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Range is a measure that determines the effective distance covered by the attacks or abilities of a character, weapon, or entity.

Melee Range:
  • Below Standard Melee Range: 0 - 50 cm. Applies to small characters.
  • Standard Melee Range: 50 cm - 1 m. Applies to fighters using arms and legs primarily as weapons, including short melee weapons like daggers and knives.
  • Extended Melee Range: 1 - 3 m. Applies to fighters using long melee weapons or having attacks that extend beyond normal human reach, measured by adding the arm's length to the weapon's length.
Short Range:
  • Several Meters: 3 - 10 m. Applies to throwing weapons like shuriken, grenades, and long melee weapons such as spears.
  • Tens of Meters: 10 - 100 m. Applies to larger entities like giant mecha or kaiju, and the range of slingshots.
Medium Range:
  • Hundreds of Meters: 100 - 1,000 m. Includes the range of bows, crossbows, and average firearm firing distances.
  • Kilometers: 1 - 10 km. Comparable to the width of a city or the distance between cities, and the range of weaker nuclear explosions.
Long Range:
  • Tens of Kilometers: 10 - 100 km. Comparable to the width of a large city or the distance between cities, and the range of stronger nuclear explosions.
  • Hundreds of Kilometers: 100 - 1,000 km.
Planetary Range:
  • Kilometers to Planetary: 1,000 - 20,037 km. Covers distances from the Earth to the Moon and the diameter of Earth.
  • Stellar: 20,037 - 1,391,400 km. Includes the diameter of the Sun and distances within the solar system.
Interstellar Range:
  • Interplanetary: 1,391,400 km - 4.22 light years. Covers distances between planets within a solar system.
  • Interstellar: 4.22 - 50,000 light years. Includes distances to nearby stars and within the Milky Way galaxy.
Galactic Range:
  • Galactic: 50,000 - 2,500,000 light years. Covers distances within a galaxy like the Milky Way.
  • Intergalactic: 2,500,000 - 46.6 billion light years. Covers distances between galaxies.
Universal Range:
  • Universal: 46.6 billion light years and beyond. Encompasses distances across the observable universe.
  • High Universal: Attacks and abilities that can reach anywhere within an infinite 3-D space.
  • Universal+: Attacks and abilities that can reach anywhere within a single 4-dimensional space-time continuum.
  • Interdimensional: Attacks and abilities that extend beyond the conventional space-time of a single universe, accessing external pocket realities or parts of other universes, but cannot traverse universal distances or affect multiple realities simultaneously.
Multiversal Range:
  • Low Multiversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within two to one thousand 4-dimensional space-time continuums simultaneously.
  • Multiversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within 1001 or more 4-dimensional space-time continuums simultaneously.
  • Multiversal+: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within an infinite number of 4-dimensional space-time continuums simultaneously.
  • Low Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within spaces equivalent to 5 to 6-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R^5 to R^6).
  • Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within spaces equivalent to 7 to 9-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R^7 to R^9).
  • High Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within spaces equivalent to 10 to 11-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R^10 to R^11).
Extraversal Range:
  • Hyperversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within spaces equivalent to 12-dimensional real coordinate spaces and higher.
  • High Hyperversal: Attacks and abilities capable of reaching anywhere within an infinite number of dimensions of space and/or time (Hilbert space), whether countably infinite or otherwise.
  • Low Outerversal: Characters capable of reaching anywhere within a space that surpasses and encompasses all possible dimensional levels.
  • Outerversal: Characters capable of reaching realms qualitatively above all previously mentioned structures.
  • Outerversal+: Characters capable of reaching an infinite number of hierarchical steps above baseline Outerversal realms and structures.
  • High Outerversal: Characters capable of reaching realms or states completely beyond all 1-A hierarchies and their extensions.
Transcendental Range:
  • Transcendent: Characters capable of significantly reaching any and all logical spaces or classical logical worlds. They possess the inherent capacity to shape and mold all conceivable worlds within the framework of classical logic.
  • Transcendent+: Characters capable of profoundly reaching not only logically possible worlds but also extending their impact to encompass logically impossible worlds. They transcend modal realism, exerting influence across classical and non-classical conceivable modalities.
  • High Transcendent: Beings or structures existing beyond determinateness in relation to limited modes, achieving transcendence through self-determinacy. This concept aligns with Hegelian philosophy, where transcendence is a relational process that refers to itself—a relative ground that is partially absolute.
  • High Transcendent+: Beings or ultimate realities aligned with Hegelian Absolutus or ontological perfection, representing a pinnacle of existence where every aspect transcends relativity and attains Simple Absolute identity.
  • Nigh-0 (Nigh-Apeiron): Beings or realities that bind reality on any level, embodying generative unity that precedes all extensions of being, including ontological perfection itself. They are ineffable and undifferentiated, underlying the unity of intellect and multiplicity.
  • Apeiron: Beings transcending indeterminateness and language, achieving "strong ineffability" where they surpass understanding and the totality of linguistic expression. They embody the ultimate source of existence beyond the limitations of human cognition and linguistic representation.