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Speed refers to how fast a character can move within a certain timeframe. There are five main types of speed used for comparison purposes: Attack Speed, Combat Speed, Reaction Speed, Travel Speed, and Flight Speed. Typically, the term "Speed" refers to Combat Speed.

Attack Speed

This is the speed at which an attack travels. For instance, if Character X is hypersonic but can launch an attack that moves at the speed of light, the attack speed is lightspeed, even if the character's speed is not.

Combat Speed

This measures how fast a character can fight.

Reaction Speed

Reaction speed indicates how quickly a character can respond to an event or action, usually allowing only a brief movement. Several movements at this speed classify as combat speed. For example, if Character A shoots at Character B and Character B dodges, that is reaction speed. If Character B dodges a minigun attack after seeing it charge up, it is considered aim dodging, as they anticipated the attack. Reaction speed involves responding to an unforeseen or close-range attack and is often higher than movement speed.

Perception Speed

This is the time it takes for a character to notice an event or action. It does not enable movement but may allow the use of thought-based abilities. More details and a table of timeframes related to speeds can be found on the reactions page.

Travel Speed

This refers to the speed at which a character or object can move by running or similar means, excluding flight or teleportation.

Flight Speed

This measures the speed at which a character or object can fly over a distance, such as traveling from Earth to the sun.


Use this calculator to convert between different speed units.

Speed Levels

m/s Mach SoL km/h mph
Immobile 0 0 0% 0 0
Below Average Human 0 - 5 0 - 0.0145773 0% - 1.6678e-6% 0-18 0 - 11.1847
Average Human 5 - 7.7 0.0145773 - 0.022449 1.6678e-6% - 2.5684e-6% 18 - 27.72 11.1847 - 17.2244
Athletic Human 7.7 - 10.03 0.022449 - 0.029241983 2.5684e-6% - 3.34565e-6% 27.72 - 37.08 17.2244 - 22.436471
Peak Human 10.03 - 12.43 0.029241983 - 0.036239067 3.34565e-6% - 4.1462e-6% 37.08 - 44.748 22.436471 - 27.805118
Superhuman 12.43 - 34.3 0.036239067 - 0.1 4.1462e-6% - 1.14412e-5% 44.748 - 123.48 27.805118 - 76.7269
Subsonic (Faster than the Eye) 34.3 - 171.5 0.1-0.5 1.14412e-5% - 5.720624e-5% 123.48 - 617.4 76.7269 - 383.635
Subsonic+ 171.5 - 308.7 0.5-0.9 5.720624e-5% - 0.00010297124% 617.4 - 1110.6 383.635 - 690.542
Transonic 308.7 - 377.3 0.9-1.1 0.00010297124% - 0.000125854% 1110.6 - 1358.28 690.542 - 843.996
Supersonic 377.3 - 857.5 1.1-2.5 0.000125854% - 0.000286031% 1358.28 - 3087 843.996 - 1918.17
Supersonic+ 857.5 - 1715 2.5-5 0.000286031% - 0.000572062% 3087 - 6174 1918.17 - 3836.35
Hypersonic 1715 - 3430 5-10 0.000572062% - 0.00114412% 6174 - 12348 3836.35 - 7672.69
Hypersonic+ 3430 - 8575 10-25 0.00114412% - 0.002860312% 12348 - 30870 7672.69 - 19181.7
High Hypersonic 8575 - 17150 25-50 0.002860312% - 0.005720624% 30870 - 61740 19181.7 - 38363.5
High Hypersonic+ 17150 - 34300 50-100 0.005720624% - 0.01144125% 61740 - 123480 38363.5 - 76726.9
Massively Hypersonic 34300 - 343000 100-1000 0.01144125% - 0.11441248% 123480 - 1.235e+6 76726.9 - 767269
Massively Hypersonic+ 343000 - 2997925 1000-8740.3 0.11441248% - 1% 1.235e+6 - 1.0793e+7 767269 - 6706166
Sub-Relativistic 2997925 - 14989621.4 8740.3 - 43701.52 1%-5% 1.0793e+7 - 5.3963e+7 6706166 - 3.3531e+7
Sub-Relativistic+ 14989621.4 - 2.998e+7 43701.52 - 87403 5%-10% 5.3963e+7 - 1.079e+8 3.3531e+7 - 6.706e+7
Relativistic 2.998e+7 - 1.499e+8 87403 - 437015 10%-50% 1.079e+8 - 5.396e+8 6.706e+7 - 3.353e+8
Relativistic+ 1.499e+8 - 299792458 437015 - 874030 50%-100% 5.396e+8 - 1.079e+9 3.353e+8 - 6.706e+8
Speed of Light 299792458 874030 100% 1.079e+9 6.706e+8
FTL 299792458 - 2.998e+9 874030 - 8.74e+6 1x - 10x 1.079e+9 - 1.079e+10 6.706e+8 - 6.706e+9
FTL+ 2.998e+9 - 2.998e+10 8.74e+6 - 8.74e+7 10x - 100x 1.079e+10 - 1.079e+11 6.706e+9 - 6.706e+10
Massively FTL 2.998e+10 - 2.998e+11 8.74e+7 - 8.74e+8 100x - 1000x 1.079e+11 - 1.079e+12 6.706e+10 - 6.706e+11
Massively FTL+ 2.998e+11+ 8.74e+8+ 1000x+ 1.079e+12+ 6.706e+11+

Infinite Speed

Able to travel any finite distance instantly or move an infinite distance within a finite amount of time. Teleportation does not count. For more information, see the "Further Explanations" section below.

Immeasurable Speed

Movement that is unbound by the flow of linear time and cannot be measured. Since speed is defined as distance divided by time (S = D/T), if time (T) is undefined, the speed formula does not apply. This is also why multiple temporal dimensions grant immeasurable speed. For further details, see the "Further Explanations" section below.

Inaccessible Speed

Characters capable of moving in realms where time is at zero, such as realms outside of time or where time does not flow. This is different from resistance to time, and such feats must be critically analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

Irrelevant Speed

Characters that transcend the concepts of space and time entirely, existing beyond the conventional concept of speed and outside the parameters of the speed formula. This tier is reserved for characters at 1-A level or higher.


This is a state of being rather than a speed but has similar consequences for combat as a speed statistic. It applies to characters that exist throughout all of a given space and/or time. Each case requires detailed consideration, such as in which space the character is omnipresent and if they are omnipresent throughout time as well. Some characters may be omnipresent only in time, which should be noted as "Temporal Omnipresence" in the affected profile pages.


Exact Border Between Tiers

When tiers have overlapping values where the upper limit of one tier is the same as the lower limit of the next, the tier should be considered to end just before the next tier's lower limit. For instance, if one tier ends at 1 x Sol and the next begins at 1 x Sol, the first tier should be understood to end at 0.99999 x Sol, rather than exactly 1 x Sol.

Immeasurable Speed via FTL Travel

A common misconception is that entities with Immeasurable Speed via faster-than-light (FTL) travel should simply be considered FTL. The FTL tier means an entity can travel at speeds equal to or greater than 299,792,458 meters per second. This is not the same as overcoming the Planck constant or breaking the theory of special relativity. In some fictional verses, moving beyond the speed of light involves moving beyond linear time, leading to the misconception that FTL entities automatically have Immeasurable Speed. However, we do not treat FTL itself as Immeasurable Speed without demonstrating movement beyond linear time. Immeasurable Speed is about transcending linear time, not just surpassing the speed of light.

Does Speed Correlate with Dimensionality?

Speed is defined by the rate at which an entity covers distance, not by the number of spatial dimensions they occupy. Distance is a one-dimensional measurement, so it doesn't automatically become infinitely greater based on the number of dimensions in a given space.