Lifting Strength

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Lifting Strength refers to the ability of a character to support mass under the influence of gravity or to exert an upward force. This measurement includes feats of pushing, pulling, and lifting objects, taking into account the specific conditions and gravitational forces involved.

It's important to distinguish telekinetic or similar abilities from physical strength when assessing lifting feats. Additionally, throwing an object upward can also be considered a lifting feat, as it requires more strength than simply lifting the object due to the additional effort needed to achieve height.

Note: Lifting Strength should not be equated with Attack Potency, or Striking Strength; they represent distinct aspects of a character's abilities.

Lifting Strength Levels

Kilogram (force) Metric tons (force) Newton Explanation
Inapplicable - - - Self-explanatory.
Below Average Human 0-50 0-0.05 0-490.5 -
Average Human 50-80 0.05-0.08 490.5-784.8 The weight of an adult human, or a large dog.
Above Average Human 80-120 0.08-0.12 784.8-1177.2 The weight of a washing machine, or a tumble dryer.
Athletic Human 120-227 0.12-0.227 1177.2-2226.87 The weight of a mature lion.
Peak Human 227-545.2 0.227-0.5452 2226.87-5348.412 Olympic weight-lifters, professional strongmen, and powerlifters.
Superhuman ? ? ? Any level clearly above peak human that does not have an exact value. Effort should be made to calculate the true value based on feats, but until then this is a placeholder.
Class 1 545.2-1000 0.5452-1 5348.412-9810 The world record for deadlifting feats in real life.
Class 5 1000-5000 1-5 9810-4.905x10^4 Capable of lifting most cars, SUVs, vans, pickup trucks and trucks within the light-duty to medium-duty weight range, etc.
Class 10 5000-10^4 5-10 4.905x10^4-9.81x10^4 The weight of an adult elephant.
Class 25 10^4-2.5x10^4 10-25 9.81x10^4-2.4525x10^5 The weight of Big Ben (the bell), a truck, a large motorboat.
Class 50 2.5x10^4-5x10^4 25-50 2.4525x10^5-4.905x10^5 The weight of a semi-trailer truck
Class 100 5x10^4-10^5 50-100 4.905x10^5-9.81x10^5 The weight of a tank
Class K 10^5-10^6 100-1000 9.81x10^5-9.81x10^6 The weight of the largest animal: blue whale, the heaviest of air-crafts.
Class M 10^6-10^9 1000-10^6 9.81x10^6-9.81x10^9 The weight of the largest ship
Class G 10^9-10^12 10^6-10^9 9.81x10^9-9.81x10^12 The weight of the human world population, the largest man-made structures.
Class T 10^12-10^15 10^9-10^12 9.81x10^12-9.81x10^15 The weight of the heaviest mountains.
Class P 10^15-10^18 10^12-10^15 9.81x10^15-9.81x10^18 The weight of small moons or small asteroids.
Class E 10^18-10^21 10^15-10^18 9.81x10^18-9.81x10^21 The weight of the atmosphere of the Earth.
Class Z 10^21-10^24 10^18-10^21 9.81x10^21-9.81x10^24 The weight of large moons or small planets.
Class Y 10^24-10^27 10^21-10^24 9.81x10^24-9.81x10^27 The weight of larger planets.
Pre-Stellar 10^27-2x10^29 10^24-2x10^26 9.81x10^27-1.962x10^30 The weight a solid object can reach before the gravitational collapse to a small star.
Stellar 2x10^29-3.977x10^32 2x10^26-3.977x10^29 1.962x10^30-3.9x10^33 The weight of a smaller star up to the weight of stars at the theoretical accretion limit.
Multi-Stellar 3.977x10^32-1.6x10^42 3.977x10^29-1.6x10^39 3.9x10^33-1.569x10^43 The weight of stars at the theoretical accretion limit to the mass of the Milky Way.
Galactic 1.6x10^42-6x10^43 1.6x10^39-6x10^40 1.569x10^43-5.886x10^44 The weight of the Milky Way to the mass of the most massive galaxy.
Multi-Galactic 6x10^43-1.5x10^53 6x10^40-1.5x10^50 5.886x10^44-1.4715x10^54 The weight of the most massive galaxy up to the weight of the observable universe.
Universal 1.5x10^53+ 1.5x10^50+ 1.4715x10^54+ The weight of the observable universe up to any higher finite value.
Infinite - - - Infinite weight by 3-dimensional standards, provided that it's not hyperbole or refer to a continuously increasing weight (A limited weight that will grow forever in that aspect).
Immeasurable - - -

Lifting objects that transcend basic three-dimensional space, such as entire spacetime continuums or entities inhabiting qualitatively superior levels of existence, represents a scale beyond infinite mass. This includes characters capable of manipulating or moving constructs that surpass conventional material objects.

It's crucial to note that characters existing as living spacetime continuums do not inherently qualify for this classification. Spacetime itself lacks mass and does not interact with opposing forces unless specifically stated otherwise. Therefore, merely existing as a spacetime continuum does not provide a measurable value for Lifting Strength..

Note: The latter two levels are acknowledged as hypothetical and literally impossible in real life. Their significance lies in their value within their respective fictional universes and how their portrayal in one narrative context might compare or translate into another distinct fictional universe.