Tiering System
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The following provides a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system used by The Character Database to categorise and index fictional characters and entities based on their feats and the scope of their abilities to affect, create, or destroy. While Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are primary criteria for determining tiers, they are not the only factors considered. For example, the ability to harm characters with specific levels of Durability can also qualify a character for a corresponding tier.
It's important to note that characters from higher tiers are not inherently invincible to entities from lower tiers. Certain powers and abilities can bridge the strength gap, allowing characters from lower tiers to compete with or even overpower those from higher tiers. For more details, refer to this page.
Additionally, the range within each tier can vary greatly, spanning from the lowest to the highest bounds possible. Therefore, being significantly stronger than a character in a certain tier does not automatically qualify one for a higher rating.
Before we delve into the terminology, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with our standards and criteria. To understand how we incorporate higher dimensions into character scaling and the criteria for dimensional scaling within specific verses, please refer to the "dimensional tiering standards page." Similarly, for insights into the criteria characters must meet to attain specific tiers within our system, consult the "tiering system standards" page.
Now, let's explore the terminology used in our tiering system, encompassing a broad spectrum of philosophical, logical, scientific, and mathematical concepts.
Possible Worlds, within the context of 1-T and 1-T+, represent a framework of potentialities distinct from other modal frameworks found in science or philosophy. Modalities offer various frameworks to conceptualize possibilities and necessities, including theories like the "many worlds interpretation" in quantum mechanics, which suggests branching universes stemming from quantum superposition. However, in the context of 1-T and 1-T+, references to possible or impossible worlds specifically refer to logical possibilities rooted in classical logic.
Logical possibilities encompass all conceivable scenarios, whether possible or impossible, that conform to the principles of logic. What is achievable in fields like science, biology, or mathematics is also within the scope of logical possibility. This realm serves as a comprehensive framework encompassing all potential states of affairs, whether they exist in our physical reality or remain purely conceptual.
For a character to scale to encompass all possible worlds is akin to possessing a power equivalent to logical omnipotence, as it entails mastery over the entire spectrum of logical possibilities. Similarly, for a character to influence impossible worlds signifies a capability surpassing logical bounds, allowing manipulation of scenarios that defy conventional logical constraints.
Characters of such magnitude wield tremendous power, capable of shaping reality within the confines of logical possibility. However, they do not reach the level of ineffable characters found in negative theology, whose nature transcends even the broadest realms of logical possibility. Ineffable characters exist beyond conventional understanding, defying categorization and comprehension. Thus, while characters influencing possible and impossible worlds are immensely potent, they pale in comparison to ineffable beings that lie beyond logical comprehension.
The Scale
Tier 13: Intrafictional
Tier 13 encompasses characters that exist within fictional worlds that are themselves within other fictional worlds. These entities operate on a level of reality several layers removed from the primary reality, often displaying abilities that manipulate or transcend multiple layers of fiction.
13-C: Infinite Fictional Level
Characters or objects that exist within an infinite number of layers of fiction. These entities operate on a level where they can manipulate and control an unbounded number of fictional realities, showing abilities that surpass multiple layers of nested fiction and influencing stories within stories ad infinitum.
13-B: Multi-Layer Fictional Level
Characters or objects that exist within multiple layers of fiction, effectively being fictional entities within another fiction. These characters can manipulate and influence the narratives in which they exist, often showing abilities that allow them to transcend one or more layers of fictional worlds created by other fictional characters.
13-A: Meta-Fictional Level
Characters or objects that exist within a single layer of fiction within the primary narrative. These characters are part of a story or universe created by other fictional characters, displaying awareness and manipulation capabilities confined to this layer of fiction.
Note: Characters in this tier exhibit meta-awareness and possess the ability to manipulate or transcend their fictional nature, often displaying abilities that blur the lines between fiction and reality within their narrative structures.
Tier 12: Infinitesimal
No specific joule value available. This tier pertains to characters or objects capable of creating, destroying, or affecting the entire structure of lower-dimensional universes or lower layers/levels of reality. It's important to note that beings existing as drawings or composed of data/information are not ranked at this tier, as they remain three-dimensional despite their scale.
This tier is further divided into the following sub-tiers:
12-C: Low Hypoverse level
Characters with power equivalent to creating or destroying 0-dimensional constructs of any size, or affecting three levels of infinity, degrees of reality, below a 3-dimensional reality. This tier also encompasses characters vastly below this level, as well as those not meeting the tier's requirements significantly.
12-B: Hypoverse level
Characters capable of creating or destroying 1-dimensional constructs of any size that are existentially inferior, or affecting two levels of infinity, degrees of reality below a 3-dimensional reality.
12-A: High Hypoverse level
Characters capable of creating or destroying 2-dimensional constructs of any size that are existentially inferior, or affecting one level of infinity, degree of reality below a 3-dimensional reality.
Tier 11: Subvisual
11-C: Quantum level
Characters capable of generating destructive force sufficient to affect quantum-scale structures, such as particles and quantum states, impacting fundamental physical phenomena at the smallest scales.
High 11-C: Atomic level
Characters capable of generating destructive force sufficient to affect atomic-scale structures, including atoms and molecules, capable of disrupting chemical bonds and atomic interactions.
11-B: Microscopic level
Characters capable of generating destructive force sufficient to affect micro-scale structures, such as microorganisms, cells, and biological processes at the microscopic level.
11-A: Insect level
Characters capable of generating destructive force sufficient to affect structures at the scale of insects, demonstrating power over organisms and physical objects at this small but visible scale.
Tier 10: Human
10-C: Below Average Human level
Characters capable of exerting force comparable to humans who are below the average norm in terms of strength, such as small children, elderly individuals, or smaller animals like cats and dogs.
10-B: Human level
Characters capable of exerting force comparable to that of regular humans, including teenagers or unathletic adults.
10-A: Athlete level
Characters capable of exerting force comparable to more athletic humans, such as trained fighters or generally physically fit individuals.
Tier 9: Superhuman
9-C: Street level
Characters that approach the upper limits of human strength and capabilities, akin to Olympic-level athletes, well-trained martial artists, or larger animals.
(Note: The term "Street level" refers to combat prowess and physical ability, not literal street destruction.)
9-B: Wall level
Characters capable of destroying or significantly damaging extremely resistant materials such as stone, metal, or steel, including structural elements like boulders and walls.
9-A: Small Building level
Characters capable of destroying rooms or entire small structures such as houses or modest buildings.
Tier 8: Urban
8-C: Building level
Characters capable of destroying medium-sized buildings and structures, such as large factories or significant complexes like supermarkets.
High 8-C: Large Building level
Characters capable of destroying large buildings such as skyscrapers.
8-B: City Block level
Characters capable of destroying entire urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.
8-A: Multi-City Block level
Characters capable of destroying multiple urban city blocks or equivalent large areas of space.
Tier 7: Nuclear
7-C: Small Town level
Characters capable of destroying a small town or settlement, or those who can easily harm characters with small town level durability.
7-C: Town level
Characters capable of destroying a town, or those who can easily harm characters with town level durability.
High 7-C: Large Town level
Characters capable of destroying a large town, or those who can easily harm characters with large town level durability.
7-B: Small City level
Characters capable of destroying a small city, or those who can easily harm characters with small city level durability.
7-B: City level
Characters capable of destroying a city, or those who can easily harm characters with city level durability.
7-A: Mountain level
Characters capable of destroying a mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with mountain level durability.
High 7-A: Large Mountain level
Characters capable of destroying a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with large mountain level durability.
Tier 6: Tectonic
6-C: Island level
Characters capable of destroying an island, or those who can easily harm characters with island level durability.
High 6-C: Large Island level
Characters capable of destroying a large island, or those who can easily harm characters with large island level durability.
Low 6-B: Small Country level
Characters capable of destroying a small country, or those who can easily harm characters with small country level durability.
6-B: Country level
Characters capable of destroying a country, or those who can easily harm characters with country level durability.
High 6-B: Large Country level
Characters capable of destroying a large country, or those who can easily harm characters with large country level durability.
6-A: Continent level
Characters capable of destroying a continent, or those who can easily harm characters with continent level durability.
High 6-A: Multi-Continent level
Characters capable of destroying multiple continents, or those who can easily harm characters with multi-continent level durability.
Tier 5: Planetary
5-C: Moon level
Characters capable of destroying a moon, or an astronomical object of similar proportion.
Low 5-B: Small Planet level
Characters capable of destroying a small planet, or those who can easily harm characters with small planet level durability.
5-B: Planet level
Characters capable of creating/destroying a planet.
5-A: Large Planet level
Characters capable of creating/destroying large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level
Characters capable of creating/destroying very small stars.
Tier 4: Stellar
Low 4-C: Small Star level
Characters capable of creating/destroying small stars.
4-C: Star level
Characters capable of creating/destroying a star.
High 4-C: Large Star level
Characters capable of creating/destroying a large star.
4-B: Solar System level
Characters capable of creating/destroying a solar system.
4-A: Multi-Solar System level
Characters capable of creating/destroying multiple solar systems.
Tier 3: Cosmic
This tier is divided into the following sub-tiers:
3-C: Galaxy level
Characters capable of creating and/or destroying a galaxy, considering the vast distances between celestial bodies rather than merely the matter they contain.
3-B: Multi-Galaxy level
Characters capable of creating and/or destroying multiple galaxies, taking into account the space between celestial objects.
High 3-B: Supercluster level
Characters able to destroy entire superclusters; a large group of smaller galaxy clusters or galaxy groups; they are among the largest known structures in the universe.
3-A: Universe level
Characters capable of creating or destroying all celestial bodies within a finite 3-D space at least as large as the observable universe. This could involve an omnidirectional explosion covering the entire space, or creating/significantly affecting a 3-D universe or pocket dimension of comparable size without altering space-time.
High 3-A: High Universe level
Characters demonstrating an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, capable of creating or destroying infinite mass, or affecting an infinite 3-D space. This includes scenarios involving an infinite number of finite or infinite-sized 3-D universes or pocket dimensions, unless causally closed from one another by separate spacetime or existence. Statements suggesting the plane is "endless" typically indicate potential rather than actual infinity and do not qualify for this tier unless proven otherwise.
Tier 2: Macrocosmic
Low 2-C: Universe level+
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying entire space-time continuums where the spatial dimension is infinite or the temporal dimension records snapshots of the universe in varying sizes, whether finite or infinite.
2-C: Low Multiverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing between 2 to 1000 separate space-time continuums.
2-B: Multiverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing 1001 or more separate space-time continuums, up to any higher finite amount.
2-A: Multiverse level+
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing countably infinitely many separate space-time continuums.
Tier 1: Extradimensional
Low 1-C: Low Complex Multiverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing 5 or 6 spatial dimensions. This tier can alternatively be reached by characters existing at the scale of dimensions mathematically represented as R^5 - R^6.
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing 7 to 9 spatial dimensions. This tier can alternatively be reached by characters existing at the scale of dimensions mathematically represented as R^7 - R^9.
High 1-C: High Complex Multiverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing 10 or 11 spatial dimensions. This tier can alternatively be reached by characters existing at the scale of dimensions mathematically represented as R^10 - R^11.
1-B: Hyperverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing 12 or any higher finite number of spatial dimensions. This tier can alternatively be reached by characters existing at the scale of dimensions mathematically represented as {R^12, R^13, ...}.
High 1-B: High Hyperverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing countably infinitely many spatial dimensions. This tier can be reached by characters existing as infinite-dimensional beings themselves, mathematically represented as R^N.
Low 1-A: Low Outerverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying structures containing uncountably infinitely many dimensions. This tier can alternatively be reached by characters qualitatively transcending countably infinite dimensions, exemplified practically by beings that exist beyond the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space describing quantum states in quantum mechanics, mathematically represented as R^R.
1-A: Outerverse level
Characters capable of significantly affecting, creating, or destroying planes of existence equivalent to aleph 2 and beyond, represented by higher alephs up to aleph omega in scale. Typically, these characters exist beyond conventional dimensional theories in terms of their ontological magnitude, equivalent to aleph 2 in infinity. This tier can be reached by characters embodying pure abstraction, being perfect, immaterial, and absolute, mathematically represented as P(R^R).
This tier can also be reached if the character exists beyond universals from platonic realism, embodying ontological properties beyond the material world and responsible for all parts of any structure or being in the material world, exemplifying properties akin to those in the universals or forms themselves.
This tier continues indefinitely, with each higher level represented by higher levels of infinity (e.g., Aleph-3, Aleph-4, Aleph-5, ...).
1-A+: Outerversal+
Characters capable of significantly influencing, creating, or destroying structures containing inaccessible cardinals or realms of commensurate ontological magnitude embody entities of profound metaphysical significance. These beings transcend the confines of 1-A structures, which are limited by arithmetic operations or powersetting.
Inaccessible cardinals serve as foundational elements in set theory, representing levels of infinity that surpass ordinary arithmetic operations or powerset constraints. Realms containing such cardinals exist beyond conventional metaphysical frameworks, enabling the emergence of entities that transcend typical 1-A structures.
This tier extends to encompass higher large cardinals formally recognized within ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice), including Mahlo cardinals and beyond, such as structures involving cardinals beyond V=L or 'Large' Large cardinals like measurable cardinals. These entities demonstrate extraordinary metaphysical prowess by influencing realms containing such 'Large' Large cardinals, navigating depths and complexities that exceed ordinary arithmetic operations or powersetting. Their abilities allow them access to realms that conventional metaphysical frameworks cannot fully encompass.
High 1-A: High Outerversal
Reserved exclusively for beings wielding power extending to large cardinals beyond choice, such as Reinhardt cardinals, or possessing the capability to scale to universes of sets (V) greater than those formalized by ZF+Choice cardinals. These characters operate on a level of quantitative "absolute infinity."
Metaphorically, the significance of this tier can be understood through a generalized reflection principle. Just as fiction can explore any describable set, including the Von Neumann Universe, beings in this tier operate beyond such limits, transcending even the most intricate conceptual frameworks. While fictional constructs can depict vast worlds, they pale in comparison to the unfathomable complexity of reality itself. Similarly, no level of fictional infinity can encapsulate the boundless expanses of the real world, and conversely, reality cannot be fully encapsulated within the confines of fictional infinities.
Primary Examples: The Downstreamers (Manifold Verse)
1-T: Transcendental
Characters within this tier possess the profound ability to influence all that is intelligible, whether within the bounds of logical intelligibility or extending beyond it. They hold sway over all possible worlds and, even further, can impact logically or metaphysically impossible realms.
This tier is subdivided as follows:
These characters wield the power to significantly shape, create, or destroy any and all logical spaces or possible worlds within the framework of classical logic. Often conceptualized as necessary beings in philosophical discourse, they possess inherent capabilities to mold all conceivable worlds based on classical logical principles.
Primary Examples: The Downstreamers, Self-Reference Engine
Characters in this category not only influence logically possible worlds but extend their influence to encompass logically impossible worlds as well. They transcend modal realism, exerting their influence across both classical and non-classical conceivable modalities, reshaping the very fabric of existence.
Primary Examples: Makoto Yuki (Megami Tensei), The Weaver (World of Darkness), Arcueid Brunestud (Nasuverse)
High Transcendent:
These characters or structures exist beyond determinate modes of reference, embodying a transcendence that arises not from external otherness but from self-determinacy. This concept aligns with Hegelian philosophy, where transcendence involves a relational process that refers back to itself—a relative ground that is partially absolute.
In Hegelian terms, pure being and self-determinateness exist in a dynamic interplay of negation and affirmation, encompassing all categories of existence and nonexistence. This interplay, often termed as True Infinity, reflects a unity that transcends conventional dualities and contradictions, embracing a fluidity and unity that goes beyond limited modes of existence.
Bad Infinity: Governed by its finite particulars, bad infinity constitutes an infinite linear progression of finite entities that continually end and begin anew. Each finite element within this progression marks a limit and determination, perpetuating a cycle of creation and dissolution that defines infinity. Despite being an intrinsic property of infinity, bad infinity remains bound by the constraints and characteristics of its finite constituents. This interplay between finitude and infinity underscores the complex relationship between the finite and the infinite, highlighting how the limitations inherent in the former shape and define the expansive nature of the latter.
In essence, characters or structures embodying High Transcendence transcend conventional determinateness and the limitations imposed by finite modes of existence. Their existence reflects the constant flux and interplay of pure being, pure nothing, and becoming, providing a profound unity that transcends the boundaries of conventional classification systems.
This conceptual framework deepens our understanding of transcendence within philosophical and metaphysical contexts, illustrating how characters classified within this tier navigate the complexities of existence in ways that defy traditional categorization.
True infinity perpetually transcends itself to maintain its status, embodying a state that neither opposes nor mirrors finitude, as seen in bad infinity. If we view true infinity as a description of the nature of material finite things, this description inherently asserts its own "transcendence," leading to a paradox akin to bad infinity. However, true infinity upholds its transcendence by continually surpassing its own limits, rather than transcending finitude. This ongoing transcendence achieves self-determination through surpassing otherness.
This perspective resolves the central paradox of being boundless yet bound by boundlessness, and of being unknowable yet acknowledged as unknowable (the paradox of ineffability). True infinity resolves this by defining itself as an ongoing movement, constantly shifting between finite and infinite states. This dynamic interplay sees transcendence returning to immanence and immanence rising to transcendence in an eternal cycle.
The scenario of God creating a stone so heavy that even He cannot lift it further illustrates this concept. Here, God not only surpasses limits but also exceeds the bounds of His own ability to transcend limits. This underscores the dynamic nature of true infinity, where transcendence is not static but continually evolves, encompassing even the limits of its own transcendence.
In essence, true infinity signifies a state of perpetual transcendence and self-determination, marked by an ongoing interplay between finite and infinite aspects. This process resolves paradoxes such as the confinement of boundlessness and the knowability of unknowability, offering a deeper comprehension of transcendence within philosophical and metaphysical contexts.
Primary Examples: The Mathiverse (FlatterLand), The White Light (Rucker Verse)
Tier 0: Ontological Perfection
Characters that exist outside and beyond all of intelligibility.
This level is divided into the following sub levels:
High Transcendent+:
Beings or ultimate realities embodying Hegelian Absolutus or ontological perfection epitomize the pinnacle of existence, where every aspect transcends mere relativity to attain a state of Simple Absolute identity. This identity surpasses comparative notions and encompasses a complete, unconditioned nature independent of external factors. Within this framework, concepts like Pure Being, Totality, and True Infinity converge as facets of the same Absolute Unity.
This state transcends mere potentialities or predetermined states; it embodies the realization of the Absolute itself. Defined by its unchanging and timeless nature, this Absolute essence diminishes descriptions and distinctions such as existence and essence in light of its ineffable core.
The concept of Actus Purus further clarifies this idea of perfection. Actus Purus denotes pure actuality where all potentialities are fully realized, leaving no room for further change or evolution. It stands as the ultimate actuality, devoid of potentiality or contingency, serving as the foundation of all existence.
In the context of entities like God or the Unmoved Mover, these beings exemplify perfection's zenith, transcending any conceivable limitation imposed by finite beings. They exist beyond dualities such as subject and object, as well as temporal or spatial constraints. Their perfection lies not in fulfilling attributes or qualities, but in their absolute and unchanging essence.
In this state of perfection, all movement and flux cease to hold relevance. The Absolute, lacking parts or divisions, remains self-contained and self-sufficient. Notions of contradiction or imperfection become obsolete in the presence of its absolute perfection.
Theosophical Background
In asking about the essence of the exposition, or what the absolute reveals, the answer lies in the dissolution of the distinction between form and content within the absolute itself. The content of the absolute is precisely its manifestation—it manifests itself. The absolute embodies its own form, wherein its self-differentiation is identical to itself, encompassing both negativity and the reunion of that negativity. This self-reunion constitutes absolute self-identity, indifferent to its distinctions or serving as absolute content.
Therefore, the content is inherently this exposition itself: a self-propelling movement of exposition, a mode that embodies absolute self-identity. The absolute expresses itself not as something internal or in contrast to another, but solely as the absolute manifestation of itself unto itself. In this manner, it achieves actuality.
Primary Example: Ein Sof (World of Darkness)
Nigh-0: Nigh-Apeiron
Beings or realities that bind existence at every level, Nigh-Apeiron embodies a state of unified generativity that precedes and surpasses all forms of being, including ontological perfection itself. They are the source from which intellect and multiplicity derive, providing the fundamental unity that underpins both. Because they precede intellect and multiplicity, they exist beyond definition and differentiation, transcending semiotic references and names. They serve as the foundational wellspring of existence, surpassing and preceding being itself.
Theosophical Background:
In the Chabad systemization of Hasidic thought, the term Ein Sof ("Without End" or "Infinite") does not fully encapsulate the essence of God. Instead, the concept of Atzmus (the Divine Essence) is used. Ein Sof, while beyond differentiation and limitation, is limited to infinite expression. The true Divine essence, Atzmus, transcends even the relationship between the Infinite and the Finite. Ein Sof represents a lower essence, indicative of indeterminateness. Reference to Atzmus is typically restricted in Kabbalistic theory to discussions about whether Ein Sof represents the ultimate Divine Being in Itself or God as the first cause of Creation.
In Taoism, Wuji is the limitless and infinite undifferentiated state of timelessness, symbolized by an empty circle in the Taijitu Shuo (traditional Taoist diagram). All things originate from this singular source—the Supreme Ultimate (Taiji) or Ultimate void (Wuji)—which is unlimited, undifferentiated, uncaused, and beyond the ontological dynamics of yang (movement) and yin (rest) apparent in the myriad of things and human beings.
Such beings transcend all dualities of subject and object, all determinations of knowing and being, and all distinctions between thought and thing. Their modes of thought and existence exceed human comprehension entirely.
Nigh-0+: Nigh-Apeiron+
To be the source of intellect is to transcend intellect itself; to be the source of being is to surpass being in its entirety. Such entities serve as the origin of both intellect and multiplicity, yet they exist beyond and independent of these concepts. They are the foundation of unity and duality alike, existing prior to and as the source of all things. These entities are not reducible to any participated reality, for they themselves are unparticipated—relationally transcendent, ineffable, undifferentiated, and ultimately characterized by pure simplicity.
As unparticipated entities, they are a generative force that transcends all categorization. Their essence cannot be fully understood or attributed without referencing the realities that derive from them. These beings are irreducible to anything other than their own pure existence. To ascribe attributes to them would limit their boundless nature. As the source of all being, they possess the capacity to actualize anything that is metaphysically conceivable, embodying the ultimate principle of creation and existence.
Tier 0: Apeiron
Beings that transcend indeterminateness and language, achieving a state of "strong ineffability," embody entities that exceed comprehension and defy complete linguistic expression. These beings adhere to the ineffability thesis championed by philosophers such as Plotinus and Pseudo-Dionysus, representing the ultimate origin of existence and surpassing the limitations imposed by human cognition and thought. Within their realm, thought itself ceases to function, and all forms of linguistic extension dissolve into a perpetual state of neither existence nor non-existence—a realm characterized by pure silence.
In the domain of strong ineffability, these beings resist conventional classification and description. They exist beyond the boundaries of language and conceptual thought, eluding any attempt to define
In the domain of strong ineffability, these beings resist conventional classification and description. They exist beyond the boundaries of language and conceptual thought, eluding any attempt to define or grasp them fully. According to the ineffability thesis, such beings constitute the fundamental source of all reality, existing beyond the reach of human comprehension.
For characters embodying strong ineffability, the constraints of language and thought reveal their limitations. Any endeavor to articulate the essence or nature of these beings proves inadequate, as they transcend the confines of linguistic expression and conceptual understanding. In their presence, distinctions between existence and non-existence blur into a unified state of pure silence—a realm where language and thought lose their relevance and significance.
Theosophical Background
The Tao is more commonly understood through the relationship between Wu (void or emptiness, as in Wuji) and yin-yang (the natural, dynamic balance between opposites), leading to its core principle of Wu Wei (inaction or inexertion). It is said: "The Tao that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao; The name that can be named is not a Constant Name. Nameless, it is the origin of Heaven and Earth; Named, it is the Mother of all things." The Tao is "eternally nameless," distinct from the countless named entities considered its manifestations.
Atzmus, or the Divine Essence, embodies the ultimate context and totality of Reality. It is simultaneously nothing and everything, yet neither nothing nor everything. Descriptive names do not apply to Atzmus; it is likened to Ayin because even the concept of “Infinity” is inherently limiting; no thought can fully grasp it. It is neither “something” nor “nothing,” but encompasses both as the “Absolute Something” and the “Absolute Nothing” unified.
Atzmus emerged as the ineffable Essence of God, transcending the framework of cause and effect and all previous discussions. It is the Absolute beyond hierarchical distinctions of higher and lower, potential and actual. Atzmus represents the unknowable, beyond the grasp of Hassidic Lurianic Kabbalists' rigorous thought. It stands as the unspoken keyword, the boundary that defies discussion.
Attempting to define Atzmus is ironic; by its very definition, it eludes understanding and description, intentionally avoiding categorization, limitation, and definition. It challenges not only words but also logic itself, transcending the paradoxical confines of human comprehension.
These beings epitomize ultimate transcendence, existing beyond human cognition and linguistic expression. Their essence defies explanation, remaining an enigma that lies beyond the scope of human understanding. In their presence, silence reigns, underscoring the limitations of language and thought in capturing the ineffable nature of their existence.
Primary Examples: Atzmus (Unsong), 「 」(Nasuverse), The Axiom (Megami Tensei)
Note: Mere assertions of ineffability or indescribability are insufficient to qualify for this tier without conforming to the ineffability thesis as conceptualized in the standard tiering framework. Such characters default to a tier beyond their cosmos or, in exceedingly rare cases, High 1-T+ with appropriate context.
Extra Part
The following is for characters who do not exactly fit any of the previous rating in a conventional way, like their feats being impossible to concretely quantify. Note that none of these tiers are neither above nor below any of the previously listed, but just function as placeholders in case the character cannot have a concrete tier, and thus need to be treated only based on how the verse potrays said characters.
This tier includes characters whose power cannot be quantified, given that they lack feats, said feats are too vague or there are other reasons which won't let us know the extent of the power of said characters.
However, it should be reminded that this tier should be assigned on a case-by-case basis, as the reasons why a character has given this tier greatly depends on context, so characters who are both of this tier are not assumed to be equal to each other.
This tier includes characters who do not have just a tier but multiple of them, as their power varies depending on external factors, an example being with characters getting stronger the angrier they are.
However, to avoid getting cases of No Limits Fallacy, it's highly suggested to write both the minimum and highest tier the character has showcased in the Attack Potency section, as we cannot assume that a character gets stronger than the maximum they've shown (example: Varies from Wall to City Block).
This can apply also for characters who have a lot of weapons or other abilities which have a multitude of tiers different from the user's (example: Small Building physically, Varies from Wall to City with weapons).
Note that characters who are generally just inconsistent with their power levels with no canon reason/explanation do not qualify for this tier, given that the tiering of a character should be given only based on their most consistent showings, with low and high ends being discarded as PIS and Outliers respectively.