
From The Character Database

The ability to manipulate aspects of reality, often bypassing the known laws of physics. Magic typically requires special magical energy called mana, which varies in quality and quantity across different mages. Higher purity of mana results in stronger magic and more powerful spells.

Highly advanced technology can be indistinguishable from magic. What seems magical today may become natural with the advancement of science and technology.

Types of Magic:

  1. Technomagic:
    • Description: Very advanced technology that produces effects virtually indistinguishable from magic.
    • Examples: Devices or systems that seem magical but are based on advanced science.
  2. Elemental Magic:
    • Description: Manipulation of the principal elements (air, water, earth, fire) and additional elements (lightning, ice, etc.).
    • Examples: Creating and shaping elements, summoning elemental spirits.
  3. Natural Magic:
    • Description: Control over various aspects of nature, including weather, plants, animals, and summoning.
    • Examples: Weather manipulation, animal control, plant growth.
  4. Light Magic:
    • Description: Magic of good and light, specializing in purification, exorcism, blessings, healing, and resurrection.
    • Examples: Healing spells, exorcisms, blessings, and appeals to higher powers.
  5. Dark Magic:
    • Description: Magic of darkness and destruction, including painful killing, curses, necromancy, and demonology.
    • Examples: Curses, necromancy, summoning dark entities.
  6. Illusion Magic:
    • Description: Spells that influence the mind, confuse, hide presences, and translate imagination into reality.
    • Examples: Creating illusions, mind manipulation, hiding or altering appearances.
  7. Magic Artifacts:
    • Description: Using magic via special items called magical artifacts. Requires training but grants incredible power.
    • Examples: Powerful items that can cast spells, sometimes capable of destroying entire universes.
  8. Other Types of Magic:
    • Description: Includes various manipulations of matter, space, and time that do not fall into the above categories.
    • Examples: Reality warping, time manipulation, spatial distortions.