Solomon Muto

From The Character Database


Sugoroku Mutou is a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and also known as Solomon Muto in most English adaptations. Created by Kazuki Takahashi, Solomon is the grandfather of Yugi Mutou.

A former gaming master, Solomon Muto traveled the world, mastering various games and eventually recovering the Millennium Puzzle from the Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh. Later in life, he opened Kame Game, a game shop where he resided with his family and sold games to the local community.

Names Solomon Muto/Mutou, Sugoroku Mutou (武藤双六), Grandpa, Mask the Rock (original)/Apdnarg Otum (dub), Trusdale
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Duelist, Gamer, Shopkeeper of Kame Game Shop
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter 1: "The Puzzle of the Gods" のパズル Kami no Pazuru, September 14, 1996 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1992 #46)
Alignment Good
Age 71 (at debut) 72 (at series' end)
Height 151 cm (4ft 11in)
Weight 62kg (136.68 lbs) (9.76 st)
Created By Kazuo Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋 一雅)
Personality Type ISFP, 6w7 (Enneagram)
Voice Actors Flag of Japan.png Japanese: Tadashi Miyazawa

Flag of United Kingdom.png English: Maddie Blaustein, Wayne Grayson (in Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time and Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions), Chuck Powers (Singapore), Marc Diraison (in episode 199)

Flag of the Arab League.png Arabic: Hasan Hamdan

Flag of Spain.png Spanish: Julio Núñez

Flag of Mexico.png Latin American Spanish: Jorge Roig (1st voice, Pyramid of Light) Juan Alfonso Carralero (2nd voice, Capsule Monsters)

Flag of Germany.png German: Peter Groeger (season 1-5, Pyramid of Light), Stefan Staudinger (ep. 199), Andre Beyer (The Dark Side of Dimensions)

Flag of Brazil.png Brazilian Portuguese: Tatá Guarnieri

Flag of Portugal.png Portuguese: Sérgio Galvão

Flag of Italy.png Italian: Enrico Maggi


Solomon Mutou is an elderly man with tan skin, gray hair, and a thick beard. His hair is styled wildly, with spiky tufts on the sides and back of his head. In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, his hair becomes even pointier, resembling its appearance in Capsule Monsters. He has small, dark eyes, thick eyebrows, and a generally friendly expression.

He is typically seen wearing a blue kimono-style jacket over a mustard-yellow shirt, brown pants, and traditional Japanese sandals. Occasionally, he wears reading glasses when examining cards or texts. In Grand Championship, he dons a disguise under the alias "Apdnarg Otum," wearing sunglasses and a trench coat.


Solomon is a wise and experienced duelist with a deep love for Duel Monsters. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with younger duelists, especially Yugi and his friends, often giving advice and moral lessons. His kind and supportive nature makes him a grandfatherly figure to many characters in the series.

He has a passion for archaeology and adventure, having traveled the world in his youth to uncover ancient relics, including the Millennium Puzzle. His adventurous past gives him a strong sense of curiosity and resilience. Despite his age, he remains energetic and spirited, often providing comic relief with his enthusiasm and occasional senility (especially in the English dub).

Solomon also has a playful and lighthearted side, sometimes getting distracted by cheerleaders or showing exaggerated reactions during duels. However, he is fiercely protective of Yugi and his friends, willing to put himself in danger for their sake, as seen when he gets kidnapped in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and when he tries to stop Kaiba from taking his Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Though he can be stubborn, especially when recalling past events, he is also humble and willing to admit when he is wrong, as shown in his interactions with Rebecca Hawkins. His deep respect for Duel Monsters and its history makes him a valuable mentor figure throughout the series.



Valley of the Kings Expedition

Solomon was renowned as a gaming master, excelling in countless games worldwide. His adventures often led him to high-stakes settings, including gambling dens and underground casinos, though he always maintained fairness and respect for the game.

At the age of 40, he heard legends about the Shrine of the Game of Darkness, supposedly hidden in Egypt. Determined to uncover the truth, Solomon embarked on an expedition to the Valley of the Kings in the 1960s, accompanied by Ahmet and Mushura. Inside the Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh, they discovered the remains of those who had perished attempting to claim its treasures.

The tomb was structured like a series of deadly games. One room featured swinging sword-wielding statues guarding a maze above a bottomless pit. Solomon deduced that the statues only attacked those who failed to show respect by stepping forward with their right foot instead of their left—a gesture of reverence in ancient Egyptian tradition. He led his companions safely across, but Mushura panicked and ran, triggering the statues and leading to his demise. Seizing the opportunity, Ahmet turned on Solomon, holding him at gunpoint.

Upon reaching the final chamber, a narrow bridge led to the Pharaoh's treasure. As Solomon crossed first, Ahmet shot at him, causing him to lose his footing. While Solomon barely clung to the edge, Ahmet attempted to cross but was swiftly devoured by a monstrous entity guarding the tomb. At that moment, the spirit of the Nameless Pharaoh appeared and saved Solomon.

Regaining his composure, Solomon retrieved the treasure—what he soon discovered to be the Millennium Puzzle. (In an earlier version of the story, Solomon instead claims that a different team of archaeologists discovered the Puzzle.)

Devil’s Board Game

At some point, Otogi sought to become Solomon’s apprentice in gaming. However, he later challenged Solomon to a Shadow Game for ownership of the Millennium Puzzle, using the Devil’s Board Game. In this deadly game, players wagered years of their lifespan with each move. Solomon emerged victorious, forcing Otogi to suffer a Penalty Game that aged him 50 years in a single night. Vowing revenge, Otogi’s son, Duke Devlin, later carried on his father's grudge.

Later Life

Solomon met his future wife after sending her a love letter in the form of a jigsaw puzzle. They later had a son, who married Mrs. Mutou, and together, they had Solomon’s grandson, Yugi Mutou.

After settling down, Solomon opened Kame Game, where he lived with his family and continued his passion for gaming.

At around age 63, Solomon gifted Yugi the Millennium Puzzle, encouraging him to solve it. He also received a rare Blue-Eyes White Dragon card from an American gamer friend, a card that would later become central to the events of Duelist Kingdom.


When Solomon Mutou was 71, Yugi Mutou was visited after school by Téa Gardner. Upon seeing Solomon, Téa was shocked, as Yugi had previously told her that the Millennium Puzzle was a memento of his grandfather. Offended, Solomon loudly protested that he was very much alive, prompting Yugi to clarify that he had meant it would have been a memento. Solomon then playfully commented on how much Téa had grown since he last saw her, particularly noting her bust size, much to her embarrassment.

As Yugi went upstairs to continue working on the Puzzle, Solomon warned him that it was beyond human comprehension. He recounted that the archaeologists who discovered it had all died under mysterious circumstances, with the last one uttering "The Shadow Games" with his dying breath. However, rather than being deterred, Yugi found the concept of the Shadow Games exciting and remained determined to complete the Puzzle. When Solomon attempted to take it away—intending to sell it—Yugi dodged him and ran off.

The following day, Katsuya Jonouchi visited Solomon and returned a missing piece of the Puzzle, explaining that Tetsuya Ushio had been giving Yugi a hard time. That evening, as Yugi neared completion of the Puzzle, Solomon handed him the final piece, allowing him to finish it. Unbeknownst to both of them, this act caused Yugi’s body to become host to the fragmented soul of the Nameless Pharaoh, known as Dark Yugi, who had lost his memories but would occasionally take control of Yugi’s body.

One day, Yugi and Joey brought Tristan Taylor to Kame Game, looking for a present for his crush, Miho Nosaka. Solomon sold them a love jigsaw puzzle, similar to the one he had once given Yugi’s grandmother.

Later, Seto Kaiba visited the shop and was astonished to see Solomon possessed a Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. Eager to obtain it, Kaiba attempted to trade and even offered to buy it, but Solomon refused, explaining that it was a treasured gift from a dear friend. Determined to claim the card, Kaiba later attempted to steal it, but was ultimately defeated by Dark Yugi in a Shadow Game of Duel Monsters. As punishment, Kaiba suffered the Experience of Death Penalty Game.

Solomon's old friend, Professor Yoshimori, along with Curator Kanekura, organized an Egyptian exhibition, The Art of Egypt, at the Domino City Museum. Solomon, along with Yugi and his friends, was granted free admission. However, tragedy struck when Kanekura mysteriously died, allegedly for desecrating a pharaoh’s tomb. Deeply unsettled, Yoshimori expressed his concerns, but Solomon and the others visited him at his university to lift his spirits.

However, during their visit, Yoshimori was possessed by Shadi, who attacked the group. In the ensuing struggle, Solomon was knocked unconscious. After Yami Yugi defeated Shadi in the Trial of the Mind Shadow Game, Solomon regained consciousness and discovered the others on the university rooftop. Once the situation was resolved and Shadi departed, Solomon treated everyone to a meal.

Duelist Kingdom

Seto Kaiba, determined to obtain Solomon Mutou’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon, challenges him to a Duel Monsters match. Despite his best efforts, Solomon loses, and Kaiba, having already collected the other three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, cruelly tears up the card. Since he could not use a fourth copy in his Deck, he refused to let anyone else wield it against him. Following the duel, Solomon collapses and is rushed to the hospital, leaving Yugi Mutou to challenge Kaiba in his stead.

Later, Maximillion Pegasus seals Solomon’s soul inside a card. His spirit remains trapped until Yugi triumphs over Pegasus, ultimately restoring his grandfather.

Not long after, Rebecca Hawkins confronts Solomon, accusing him of stealing her grandfather Arthur Hawkins Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. Solomon denies the claim, but Rebecca refuses to listen and demands a duel. However, rather than dueling her himself, Solomon allows Yugi to take his place. Throughout the match, Solomon attempts to explain his past with Arthur, but Rebecca dismisses him as a liar, frustrating him. When the duel concludes, Arthur arrives and reunites with Solomon, confirming the story. Realizing her mistake, Rebecca apologizes to Yugi, and Solomon agrees to duel Arthur once more.

Dungeon Dice Monsters

Solomon plays a minor role in this arc. He watches Yami Yugi face Duke Devlin in a game of Dungeon Dice Monsters on a large screen outside the building where the match is taking place. However, he frequently gets distracted by Duke’s cheerleaders whenever they appear on the screen.

Battle City

Excited about the Battle City Tournament, Solomon eagerly follows the matches. He watches alongside Téa Gardner and Tristan Taylor, offering support and guidance as Joey Wheeler duels against Espa Roba, Weevil Underwood, and Mako Tsunami.

When Ryou Bakura is found injured, Solomon takes him to the hospital. Later, while checking in on Bakura, he is unexpectedly knocked out by Yami Bakura.

Virtual World

Solomon briefly appears in a flashback, where he is seen meeting Téa on a bench.

Grand Championship

Solomon participates in KaibaCorp’s Grand Prix Tournament under the alias "Apdnarg Otum"—his name spelled backward (translated as "Mask the Rock" in the Japanese version). Despite his experience, he is ultimately defeated by Joey.

His Deck is Ancient-themed, primarily composed of Rock-Type monsters. In the Japanese version, his alias is a pun on "Mask the Roku", referencing the number six ("Roku" in Japanese), which connects to his name Solomon, meaning "double-six".

Dawn of the Duel

The season begins with Solomon recounting to Yugi how he originally discovered the Millennium Puzzle. In his youth, he was a gambler constantly seeking greater challenges to test his luck. However, he made a personal vow: if he ever lost a single game, he would abandon his gambling suit in favor of wearing overalls and focus on collecting years rather than chips.

During one of his expeditions, he uncovered the Millennium Puzzle within Atem’s tomb. His analytical skills allowed him to bypass man-made traps, while his pure heart protected him from being devoured by ka spirits.

Later, he is picked up at the airport in Egypt and witnesses the Ceremonial Duel between Yugi and Yami Yugi. After the duel, Solomon and the others escape from the collapsing temple where the battle took place.

The Dark Side of Dimensions

At Kame Game, Yugi Mutou is about to leave for school when his grandfather, Solomon Mutou, stops him to make a comment about Téa Gardner. Yugi then continues on his way and meets Téa at a flight of stairs, where she greets him with a playful shoulder bump.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Solomon appears at the end of Season 1. When Kagemaru summons all three Sacred Beasts, their energy-draining effects cause Duel Monster card images to vanish worldwide. Two children in Solomon’s card shop cry as they witness the phenomenon, prompting Solomon to investigate the commotion. His face is not shown in this scene—only his overalls are visible.

In Season 2, when Duel Academy students visit Domino City, Solomon is approached by Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, and Tyranno Hassleberry, who are hoping to meet Yugi. He informs them that Yugi has been feeling down due to the recent fading of card images, referencing the Sacred Beast incident. After hearing that Jaden resolved the problem, Solomon agrees to guide them through the city.

However, as they move ahead, Solomon is kidnapped by Thunder and Frost. While Jaden and his friends split up to search for him, Hassleberry and Syrus end up dueling his captors. Meanwhile, Jaden discovers Solomon unconscious in an alleyway. Alongside Aster Phoenix, Jaden rushes to the duel’s location, but they arrive too late.

Later that night, Solomon offers Jaden, Atticus Rhodes, and the Slifer Red students hamburgers. He also watches Jaden’s duel against T-Bone and later leads Jaden and his companions to Kaiba Land, where Jaden and Aster battle Sarina. After the duel, Solomon promises Jaden that he will speak with Seto Kaiba about restoring Sarina’s consciousness, as she has become trapped in virtual reality.

Notably, his hair is now styled in a spikier fashion, resembling its appearance in Capsule Monsters. In the English dub, he is portrayed as senile.

Although he does not appear when Jaden travels back in time to duel a younger Yugi, Yugi briefly mentions saying goodbye to his grandfather before heading to school.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s

In the original timeline of Bonds Beyond Time, Solomon accompanies Yugi to a tournament hosted by Maximillion Pegasus at Domino Plaza. A photograph from an old newspaper article shows Solomon standing behind Yugi, who is seen shaking hands with Pegasus while holding a trophy.

Altered Timelines – Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time

In this alternate timeline, Paradox attempts to kill Pegasus, and Solomon gets caught in the attack, dying alongside Pegasus and several citizens. Yugi is left as the sole survivor and mourns his grandfather’s death, holding his bandana in grief.

However, the Crimson Dragon intervenes, taking Yugi back 30 minutes before Paradox’s attack. Thanks to the combined efforts of Yami Yugi, Jaden Yuki, and Yusei Fudo, Paradox is defeated, preventing the attack entirely—meaning Solomon’s death never occurs.

Non-Canon Appearances

Capsule Monsters

Solomon joins Alex Brisbane on an expedition to find the Pyramid of Alexander the Great. During their search, they split up, and Solomon stumbles upon Shadi’s Capsule Monster game board. Unknowingly activating it, he is pulled into the game’s world.

While trapped, Solomon discovers a Summoned Skull and uses it as his primary monster. When Yugi and his friends arrive, he assists them in completing the Five Trials, translating the cryptic messages that guide them. However, during the preliminary battles, Solomon loses Summoned Skull but later gains Alexander the Great’s Curse of Dragon as a replacement.

After successfully completing the trials, Solomon allows Alexander’s good half to use him as a vessel to return to the real world. However, Alexander’s dark half possesses Brisbane and traps everyone inside the chamber that houses the Power to Rule the World. A final battle ensues to determine the rightful ruler, ultimately resulting in Solomon’s return to reality.

As the pyramid collapses, he escapes alongside Yugi and the others. Later, he convinces the pilots of Joey Wheeler’s vacation plane to take him and Brisbane back to Domino City.


  • Before settling down as the owner of Kame Game, Solomon was a world-class gambler. He had a hairstyle similar to Yugi’s but wore a fedora. Having mastered every game of chance he played, he made a personal wager—if he ever lost a game, he would retire, open a game store, and wear overalls for the rest of his life. Evidently, he eventually lost.
  • The man depicted on Solomon’s Legendary Gambler card is a younger version of himself, meaning he is playing a card that acknowledges him as a legendary gambler.
  • In the English Yu-Gi-Oh! GX dub, a Blue-Eyes White Dragon card is seen in Solomon’s shop, despite Seto Kaiba tearing his only copy in the original series. However, this is not a continuity error, as the card was later shown taped back together in episode 42 after Yugi’s Duel with Rebecca Hawkins and later seen fully restored.
  • A running gag in the English dub is Solomon muttering, "Not again," whenever he is attacked before fainting. He says this when Yami Bakura attacks him and again in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX when Thunder attacks him.
  • Due to Maddie Blaustein's passing in December 2008, Wayne Grayson took over the role of Solomon in Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time. Grayson also voices Lyman Banner in the same movie.
  • In Season 5, when "Apdnarg" is introduced, Yugi immediately suspects something is off, even saying, "Don't we know him?" before "Apdnarg" is unmasked.
  • Solomon may hold a Ph.D., as a guide leading him to the Pharaoh’s tomb once referred to him as "Dr. Muto."
  • He is the final duelist Joey Wheeler defeats in an official match.
  • In the English dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light, it is revealed that Solomon has a pacemaker, as he states, "This thing's putting out energy waves that are making my pacemaker go haywire!"
