Jenny Harper

From The Character Database
Jenny Harper

Vital statistics
Names Jenny, Jennifer Amanda Harper,
Gender Female
Race Human
Occupation Actor
Origin Two and a Half Men Season 11 Episode 1: Nangnangnangnang September 26, 2013
Alignment Good
Age 25
Created By Chuck Lorre & Susan McMartin
Height 1.7 m (5ft 7in)
Weight Varies
Personality Type {{{personality type}}}

Jennifer Amanda "Jenny" Harper, the out-of-wedlock 25-year-old queer woman daughter of Charlie Harper, seeks out her Uncle Alan, claiming he's her uncle.


Jenny is a visually appealing young woman with long red hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. She is often seen in revealing outfits, accessorized with a necklace and painted nails.


Early Years

Jenny was conceived in a bathroom encounter between Charlie and an unidentified woman. She is deeply into lesbian relationships and has a passion for sex. Born in New York, she initially aspired to be a doctor to impress her mother, but her ambitions shifted to acting to annoy her. She discloses that Charlie would regularly send money to her mother monthly. Her desire to reconnect with her father and relocate to Malibu was fueled by this. Her last encounter with him was at her fourth birthday party, where she stayed at her friend's place.

Season 11

Jenny arrives at the beach house, introducing herself to Alan as his niece through Charlie. Walden shows her around the house, and she quickly wins over Evelyn and Berta, who recognize Charlie in her. Walden is also somewhat drawn to her. Alan is taken aback by the revelation that his brother had never mentioned her or the fact that he had been sending her money. Evelyn invites her to stay with her, and they decide to leave Pavlov's. Jenny discloses her sexual orientation, which surprises Alan, Walden, and Evelyn. Despite Walden's initial desire to kick her out, he changes his mind after witnessing her intimate moment with another woman and decides to allow her to stay.

She moves in with Evelyn when Walden feels overwhelmed by the number of guests. A one-night stand with Elissa leads to her being pursued by Elissa, who didn't follow through on her promise to call. Berta comments on how things always seem to go back to normal with Charlie, suggesting that it's a good sign to be back.

She begins to party with Walden and his circle of friends. In the early hours, she finds herself awake in his bed, convinced that they had engaged in sexual activity. Walden begins to panic, but she reassures him that it's not a big deal, explaining that she is attracted to women and has no romantic interest in him. They decide to keep this incident a secret and never discuss it again. Walden then confiscates Charlie's camera and inquires if Jenny would like to see if the incident was captured on video, to his surprise, she agrees. They watch the footage together. It turns out they did not engage in sexual activity but instead had an orgy with Jenny's friends and James Franco. At that moment, Berta enters the room and inquires if they were going to talk about the orgy they had. Walden and Jenny are taken aback to discover Berta was present. She mentions, "I banged James Franco."

Walden advises Jenny to take acting classes to avoid becoming like Alan, who she later learns didn't need the lessons as she naturally started acting out in a way that suggested she was upset.

Jenny begins to pursue Walden's mother, Robin. When Walden informs her that Alan is interested in setting her up with Lynda Carter, Jenny looks Lynda up on her phone and sees a photo, which convinces her that Alan is not a suitable match for her. When Jenny meets Walden and Lynda on the deck, she also shows interest in Lynda. By the end of the episode (the following morning), Robin and Lynda exit Jenny's room, leaving her with a kiss, which is likely a result of a threesome (without Walden and Alan's knowledge).

During their time at the bar with Alan and Walden, Jenny shares her journey of realizing her sexual orientation, being referred to as a 'lesbian zombie' by Walden. Later, after picking up one girl from the bar, she wakes up with a different woman. As the episode progresses, Jenny flirts with the woman Alan attempted to sleep with, adopting a 'zombie' persona to add to the effect.

Lyndsey convinces Jenny to have a threesome with her and Larry. Jenny jokingly tells her shocked uncle that she plans to have an affair with his girlfriend.

Jenny becomes upset when a one-night stand named Brooke decides to leave her, leaving her with a fake phone number. Jenny is surprised by the reversal of roles but finds herself intrigued by Brooke for the challenge she presents. This leads Walden to arrange a second date with Brooke for Jenny. Brooke agrees to another date, despite Jenny's nervousness, which leads her to become intoxicated and eventually fall asleep on the couch. When Walden arrives at the door, he finds Brooke, who is also drunk, sitting on the couch with Jenny. This moment is captured on camera, suggesting they did sleep together.

Brooke is eager to deepen her connection with Jenny. However, Jenny is hesitant to share the real details of her life and history with Brooke. During a hike, Alan reveals to her that Charlie struggles with opening up to potential partners due to his fear of being rejected. The scene shifts when Jenny observes Brooke removing a tick from Alan's testicles. The episode concludes with Jenny unexpectedly declaring Brooke her girlfriend, which brings joy to both of them.

Jenny is thrilled when Marty announces his intention to propose to Evelyn. Following the proposal, Evelyn requests Jenny to be her maid of honor. The pair embarks on their honeymoon shopping. After Alan and Walden inform Evelyn that Marty has called off the wedding, Jenny emerges, having not been privy to the conversation.

Season 12

Jenny is surprised to receive a check from her father, who is revealed to be alive and sends her well wishes.