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Stamina, also referred to as endurance, denotes a character's capacity to maintain activity over extended periods, especially in challenging conditions.

It's crucial to recognize that stamina varies significantly between characters, influenced by their unique traits and circumstances. This diversity makes it challenging to establish a universal and consistent ranking system without defined standards. Therefore, assessing a character's stamina often relies on evaluating specific feats rather than applying generalized classifications.

Key traits discussed in this context include:

  1. Exertion of Energy: This refers to a character's ability to sustain combat performance without external resources like food or rest. Some characters exhibit extraordinary levels of self-sufficiency, enduring through battles that can span hours, days, months, years, or even millennia, though such feats are incomparable across different narratives.
  2. Pain Tolerance: Describes how much physical damage a character can endure and their ability to persevere through intense pain.
  3. Injury Tolerance: In fictional contexts, certain characters can continue fighting despite sustaining injuries that would be fatal to others, such as severe limb loss or broken bones. While this resilience may resemble type 2 immortality in extreme cases, it hinges on the temporary overcoming of injuries that would normally be fatal.

Stamina levels often reflect characters' exceptional willpower, sometimes augmented by supernatural or extraordinary mental fortitude. Mental resilience and the ability to withstand mental fatigue or psychological assaults can significantly contribute to a character's stamina.

It's important to note that exceptional stamina in one aspect does not necessarily imply the same level of stamina in others, highlighting the complexity and diversity of this characteristic across different fictional contexts.

Standard Guidelines:

To reiterate, these guidelines are meant to provide a framework and should not substitute for detailed explanations. Avoid using vague terms such as "high" or "very high."

  • Unknown: This category should be applied in cases of uncertainty or when no specific stamina feats are available for a character.
  • Below Average: Characters who tire easily and are incapacitated by minor exertion or basic injuries.
  • Average: Characters with stamina and pain tolerance levels typical of an ordinary human.
  • Athletic: Characters surpassing average human stamina and pain tolerance levels.
  • Peak Human: Characters capable of pushing their stamina to the limits of what a typical human can endure.
  • Superhuman: Characters whose endurance far exceeds human norms, enduring intense pain, injuries, and prolonged exertion.
  • Infinite: Characters with an inexhaustible reserve of energy, enabling them to engage in combat indefinitely. However, they may still experience debilitating pain and struggle with severe injuries.
  • Inapplicable: Characters not bound by the concept of stamina or similar limitations, such as those existing as souls, spirits, energy, or abstract notions. They do not require energy to sustain themselves, do not feel pain or struggle, and are unaffected by the concept of stamina.


  • Inapplicable stamina differs from Infinite stamina: Characters with Infinite stamina require energy to sustain themselves and may experience pain and struggle despite their endurance. In contrast, characters with Inapplicable stamina are completely unaffected by stamina-related concepts; they require no energy for combat and do not experience pain or struggle.