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Latest revision as of 04:03, 27 February 2025


Fake Frank was a major antagonist in The Filthy Frank Show, serving as a weaker yet still formidable imitation of Filthy Frank. A devoted follower of Chin-Chin, he was paid in chromosomes by the Dark Lord himself to impersonate the real Frank while he was banished to the Rice Fields. His exact origins remain unknown, though it is possible that Chin-Chin created him. For most of 2015 and 2016, Fake Frank took over the show in Frank’s absence until he met his end at the hands of Mr. Negi Generation 3000 in FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN CHIN.

Names Fake Frank
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Chin-Chin Henchman
Origin The Filthy Frank Show: TOILET SRIRACHA SHRIMP (June 25, 2015)
Alignment Evil
Age Not Stated
Created By George "Joji" Miller
Height 173 cm (5ft 8in)
Weight 68kg (150 lbs) (10.7 st)
Personality Type ESTP, 7w6 (Enneagram)
Portrayed By George "Joji" Miller


As a lesser shadow of Filthy Frank, Fake Frank closely resembles him, mimicking his voice, attire, and mannerisms. However, the most distinguishing features of Fake Frank are his constant use of sunglasses or goggles and his signature WWII-era Japanese pilot’s cap, making him bear a strong resemblance to Kamikaze Failure Frank (who was actually the real Frank in disguise). Though his eyes are usually concealed, they were briefly visible in WHITE PEOPLE CLUB and Kamikaze Shots | 神風ショット after snorting salt. It is speculated that his covered eyes symbolize his connection to Chin-Chin.


While Fake Frank shares many of the real Frank’s personality traits, including his bizarre vocalizations and erratic behavior, he has several key differences that set him apart:

  • Blind Devotion to Chin-Chin – Unlike the real Frank, who eventually defied the Dark Lord, Fake Frank remained loyal. This is evident in LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 5, where he expressed frustration at Pink Guy for antagonizing the Tap Brothers, fearing Chin-Chin’s disapproval.
  • Claims of Immortality – In IT’S JUST A PRANK BRO, Fake Frank declares himself "immortal," while the real Frank, in ADAM SANDLER CONSPIRACY THEORY, describes himself as merely a "mortal with a few extra chromosomes." While his claim may be boastful, the fact that he survived Mr. Negi's first Negi Method suggests he possessed a significant level of durability.
  • Stronger Hatred for Animals – Fake Frank appears to despise animals even more than the real Frank, as seen in his early "animal abuse" videos like ILLEGAL CRAWFISH RACING OLYMPICS and RAT CHEF.
  • Preference for Human Companionship – While the real Frank enjoys the company of Lycra beings, Fake Frank prefers interacting with regular humans, as seen in his connections with Max, Ian, Chad, and Wheelz. This distinction is further reinforced by Pink Guy, who treats the real Frank with genuine camaraderie but harbors open hostility toward Fake Frank, frequently mocking him and recognizing him as an impostor.
  • Questionable Health – Fake Frank contracted 26 venereal diseases in 2015—potentially fewer than the real Frank.
  • Inferior Transportation Methods – Unlike the real Frank, who uses smoke portals to travel between realms, Fake Frank relies on vehicles such as helicopters, motorcycles, and toy cars. This likely stems from his weaker abilities, though it should be noted that the real Frank had mastered realm-hopping even before his empowerment.


Fake Frank made his debut at the end of TOILET SRIRACHA SHRIMP, appearing before Pink Guy and Red Dick in hopes of tasting the dish they had prepared. However, Pink Guy immediately saw through his disguise, recognizing him as an impostor. With Red Dick's help, he threw the food in the trash, leaving Fake Frank visibly dismayed.

Following this encounter, Fake Frank took control of the channel, producing most of the videos throughout 2015 and 2016 in place of the real Frank. However, Pink Guy never trusted him, treating him with open hostility. His suspicions deepened in A WAR IS COMING..., where he seemingly began to believe that the real Frank was still out there. In PEOPLE I HATE, Pink Guy exposed Fake Frank’s hypocrisy, pointing out that he was complaining on the internet about people who complain on the internet. Fake Frank, flustered and desperate to save face, tried to stop him, but Pink Guy only grew louder, forcing Fake Frank to shut off the camera in frustration. In I HATE FACEBOOK, Pink Guy outright referred to Fake Frank as an "asshole," despite being close friends with the real Frank. When Pink Guy told Fake Frank to run, he whispered, "I hate you" in the same manner he had whispered, "You're an impostor" upon their first meeting.

Fake Frank’s cover was further blown in I HATE VEGANS. At the end of the video, Veggie Cunt sniffed the air and immediately deduced that the Frank before him was an impostor, warning that the Peace Lords wouldn’t take kindly to such deception. Fake Frank ominously responded, "There will be a war," realizing that his façade was crumbling and that conflict was inevitable.

While waiting for the inevitable showdown, Fake Frank impulsively married Max in HUMAN CAKE, only to immediately attempt an affair with Chad, resulting in Max beating him mercilessly.

In CHIN CHIN’S RETURN, the real Frank revealed that Chin-Chin had sent Fake Frank to impersonate him "to keep the illusion that everything was okay."

The war Fake Frank had foreseen finally erupted in FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN CHIN. To prepare, he traveled to Realm 90 using a helicopter and a small toy car, seeking to recruit Wheelz for the battle. However, Wheelz refused to join him unless Fake Frank could defeat him in a game of basketball. Fake Frank lost miserably, prompting Wheelz to mock him with, "Steph Curry, my ass!" Enraged and humiliated, Fake Frank lashed out by insulting Wheelz’s disability and unleashing his army of rats to silence him.

The final confrontation took place atop Jew Central, where Fake Frank finally came face-to-face with the real Frank. He admitted that Chin-Chin had paid him in chromosomes to take over the show. When Mr. Negi Generation 3000, the Roast Lord, arrived, Fake Frank dismissed him—only to be struck by The Negi Method, an ultimate roast that left him spewing dark blood and crippled by traumatic flashbacks of Wheelz’s mockery. Though he survived the attack, he was left incapacitated for the rest of the battle.

After Chin-Chin fled, Fake Frank made one last desperate attempt to win, summoning his rat army to finish the fight. However, the Roast Lord intervened once more, delivering a second Negi Method with even greater force. This time, Fake Frank was killed instantly, finally putting an end to the impostor who had plagued The Filthy Frank Show for nearly two years.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: Unknown at least Low 2-C

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 4, 1) (Reincarnated After Getting Killed by Roast Lord), Technological Manipulation, Time Travel, Dimensional Travel, Acausality, Animal Manipulation (Has an army of dead rats), Summoning, Necromancy, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation Via Technological Manipulation.

Attack Potency: Universe+ level

Speed: Unknown | MFTL+ reaction speeds (Could React to Wheels)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Universe+ level

Durability: At least Universe+ level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Multiversal

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Genius level

Weaknesses: None notable


  • In I HATE VEGANS, Fake Frank claimed he wouldn’t eat vegetables, whereas in PINK GUY COOKS STIR FRY AND RAPS, the real Frank showed genuine enthusiasm for Pink Guy’s stir fry.
  • Fake Frank appears to have an unusual fascination with "boy pussy," as shown by his affectionate mention of it in POKÉMON GO IS THE END OF HUMANITY. This may also explain his decision to marry Max, along with his frequent choice of "trap attire."
  • Fake Frank is occasionally seen with his shirt covered in blood. This is likely due to the order in which the videos were filmed rather than having any actual relevance to the storyline.
  • Despite being described as a weaker shadow of the real Frank, Fake Frank managed to survive at least one roast from Mr. Negi Generation 3000. The attack reportedly applied approximately 4,669 kilosomes of straight fire directly to his dignity. What this suggests about the real Frank’s power remains unclear.
  • In LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 4, Fake Frank briefly removes his hat, revealing an afro underneath.
  • In I HATE FACEBOOK, Fake Frank admitted to frequently drinking his own semen, claiming it tastes like Slim Jim.
  • Also in I HATE FACEBOOK, Fake Frank suffered an extreme gas attack, which he attributed to "the undertow." Immediately afterward, he broke into a performance of Linkin Park’s Numb, implying he is a fan of the band.
  • In VOMIT CAKE, the real Frank appeared in the intro, but Fake Frank took over for the rest of the video. Whether this was an intentional swap or an editing inconsistency is unknown. One theory suggests Fake Frank may have felt uncomfortable wearing the real Frank’s glasses and swapped them for his signature Spider-Man sunglasses.
  • Fake Frank owned an airfield before his death, which was later taken over by Pink Guy.
  • In PEOPLE I HATE, Fake Frank expressed his disdain for people who self-diagnose.
  • Fake Frank became well-known for creating a downloadable package of green-screen clips for public use, which included iconic memes such as "It’s time to stop" and "IT’S JUST A PRANK BRO." These clips were widely used across YouTube and other platforms. His intent behind this was likely to further distance fans from the real Frank and establish himself as the show’s true icon.