carries a large sack of it and refuses to let anyone touch it. To control her bibble consumption, her parents hire a "Bibble Guard," Oliver, who is handcuffed to Cat and prevents her from eating or accessing bibble. Despite this, Oliver and Cat are later seen hiding behind a dumpster, eating bibble together.

Crazy Ponnie[edit | edit source]

In "Crazy Ponnie," Cat accidentally waxes off Jade's eyebrows during a hangout. Jade seeks revenge by attacking Cat in Sikowitz's class and eventually cuts off all of Cat's hair while she sleeps in study hall.

The Blonde Squad[edit | edit source]

In "The Blonde Squad," after filming Beck's movie, Tori, Jade, and Cat decide to go to Nozu without removing their blonde wigs and blue contacts because Tori is curious about being blonde. At Nozu, Cat meets a charming boy named Evan Smith and they chat while she heads to the bathroom. The next day, Cat is unusually cheerful from her date and shares her excitement with Tori and Robbie, giving out free hugs. When Tori asks Cat how Evan reacted to discovering her real appearance, Cat realizes she forgot to tell him she is actually a redhead with brown eyes. Cat becomes anxious and upset, worried about Evan’s reaction to her true self. Despite Tori and Robbie reassuring her that she is beautiful, Cat continues to fret, and Robbie becomes jealous when she talks about Evan. Jade later finds that Evan's SplashFace profile shows he prefers blondes and dislikes people not being themselves, which only heightens Cat's anxiety. At the movie premiere, Cat shows up still in her blonde wig and blue contacts, with Robbie's help. During the movie, André’s grandmother’s pet bird lands on Cat’s wig and starts pulling it off. Beck pauses the film, and Tori and Robbie chase Cat outside. After the bird flies away, Cat asks Robbie to fix her wig, but Tori insists she should be herself. Robbie helps Cat remove her wig, and when Evan comes out, he tells Cat she is beautiful but only likes blondes and breaks up with her. Heartbroken, Cat retreats to the Black Box Theater, requesting to be alone rather than comforted by Tori. Robbie enters to cheer her up with a song he’s been working on, performing "I Think You're Swell." Cat responds by contemplating dyeing her hair blonde, possibly missing the fact that the song was for her

"Wanko's Warehouse[edit | edit source]

Cat and the gang head to a big sale at the warehouse, where Cat accidentally triggers the store alarm.

The Hambone King[edit | edit source]

Cat is focused on practicing tap dancing for a musical audition. She and Tori visit Nozu with Robbie, where Cat watches Robbie compete in a hambone match with Jarold Ardbeg and cheers for Tori as she becomes the Hambone Queen.

Opposite Date[edit | edit source]

Tori and Beck plan an "opposite date" to a museum, aiming to avoid the impression of a date by dressing casually and eating bad food. André and Robbie back out, leaving just Tori and Beck. Tori asks Cat to keep their plans a secret, but Cat accidentally reveals it to Jade. Jade, suspicious, decides to follow Tori and Beck with Cat.

On their 'opposite date,' Tori and Beck get bad seafood from a truck and later take Beck's aunt's dog, Buster, to the animal hospital. During their visit, Cat frequently calls Tori, causing Tori to suspect Cat may have told someone about the date.

Three Girls and a Moose[edit | edit source]

Cat, Jade, and Tori compete for the attention of Beck's friend, Moose. To impress him, Cat tries to make hamburgers after learning Moose's favorite food. However, their distraction with Moose results in them being cut from the show "Tinkle-Aid," thanks to Robbie, Beck, and André. Cat and Tori later apologize and make amends by performing their duet.

Cell Block[edit | edit source]

Sikowitz challenges Jade, Robbie, and Cat to go one week without using phones or modern technology. Beck, Tori, and André join in, and the group agrees to the bet. However, they face various temptations: Sinjin’s funny video, Tori's mom using her phone, Jade’s frustration over a rollercoaster video, Robbie and André using outdated tech, and Beck getting attacked by Jessica Baxter for not replying to texts.

During class, Sikowitz tests their resolve by producing a box containing their phones. Cat, unable to resist, makes a frantic attempt to grab the box, leading to chaos. Sikowitz then changes the bet to a boys vs. girls competition. The girls struggle with Cat’s increasing desperation, while the boys are tempted by tricks, including a fake photo and a "lost girl" who actually needs help.

The girls accuse the boys of trickery, but the boys deny it. Robbie, in a wacky costume, asks for a photo to post online, which the girls suspect is a trick. Sikowitz eventually allows everyone to retrieve their phones, and the boys claim victory. The girls protest, but Sikowitz reveals that he assisted the boys in the end. The episode concludes with Cat watching a hilarious Wacky Donkey video and vomiting into the phone box, mirroring Sinjin’s reaction.

Tori Fixes Beck and Jade[edit | edit source]

Robbie brings his sister's butterfly to school, and after Cat flirts with him to see the butterfly, he agrees to show it. However, the butterfly escapes and flies into Cat's left ear. Throughout the day, they struggle to get the butterfly out. Eventually, André's grandmother screams into Cat's ear, causing the butterfly to fly out of her right ear..

One Thousand Berry Balls[edit | edit source]

Cat declines an invitation to Cow Wow with Robbie and instead goes with Sinjin. After getting injured, Robbie stays with her, leading to a kiss. Cat, shocked, rides away on her bike.

Robbie Sells Rex[edit | edit source]

Cat decides to make hamburgers shaped like hot dogs, calling them "Hot-Durgers." While she's preparing them, she gets flour-bombed by the Flour Bomber, and remarks, "It's not as fun as it seems."

The Bad Roommate[edit | edit source]

Cat discovers a picture of Jade on Pear Maps that looks like Jade is picking her nose. When Cat posts it on TheSlap, it leads to everyone making fun of Jade.

Brain Squeezers[edit | edit source]

Cat wants to join Tori’s Brain Squeezers team. She correctly answers a question about the "aloha state," helping Tori’s team win the game.

The Slap Fight[edit | edit source]

Cat, along with the gang, tries to increase their followers on TheSlap. Cat’s strategy involves tweeting a high volume of posts daily.

Star Spangled Tori[edit | edit source]

Jade and Robbie find Cat living in the school’s attic and help her find a new place. They ask Nona, who agrees to let Cat stay with her, and Cat is excited about the arrangement.

Victori-Yes[edit | edit source]

Cat walks into Sikowitz's class proudly wearing a pajelehoocho, mentioning she got free shipping because she bought a gross of them. Beck and Robbie point out that this means she bought 144 pajelehoochos. Sikowitz makes a bet, and as the students leave his classroom, Cat asks Robbie if he’ll wear a pajelehoocho, which he agrees to due to the bet.

Later, Cat and Robbie are out at night wearing their pajelehoochos when they encounter some thugs. The thugs ask if they are wearing pajelehoochos, and Cat mentions she has 142 more at home. The thugs then ask if they can have the ones they’re wearing. Robbie is about to refuse, but Cat reminds him of Sikowitz's bet, so they agree to give their pajelehoochos to the thugs. Afterward, Cat and Robbie end up hiding behind trash cans in their underwear. They decide to ride home in one of the trash cans, yelling “Wheeeeee!!!” to make it seem faster and less embarrassing.

Sam & Cat[edit | edit source]

In the beginning, Sam Puckett is seen motorcycling through Los Angeles, looking for fun since Carly has moved to Italy. Soon after, Cat Valentine rides by and finds a kitten named "Pawsley" in a trash can. As she retrieves the kitten, she accidentally drops her gum in the trash and, while trying to retrieve it, ends up inside a garbage truck. Sam, witnessing this, throws away her burrito and chases after the truck. She climbs in, rescues Cat, who is upside down in the trash, and they both escape.

Once outside, Sam uses a leaf blower to wake Cat, who is bewildered by the smell of garbage. To thank Sam, Cat invites her to her grandmother's house for a bath. They fake being the daughters of a wealthy British doctor to get a limo ride. At Cat's place, Sam meets Dice, a preteen who sells celebrity hair. Cat buys Justin Bieber's hair, and Dice notices Sam. Sam offers some of her hair to pay for Cat's purchase. Cat’s grandmother, Nona, reluctantly agrees to let Sam stay the night after being introduced to her.

During the night, Sam and Cat bond, with Sam sharing that she’s not in a hurry to return to Seattle. The next morning, Nona wants to go to Elderly Acres, but Cat convinces her to stay. Sam helps out with the kids who Nona was supposed to babysit, but they end up causing trouble at a restaurant. Sam and Cat rush to help, and after dealing with the situation, they are rewarded with free burgers for life.

Back at the apartment, Cat considers living alone, and Sam offers her support. They discover the kids’ mother is willing to pay for babysitting, and Sam and Cat manage to present the chaos as a game. Sam gives Cat the babysitting money to support her, and Cat is thrilled when Sam agrees to stay in LA and be her roommate. They end the day riding on Sam’s motorcycle, heading to Inside Out Burger, excited about their new adventure together.

#FavoriteShow[edit | edit source]

Cat wakes Sam up by poking her belly and yelling, which annoys Sam. They watch their favorite show, "That's a Drag!," before Cat heads to school. A man arrives, interested in their babysitting service, and Cat excitedly agrees to babysit despite admitting their inexperience.

Later, Cat is upset because the show was canceled. When the boys they are babysitting, Ethan and Bob, arrive, Cat and Sam are left without instructions. Sam decides to take them to the studio where the show was filmed. At the studio, Sam distracts a security guard while Cat confronts the producer about the show's cancellation. Cat ends up clinging to the producer’s car, only falling off when he hits a speed bump.

Sam struggles with Bob, who climbs into a stage light, but manages to get him down safely. Cat returns home after her failed attempt to convince the producer. She feels better when Sam surprises her by setting up their apartment to look like the "That's a Drag!" set. Although Cat is thrilled, she worries about t Nona’s reaction. Nona notices the changes but is distracted and doesn’t realize what’s missing.

#TheBritBrats[edit | edit source]

Cat returns home from school to find Sam working on a community service assignment, using photoshopped images of herself feeding homeless animals. Cat doubts the photos will help. The topic shifts to a bland foreign fruit Cat bought for Gwen and Ruby, two British girls they are babysitting later. Sam mentions British kids like bibble, which makes Cat panic.

When Gwen and Ruby arrive, Cat receives a text from Nona asking for help with a bingo game. Sam goes to Elderly Acres to get Nona's signature for her assignment but must first help set up the bingo game. Nona agrees to sign Sam’s form in exchange for her assistance.

Dice visits Cat, selling a hybrid spoon-knife called a "spife" and later learns that Gwen and Ruby's father has unreleased PearPhones. Dice buys five phones for $500, only to find that the boxes contain rocks instead.

Sam and Cat discover Gwen and Ruby are con artists. Sam plans revenge, and Cat eagerly exchanges her bike to buy a barrel of bibble, only to find it’s filled with cotton swabs. Gwen and Ruby spray Cat with a hose when she confronts them.

Sam and Cat set up a fake bingo game at Elderly Acres, offering a flat screen TV as the prize. Gwen and Ruby, wanting to win the TV, engage in a bidding war over the bingo card Cat buys, which turns out to be the winning card. They pay $500 for it.

The plan seems to backfire when the police arrive, revealing the bingo game’s prize exceeds legal limits. Amid confusion and a heated argument, Hank arrives and reveals everyone was in on the scheme. Dice gets his money back, Cat gets her bike, Sam gets her signature, and Dice gives spives to everyone.

Gwen and Ruby are left outside a dumpster, trying to get a ride home, and break the fourth wall by cheering, revealing that they were part of a scripted show.

#NewGoat[edit | edit source]

While Sam is in the restroom, Chloe and Max prank call Inside Out Burger. When Sam discovers them, she joins in, claiming to be an expert at prank calls. Cat arrives with a pizza, and the prank call scares her, causing her to faint. Sam realizes the pizza might be in trouble, so she sets it aside and tells the kids to help Cat. Cat wakes up, confused, and learns she fainted from being scared. She asks if they’ve heard of “Poof-Panties,” which Sam’s prank call had mentioned, but none of them know what they are.

The next morning, Sam makes a smoothie from pizza and root beer, which Cat finds surprisingly enjoyable despite the odd combination. Dice drops by with a goat he accidentally bought, leaving it with Sam while he introduces his new friend, an MMA fighter named Goomer. Dilben, a neighbor, informs Sam that keeping the goat violates apartment rules. Sam refuses to comply and kicks Dilben out.

Sam and Cat visit Cat’s grandma, Nona, to convince Dilben’s dad that an adult lives with them. When Nona injures her ankle, they pretend Goomer is their uncle, but he struggles with the role. Dilben and his dad discover the deception.

The twist reveals that Dilben’s claim about his dad owning the building is false. Dilben’s real father, who sells wide shoes, arrives, and Dilben admits his embarrassment. Sam and Cat can stay in their apartment, and everything is resolved.

#TextingCompetition[edit | edit source]

Sam and Cat babysit Butler Torso, a texting competition champion. Sam teaches him a texting trick called the "thumb roll," and they discover that Sam is also a fast texter. Cat convinces Sam to enter the texting competition alongside Butler. Mrs. Torso arrives and, upset by the idea of Sam entering, tells Butler to sit outside on her bike and forbids Sam from participating.

Sam and Cat go to the competition area with Dice, who encounters his old acquaintance, BJ Malloy, known for his annoying habit of echoing everything and his obsession with eggs. Dice asks Sam and Cat to hide from BJ but instead decides to show him. The host announces that Sam will be competing with Butler in the finals.

Before the finals, Mrs. Torso glues Sam's hand to Cat's foot to prevent her from competing, intending to help Butler win. Sam and Cat wake up stuck together, and Sam has to compete one-handed. Despite this, Butler drops his phone intentionally to get back at his mother, resulting in him placing second and winning a bike he wanted.

Sam and Cat ask for their prize, expecting a speedboat but receiving only a toy. Back at their apartment, Sam and Cat try to do activities from Cat's list. They are interrupted by a call from the Vice President, which Sam suggests ignoring.

#BabysitterWar[edit | edit source]

Sam struggles to find a comfortable sleeping position on the couch and ends up with a neighbor's dog on her. After the dog's owner retrieves him, Sam goes to Cat's bedroom, leading to Cat falling out of bed. Sam convinces Cat to let her sleep in the bedroom while Cat takes the couch.

On "Rap Attack," Sam and Cat perform "That Good Life." After Benny’s mom picks him up, he praises them, which leads Sam and Cat to compete for the title of "best babysitter." They decide that the winner gets the bedroom, which was previously Nona's, then Cat's.

Cat starts with a simple approach, giving cookie necklaces to kids for praising her, while Sam brings out a fireworks machine to excite them. Cat tries to counter with a special permit but is overshadowed by Sam's fireworks. Cat then seeks Dice's help and learns about the new Bots restaurant.

At Bots, Sam impresses the kids with robots and falsely claims it was her idea, while Cat tries to regain their favor. They argue over ordering an orange soda and a PearPad. Sam uses the opportunity to distract the kids, leading to a comical incident where Cat's ketchup request is misinterpreted by a robot.

Back at the apartment, Dice arrives with a turkey cannon, and Justin Fever shows up, creating chaos when a frozen turkey hits him. The kids' father arrives, and Daisy votes Sam as her favorite babysitter, while Jarvis votes Cat. Their little sibling, Sophie, says the competition doesn’t matter as long as they care and are friends.

Sam and Cat decide to share the big bedroom and decorate their sides differently. As they go to bed, Cat notices a boy toilet on Sam’s wall, leading to a humorous exchange before Cat falls asleep.

#GoomerSitting[edit | edit source]

Dice asks Sam and Cat to babysit Goomer while he goes to Phoenix for hair modeling. Cat accidentally puts Goomer's tongue drops in his eyes, causing him to temporarily lose his sight before a big match against John Zakappa. Dice is furious when he finds out, but refuses to cancel the fight due to the consequences for Goomer's career and his own finances.

During the fight, Sam, Cat, and Dice assist Goomer by directing him on when to punch and kick. Despite their help, Goomer struggles against Zakappa. Dice convinces the referee to deduct a point from Zakappa after he mocks Goomer. Zakappa insults Dice’s hair, which enrages Goomer and helps him regain his sight. Goomer then defeats Zakappa using a series of powerful moves.

After the fight, Zakappa demands a rematch. When Sam tells him to leave, he pushes her aside, provoking her to beat him up while Dice, Cat, Goomer, and the referee try to stop her.

#ToddlerClimbing[edit | edit source]

Mrs. Dooley reschedules with Sam and Cat after seeing negative reviews of their babysitting service on Sam and Cat discover they have 14 negative reviews and track down the source to a house in Seattle.

At Bots, Sam informs Cat, Dice, and Nona that the reviews originated from three boys who are babysitting. They confront the boys, who try to dismiss them but are deterred when Sam threatens them with her Butter sock. They find a locked door in the boys' house, and Sam uses the Butter sock to break their table.

To investigate further, Sam and Cat make Dice look like a child and use a hidden camera and microphone to monitor the boys. Dice, pretending to be a baby, gets inside the house and discovers the boys are running an illegal toddler climbing game in the basement. Sam and Cat record the activity and use the footage to blackmail the boys into stopping their illegal activity and giving them access to their Snorrch account to delete the negative reviews. The boys comply and recite a poem Cat wrote. Sam and Cat then help the toddlers on the climbing wall before leaving.

#MommaGoomer[edit | edit source]

Goomer's mother, Mrs. Merr, is visiting and is unaware of his real profession as an MMA fighter. Dice asks Sam and Cat to help convince her that Goomer is a high school history teacher. They plan to pretend to be Goomer's students at Bots, where Goomer and his mother are dining. Goomer’s real name is revealed, and Cat accidentally invites Mrs. Merr to observe a class, heightening Goomer’s anxiety.

Sam, Cat, and Dice then devise a plan involving Hollywood Arts teacher Sikowitz, where Goomer would pretend to teach under the guise of a fictional charity. When Mrs. Merr arrives, the plan falls apart, and Goomer admits he is an MMA fighter. Upset, Mrs. Merr threatens to take him back to Louisiana.

While walking to Goomer's apartment, they are confronted by thugs demanding Mrs. Merr's purse. Goomer uses his martial arts skills to defeat the thugs, impressing his mother. After the encounter, she reconciles with Goomer but remains indifferent about his career choice, leaving with a police officer.

#BabysittingCommerical[edit | edit source]

Cat asks Sam to put out potato chips for their guests, but Sam just dumps them on the table. Dice arrives with his dog, Opee. Cat is mixing water and mustard to make lemonade and tells Nona that she texted her urgently, but it was just an exaggeration. They watch their babysitting commercial during Toilet Wars, but Cat’s “mustard-ade” makes Nona gag.

The next day, they babysit Mr. Nowak's plant, but Sam waters it with soda. Cat explains that the plant could get "dia-booties" (mispronounced diabetes). Dice arrives with Opee, and a rich family claims Opee is their lost dog, Cornelius. They argue about Opee’s ownership, and the family threatens to return with a court order. Opee chooses Sam, Cat, and Dice over the family, upsetting them.

At Bots, they try to bring Opee in, pretending he’s a French cousin with "Furbalitis." They later find a similar dog at the Burbank Animal Center, but must talk to a sweaty topless man to get it. The next day, they feed Opee lasagna and prepare to switch him with the lookalike dog. The family returns and takes the lookalike, believing it’s Opee. During the dog dancing competition, the dog misbehaves, and Sam changes the channel to Toilet Wars.

#RevengeOfTheBritBrats[edit | edit source]

The episode opens with Sam and Cat breaking the fourth wall, discussing scenes from #TheBritBrats while staying in character. They receive $60 from a mother picking up her sons, which Sam keeps. Gwen and Ruby then arrive, offering them gifts: a can of Bibble, a vibrating motorcycle helmet, and a British toilet plunger. Sam and Cat are delighted with the gifts.

Later, Gwen and Ruby sneak into the apartment from the terrace to execute a plan. They take the Bibble can, sprinkle crumbs on Sam's bed, and set up a scenario to make Cat believe Sam stole her Bibble. Gwen also paints Sam's motorcycle pink and plans to paint Cat's hand pink to frame her.

The next morning, Cat finds her Bibble missing and Sam's motorcycle painted pink. She believes Sam is responsible, leading to an argument between them. Both Sam and Cat vent their frustrations separately: Sam at Punchy's gym with Dice and Goomer, and Cat at Bots with Nona. Goomer figures out that Gwen and Ruby are behind the scheme, but his insight is mixed with a dumb comment. Nona also suspects Gwen and Ruby, leading to more confusion and a fire extinguisher mishap.

Sam and Cat reconcile and decide to take revenge on Gwen and Ruby. Gwen and Ruby, upon hearing Sam and Cat argue, find Sam with a toilet plunger next to a supposedly injured Cat. Sam tries to enlist Gwen and Ruby's help to hide Cat’s "body," but they refuse. They argue and fight among themselves, eventually blaming each other. Gwen and Ruby's fight leads them to expose their sabotage. Sam and Cat plan to call Uncle Hubbins to reveal what Gwen and Ruby did, walking towards the phone in slow motion.

#MotorcycleMystery[edit | edit source]

The episode starts with Sam cleaning pink paint off her motorcycle. Dice and Goomer arrive to take Sam to a fight, but Cat wants to stay home and study for a big test. Dice gives Cat a drink called Pon-Thwang to improve her focus and memory.

When Sam and Dice return home, they find Cat with blue-dyed hair, asleep, and handcuffed to a small, angry man. Sam’s motorcycle is missing. Cat explains she drank the entire Pon-Thwang bottle instead of a teaspoon, leading to her memory loss. They discover a photo of Cat and Nona with blue hair, and Cat realizes they visited Elderly Acres earlier.

At Elderly Acres, they learn Cat, jittery from the Pon-Thwang, had her hair dyed blue and wanted to use Sam's motorcycle to get to the fight. Nona's car was unavailable, so Cat planned to use the motorcycle, but an elderly man with a motorcycle stopped at Bots first. Sam, furious about the missing motorcycle, threatens Cat.

At Bots, Tandy shows security footage revealing Cat and the elderly man meeting John Zakappa, who steals Sam's motorcycle. Cat attacks John but only manages to capture his friend, Hector. Cat handcuffs Hector to herself using a cop's handcuffs and falls asleep at home.

Dice instructs John to return the motorcycle by 11:00. They duct tape Hector’s mouth and put him in a wagon. John returns the motorcycle, and Sam wrestles him to the ground. Sam, Cat, Dice, and Goomer take Hector and the motorcycle home. That night, Hector reads Sam and Cat a book called The Pudgy Monkey.

#SecretSafe[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Cat discovering a bad smell in Sam's room, which turns out to be from a two-month-old taco that Sam throws out of the window.

Sam and Cat find a safe in Sam's closet that has been there since Nona moved in, but they don't know the combination. Sam tries various numbers without success.

Dice arrives and announces that his mom and aunt are going to PuzzleCon and taking him along because they don't trust him alone. He plans to play poker with college students, but Sam and Cat disapprove.

Later, Sam manages to open the safe and finds a tunnel inside. She and Cat enter the tunnel, which leads to a bunker filled with fruit cocktail, water, and a jump rope. Dice, frustrated by his restricted activities, locks them in the room. Sam and Cat try to pass the time with the jump rope and fruit cocktail.

Three hours later, Goomer arrives with a tub of chicken pucks for Sam. Sam persuades Goomer to help them by finding the safe and entering the combination. With Goomer's help, they escape the bunker.

Sam and Cat find Dice at a little girl's birthday party instead of playing poker. Dice explains that he's dancing at parties to earn money to replace his mom's computer, which was damaged. He lied about poker because he finds dancing at parties embarrassing. Sam and Cat, though sympathetic, are still upset with Dice and lock him in the bunker in revenge while they enjoy Sloppy Waffles.

#OscarTheOuch[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Sam and Cat visiting Nona at Elderly Acres, where they give her "stool softeners" (pillows) and distribute more pillows to other residents, causing some embarrassment.

Later, Cat saves an elderly man from a runaway motorized wheelchair, and Nona promotes Sam and Cat as professional babysitters. The old man's daughter, initially hesitant, agrees to let Sam and Cat babysit her accident-prone child, Oscar.

Oscar arrives at Sam and Cat's apartment and starts eating noodles on the floor. He declines Cat's offer to go out for safety reasons and gets stuck in the toilet while Cat and Sam are at Punchy's. At Punchy's, Oscar tries to get a gumball, but when he drops it, a man accidentally crushes him with a bench.

Sam and Cat, worried about Oscar's safety, put him in protective gear and head to Bots. At Bots, Oscar gets sprayed in the face with hot cheese from a cheese gun mishap by Tandy.

Later, at a golf club, Oscar is hit by several golf clubs. When Oscar's mother confronts Sam and Cat about the accidents, Oscar defends them, saying he had the best day of his life despite the mishaps. Just as the credits roll, lightning strikes Oscar, leaving his fate unknown.

#DollSitting[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Sam and Cat at Bots, where Sam and Tandy argue about a dessert Sam ate. Cat arrives in her Halloween costume and announces that they will babysit a child named Clarice for Mr. Drange at 1:30. Despite initially being unwilling to work on Halloween, Sam is persuaded by the offer of double payment.

When Mr. Drange arrives, he presents a doll named Clarice as his "daughter" and leaves after noting his pocket watch is dying. Cat, in her genie costume, tries to teach the doll how to carve a pumpkin. Dice arrives with a genie lamp and a book of spells for Cat but leaves to get sour candies, which are illegal but Dice can obtain from a contact.

Weird occurrences follow: a monkey with Sam’s candy shows up, the pumpkin is partially carved with the doll’s knife, and Dice’s phone rings from the bedroom. The monkey leaves behind a mess, and Clarice is found "watching" a horror movie on the couch.

Mr. Drange returns, offering Sam and Cat three concert tickets in exchange for taking Clarice to the concert and photographing her enjoying herself. At the concert, the band’s lead musician recognizes Clarice and orders Sam and Cat to leave.

Back at their apartment, Dice, now human again, finds his contacts deleted by the monkey. Mr. Drange returns, and Clarice transforms into a real girl, startling Sam and Cat. Mr. Drange and the girl leave, leaving Sam and Cat bewildered, with Sam questioning the use of pocket watches.

#PeezyB[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Sam on the couch, playing with ping pong balls, while Cat, dressed up for a Peezy B music video audition, arrives. Sam mentions they're babysitting a kid named Alexander, who is picking celery bits out of Sam’s chicken salad. Cat leaves for her audition, promising to return in time for babysitting Darby, Chloe, and Max. Sam is frustrated but agrees to help Cat by asking for Peezy B’s autograph.

At Bots, Cat, upset after Peezy B criticized her, runs into Sam, Dice, and Goomer. Peezy B's rejection leads Sam to confront Peezy at Pufftone Studios. Sam causes chaos, eventually accepting an assistant position for $1,200 a week. Meanwhile, Cat struggles with the kids and feels overwhelmed.

Three days later, Cat is exhausted from babysitting alone. Sam, who is now working for Peezy B, suggests changes to Peezy’s song. Dice and Goomer come to help with the chaos at Sam’s house. When Cat and Mindy are caught in a mess, Sam and Cat argue. Sam quits her job to focus on the babysitting business, and Peezy, impressed by Sam’s dedication, offers to take her to Acapulco. Sam and Cat end up making Mindy Peezy's new assistant, while Peezy and Bunny leave for Acapulco.

#SalmonCat[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Sam and Cat babysitting a boy in their apartment. Cat tries to improve her jump roping skills by having Sam and the boy hit her with tennis balls, but it doesn’t go well.

A lawyer named Martin Malloy arrives and demands that Sam and Cat change their babysitting service name because it sounds too much like "Salmon Cat," a 1970s TV show. Annoyed, Sam retaliates by hitting the lawyer with a tennis ball.

Later, Sam, Cat, Dice, and Nona go to Bots, where they watch an episode of "Salmon Cat" and find it terrible. Nona leaves for a vacation in Mexico.

When Sam and Cat return home, they discover they're locked out and a police officer is preventing them from entering until they change their service name. With nowhere to stay, they camp out in front of their apartment. Cat uses Dice’s laptop to find out that the creators of "Salmon Cat," Sylvia Burke and Janice Dobbins, live in L.A. and are now estranged due to a fight over an award.

Sam and Cat separately approach Sylvia and Janice and arrange for them to meet at Punchy's for a fight. At the meeting, the two creators fight but ultimately agree to sign a form allowing Sam and Cat to keep their name. As a thank you, Sam and Cat give them a "Salmon Cat" doll, but the creators quickly resume their argument over it.

#Twininfection[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Cat growing frustrated with Nona’s constant stories about falling down the stairs. Cat is relieved when Dice arrives from magic camp and performs a trick involving a box and a rat, which Cat initially finds impressive until Dice reveals it was just a switch.

Later, Cat tries to replicate the trick on Sam but fails. Feeling challenged, Cat decides to prove her intelligence by tricking Sam using a pair of twins. Cat tells Sam that Tubba Chicken's fried chicken causes confusion and affects the brain. Sam, skeptical, eats the chicken and becomes confused when Cat introduces her to Myron, one of the twins. Sam gets even more bewildered when Myron seems to appear and disappear mysteriously.

Cat's plan involves Myron and his twin switching places, which causes Sam to throw her chicken out the window in frustration. Cat reveals the trick and starts dancing with the twins.

To get back at Cat, Sam secretly calls her twin sister Melanie Puckett for help. Melanie agrees to come to L.A. to assist Sam in tricking Cat, citing their "twin pact" from childhood.

The next morning, Sam fakes a severe fever and tells Cat that being bitten by a twin could mean acquiring an evil twin. Initially skeptical, Cat becomes convinced when Melanie, disguised as Sam’s evil twin, acts cruelly toward her—pouring orange juice on her and hitting her with a branch.

At Bots, Cat shares her experience with Dice and Goomer. Melanie unexpectedly joins them, causing more chaos. Sam further convinces Cat that Melanie's behavior is due to the evil twin effect by subjecting Cat to various pranks.

Eventually, Melanie returns to her normal self, and Sam reveals the prank to Cat. They all end up dancing together, with Melanie and Sam joining in with Cat and the twins.

#MyPoober[edit | edit source]

In the episode, Sam returns to the apartment with a bag, only to find Cat has used the money they earned from babysitting to create a figure named Mr. Bills instead of counting it. This frustrates Sam, who turns to her fourth bottle of root beer that morning to calm down. Cat dances with Mr. Bills, adding to Sam's irritation.

After finally counting the money, Sam stores it in a pineapple-shaped safe, making Cat promise not to reveal its location. They then babysit Ellie Farber, who has a stuffed animal named Poober. Ellie's mom offers a $500 bonus if they separate Ellie from Poober, but Ellie is aware of the plan and threatens Sam and Cat with legal trouble.

At Bots, Sam tries to take Poober from Ellie but is deterred by Ellie’s threat of reporting her criminal record. Cat gives Sam a bat to calm her by hitting a tree. During their conversation, Ellie reveals Poober is her only friend, while Cat shares the secret of the pineapple safe. Ellie decides to give Poober up, but Sam, still upset, suggests launching Poober into space.

They place Poober inside a rocket, but Ellie secretly switches it with the pineapple safe. The rocket, equipped with a parachute and GPS, lands in a creepy cemetery. They find it in a shack owned by Woody, a former DJ and co-worker of Sam’s from Seattle. Woody returns the rocket, explaining he shot it down thinking it was a ghost. Sam, Cat, Dice, and Goomer abandon Ellie at the shack and flee.

#MadAboutShoe[edit | edit source]

In this episode, Sam is eating a tub of meatballs when Jake, the kid they're babysitting, asks for one. Sam eats the last meatball, and when she tries to pull Jake’s loose tooth, she mistakenly pulls the wrong one. She tells Jake not to tell his mom and demands 60% of his tooth fairy money. Later, Cat comes home with groceries for her 'Throbbing Moon Party,' but discovers Sam ate all the meatballs. Cat decides to make wieners instead but agrees to make more meatballs if Sam helps with the shopping.

On their way home, Cat finds a single pink shoe that fits her perfectly and becomes obsessed with finding its pair. Sam gets frustrated with Cat's insistence and puts her in a shopping cart, which leads to chaos involving Dice.

Sam buys all ingredients for meatballs and invites Nona to help make them. Nona leaves when she learns she’s there to cook meatballs rather than chat. Meanwhile, Cat and Dice find the matching shoe but realize it belongs to Stacey Dillsen, who is in the hospital. Sam and Cat steal the shoe from the hospital but get caught by Stacey, who recognizes them. They escape and return to their apartment to host the Throbbing Moon Party with Dice and Nona.

#MagicATM[edit | edit source]

In this episode, Cat is riding around on a Ziggity-Zag, a toy vehicle, when Sam comes home and wants to join her. They are in the middle of babysitting and Cat has bought a lot of new toys. Cat gives Sam a Ziggity-Zag, and they ride outside while the kids shoot ping pong balls at them. They encounter Herb and then decide to leave the kids with Dice, who is persuaded to babysit.

Cat takes Sam to the Handy Quick, where they discover an ATM that dispenses $400 each time a song is played. At the mall, Sam buys expensive meat, and Cat buys a cat tail that reacts to heart rate changes. Dice asks them to get monkey pills from Pet-Mergency Hospital for his Aunt Fergene’s helper monkey so it can sleep while Aunt Fergene is away. Despite Sam’s reluctance, Cat tempts her with various rewards.

When Cat returns to the Handy Quick for more money, she is arrested by Officer Kelvin, with Sam following suit to avoid Cat being sent to juvenile hall. Sam distracts Officer Kelvin by pouring a drink down his pants, leading to a chase after a speeding car. Officer Kelvin accidentally consumes the monkey pills and falls asleep, allowing Sam to drive and free Cat from the handcuffs.

Later, the police repossess the items bought with the stolen ATM money, and Officer Kelvin reveals that they owe $4,000. However, the police learn that the man Sam defeated was a wanted criminal with a $5,000 reward. This means Sam and Cat can repay the stolen money and keep $1,000. The episode ends with a rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game," with Cat, the police, Dice, and Herb, and Sam's comment that the song isn’t sung correctly.

#Lumpatious[edit | edit source]

In this episode, Sam, Cat, and the boy they're babysitting, Lucas, are at Bots. While Cat helps Lucas study vocabulary, he struggles with the word "projectile." Sam demonstrates by using a slider as a projectile, which helps Lucas remember the term. Lucas mentions that his brother Jepson will be picking him up instead of their mom. Jepson is disliked by everyone and frightens Cat.

Lucas refers to Jepson as "lumpatious," which Sam and Cat mistakenly believe is a real word. They challenge Jepson: if they can prove "lumpatious" is a word within a week, he has to wear a bikini and stand in a public place for an hour. If they lose, they must drink his sweat. Jepson accepts the challenge.

Sam and Cat search for "lumpatious" but find no results. Dice suggests they need to go to Oxnard and get a famous person to use the word. In Oxnard, they learn from the Word Keepers that a famous person must say the word to add it to the dictionary.

Back at Bots, Cat remembers a famous person in Elderly Acres, but he cannot talk. At Inside-Out Burger, they spot Chris Christie (the governor of New Jersey) and convince him to say "lumpatious" on video. They return to Oxnard with the video, and the Word Keepers add the word to the dictionary, fulfilling their challenge.

As a result, Jepson must wear a bikini. Lucas then tells a group of bikers that Jepson called motorcycles "wusses," leading to Jepson being beaten up by the bikers.

#TheKillerTunaJump: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie[edit | edit source]

In this episode, Sam creates a new sauce by mixing various sauces together. When Cat tries it, she spits it out, causing a mess. Dice then arrives, explaining that he lost a bet involving Kansas Razorback Tuna, which is terrible when cooked. Sam changes her shirt and Cat’s friend from Hollywood Arts, Jade West, arrives to work on a school project. Cat tries to prevent Jade from meeting Sam, fearing their similar personalities would clash. When Sam and Jade meet, they hit it off, and Cat feels left out.

To make them jealous, Cat hangs out with Dice and Nona but fails to get their attention. Nona suggests that if someone’s friend gets stolen, they should steal a friend of their own. Cat then calls Sam’s ex-boyfriend Freddie Benson, pretending Sam is severely injured to lure him to L.A. Freddie arrives and Cat flirts with him, making Sam and Jade jealous. Jade then suggests Sam hang out with Robbie Shapiro to even the score.

Freddie and Cat are seen together, and Robbie performs a song dedicated to Cat, which makes Cat furious. Sam and Cat argue about stealing friends. That night, Sam plans to jump the tuna at Fisherman's Wharf, but Cat locks Sam in the closet to prevent her from doing so. Cat then impersonates Sam to jump the tuna herself.

Sam escapes the closet and rushes to Fisherman's Wharf, arriving just as Cat is about to jump. Cat falls off her motorcycle, and Freddie and Robbie, who were watching from a crane, fall into the tuna tank. Sam rescues Freddie but leaves Robbie behind. Cat tries to save Robbie but ends up in the tank herself. Both Freddie and Robbie are injured. Sam suggests dinner with Freddie after he recovers, and Cat agrees to go out with Robbie. Robbie starts singing “I Think You're Swell” again, but Freddie, frustrated and muffled by bandages, calls for help.

#YayDay[edit | edit source]

Sam attempts to juggle glasses but keeps breaking them. Cat, who has just finished shopping, mentions a holiday she invented called Yay Day, dedicated to giving presents. Sam doesn't want to buy Cat a gift due to a previous experience where Cat spoiled the surprise, but she eventually decides to get her something.

That night, Cat sneaks a look at Sam's present and finds only mouthwash and foot wash, leading to frustration. On Yay Day, Cat swaps Sam's gift with a dirty pillow and gives the pillow to Sam. Sam realizes she accidentally switched the tags and had actually bought Cat a jump rope she wanted. The mouthwash and foot wash were meant for Goomer, who likes them.

Sam, feeling disheartened, reveals to Cat that she has never received a nice gift before, sharing a memory of her mother giving her a shovel with meatballs. Cat apologizes for the mix-up, and they end up laughing together while watching people trip near a sidewalk crack.

#BrainCrush[edit | edit source]

Sam, Cat, Dice, and Nona attend Otis's birthday party at Bots, but find themselves left out as everyone else is engrossed in a game called Brain Crush. Sam accidentally ruins the birthday cake, which doesn't deter the kids from their obsession.

The next day, Sam tries to fix a door she kicked in, and they discover that Dice has become addicted to Brain Crush too. When Sam goes back to fixing the door, Cat notices Dice's battery is low and he accidentally closes the door on Sam's fingers. Cat wraps Sam's hands in too many bandages, and they head to Elderly Acres where everyone is still playing Brain Crush and acting like zombies. They attempt to get help from a cop, but he too is obsessed with the game.

Cat’s one-woman show, "Baberaham Lincoln," faces challenges when the audience is too absorbed in Brain Crush to pay attention. Cat steals Dice's phone and Nona's Pear Pad to try to get their attention but ends up crying backstage. Sam, the only one not affected by the game, comforts Cat and devises a plan to hire a karate team to break everyone's devices. This successfully ends the Brain Crush addiction, and Dice and Nona join Sam and Cat in watching Toilet Wars.

#BlueDogSoda[edit | edit source]

In this episode, Sam and Cat attempt to put up a flyer for their babysitting service at the Handy Quick, but Sam is frustrated when she's told that Blue Dog Soda is banned in California due to its high sugar content. Despite Sam's arguments that they only consume it occasionally, the ban remains in place. After a spill of Blue Dog Soda, Sam reacts with distress.

Back at their apartment, Dice gives Sam the last remaining bottle of Blue Dog Soda, but Goomer accidentally destroys it by misunderstanding the word "check" as "chuck." Determined, Sam tries to recreate Blue Dog Soda at home. While her initial attempt fails, Cat manages to perfect the recipe, and they decide to sell their homemade Blue Dog through Sam's window.

When the man who banned Blue Dog arrives, Sam and Cat fear he's there to shut down their operation. However, he's actually there to arrange babysitting for his son, Mitch. Later, while Sam and Mitch make cheese sculptures, the man discovers the Blue Dog cases and is enraged. Sam and her friends argue that it's unfair to ban something for everyone just because a few misuse it. Moved by their argument, the man decides to lift the ban on Blue Dog, much to their relief and happiness.

#FresnoGirl[edit | edit source]

Sam and Cat are excited to reward Kim, a girl they babysit, with a Fresno Girl doll for achieving a good grade on her math test. Kim claims to have received an A- (92%) on her test, so Sam and Cat take her to the store to buy the doll. However, the Fresno Girl doll and its accessories are excessively expensive, leading Sam and Cat to spend nearly all their money.

While at the store, Sam accidentally damages the doll with a wiener from her wiener flinger. The repair cost adds more to their expenses, making Sam furious. In retaliation, Sam causes chaos at the store by giving all the employees fudge piles, rendering them immobile, and announces over the speaker that all Fresno Girl dolls and accessories are free for the next five minutes. As customers rush to grab everything, Sam, Cat, and Kim escape.

Upon returning home, they discover Kim's actual test score was a 67% (D) rather than the 92% she had claimed. Kim admits to faking the test score. Sam and Cat, unhappy with the deception, blackmail Kim into going on a date with Randy to keep the doll.

Also Cat makes "fudge piles," which are essentially large blobs of fudge. Dice eats one and it gets stuck to his jaws, causing him to lose his ability to speak. In an attempt to help, Goomer tries to remove a fork that Dice had stuck in his mouth. Goomer ends up pulling out the fork along with the fudge pile and two of Dice's teeth.

#StuckInABox[edit | edit source]

Sam, Cat, Dice, and Goomer are dealing with the aftermath of Cat getting trapped in a magic box. Sam has obtained free tickets to Mystic Mountain, but Dice and Goomer’s attempt to demonstrate a magic trick goes awry, leaving Cat stuck inside the box.

They attempt various methods to free Cat, including seeking help from Tandy and trying to use a laser, which only causes more chaos. At Bots, Cat is stuck in the box while Sam tries to come up with a solution. Cat expresses frustration about her indecision between becoming a singer or an actress.

The next morning, Sam and Cat's breakfast highlights their differing tastes, with Cat having orange juice and a raw egg while Sam enjoys pancakes and bacon. They visit a magic store run by Vance Anderson, who is unhelpful and dismissive. After Sam confronts Vance and mistakenly knocks over a can of red paint, they decide to take Cat to Mystic Mountain despite her still being in the box.

However, their trip hits a snag when they hit a speed bump and the box falls out of the car.

#SuperPsycho[edit | edit source]

Sam and Cat are dealing with multiple crises. Bobby, whom they are babysitting, keeps distracting Sam with questions about iCarly while she tries to watch wrestling. Meanwhile, Cat is making "crapples," apples dipped in cranberry sauce.

Nora, a previous enemy of Sam, escapes from prison and seeks revenge. She tricks Dice into getting into her car and kidnaps him. Sam and Cat, unable to find Dice, find a note from Nora with a strand of Dice's hair. They seek help from Nevel Papperman, who is in a psychiatric hospital due to a virus infection from his pet porcupine. Nevel deduces that Dice is likely in one of the three abandoned houses near The Aloha Burger because of a Donkey Sauce stain on Nora's note.

Nora traps Dice and Cat in a well, and when Sam arrives, Nora challenges her to a fight. If Nora wins, Sam will join Dice and Cat in the well; if Sam wins, Nora will release them. Sam manages to push Nora into the well and rescues Cat and Dice. Nora is then arrested and imprisoned under maximum security.

At the end of the episode, Sam and Cat head to The Aloha Burger, only to learn from Nevel that Gibby, who had been out with a date, was having dinner with Nevel. Herb, another character, appears and takes Nora's kayak home.

#DroneBabyDrone[edit | edit source]

Cat is struggling with a homework assignment that requires her to watch the news and write a five-hundred-word essay. She tries to get Nona to do it for her, but Nona refuses. Cat then decides to use a news website that offers multiple stories in a short time. Despite her promise to punch Dice if the news mentions certain topics, Dice ends up finding a story that combines all her dislikes. They instead order unnecessary items from Zapathon, which leads to a drone crashing through their kitchen window.

The next day, the building manager and Sherman from Zapathon arrive. Sherman offers to cover the damages and gives them a discount on future purchases. Sam and Cat take advantage, ordering even more bizarre items. While Nona is babysitting Tim Festerly, the drone mistakenly picks up the baby instead of the returned toothbrush.

Sam, Cat, and Nona face frustration as they try to resolve the situation with Zapathon’s customer service. They eventually visit Zapathon’s headquarters and find that many items have been mistakenly picked up. Nona identifies Tim among a group of identical babies by making him laugh. They recover Tim but are soon troubled when another drone picks up Nona's wig.

#FirstClassProblems[edit | edit source]

Sam and Cat are babysitting Phillip and Kelly Baum, who complain about the small movie screen and refuse the dinner Cat prepared. Instead, they get toilet water as their "special water" when they demand bottled water. Cromsby, an associate of the Baum family, arrives and offers Sam and Cat first-class tickets to the Bahamas, which Cat is excited about. They agree to go, but encounter airport security hassles.

At the airport, they face issues with security procedures, including removing shoes, which Cat resists. Sam eventually forces Cat's shoes off. On the plane, they meet Coco Wexler, who is upset about her ex-husband marrying her mother. Sam switches seats with Cat to sit next to Coco, who is displeased with her trip to the Bahamas.

When it’s time to board, Sam and Cat are surprised to find that many other passengers board before them, despite their first-class tickets. Sam and Cat's plans hit a snag when Dice and Goomer, who were supposed to get dinner for Phillip and Kelly, end up complicating things. Dice brings steaks, while Goomer, misunderstanding the request, brings live lobsters with butter spray to keep them alive. Cat sends Dice after Goomer when he runs off with the lobsters. In their excitement about the first-class flight, Cat forgets to bring the timers for Phillip and Kelly. Dice and Goomer rush to the airport with the timers but mistakenly announce, "We got the timers for the Baums!" This causes a panic as everyone thinks they're referring to bombs, leading to Dice and Goomer being detained by security. Sam, Cat, Phillip, and Kelly flee the scene.

#KnockOut[edit | edit source]

Sam and Cat are babysitting a girl named Liddy when Goomer, visibly upset, collapses after banging his head on a glass door. Sam hands Liddy her chainsaw for safety before rushing out with Cat to help Goomer. Goomer eventually reveals he's being bullied, but when Sam and Cat go to confront the bully, they find out it’s actually Rita Rooney, the MMA champion, who was only flirting with Goomer. Goomer, feeling nervous, runs away.

At Punchy's, Sam and Dice encourage Goomer to give Rita a flower. He nervously does so, and Rita kisses him on the cheek. A crowd gathers, and when they hear Rita’s opponent is in the hospital, Sam volunteers to fight her. Despite Rita initially gaining the upper hand, Sam wins after a decisive punch.

Later, news reports incorrectly state that Sam knocked out Rita. Goomer is upset, believing Rita now hates him because of Sam’s victory. Sam is pressured by Dice to train for another fight with Rita, but she resists, preferring to enjoy her food and leisure time. She meets her trainer, Bubs Dixon, who is extremely demanding. Despite Bubs’ rigorous training regimen, including early morning workouts and strict diet controls, Sam refuses to continue and opts to enjoy watching bad movies instead. In the end, Rita and others join Sam at her apartment to watch movies, turning the situation into a group movie night.

#WeStealARockStar[edit | edit source]

Sam and Dice are engrossed in a show called Slightly Less Gorgeous when Cat enters, curious about their program. They explain it's about making attractive people slightly less attractive. Cat proposes playing freeze tag, but after being tagged and covered with a blanket, she’s left ignored while Sam and Dice continue watching TV. Goomer enters, dressed in a suit, and announces he’s a bodyguard for the famous singer Del DeVille. He becomes flustered and jumps through the window when Sam and Dice express doubt. Sam and Dice go to repair the window, leaving Cat still covered.

Later, they wait for Del DeVille with Goomer, who offers to fetch burritos but forgets his glasses. A girl named Tammy asks them to watch her bike while she gets food. While Sam, Cat, and Dice chat with Del, Cat's balloon accidentally causes Tammy’s tricycle to fly away, hitting Del and rendering him unconscious. They wheel Del to their apartment, worried he’ll call the police. When he wakes up and tries to call the cops, Sam tackles him and knocks him out again. They cuff Del to Sam’s bed and Cat takes his shoes.

The next morning, Sam refuses to let Del go until he promises not to call the cops. Dice also reveals he took Del’s phone and won’t return it until Del is released. Dice shows Sam and Cat a news video about Del being missing. Cat prepares multiple breakfast options for Del, and Goomer is anxious about Del’s whereabouts. Cat tries to offer Del oatmeal if he promises not to escape, but Del grabs her and forces her to let him go. Sam, believing Del might text Goomer, has Dice send a reassuring message from Del’s phone.

Del, still handcuffed, becomes intrigued by Cat’s guitar playing. She explains she’s fixing a guitar for her friend André Harris and showcases her impressive guitar skills. Del strikes a deal with Cat: he’ll use her riff and not report them to the police.

Three months later, Dice shows Sam and Cat a news report about Del’s success with a hit song featuring the riff Cat played. Another three months later, they see a report that Del is being sued for copying the riff. The riff was originally Cat’s creation. They agree it’s better they never met him, although Cat laments she wouldn’t have his shoes.

#GettinWiggy[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with Cat packing for a trip to Phoenix, Arizona with Dice for his hair modeling gig. Cat’s excitement is palpable as she talks to her stuffed duck about the trip. Sam is annoyed by Cat's packing and faints when Nona asks to stay on their couch because of "funk mites" at Elderly Acres. Cat says Nona can stay in her room since she’ll be in Phoenix, but Sam is still opposed to the idea. Cat mentions her arrest warrant in Arizona, and Cat sings a song to help Sam remember the states she's barred from, which humorously includes Europe.

At the hair modeling studio in Phoenix, Dice is excited to compete for the cover of a magazine. He is disappointed to learn that Yonce, the photographer, will choose who will be on the cover, not assuming it’s him. Jett Zander, a top hair modeler, arrives and impresses everyone, including Cat, who takes a selfie with him. Back at the apartment, Nona has cooked a large meal and made a sundae bar. Sam, initially overwhelmed by the food, starts to enjoy having Nona as a roommate.

Meanwhile, Cat devises a plan to expose Jett’s wig by pretending to lose a contact and using a fan to blow it away, but the plan fails. At home, Nona is babysitting twins, and Sam is worried about not having paid rent. Nona covers for Sam when Mr. Bombay comes by, saying Sam moved out of the country. Sam is grateful and acknowledges Nona as the best roommate.

Back at the hair modeling studio, the photographer picks Jett for the cover. Cat, suspecting Jett of wearing a wig, confronts him. When she pulls off his hair, it turns out to be his real hair, shocking everyone.

Nona prepares to leave as the mites are gone, but Sam pleads for her to stay longer. Sam lies to Nona, saying Cat and Dice will be in Arizona for two more weeks. Nona agrees to stay and cook, while Cat ends up in jail.

Songs[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Cat has been stated to be bipolar on two occasions.
  • Her first known SkyStore purchase was a fake, poisonous snow-making machine. She has also bought a Ball Freshener, The World's Most Powerful Portable Juicer, and The World's Thinnest Tennis Racket, among other items.
  • Cat bears similarities to Quinn Pensky from "Zoey 101," another show by Dan Schneider. Both characters are seen as weird by their peers, eat baby food, have Victoria Justice as their best friend, and are the shortest in their friend groups.
  • Her boy-crazy tendencies and ditziness also resemble Nicole Bristow from the same series.
  • Cat has performed in duets with Tori and Jade, including songs like "LA Boyz" and "Give It Up."
  • She enjoys taking Sunday afternoon naps.
  • Cat is absent from two episodes: "Jade Dumps Beck" and "The Wood," making her the only main character with absences confined to one season.
  • On, Cat reveals that she likes being tickled.
  • In the Pilot, Cat mentions she loves cats, although Ariana Grande, who plays Cat, is allergic to them.
  • Cat has naturally curly hair, like Ariana Grande.
  • Cat has dyed her hair, and she didn’t object when Sikowitz referred to her as "synthetically red-headed" in "Helen Back Again."
  • In "Robarazzi," it is hinted that two of her uncles are gay, though this interpretation can vary.
  • Cat has a cousin and an uncle both named Jesse.
  • Her screen name is HappyCat.
  • Her full name is Catarina, but she says only her grandmother calls her that; everyone else uses "Cat."
  • Her grandmother is known for making delicious fudge.
  • Cat is the only main character who has punched someone (Tori) in the face on-screen for real and not as part of a play, and she also punched Robbie in "April Fools' Blank."
  • According to her video profile, Cat's favorite foods are cupcakes, noodles, candies, and potatoes. She later mentions spaghetti as her "new favorite food" on TheSlap.
  • Cat frequently talks about her brother, implying he is as odd as she is. She gets nervous when he eats non-food items.
  • It’s unclear if Cat has more than one brother, as she only refers to "my brother."
  • Cat can’t use “dirty” words, as shown in "Tori the Zombie."
  • Cat’s hair color is compared to red velvet cupcakes, a nod to her love for the treat (mentioned on TheSlap).
  • Cat claims to be allergic to nuts in "Cat's Random Thoughts," but later posts about almonds, suggesting a possible misunderstanding or slight allergy.
  • She can use her toes to scratch her nose, as shown in "Rex Dies."
  • Cat’s line, "What’s that supposed to mean?" was also used by Misty from "The Amanda Show," a character with curly hair like Cat’s.
  • Cat mentions in "The Birthweek Song" that she hates helmets.
  • She enjoys mass texting, as seen in "A Film by Dale Squires."
  • The French animated series "Lolirock" features a character named Auriana, who is inspired by Cat Valentine. The name Auriana could be a play on Ariana Grande, who plays Cat.
  • In "Survival of the Hottest," Cat is shown wearing a hot pink bandeau bikini.
  • Cat says she loves elderly people and finds it cute how they shake when pouring juice.
  • She has a talent for knowing people's exact clothing and limb measurements, though she doesn't seem to design new fashions.
  • Cat has made various costumes for her Costume Design class, including a Sikowitz costume and superhero outfit.
  • Cat mentioned on her Slap profile that she can’t snap her fingers, but she snaps her fingers in "Wok Star," suggesting she learned how to later.
  • She claims to send an average of 407 text messages per day on her Slap profile.
  • According to her 'Cat Bash' poster, Cat has a neighbor who throws things at people.
  • In "iParty with Victorious," Cat uses a talking headband and app on her Pear Phone due to vocal cord issues but can sing at the end of the episode, which is more damaging to her voice.
  • Cat has a dog, as shown in "Stage Fighting."
  • Her favorite shaved ice flavor is cherry, mentioned in "Survival of the Hottest."
  • Cat has mentioned on TheSlap that her parents took her to doctors, and there’s a theory her mom was a competitive breath-holder during her pregnancy with Cat.
  • Cat is part of the Yerbanian prison gang, as stated in "Locked Up!"
  • She loves mushrooms, as mentioned in "Locked Up!"
  • Cat, André, and Tori are the only main characters who have befriended everyone in the group (excluding Rex).
  • Cat takes every sentence literally, such as typing "anything" when asked to type anything on the Speechy Keen app in "iParty with Victorious." Beck has advised Tori not to use wordplay around Cat.
  • Cat has various talents, demonstrated in "Helen Back Again."
  • She loves "Sesame Street," mentioned in "Terror on Cupcake Street."
  • Cat has a French neighbor whose cat she watches, according to TheSlap.
  • Her brother once hit her with a vase, which inspired her to dye her hair red, as revealed in her second "Tweet Time with Cat" video.
  • Cat's hair has darkened and lengthened slightly from the first to the second season.
  • She loves the kid's group "The Waggafuffles," as shown in "The Diddly-Bops."
  • Her doctor recommended therapy for her.
  • Cat enjoys telling stories to elderly people, as mentioned in TheSlap.
  • She has four credit cards.
  • Cat mentions having a swimming pool at her house in "Tori Tortures Teacher."
  • She has a hamster named Santa, noted for being fat.
  • Cat is the only main character whose family members don’t appear on the show.
  • She keeps candy in her bra, as seen in "How Trina Got In" and "Robbie Sells Rex."
  • In "The Breakfast Bunch," Cat is shown to be a vegan, though she later enjoys her Nona's meatballs in "Sam & Cat," suggesting her veganism might have been a phase or she didn’t fully understand it. Ariana Grande, the actress who plays Cat, is a vegan in real life.
  • Starting with "Tori Goes Platinum," Cat becomes obsessed with bibble, even pawning her Nona's jewelry to buy more.
  • Her family might be wealthy, given her ability to buy numerous items from SkyStore, Tap It, and 20 pounds of bibble. Her mom works for a very wealthy man.
  • In "Crazy Ponnie," Jade cuts off Cat’s hair, making her bald, but it grows back in episodes filmed afterward.
  • Cat may be a Bade shipper, as indicated by a photo gallery on TheSlap suggesting she wants Beck and Jade to get back together. However, she also shows support for Bori.
  • She has a hot pink camera, as seen in "Tori the Zombie."
  • Out of all the characters, Cat had the second-highest number of fans on TheSlap, with over a million followers, behind only Tori.
  • Cat’s favorite movie is "Titanic," as confirmed by Jade in "Star Spangled Tori."
  • According to her TheSlap video, Cat’s five favorite words are Happy, Pretty, Rumnumsegadigyblog, cuddly, and Sparkly.
  • Cat is skilled at tap dancing, as shown in "The Hambone King."
  • In "Wanko's Warehouse," Trina’s text message about the sale reveals Cat’s text alert tone, called "Horn," available on devices like the iPhone.
  • Her locker is pink with a red happy tulip, according to Twitter.
  • Cat’s behavior in later seasons is perceived as crazier compared to earlier episodes.
  • She had never tried a taco before "The Breakfast Bunch," where she had her first one in detention.
  • Cat’s Nona, mentioned in "Star Spangled Tori," becomes a recurring character in "Sam & Cat."
  • In "One Thousand Berry Balls," Cat says her favorite Vice President is Dick Cheney.
  • The Slap gallery for "Tori Goes Platinum" reveals Cat knows how to pick locks, a skill taught by her brother.
  • Cat appears to be a talented artist, as seen in "The Breakfast Bunch."
  • There are implications that Cat was abused by her brother and that her parents had a dysfunctional relationship.
  • Initially, it was thought Cat’s brother was Crazy Steve from "Drake & Josh," but this was later disproven. Cat's brother is introduced as Frankie in "Henry Danger."