Plot Manipulation

From The Character Database
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Plot Manipulation is the ability to create, destroy, or control the plot that governs reality. Commonly found in metafictional stories, the plot can be seen as a fundamental aspect of reality when viewed as fictional. It is a description of the world that not only describes but determines reality itself. By altering the plot, one can achieve virtually any effect, similar to Reality Warping.

Note: This ability should not be listed just because a power is compared to a trope or metafiction is used in the story. For instance, a character that is lucky or fated to win (e.g., a character recognized as the protagonist) would only have this power if their luck or destiny is actively described as altering the plot. Otherwise, it would simply be Supernatural Luck or Fate Manipulation.

Regarding No-Limits Fallacies: Users cannot simply be assumed to bring out any imaginable effect. They are assumed to be limited in both applications and scale to what they have demonstrated or can be reasonably assumed to be capable of based on reliable statements. For instance, a character whose plot manipulation can affect concepts would also need to demonstrate the ability to affect information to utilize both in a combat setting.

Possible Uses:

  • Users may determine how things will proceed by writing into the plot what is going to happen.
  • Users may transform objects and individuals by altering their description in the plot.
  • Users may retroactively change the past by changing what is recorded about the past in the plot.
  • Users may control the actions and/or thoughts of others by writing what they will do or think into the plot.
  • Users may create things by writing them into the plot.
  • Users may erase things by removing any mention of them from the plot.