Arthur Hawkins

From The Character Database


Professor Arthur Hawkins, known as Arthur Hopkins in the Japanese anime, is an American archaeologist, a close friend of Solomon Muto, and the grandfather of Rebecca Hawkins in the Yu-Gi-Oh Series

Names Professor Arthur Hawkins, Arthur Hopkins (アーサー・ホプキンス)
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Archeologist
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter 9: "The Cards with Teeth (Part 1)" 牙を持つカード〈前編〉Kiba wo Motsu Kādo <Zenpen> (May 1, 1997) (tankōbon volume)
Alignment Good
Age 70s
Created By Kazuo Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋 一雅)
Personality Type INTP, 9w1 (Enneagram)
Voice Actors Flag of Japan.png Japanese: Saburo Kodaka

Flag of United Kingdom.png English: Mike Pollock, Chuck Powers (Singapore)

Flag of Germany.png German: Jürgen Kluckert (seasons 4-5)


Arthur is a tall, slender elderly man with dark skin, light gray hair, thick eyebrows, and a gray mustache. He is usually seen wearing a suit, and his face shows prominent wrinkles, reflecting his age.


Arthur is a kind and wise man with a deep passion for history, particularly the origins of Duel Monsters. Much like Solomon Muto, he is fascinated by ancient stone carvings and dedicates much of his research to studying them. His love for discovery is evident in Waking the Dragons, where he remains resilient even after his research laboratory is destroyed.



Arthur and Solomon Muto first met in Egypt, where they shared a love for games and archaeology. After surviving a cave-in inside an ancient tomb, Arthur gifted Solomon a rare Blue-Eyes White Dragon card as a token of their friendship.

Duelist Kingdom

Arthur is referenced during Kaiba's attempt to purchase Solomon’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Solomon refuses to sell it, explaining that it was a treasured gift from a dear friend. In the manga and the first Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series, a photograph of Arthur and Solomon is visible as he says this.

Arthur makes a brief appearance after Rebecca duels Yugi Muto. Following the match, he challenges Solomon Muto to a friendly duel.

Waking the Dragons

Arthur plays a more significant role in the Waking the Dragons arc. He is first seen at the Domino Museum, researching the history of Atlantis and the Orichalcos. He provides Yugi and his friends with vital information about Dartz and helps uncover the location of Dartz's lair.

Later, Arthur is captured and knocked unconscious by Dartz’s followers. Though Yugi, Rebecca, and the others manage to rescue him, they discover that his research lab has been burned to the ground. Despite the setback, Arthur remains hopeful and continues assisting Yugi and his friends.

At one point, Arthur prevents Rebecca from joining Yugi on a dangerous mission, explaining that Yami Yugi has already lost someone dear to him and should not be burdened with protecting her. This upsets Rebecca, who storms off, feeling misunderstood. (In the Japanese version, she angrily calls him an "idiot," and Arthur remains silent afterward.)

Later, he witnesses Yami Yugi apologizing to Rebecca. He notes that she still harbors resentment toward Yami Yugi for what happened to Yugi and hopes that she will eventually move on. Arthur is later seen with Rebecca, anxiously awaiting news of Yami Yugi’s battle against Dartz.

Grand Championship

Arthur appears during the Grand Championship arc, mostly observing the events from the sidelines.

Ceremonial Battle

Arthur is seen alongside Rebecca as they reflect on Yugi and his friends.


Arthur’s Deck is seen in a flashback during Duelist Kingdom when Yugi and Rebecca duel. His original Deck was a Shadow Ghoul Deck, which focused on summoning Shadow Ghoul and boosting its ATK by filling the Graveyard with monsters. He later passed this Deck down to Rebecca, who adopted the same strategy.

Solomon Muto, watching Yugi and Rebecca duel, noted that their match was an exact recreation of his past duel with Arthur. Arthur also possesses an Ancient Deck, similar to Solomon’s, but it remains incomplete.