Future Zen'ō

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Zen'ō, Future Zen'ō
Future Zen'ō
Zeno sama y futuro zeno sama by jaredsongohan dbpoqfy-fullview (1).png
...I'll destroy it. All of existence, go away!
― Future Zeno about to erase the universes in "With New Hope in His Heart - Farewell, Trunks"

Vital statistics
Names Zen-Oh, Future Zeno

Omni-King King of All Zenny (by Goku; Funimation dub) All-chan (by Goku in Japanese) Zen-chan Lord of Everything The Almighty Zen'Oh Grand Zeno Grand Leader (by Shin, Vados, and Beerus) Colorful brat (by Frieza)

Gender Male
Race Unknown
Occupation Ruler of the Multiverse
Origin Dragon Ball Super Episode 67: "With New Hope in His Heart - Farewell, Trunks" (新あらたなHOPEきぼう!! を胸むねに さらばトランクス Arata na Kibō!! O Mune ni Saraba Torankusu, lit. "Fill Your Heart with New Hope!! Farewell, Trunks") November 20, 2016
Alignment Neutral
Age over 8 million years old
Created By Akira Toriyama
Height 125cm (4'1")
Weight Unknown
Personality Type {{{personality type}}}

Future Zeno (未来の全王 Mirai no Zen’ō, lit. "Future King of All") is one of the two kings who ruled over the 18 Universes in the present timeline and was the sole ruler of those universes in Future Trunks' timeline. He is an entity above all living beings across all universes and now resides in the main timeline, sharing the same authority over existence as Present Zeno.

In the manga, he is among the four survivors of his timeline, along with Future Trunks, Future Mai, and Future Scratch.


Future Zeno is notably short and small, featuring a large oval-shaped head. His skin is predominantly sky blue, with sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head being purple. He has small, round eyes and small, rounded grey "ears". His typical attire includes a magenta and yellow lined coat paired with yellow pants and magenta shoes. Underneath, he wears a black and white shirt adorned with the kanji for "all" (全) on the front. His expression is usually blank and devoid of emotion.


Future Zeno exhibits a reckless and amoral demeanor, exemplified by his willingness to destroy entire universes on a whim, often out of annoyance or indifference towards their inhabitants, including gods. This renders him a remorseless figure who shows little concern for the vast lives affected by his actions.

However, despite his capricious nature, Future Zeno displays occasional flexibility and tolerance. For instance, he accepted Bergamo's plea to revoke universal destruction if he won against Goku, and allowed Top's challenge to Goku despite previous decisions. Despite his nonchalance towards the multiverse's affairs, such as unawareness of rogue Supreme Kais or the spread of evil, he acts decisively when situations demand, as seen in his erasure of Infinite Zamasu.

In his interactions, Future Zeno shares similarities with his present counterpart. He is unbothered by physical contact, as shown when Goku embraced him, though he responded with confusion. Over time, he developed a friendship with Goku akin to Present Zeno's, showing interest in Goku's actions, emotional responses to his battles, and even mimicking gestures and words like his counterpart.

Despite his indifferent demeanor, Future Zeno demonstrates a childlike enjoyment in watching intense battles and unconventional tournament conduct, mirroring his appreciation for Buu's playful nature.



Future Zeno's life mirrored his counterpart's until Age 766, when a pivotal divergence occurred. In this timeline, Future Goku, who would have become his friend and influenced him to conceive the Tournament of Power after witnessing his battles, succumbed to a Heart Virus.

Dragon Ball Super

"Future" Trunks Saga

In the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super, Goku unexpectedly summons Future Zeno using Zeno's Button while searching for a Senzu Bean in his gi. Future Zeno appears, and Goku warmly embraces him, with Gowasu and Shin showing reverence while Future Trunks expresses surprise upon learning he is the supreme god of the multiverse.

Confused about Goku's identity, Future Zeno questions if Goku summoned him, which Goku confirms. Witnessing the devastation caused by Infinite Zamasu, Future Zeno inquires if Goku is responsible, but Goku clarifies that it was Zamasu's doing. Annoyed by Zamasu's madness, Future Zeno agrees to Goku's suggestion to erase Zamasu, deciding to destroy the entire future world as well. Goku swiftly arranges for everyone to evacuate using the time machine, urging the Supreme Kais to return to their timeline. Future Zeno executes a decisive attack that eradicates Infinite Zamasu and the corrupted future universe in the anime or the future timeline in the manga, restoring order.

Afterward, Goku and Future Trunks return using Cell's Time Machine, finding a desolate cyan void where Zeno floats. They approach him, and Goku proposes to take him somewhere enjoyable. They decide to bring Future Zeno to the present timeline, where his presence commands respect from Beerus, Whis, and the Supreme Kais. Goku then suggests to Shin that they visit Zeno's main timeline counterpart's palace.

Meeting their counterparts, the two Zenos are surprised but, at Goku's prompting, decide to become friends. They joyfully engage in play, celebrating their newfound friendship.

Universe Survival Saga

After the defeat of Zamasu, Goku reminds Zeno and Future Zeno of the tournament promised to him. Delighted, the Zenos agree to host the Tournament of Power with the Super Dragon Balls as the prize, similar to the contest between Champa and Beerus. However, the tournament has a grim rule: defeated universes will be erased by the ruling duo.

Before the main event, Future Zeno requests a preliminary tournament to set expectations. The Grand Minister organizes it, summoning Universe 7 and Universe 9 to gather three warriors each for the contest. Universe 7 selects Good Buu, Gohan, and Goku, while Universe 9 picks the Trio of Danger: Basil, Lavender, and Bergamo.

Spectators gather in the Null Realm, including gods, Supreme Kais, Gods of Destruction, Angels, and the two Zenos with their attendants. The matches are decided: Buu vs. Basil, Gohan vs. Lavender, and Goku vs. Bergamo. Majin Buu emerges victorious against Basil, while Gohan's battle with Lavender ends in a draw. The Zenos are impressed by the fights, allowing any underhanded moves to set the rules for the main tournament, enforced by the Grand Minister to calm an agitated Beerus.

Before the final exhibition match, Bergamo pleads with Zeno to spare the universes if Universe 9 loses. Although the decision is made, they agree to Bergamo's condition if he defeats Goku. During their battle, Future Zeno marvels at Super Saiyan Blue's power, explained by his counterpart. Goku's use of Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken impresses both Zenos as he defeats Bergamo, affirming the erasure decision.

Following the match, Top from Universe 11 challenges Goku, surprising the Zenos who permit the match. They eagerly anticipate the showdown until the Grand Minister intervenes, disappointing them, but understanding the need to conserve energy for the upcoming tournament.

After the completion of the Tournament of Power arena in the World of Void, both Zeno and Future Zeno are amazed and enjoy playing and exploring the arena. Throughout the tournament, they watch with awe and use their GodPads to keep track of eliminations. After Goku and Vegeta eliminate Team Universe 9, Zeno and Future Zeno fulfill their promise and erase Universe 9, sparing Mohito. They are initially confused when the fighting momentarily stops but are excited when it resumes.

Following the defeats of Teams Universe 10, 2, 6, 4, and 3, Zeno and Future Zeno erase these universes with few exceptions, watching the tournament unfold with increasing excitement, particularly when Goku achieves Perfected Ultra Instinct against Jiren. At the tournament's conclusion, they ask Goku what they should do next for fun. Before Goku can respond, Beerus intervenes, fearing another survival test, and the Zenos wonder if Goku will return. Goku promises he will, fist-bumping both Zenos as a sign of his commitment.

Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga

As punishment for the chaos caused during the Moro conflict, the Grand Minister penalizes Beerus, Whis, and Shin by assigning them to entertain and care for Zeno. This involves playful activities like riding on Beerus and Shin's backs as they play horsey, much to their attendants' relief.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Universal Conflict Saga

In this saga, Future Zeno becomes the catalyst for the Core Area Warriors' plans, led by Hearts, who seeks to destroy Future Zeno due to his immense power to erase entire universes. After Hearts is defeated, Future Zeno appears and joins Zeno, Beerus, and Champa in a game of hide and seek, unaware of the recent events.


  • Highest Kill Count: Future Zeno holds the highest kill count in the Dragon Ball franchise, having erased an entire multiverse and a total of 25 universes. In the manga, he also erased an entire timeline.
  • Handedness: Future Zeno is left-handed, while his present-day counterpart is right-handed, a distinction observed in their interactions.
  • Differing Erasure Counts: Before the divergence of timelines, both Zeno and Future Zeno erased 6 of the original 18 universes. Future Zeno went on to erase an additional 12 universes corrupted by Infinite Zamasu. As of the Tournament of Power, Zeno has erased 13 universes, while Future Zeno has erased 25 in total.
  • Relocation to Main Timeline: Due to his status and role in fulfilling Zeno's request to Goku to find him a friend, Future Zeno was allowed to relocate to the main timeline, an arrangement agreed upon without objection.
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Future Zeno's erasure of Infinite Zamasu is documented in the official history of Age 796 of the future timeline. A history change nearly prevented this event, posing a threat to the Time Nest, but Chronoa's actions ensured history remained intact, preserving the universe.
  • Effectiveness of Erasure: Future Zeno's erasure is powerful enough to affect even Infinite Zamasu in the Time Vault at the edge of Universe 7 in Age 852. This is because his disappearance is a fixed event in history, preventing Infinite Zamasu from escaping its effects.