Striking Strength

From The Character Database
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Articles about Statistics Explanation Pages TierAttack PotencySpeedLifting StrengthStriking StrengthDurabilityIntelligenceRangeStamina

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Striking Strength refers to the amount of physical force an individual can deliver in a single strike, essentially representing their physical Attack Potency. Unlike Lifting Strength, which measures static ability to support weight or mass, Striking Strength involves dynamic action, combining speed and mass to determine the force behind a character's attacks.

This category focuses on the power exerted during active combat or physical interactions rather than passive feats of strength. It necessitates a distinct classification system due to its reliance on factors like velocity and impact.

For more detailed explanations of these terms, please refer to our Attack Potency and Tiering System pages.

It's important to note that Striking Strength doesn't automatically scale from Attack Potency unless supported by specific feats. For instance, if a character can unleash an energy blast that vaporizes a city, their physical Striking Strength would only scale to that level if they can also physically harm opponents who withstand such an energy blast, and vice versa.

Consistent with Attack Potency conventions, a "+" sign is used to denote levels, such as "Mountain level+", not "Mountain+ level".

Striking Strength levels[edit | edit source]

Low Hypoverse level

Hypoverse level

High Hypoverse level

Quantum Level

Atomic Level

Micro Level

Insect Level

Below Average Human level

Human level

Athlete level

Street level

Wall level

Small Building level

Building level

Large Building level

City Block level

Multi-City Block level

Small Town level

Town level

Large Town level

Small City level

City level

Mountain level

Large Mountain level

Island level

Large Island level

Small Country level

Country level

Large Country level

Continent level

Multi-Continent level

Moon level

Small Planet level

Planet level

Large Planet level

Dwarf Star level

Small Star level

Star level

Large Star level

Solar System level

Multi-Solar System level

Galaxy level

Multi-Galaxy level

Universe level

High Universe level

Universe level+

Low Multiverse level

Multiverse level

Multiverse level+

Low Complex Multiverse level

Complex Multiverse level

High Complex Multiverse level

Hyperverse level

High Hyperverse level

Low Outerverse level

Outerverse level

Outerverse level+

High Outerverse level

Transcendent level:

Transcendent level+

High Transcendent level

High Transcendent level+
