Plant Manipulation

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Plant Manipulation is the power to control plant life. Users can create, shape, and manipulate plants, including woods, vines, moss, and various other plant groups, as well as individual parts such as leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers. They can cause plants to grow, move, attack, or even rise from the soil and "walk." Their control might be so advanced that they can mutate plants by rearranging DNA or even revive withered or dead plants.

Offensively, plants can be used to choke, grapple, or trip opponents. Thorny or fast-moving hardy plants can cut or impale. This power might also enhance natural plant toxins to hinder or kill opponents.

Defensively, users can generate large plant constructs to protect themselves and their allies.

Possible Uses:

  • Create, generate, increase, shape, move, and animate plants.
  • Camouflage by covering the user or blending in with leaves or petals.
  • Create constructs such as weapons, walls, armor, or allies/servants.
  • Enable faster transportation via quick-moving plant constructs.
  • Connect to plants, displaying empathy to their conditions and/or communicating with them.
  • Sap manipulation.
  • Enhanced senses by seeing/feeling information through plants.


  • May be unable to create plants, being limited to manipulating existing ones.
  • Powerless in areas without plants or the potential for plants to grow, such as wastelands.
  • High levels of concentrated radiation may inhibit plant growth.
  • May only be able to control certain types of plants.
  • Limited in the number of plants or duration of control.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc., depend on the user's knowledge, skill, and strength.
  • Vulnerable to attacks from Fire Manipulation and/or Ice Manipulation.