Subjective Reality

From The Character Database

Subjective Reality is the power to manipulate the boundary between reality and unreality. It allows the user to make fiction, fantasy, or imaginary concepts real, and to turn facts, entities, and events into unreality, making them vanish as if they were mere dreams or illusions.

Possible Uses:

  1. Immersion: The user's control over the boundary between reality and fantasy allows them to travel across it, enabling entry into any fantasy or imaginary setting such as books, comics, or movies.
  2. Existence Erasure/Nonexistent Physiology: By turning entities into dreams or illusions, the user can grant Nonexistent Physiology or even completely erase them from reality. Conversely, they can make fantasy, imaginary, and nonexistent beings real.
  3. Negation: By making a recent event unreal, the user can undo and erase any consequences produced by it, potentially negating attacks, injuries, and even death.
  4. Creation/Summoning: The user can create and manifest objects and entities that aren't real at all, existing only in the imagination and dreams of the user and/or other beings.


  • May be limited by the extent of what can be changed and the timeframe within which changes can be made.
  • Characters with certain forms of Transduality may be immune due to lacking the binary system of reality/unreality.