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12 March 2025

     09:06 Protection log Laguna97 talk contribs protected Joey Wheeler [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) ‎ (hist)
N    09:06  Joey Wheeler diffhist +64,914 Laguna97 talk contribs (Created page with "alt=JonouchWheelYGO|frameless '''Joseph "Joey" Wheeler,''' known as '''Katsuya Jonouchi''' ({{Ruby|城|じょう}}{{Ruby|之|の}}{{Ruby|内|うち}} {{Ruby|克|かつ}}{{Ruby|也|や}}, Jōnouchi Katsuya) in the manga and Japanese version, is one of the main characters in ''Yu-Gi-Oh!''. He is Yugi Muto’s best friend and starts out as an inexperienced Duelist, but through perseverance and skill, he rises to become one...") Tag: Visual edit

10 March 2025

N    01:48  Solomon Muto diffhist +21,575 Laguna97 talk contribs (Created page with "{{metadesc|{{PAGENAME}}, also known as Sugoroku Mutou is a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. Created by Kazuki Takahashi, Solomon is the grandfather of Yugi Muto.}} alt=SoloMutoYGODM|frameless '''Sugoroku Mutou''' is a character from the ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' manga and also known as ''Solomon Muto'' in most English adaptations. Created by ''Kazuki Takahashi'', Solomon is the grandfather of ''Yugi Mutou''. A former gaming master, Solo...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched