Yami Yugi

From The Character Database

Yami Yugi
It's time to duel!
― Yugi's catchphrase

Vital statistics
Names Yami Yugi, Dark Yugi, Nameless Pharaoh, Atem, Yami, Yu-Gi-Oh, Spirit of the Puzzle, Other Yugi, Other Me (by Yugi)
Gender Male
Race Human
Occupation Duelist, Pharaoh
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter 1: "The Puzzle of the Gods" かみのパズル Kami no Pazuru, September 14, 1996 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1992 #46)
Alignment Heroic
Age 15-16 (Mentally) Over 3000 / 5000 (4Kids dub)
Created By Kazuo Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋 一雅)
Height 153cm (5ft 0in)
Weight 42 kg (93.59lbs)
Personality Type ENTJ, 8w9 (Enneagram)

Yami Yugi (闇遊戯 Yami Yūgi), known as Dark Yugi in the manga and Japanese versions, and referred to as the Nameless Pharaoh, is the spirit of Pharaoh Atem (アテム Atemu), sealed within the Millennium Puzzle. He serves as the main protagonist of the original and second Yu-Gi-Oh! series alongside Yugi Muto.

Together with Yugi, he holds the title of "King of Games" (or "King of Duelists" in the Japanese version), having triumphed in tournaments such as Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, the Grand Championship, and Battle City V2 (in the GX anime).

After Yugi Muto solved the Millennium Puzzle, Yami Yugi took up residence in Yugi's body, taking control when Yugi or his friends were in danger. Once Yugi became aware of Yami’s existence, he could voluntarily relinquish control to the Pharaoh. The two would often converse in Yugi’s mind, discussing strategies and decisions during critical moments.


Yami Yugi’s character design was developed under the guidance of Kazuki Takahashi. Since he shares Yugi’s body, their appearances are similar, but Yami’s presence brings noticeable differences. He has a more mature demeanor, is taller, and possesses a deeper voice in the dub. In the Japanese version, the voice distinction is subtler. Yami’s eyes are sharper, more intense, and exude a determined gaze. His physique appears more muscular compared to Yugi’s.

Yami’s hair is striking and layered, featuring long blond, jagged locks in his fringe. Unlike Yugi, some of these locks curve upward. The rest of his hair consists of five large black spikes with red and magenta edges. Initially flowing freely in the manga, his hair became stiffer over time. While most illustrations depict him with purple eyes like Yugi, some manga covers show aqua-green eyes.

Yami’s wardrobe evolves throughout the series. At first, he wears Domino High’s male uniform, with a closed, buckled collar and large Ankh cufflinks, absent when Yugi is in control. Beneath the uniform, he dons a dark blue or purple leather jacket with gold-studded buttons, later replaced by a simple dark grey singlet during the Battle City arc. His uniform darkens when he takes control, and his footwear changes from Yugi’s sneakers to solid blue boots. Occasionally, he drapes his jacket like a cape, reminiscent of his attire as a Pharaoh.

Yami wears the Millennium Puzzle on a leather rope, later swapped for a chain. In various scenarios, his outfits include a sleeveless vest and wrist chains or a violet jacket and jeans in Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, where he also dons Duel armor.


Initially, Yami Yugi is a ruthless vigilante in the manga, punishing wrongdoers with brutal Penalty Games. Over time, as he bonds with Yugi and his friends, his caring and compassionate nature emerges. He is a powerful and skilled Pharaoh who uses Shadow Magic responsibly, in contrast to Yami Bakura and Yami Marik, who exploit it for personal gain.

Yami is reserved, initially keeping his existence hidden from Yugi and his friends. Though Yugi once feared him, he later acknowledged and accepted Yami as a friend. Yami’s protective instincts toward Yugi and his companions are unwavering.

Pride is both Yami’s strength and weakness. His refusal to lose leads to morally questionable actions, such as nearly causing Seto Kaiba’s death during a duel. Yugi occasionally restrains Yami’s darker impulses, though not always successfully. After using the Seal of Orichalcos and losing Yugi’s soul in a duel with Rafael, Yami is deeply remorseful. This event marks a turning point, leading him to overcome his inner darkness and embrace humility, learning the importance of loss as part of his growth.

Yami is intelligent, mastering complex strategies, game mechanics, and even modern technology like holographic systems and Duel Disks. His ancient wisdom complements his quick adaptability to new challenges.

Through his bond with Yugi and their friends, Yami learns the value of kindness, friendship, and unity. He recognizes that Yugi’s inner strength and compassion will one day surpass his own, affirming their deep connection. In the Japanese anime, Yami often refers to Yugi as "Aibou" (partner) or "Mou hitori no ore" (the other me), highlighting their shared identity.



Atem was born during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt as the son of Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, just before the creation of the Millennium Items. He would later ascend as Pharaoh and become the wielder of the Millennium Pendant. As Pharaoh, he was guided by his vizier Siamun Muran and supported by the six priests: Akhenaden, Isis, Kalim, Mahado, Seto, and Shada.

The Palace Battle with Thief Bakura

At the age of 16, Atem faced a dire confrontation when Bakura, the King of Thieves, invaded the palace. Bakura carried treasures looted from Akhenamkhanen's grave and even dragged the late Pharaoh’s mummy, seeking revenge for the atrocities committed to forge the Millennium Items.

Bakura, wielding the ka Diabound, defeated Seto’s Galestgoras and issued a challenge to Atem, wagering his life against Atem’s. He accused Akhenamkhanen of creating dark artifacts capable of summoning Zorc Necrophades, the great evil god. Angered by Bakura’s desecration of his father’s body, Atem personally retrieved the mummy, despite the danger.

Summoning the power of Obelisk the Tormentor, one of the three Egyptian Gods, Atem revealed himself as the chosen Pharaoh destined to wield the power of the Hidden Gods. Despite Bakura’s retreat, Atem vowed to protect the Millennium Items, honoring his father’s vision of peace.

Mock Battles

To prepare for future confrontations with Bakura, the priests engaged in mock ka battles. During one session, Atem observed Seto’s aggressive tactics, sacrificing allies to secure victory. Atem demonstrated that true power lay in unity and trust, defeating Seto’s ka, Duos, with Kuriboh’s unique ability to multiply and neutralize threats.

The City Battle with Bakura

When Mahado sacrificed himself to trap Bakura and merged with his ka to become the Dark Magician, Atem granted Seto the authority to lead troops in pursuit of the thief.

Atem later engaged Bakura in the city, summoning Slifer the Sky Dragon to combat Diabound. Prioritizing civilian safety, Atem endured strategic disadvantages but eventually lured Bakura into a tactical trap. Despite a fierce battle, Bakura outmaneuvered Atem, stealing the Millennium Pendant and leaving him to fall into a chasm.

The Battle at Kul Elna

Surviving the fall, Atem regrouped with his forces and led them to Kul Elna, the birthplace of the Millennium Items. There, they encountered malevolent spirits guarding the Millennium Stone. Atem confronted Bakura, who revealed that the Millennium Items were created through the massacre of Kul Elna’s villagers.

Distraught by this revelation, Atem questioned his father’s role, but Mahado reassured him that Akhenamkhanen had been deceived and succumbed to illness upon learning the truth. Despite Mahado’s efforts, Diabound grew stronger, absorbing the lingering souls of Kul Elna.

With the arrival of the priests, Atem prepared for the ultimate battle against Bakura and Diabound. However, Akhenadin betrayed them, using the Millennium Items to summon Zorc Necrophades, the embodiment of darkness. This set the stage for Atem’s most critical challenge as Pharaoh.

Battle with Zorc

In the final confrontation with Zorc Necrophades, Atem used his own life to seal the dark god. He invoked a powerful spell that split both Zorc's soul and his own, binding them within the Millennium Items. Atem’s soul was specifically sealed in the Millennium Pendant, which was later shattered and renamed the Millennium Puzzle. This sacred artifact was entombed alongside Atem in his final resting place.


Solomon’s Expedition

In the 1960s, Solomon Muto embarked on an expedition to the Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh. During this journey, his companion Ahmet betrayed him, seeking the tomb’s treasures for himself. Ahmet’s greed led to his demise when a monster spirit devoured him. Solomon, mistaken for Siamun Muran by the Pharaoh’s apparition, was rescued and escaped the tomb. He recovered the Millennium Puzzle and brought it back to Japan, where it eventually ended up in his game shop, Kame Game.

School Arc

Money and Knife

In 1996, Yugi Mutou solved the Millennium Puzzle under the stress of needing money to pay Ushio for his self-imposed "bodyguard" services. Solving the puzzle awakened the Pharaoh’s spirit, known as "Yami Yugi" or "the other Yugi," who lacked most of his memories. Unbeknownst to Yugi, Yami Yugi occasionally took control of his body.

Yami Yugi confronted Ushio in a Shadow Game called Money and Knife. Players had to pick up banknotes using a knife, risking injury. Ushio, overcome by greed, attempted to stab Yugi. Yami Yugi evaded the attack and punished him with the Illusion of Avarice Penalty Game, trapping Ushio in a hallucination where he believed trash and leaves were money.

Dice Game

A ZTV director attempted to exploit Yugi by staging a bullying incident for a documentary, Caught on Camera: School Violence. After his assistant attacked Yugi, Yami Yugi challenged the director to a dice-based Shadow Game. Yami Yugi rolled a 6 but insisted the director roll despite the apparent loss. The director, seeking to harm Yugi, threw the die at him. Yami Yugi deflected it with the Millennium Puzzle, breaking it into two pieces, which landed on 1 and 6, totaling 7. The director was subjected to the Mosaic Illusion Penalty Game, distorting his vision into pixelated fragments.

Silence Game

Sozoji, an arrogant and talentless singer, forced Yugi and Tomoya Hanasaki to sell tickets to his concert. When Hanasaki failed, Sozoji attacked him. Yami Yugi emerged and challenged Sozoji to a Shadow Game of silence, where the first person to make a sound would lose. Sozoji attempted to exploit Yami Yugi’s rising excitement, amplified by a microphone linked to nearby speakers. Ultimately, his own amplified heartbeat betrayed him, causing his loss. Yami Yugi punished Sozoji with a Penalty Game, amplifying the sound of his heartbeat to unbearable levels.

One Finger BATTLE!

When Téa Gardner was taken hostage by an escaped convict armed with a gun at Burger World, Yugi was forced to serve the man cigarettes and vodka. Yami Yugi took control and challenged the convict to a One Finger BATTLE! Shadow Game, where each participant could only use one of their ten fingers. Téa, blindfolded, overheard the challenge and noted the confidence in her rescuer’s voice, finding it uncharacteristic of Yugi.

The convict chose his index finger, intending to use it to pull the gun’s trigger. Yami Yugi selected his thumb and used it to flick a cigarette lighter. After lighting the convict's cigarette, he dropped the lighter onto the convict’s arm, which was soaked with vodka. The overflowing alcohol rendered it impossible for the convict to fire his gun without risking self-immolation. As Yami Yugi escorted Téa to safety, the convict accidentally dropped his cigarette, setting himself ablaze. Following this incident, Téa became fixated on discovering the identity of her mysterious savior.

Paper Crash!

Kokurano, a self-proclaimed psychic, attempted to charm Téa by predicting that a wonderful man would soon reveal himself, causing her to fall in love. Téa, still enamored with the idea of her Burger World rescuer, hoped Kokurano’s prediction referred to him. Kokurano, irritated by Yugi’s skepticism, prophesied that disaster would rain upon him in the form of falling letters. Later, Kokurano orchestrated this "disaster" by toppling bookshelves onto Yugi.

Yami Yugi emerged, realizing Kokurano was fabricating his visions. He rushed to save Téa, whom Kokurano had drugged with chloroform. Yami Yugi defeated him in the Paper Crash! Shadow Game, using Kokurano’s own bottle of chloroform as a weapon of justice. Kokurano was left unconscious, his fraud exposed.

Griddle Ice Hockey

At a school festival, Goro Inogashira's class sabotaged Yugi's carnival game booth to expand their okonomiyaki stand. Yami Yugi confronted Goro, challenging him to Griddle Ice Hockey, a Shadow Game played on an okonomiyaki grill with a puck made of ice encasing a chemical explosive.

Goro’s aggressive strikes made it difficult for Yami Yugi to keep up, but Yami Yugi strategically nicked the puck, causing the ice to crack with Goro’s next hit. The chemical leaked onto the hot grill and exploded, leaving Goro humiliated.

Dark Puzzle

During a desk inspection, Ms. Chono discovered Tristan’s love-themed jigsaw puzzle intended for Miho Nosaka. As she assembled the puzzle to uncover the sender’s identity and expel him, Yami Yugi turned it into a Dark Puzzle Shadow Game.

Ms. Chono experienced the pain she inflicted on others as she solved the puzzle. Upon completion, her makeup shattered, revealing her true appearance. Humiliated, she fled the classroom, abandoning her plan to expel anyone.

Coin in Sneaker

The Junky Scorpion shop owner sold Joey a rare pair of sneakers, only to have them stolen back by his Muscle Hunters gang. Yami Yugi returned to the shop and challenged the owner to a Coin in Sneaker Shadow Game.

The game involved retrieving coins from a sneaker containing a live scorpion. The owner, driven by greed, attempted to kill the scorpion and grab all the coins at once. His plan backfired as the scorpion stung him, leaving him severely poisoned while Yami Yugi recovered Joey’s shoes.

Duel Monsters

After Seto Kaiba stole Solomon Mutou's "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" card, Yami Yugi challenged him to a Shadow Game of Duel Monsters. During the duel, Kaiba cheated by secretly adding the stolen "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to his hand and summoning it. However, the "Blue-Eyes" rejected Kaiba’s control, as its loyalties remained with Solomon. The dragon destroyed itself rather than obey Kaiba’s command.

Yami Yugi used Monster Reborn to revive the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and turned it against Kaiba, securing victory. As punishment, Yami Yugi inflicted the Experience of Death Penalty Game on Kaiba. This caused Kaiba to believe he was trapped in the Duel Monsters Spirit World, where he experienced the terror of being killed by monsters.

Landmine Search Network

When Joey was abducted by Hirutani's gang, Yugi called upon the Millennium Puzzle to locate his friend. Yami Yugi found the gang’s hideout, a "torture chamber," and allowed himself to be punched to lure them into a puddle. Unbeknownst to the gang, Yami Yugi placed a metal bar under an unconscious gangster’s arm and suspended the Millennium Puzzle on a chain above the unconscious boy’s forehead.

Yami Yugi then challenged Hirutani's gang to the Landmine Search Network Shadow Game. He warned them of a "time bomb" beneath their feet, which would detonate if they failed to find the switch in time. Initially, the gang dismissed his claim as a bluff. However, Hirutani realized that activating their stun guns in the rain while standing in the puddle would result in electrocution.

Despite this realization, the gang assumed the stun guns were the switches and advanced to attack Yami Yugi without activating them. Yami Yugi reiterated that they had not found the correct switch. As the rainwater dripped from the Millennium Puzzle onto the unconscious boy’s forehead, he stirred awake. His arm moved, dislodging the stun gun, which fell into the puddle. This triggered an electric shock that incapacitated Hirutani and his gang, allowing Yami Yugi to save Joey.

Trial of the Mind

Shadi, the holder of the Millennium Key and Scales, encountered Yugi at a museum and learned he possessed the Millennium Puzzle. Using the Millennium Key, Shadi entered Yugi's mind but discovered two separate rooms: one filled with toys (Yugi's room) and another mysterious room belonging to Yami Yugi. Invited inside by Yami Yugi, Shadi introduced himself and declared his intent to test the Millennium Puzzle's power.

Yami Yugi challenged Shadi to a Shadow Game called Labyrinth Treasure Hunt. Shadi had to navigate a maze of doors and staircases within Yugi's soul to locate Yami Yugi's true room. Shadi accepted, boasting his ability to "redecorate" the minds he entered to control or change their personalities. However, the maze was filled with traps, leaving Shadi dangling over a bottomless pit. Yami Yugi saved him and advised him to leave, warning that this was just the beginning.

Later, Shadi possessed Professor Yoshimori at Domino University, manipulating him to torment Yugi's friends and provoke Yami Yugi. When Yoshimori failed, Shadi also possessed Téa, using her as a hostage to force Yami Yugi to a Shadow Game on the rooftop.

The Shadow Game: Trial of the Mind

Shadi placed Téa on a board suspended over the edge of the building, tied by ropes to four ushebti. Each ushebti would shatter if a weakness in Yami Yugi's heart was revealed. A fifth ushebti, representing Shadi's heart, held the Millennium Key and would restore Téa if it broke.

  • Stage 1: Hell Quiz Illusions of zombies emerged, grabbing Yami Yugi. Shadi presented the riddle: "What creeps on the ground and clings to the pillars?" Yami Yugi deduced that the zombies represented his shadow, solving the riddle and dispelling the illusion.
  • Stage 2: Concentration or Death Yami Yugi faced Ammit and nine face-down slabs. He had to find the unmatched image among four pairs of eyes, ears, nostrils, and arms. Realizing the odd image was Ammit's mouth, he solved the puzzle and survived.
  • Stage 3: Game of Death Yami Yugi faced an illusion of Joey in his former bully persona. They took turns tossing the Millennium Puzzle to direct each other's movement toward a bottomless pit. Suspecting the illusion might be the real Joey, Yami Yugi refused to play, trusting his friend. This caused the illusion to vanish.

As the last rope supporting Téa's board began to break, Joey, chased by the possessed Yoshimori, arrived and held the board up. Despite Yoshimori’s interference, Yami Yugi saved Téa while instructing Joey to use the Millennium Key to restore Yoshimori.

Shadi realized the true power of the Millennium Puzzle was unity among friends. Although defeated, Shadi was pleased to find someone like Yami Yugi, believing he could open "that door." Joey and Téa, unaware of Yami Yugi's existence, noticed Yugi's strange behavior but dismissed it as their imagination when Yugi regained control.

Maze of Fire

Tomoya Hanasaki, dressed as the hero Zombire, attempted to confront a gang that claimed to have kidnapped Yugi. The gang demanded a ransom from Hanasaki's father to stage a fake fight where Hanasaki could "defeat" them. Unable to pay, Hanasaki's father watched helplessly as the gang turned on his son. When Yugi visited Hanasaki's house, he learned the truth from Hanasaki's father and accompanied him to the gang's location. Arriving to see the gang attacking Hanasaki, Yugi transformed into Yami Yugi and intervened.

Yami Yugi challenged the gang to a Shadow Game. As the gang chased him, Yami Yugi laid down a trail of spray paint starting at a discarded cigarette butt. The smoldering cigarette acted as a fuse, igniting the spray paint to create the Maze of Fire. Trapped by the flames, the thugs fled into a nearby canal. Afterward, Yami Yugi consoled Hanasaki, encouraging him that he still had the potential to be a hero.


Capsule Monster Chess

Mokuba Kaiba sought revenge on Yugi for defeating Seto Kaiba and forced him into a game of Capsule Monster Chess. When Mokuba’s followers attempted to steal Yugi's Millennium Puzzle, Yami Yugi emerged to confront them. Mokuba had hoped for this, as he wanted to challenge the "other Yugi." Using a rigged dispenser, Mokuba ensured he received high-level monsters while Yugi got mostly weak ones.

Yami Yugi sacrificed his pieces strategically, luring Mokuba into aligning his monsters diagonally. He then activated the special ability of his remaining monster, "Torigun," which destroyed all monsters in a diagonal line, securing his victory. For the Penalty Game, Yami Yugi caused Mokuba to experience the illusion of being trapped inside a giant Capsule Monster Chess capsule.

Russian Roulette Dinner

Mokuba later invited Yugi and Joey to Kaiba Manor and tricked them into a game of Russian Roulette Dinner. Players spun a turntable to select meals, not knowing which were poisoned. Mokuba initially claimed the game was about finding hidden treasure, but after Joey ate a poisoned dish, the truth was revealed.

Yami Yugi emerged to save Joey, realizing Mokuba was cheating by using a syrup bottle as a hidden switch to control the table's spins. Yami Yugi smashed the bottle with the Millennium Puzzle, forcing a poisoned dish to stop in front of Mokuba. Mokuba's fear confirmed the dish was dangerous. Following the game's rules, Mokuba ate the poisoned meal, allowing Yami Yugi to retrieve the antidote and save Joey.

Death-T: Stages 1 to 3

The next day, Yugi and his friends entered Kaiba's deadly Death-T theme park, where each game was designed to eliminate them. In Death-T-1, they successfully cleared the challenge without Yami Yugi's help. During Death-T-2, Joey faced off against Chopman. Yugi's Millennium Puzzle flashed briefly, inspiring Yugi with a strategy that allowed Joey to triumph.

In Death-T-3, Tristan became trapped in a room of falling cubes. Distraught, Yugi confessed to Joey and Téa that he believed there was another presence inside him. He explained that ever since solving the Millennium Puzzle, he would black out at times and suspect he became someone else during those moments. Yugi feared his friends would think him strange and leave him, but Joey and Téa reassured him they would remain his friends, even if there was another Yugi.


In Death-T-4, Yugi faced Mokuba in a Capsule Monster Chess game using a Solid Vision Battle Box. As the game began, Yugi transformed into Yami Yugi, marking the first time Joey and Téa knowingly saw his alternate self.

Mokuba rigged the game to grant himself high-level monsters while Yami Yugi received weaker ones. Despite this, Yami Yugi strategically sacrificed several of his pieces to force Mokuba into positions advantageous to him. By using abilities like "Mogley" dodging attacks and "Ninja Squid" self-destructing to destroy Mokuba's monsters, Yami Yugi managed to evolve "Beeton" into "Hyper Beetle." Hyper Beetle cleared a path to victory, destroying Mokuba's final monster.

Kaiba, following Death-T's rules, inflicted the "Experience of Death" Penalty Game on Mokuba, surrounding him with horrifying Solid Vision monsters. Yami Yugi was shocked to see Kaiba treat his own brother this way and intervened, pulling Mokuba to safety. Grateful, Mokuba began to hope that Yami Yugi could restore Kaiba to his former self in the next stage.


In Death-T-5, Yami Yugi faced Kaiba in a Duel Monsters game using the deck Grandpa had entrusted to Yugi. Early in the duel, Kaiba used "Saggi the Dark Clown" enhanced with "Dark Energy" to gain an upper hand. Yami Yugi countered with "Gaia the Fierce Knight" but was soon overwhelmed by Kaiba's "Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

When Kaiba summoned a second "Blue-Eyes White Dragon," Yami Yugi delayed their attacks with "Swords of Revealing Light." He then realized that the three "Forbidden One" cards in his hand were key to summoning "Exodia." Remembering his friends' support, Yami Yugi drew the final piece of Exodia, summoning the unstoppable monster to obliterate Kaiba's three "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" and secure victory.

As punishment, Yami Yugi inflicted the "Mind Crush" Penalty Game on Kaiba, destroying the evil in his heart. This left Kaiba in a coma, tasked with piecing together his fractured heart. Mokuba, grateful for Yami Yugi's earlier assistance, called off KaibaCorp's guards and shared how his brother had changed over the years. Yami Yugi explained that once Kaiba reassembled his heart properly, he would return.

That day, Yugi became fully aware of the battles he and Yami Yugi had fought together.

Post Death-T: Find the Keyring!

Téa gave Yugi a "Lovely Two" love compatibility tester, which showed no compatibility between them. However, their teacher, Tsuruoka, confiscated the device, calling Yugi, Joey, and Tristan worthless. Yami Yugi emerged when Tsuruoka threatened to smash the tester and challenged him to a game. Tsuruoka devised "Find the Keyring!"—a challenge to find the hidden tester within an hour. Failure would result in the tester being destroyed, and the trio expelled.

Yami Yugi quickly deduced the tester was in the school building after examining Tsuruoka's outdoor shoes. With time running out, Téa handed Yami Yugi her "Lovely Two" device, hoping it would help. Yami Yugi reasoned that Tsuruoka had hidden the tester where he could monitor the hiding spot, leading him to the teacher's office. Tsuruoka's defensive behavior confirmed the tester's location on his person. Unable to directly prove this, Yami Yugi activated Téa's tester, revealing the noise from Tsuruoka's wig. Tristan and Joey retrieved the tester, exposing Tsuruoka's baldness and winning the game.

Red Paint Lottery

Joey participated in "The Get the Million Game," but Yugi overheard the producer and a technician rigging the contest for Joey to lose. Disgusted, Yugi transformed into Yami Yugi and challenged the producer to a game, threatening to expose the rigging if he refused. The producer sent the technician to compete in a 50-50 chance game called "Red Paint Lottery."

Each player pulled a rope, with one attached to a paint can. When the ropes were pulled, the paint landed on the technician, preventing him from rigging the show via the switchboard. The producer couldn't intervene either, as the paint obscured the color-coded switches. Yami Yugi inflicted the "Mind on Air" Penalty Game on the producer, exposing his greed. After Joey won the contest, the producer, driven mad, begged viewers for money on live TV, leading to the show's bankruptcy. Unfortunately, this rendered Joey's prize check worthless.

Monster Fighter

Koji Nagumo cheated against Yugi in a game of Monster Fighter by physically attacking him and stealing his equipment. Seeking justice, Yugi borrowed Joey's fighter, "Killer Emaada," and challenged Nagumo to a rematch, warning it would be a Shadow Game. Nagumo, misinterpreting this as meaning no rules applied, accepted the challenge.

In the first round, Nagumo attempted to punch Yami Yugi during the game but left his monster, "Wild Spider," vulnerable. Yami Yugi seized the opportunity, knocking "Wild Spider" out of the arena and winning the round. Nagumo felt the pain his monster should have experienced, collapsing before landing a hit on Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi explained that in this Shadow Game, players act as scapegoats, receiving their monsters' pain.

In the second round, Nagumo used a feint attack, catching Yami Yugi off-guard. However, Yami Yugi deactivated "Killer Emaada" just in time to avoid a critical hit. Using a similar feint, Yami Yugi aimed for "Wild Spider's" weak point, but Nagumo kicked him, gaining the upper hand. Nagumo's "Wild Spider" knocked "Killer Emaada" out of the arena, delivering multiple punches, which caused Yami Yugi to feel the pain.

Furious at Nagumo's foul play, Yami Yugi elevated the Shadow Game to Level 3 for the third round. As Nagumo attempted to cheat again, the stolen fighters and "Wild Spider" turned against him, restraining him for his betrayal. "Wild Spider" was replaced by Nagumo's own soul on the field, and "Killer Emaada" delivered the final blow, knocking him out of the arena. Yami Yugi emerged victorious.

"Time" Cards

Yugi and Téa visited Domino Park, where Téa tried to provoke Yami Yugi into appearing. During their visit, a bomb scare led to an evacuation, but Téa stayed behind, hoping Yami Yugi would save her. When Yugi learned from the police that a bomb was planted on the Ferris wheel Téa was on, he switched to Yami Yugi to help.

The bomber initiated a card game, "Time" Cards, which controlled the bomb. The game involved playing clock solitaire. Each time Yami Yugi revealed four cards of the same number, a car on the Ferris wheel with the corresponding number would be detonated. To win, Yami Yugi needed to reveal all four kings before matching the number of a car with passengers.

As time ran out, Yami Yugi successfully turned over the last king, defusing the bomb just in time. The police evacuated the passengers, and Yami Yugi identified the bomber as a passenger in car #13, the only safe car that provided a clear view of the game. Afterward, much to Yami Yugi's discomfort, Téa suggested continuing their date.

Dragon Cards

Imori, knowing that Yugi possessed the "powers of darkness" after solving the Millennium Puzzle, stole the puzzle to challenge him to a Shadow Game using Dragon Cards. Imori hoped to become the new "guardian of darkness" by defeating Yugi. Without the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi couldn't switch to Yami Yugi, leading to Imori's victory. Yugi's soul was trapped in a soul-eating jar, but when he touched the puzzle, Yami Yugi emerged, saving his soul from eternal entombment.

Yami Yugi challenged Imori to a rematch, with both players needing to collect three identical Dragon Cards to summon a dragon. The game progressed with Imori summoning powerful dragons, including "Shui Long" and "Mu Long," while Yami Yugi summoned "Tu Long" and "Jin Long." The two battled, with Imori trying to use water-based attacks to weaken Yami Yugi’s dragons, but Yami Yugi countered with strategic moves like creating dams and using ground shatter to defeat Imori’s dragons.

In the final showdown, Yami Yugi’s dragons emerged victorious. For Imori’s Penalty Game, his soul was sucked into the soul-eating jar, freeing Yugi’s soul. Yami Yugi sealed the Dragon Cards, hoping the game would never be broken again.

Super Yo-Yo

Nezumi tricked Yugi and Joey into Hirutani’s torture chamber, where Joey was surrounded by gangsters wielding yo-yos. They hung Yugi by the neck with the Millennium Puzzle’s rope. Joey refused to rejoin the gang and managed to free Yugi. Yami Yugi emerged, and he and Joey split up to take on the gang.

Yami Yugi led the gangsters onto a galvanized roof, challenging them to a yo-yo battle. He used his yo-yo to break holes in the roof, causing the gangsters to fall through as the roof collapsed under their weight. After Joey defeated Hirutani, he apologized to Yami Yugi for involving him in his troubles, but Yami Yugi assured him that Joey’s problems were his own as well.

Monster World

Yugi, Téa, Joey, and Tristan joined their new friend Ryo Bakura to play the tabletop role-playing game Monster World. Unknown to them, Bakura’s other self, Dark Bakura, took control of his body and turned the game into a Shadow Game. Dark Bakura trapped Téa, Joey, and Tristan’s souls in their avatar miniatures. Yugi, confident that Yami Yugi could save them, allowed himself to be trapped as well. This allowed Yami Yugi to emerge for the first time, and the group put their trust in him to lead them through the game and defeat Dark Bakura’s monster, Zorc, to free their souls.

Yami Yugi rolled critical hits to help his friends, including Tristan blasting off Zorc’s hand, Joey defeating an eyeball monster, and Yugi taming Zorc Arm Dragon as an ally. Both Yami Yugi and Dark Bakura realized they were manipulating the dice rolls. From then on, they agreed to play fairly.

The group advanced to Zorc Castle, where they found a suspicious tower. Yami Yugi tried to warn his friends, but they were trapped under a ceiling that required a specific dice roll to save them. After some failed attempts and an attack from Zorc, Yami Yugi successfully rolled the needed number to finish the column and save them. Dark Bakura retaliated with another powerful attack but was thwarted when Ryo Bakura, controlling his left hand, altered the damage calculation and kept the group alive with 1 HP.

Yami Yugi continued rolling critical hits as the group battled Zorc’s increasing strength. As Zorc’s power grew, Dark Bakura used brainwashed dice to control Zorc’s actions, but Ryo Bakura swapped the dice with regular ones, allowing Yami Yugi’s friends to make a counterattack. Yami Yugi and his friends gradually uncovered Dark Bakura’s weakness, realizing that Ryo Bakura’s soul could be used to interfere with his dice rolls.

After various strategic moves, including the help of a monster Yugi had tamed, Pokii, who held Zorc’s weak point open, the group successfully attacked Zorc, defeating him. However, Zorc transformed into his final form, Last Zorc, with even higher power. Despite the odds, Yami Yugi and his friends continued to fight, culminating in an attack that destroyed Zorc after a critical roll and teamwork.

Dark Bakura attempted a final self-destructive attack, but with the help of Ryo Bakura’s soul fragment sealed in the dice, Yami Yugi was able to shatter them. The dice were destroyed, and Ryo Bakura’s soul was freed, allowing him to return to his body through the white mage miniature. As the souls of Yugi and his friends returned to their bodies, Bakura created a diorama to commemorate the adventure, including a miniature of Yami Yugi holding a diorama of his own.

Duelist Kingdom

Maximillion J. Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, challenged Yugi to a Duel through a television, using what appeared to be a prerecorded tape of himself. However, when one of Yugi's cards was sucked into the TV, Yami Yugi realized the Duel was a Shadow Game, and he took control of the situation.

Yami Yugi VS Pegasus - TV Duel

Pegasus was able to predict Yami Yugi’s every move, seeming impossible for a prerecorded video. He insisted that Yami Yugi take part in his upcoming Duel Monsters tournament if he lost. Yami Yugi suspected subliminal messages in the video and chose not to Summon the Zombie "Undead Warrior," opting instead to play "Dark Magician" face-down. Pegasus summoned "Rogue Doll," which had an advantage over Zombies, but Yami Yugi's "Dark Magician" destroyed it. The fact that "Rogue Doll" was destroyed by "Dark Magician" suggested that Pegasus had anticipated this and knew it would happen when making the tape.

To put pressure on the Duel, Pegasus imposed a time limit. If there was no winner after 15 minutes, the player with the least Life Points would lose. Yami Yugi got ahead at one point, but he refused to defensively guard his Life Points, considering it cowardly. When the timer reached its final seconds, Pegasus had more Life Points. Yami Yugi attempted a final attack, but the timer ran out, and he lost the Duel.

Pegasus then revealed his Millennium Item, the Millennium Eye, which allowed him to use Mind Scan to read Yami Yugi's thoughts. He also used the Millennium Eye to suck Grandpa’s soul into the TV, giving Yami Yugi a Penalty Game and forcing him to enter the upcoming tournament.

Yugi began to sense Yami Yugi’s emotions, particularly his guilt over losing to Pegasus and the consequences that followed. Yami Yugi blamed himself for what happened to Grandpa and questioned how he could defeat an opponent who could read his mind. Despite these feelings, Yami Yugi decided to enter the tournament to save Grandpa.

Preparations for Duelist Kingdom

Shortly after, Yugi received his invitation to the Duelist Kingdom tournament. He learned of Joey's sister, Shizuka, who needed an expensive operation to restore her eyesight. Yami Yugi gave one of his two Star Chip entry items to Joey, so he could compete for the prize money to fund the operation. Over the next week, Yugi and Joey trained for the tournament.

As Yugi and Joey traveled to the tournament, they were joined by Téa, Tristan, and Bakura. On the boat to Duelist Kingdom, Weevil Underwood threw the "Exodia" cards, which Yami Yugi had used to defeat Kaiba in Death-T, overboard. Yami Yugi, furious, vowed to take down Weevil first once they arrived on the island.

When Pegasus explained the tournament rules, Yami Yugi realized that he and Joey needed to win their first Duels, as Star Chips would be wagered in each match, and they only had one each. He became suspicious of why a large island was necessary for the card game tournament, and he remembered Weevil mentioning that there would be new rules in the competition.

Yami Yugi vs. Weevil

Yami Yugi followed Insector Weevil into a forest, where he was challenged to a Duel. Wanting to quickly eliminate Weevil, Yami Yugi wagered his Star Chip and his life, intending to win both of Weevil’s Star Chips. The terrain around them reflected on the Playing Field, and Yami Yugi suspected that monsters would be powered-up by the field they were placed in. Aware that Weevil planned to use this against him, Yami Yugi countered by choosing a field that would power-up his own monsters.

With the terrain giving a boost to his Insect-Type monsters, Weevil unleashed a barrage of creatures and Set a Trap Card to destroy Yami Yugi’s monsters when they attacked. However, Yami Yugi countered by using "Mirror Force" to destroy Weevil's monsters, then withdrew his own with "Monster Recovery" and used "Kuriboh" to detonate Weevil's Trap with minimal damage.

Weevil then Set "Cocoon of Evolution" on his "Larvae Moth." Yami Yugi used "Burning Land" to remove the cocoon’s field power bonus, then attacked it with "Gaia the Fierce Knight" to force the moth to prematurely evolve into "Great Moth" instead of its ultimate form. "Gaia," unable to attack "Great Moth" directly due to the moth’s poison pollen, was weakened in the ensuing battle. Yami Yugi used "Magic Mist" to wash away the pollen, but "Gaia" was still defeated.

Despite this setback, the mist had dampened "Great Moth," so Yami Yugi played "Summoned Skull," whose lightning-based attack was empowered by water. "Summoned Skull" destroyed "Great Moth," defeating Weevil and eliminating him from the tournament.

Mai and Joey

Afterwards, Yami Yugi encountered Mai Kujaku, suspecting she might want to Duel him. However, Mai challenged Joey, preferring to win Star Chips from weaker opponents first. Though their friends tried to talk Joey out of accepting, Yami Yugi encouraged him to do his best. Joey was initially put at a disadvantage by Mai’s alleged psychic powers, but Yami Yugi reminded him of the riddle, “What is something you can show, but can’t see?” This led Joey to realize that Mai’s Aroma Tactics strategy was based on the scent of her perfume. Joey adapted to her tactics and ultimately won the Duel.


As Yami Yugi and his friends searched for food, they came across fish cooking over a fire on a cliff. After being persuaded by Joey and Tristan to steal the food, they discovered that it belonged to Mako Tsunami, who had left it there as bait for opponents. Mako shared the food with them but then challenged Yami Yugi to a Duel, with both players wagering two Star Chips.

Mako took advantage of the ocean terrain, hiding his monsters within the water and attacking Yami Yugi’s monsters on the wasteland portion of the field. Yami Yugi summoned "Silver Fang" and powered it up with "Mystical Moon," but Mako defeated it with "Leviathan," whose attack flooded most of the field. Yami Yugi summoned "Giant Soldier of Stone" to the remaining wasteland area, giving it 2600 DEF. As Mako’s monsters surrounded the land, Yami Yugi switched "Giant Soldier of Stone" to Attack Mode and attacked "Mystical Moon," destroying it. Without the moon to create high tide, the ocean receded, stranding Mako’s monsters. Yami Yugi then destroyed them with "Curse of Dragon" and "Burning Land," defeating Mako. The two players parted ways, wishing each other luck in the tournament.

Mokuba Kaiba's Attempt on Yami Yugi

Mokuba Kaiba, held captive by Pegasus, manages to escape and steals another Duelist's Deck. He seeks revenge for the humiliation Kaiba Corporation suffered after Seto Kaiba’s loss to Yugi and knows that Pegasus must defeat Yugi in order to take over KaibaCorp. Mokuba challenges Yami Yugi to a Duel, hoping to eliminate him before the finals. However, unable to defeat Yami, Mokuba steals two of Yami’s Star Chips to get him disqualified. Yami eventually convinces Mokuba to work together and return the stolen Star Chips.

Mokuba tries to return the first stolen Star Chip, but the Duelist from whom it was taken is already being shipped off the island. As Mokuba shows Kemo the stolen Star Chips, Kemo slaps them into the water, including two of Yugi's, and takes Mokuba captive. Yami challenges Kemo to a Duel for Mokuba's freedom, but Kemo doesn't Duel, instead arranging a later meeting with an opponent for Yugi.

Yami vs. The Mimic of Doom

Yami Yugi faces the Mimic of Doom, who initially disguises himself as Seto Kaiba. The Mimic claims that Kaiba is dead and that he is Kaiba’s ghost seeking revenge, or in the dub, Kaiba's evil half that Yami had sent to the Shadow Realm. The Mimic uses Kaiba’s Deck, including "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cards. Yami manages to defeat one of the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cards with his own tactics. Meanwhile, the real Seto Kaiba hacks into Pegasus' computer system, installs a virus into the second "Blue-Eyes White Dragon," and inspires Yami to bring back the first "Blue-Eyes" using "Monster Reborn" to transfer the attack power of "Mystical Elf" to it. In the Japanese anime, Yami uses the Millennium Puzzle to put the Mimic in a coma; in the dub, he drives all evil from the Mimic.

Yami Bakura's Trap

Yami Yugi and his friends, including Bakura Ryou, are trapped in Duel Monsters cards by Yami Bakura, who uses their Decks to Duel them. Yami Bakura Summons "Dark Magician," trapping Yugi in the form of the card. As the Duel progresses, Yugi’s friends see two Yugis for the first time—one controlled by Yami Yugi and the other by Yami Bakura. Yami Yugi is at a disadvantage, as he must focus on keeping his friends alive rather than winning the Duel. Yami Bakura plays "Change of Heart," taking control of Bakura’s soul. Bakura, however, refuses to turn his friends against each other and takes control of Yami Bakura’s "Lady of Faith," urging Yami Yugi to attack him. Yami Yugi refuses, then uses the Millennium Puzzle to switch the souls of the two Bakuras. Yami Yugi attacks, sending Yami Bakura to the Graveyard and winning the Duel. Afterwards, Téa, Tristan, and Joey are left wondering if it was all a dream.

Yami vs. PaniK

Yami Yugi then faces PaniK to win back Mai’s Star Chips, which she had lost to him. Yami believes PaniK to be a cowardly bully hiding behind defenses, and he defeats him in the Duel. However, PaniK doesn’t give up and attempts to use flame injectors to kill the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle. Yami protects himself with the Puzzle’s power and, in retaliation, inflicts a Mind Crush on PaniK, defeating him once and for all.

Yami and Joey vs. The Paradox Brothers

Yami Yugi and Joey are paired together in a Labyrinth Duel against the Paradox Brothers. The game is heavily skewed in the Brothers' favor due to the Labyrinth's design, but through teamwork, Yami and Joey manage to defeat them. Afterward, the Brothers offer them a challenge to find the correct path out of the arena, claiming that one brother speaks only lies and the other speaks only the truth. However, Yami deduces that both are lying, and with a clever trick involving a two-headed coin, Yami and Joey escape the Labyrinth. With this victory, they now have enough Star Chips to enter the finals.

Yami vs. Seto Kaiba

Yami Yugi is confronted by Seto Kaiba at the entrance to the castle where the finals are held. Kaiba, needing to defeat Yugi to face Pegasus, summons the "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon," overwhelming Yami. Yami shields himself using "Kuriboh" and "Multiply," weakening Kaiba's dragon with "Mammoth Graveyard." As Yami nears victory, Kaiba threatens to throw himself off the castle wall if Yami attacks. Yami continues the attack, but Yugi takes control, deciding to forfeit the Duel to save Kaiba from falling. Kaiba takes five of Yugi's Star Chips.

Yugi Regains His Spot in the Finals

Yugi regains his spot in the finals thanks to Mai giving him her excess Star Chips, in gratitude for Yugi winning them back from PaniK. Yami Yugi faces Mai in the first round but initially patronizes her, thinking of only facing Pegasus. This leads to some bad moves by Yugi. After a conversation with Mai about facing fears, Yugi lets Yami take control. Yami, with faith in his friends, summons the "Black Luster Soldier" and defeats Mai.

Yami vs. Joey in the Finals

Yami faces Joey in the finals. Despite being friends, both players hold nothing back. Joey puts up a tough fight, using everything he’s learned from the Yugis. Both players are emotional during the Duel, with tears flowing as Yami makes his final move to win.

Yami vs. Pegasus in the Finals

Yami proceeds to face Pegasus in the finals, with the souls of Grandpa and the Kaiba brothers at stake. Pegasus starts strong, using Toon monsters and his Millennium Eye to read Yami's mind. Yami and Yugi work together by switching control of Yami’s body, confusing Pegasus and hiding key cards like "Dark Magician" under "Magical Hats." Pegasus counters with "Magical Neutralizing Force," but Yami uses "Living Arrow," a card Yugi set, to destroy "Toon World" and "Mirror Force" to take out Pegasus' Toon monsters. Pegasus then brings the Duel to the Shadow Realm, where Yugi passes out from the pressure.

Final Battle: Yami's Resolve

Struggling to continue the Duel alone, Yami receives spiritual support from Grandpa’s vision and his friends' bond. Téa, Tristan, and Joey's spirits help Yami block Pegasus' mind-reading. Yami counters with "Dark Magic Ritual," combining it with other Magic Cards to summon "Magician of Black Chaos." This card faces off against Pegasus’ "Thousand-Eyes Restrict." Using "Multiply," Yami forces "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" to absorb a "Kuriboh Token," freeing his Magician. "Magician of Black Chaos" defeats "Thousand-Eyes Restrict," winning the Duel.

After the victory, Yami discovers Pegasus’ true intentions when Téa reads his diary. As the Kaiba brothers' souls are freed and the gang leaves, Yugi asks Yami his name. Yami reveals that he has been called many things, including Pharaoh and Yu-Gi-Oh, but he prefers the name "Yami."

Legendary Heroes

Mokuba Kaiba enlists the help of Yugi and his friends to save Seto Kaiba, who has been trapped in a virtual reality game by the Big Five. Yugi, along with Joey, Mai, and Mokuba, embarks on the mission to rescue Kaiba. Initially, Yugi plays the game, but after the fairy character Iru is eliminated, Yugi becomes upset and allows Yami to take over. With Yami’s leadership, they manage to summon "Dragon Master Knight" alongside Kaiba, using it to defeat the final boss, the "Mythic Dragon," and successfully save Kaiba.

Dungeon Dice Monsters

Yugi’s grandpa is worried about the new competition from the Black Clown store, which opens a new gaming business in Domino City. Yugi and Téa pass by the store on their way to school, and Yugi receives a flyer for the new game, Dungeon Dice Monsters. However, Téa pulls him away when he becomes flustered by the woman handing out the flyer.

At school, they meet Duke Devlin, the owner of the Black Clown, who becomes a new student. Joey, feeling jealous of Duke's popularity, challenges him to a Duel. Yugi protests the condition that both players must use Decks drawn from packs opened on the spot. Joey loses the televised Duel, and as part of the bet, he is forced to wear a dog suit and behave like a dog. Disgusted by this, Yugi switches to Yami, who challenges Duke to a Duel in Dungeon Dice Monsters instead of Duel Monsters. If Yami loses, he must give up his title as "King of Games."

Yami initially struggles with the unfamiliar rules of Dungeon Dice Monsters. Duke reveals that he designed the game with Pegasus’ help, blaming Yami for Pegasus’ disappearance after Duelist Kingdom. Yami, using his innate gaming skills, eventually turns the tables on Duke. He successfully summons "Dark Magician," which Pegasus had added to the game, and defeats Duke.

After the game, Duke expresses disappointment over his crushed dream, believing no one will want to play Dungeon Dice Monsters now. Yugi reassures him that the game is great, and his friends agree. Duke apologizes for his earlier behavior, and they end the encounter as friends.

Battle City

Yugi, concerned about Yami’s sadness regarding his unknown past, asks Téa to spend time with him to cheer him up. Yugi believes this will help Yami feel better, and he switches to Yami when they meet at the arranged location. Initially confused about the absence of a Duel, Yami soon becomes embarrassed upon seeing Téa standing before him. They spend the day visiting various shops and attractions before heading to an arcade. While there, Téa is challenged to a dance game by Johnny Steps, who later demands a rematch. He claims that if Téa loses, she must become his girlfriend. Yami steps in, offering to Duel Johnny instead. He insists that if he wins, Johnny must leave Téa alone. After revealing himself to be Yugi, Yami defeats Johnny, who surrenders and runs away. Téa encourages Johnny to keep trying and not quit.

Yami and Téa visit an Ancient Egyptian exhibition to learn more about Yami's past. There, they meet Ishizu Ishtar, who reveals Yami’s history as a pharaoh and advises him to enter the Battle City tournament to uncover more details about his past. She also warns of an impending danger.

Yugi is invited to participate in the Battle City tournament. During the preliminaries, Yami faces Seeker, a Rare Hunter, and wins back Joey's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon." He also learns that his adversary is Marik Ishtar. Yami attempts to return the "Red-Eyes" to Joey, but Joey insists that Yugi keep it, promising to take it back once he becomes a better Duelist.

Next, Yami faces Arkana, whose signature card is "Dark Magician." The Duel is set up with two saw blades moving closer to the players as their Life Points decrease. Yami wins the Duel and rescues Arkana from the blades.

Yami Yugi faces his first Egyptian God card in a Duel against Marik, who uses a puppet named Strings. Strings summons "Slifer the Sky Dragon" and creates a massive hand of cards. Yami manages to turn the strategy against Marik, forcing his opponent to Deck Out and winning "Slifer the Sky Dragon."

After his victory against Strings, Seto Kaiba challenges Yami Yugi to a Duel, but Yami postpones it to check on the safety of his friends, as Marik has threatened to turn them into Mind Slaves. Kaiba helps Yugi search for his friends, and they Tag Duel a pair of Rare Hunters, whom Kaiba quickly defeats with "Obelisk the Tormentor." Marik sends another pair of Rare Hunters, Umbra and Lumis, to Tag Duel Yugi and Kaiba. Their Decks are designed to counter the God cards, but Yami and Kaiba manage to work together and summon "Obelisk the Tormentor" again to win the Duel. After this, Yugi acquires enough Locator Cards to proceed to the finals.

Virtual World

While Kaiba’s blimp is en route to Alcatraz, Yugi, Kaiba, and the other passengers are rerouted to a hidden bunker operated by a boy named Noah. He traps them in a Virtual World, where they are separated and forced to Duel the Big Five, KaibaCorp’s former Board of Directors.

Yami Yugi finds himself trapped in a lockdown Duel against Gansley, who takes the form of the "Deepsea Warrior." Gansley’s abilities significantly damage Yami’s Life Points, but Yami’s Deck Master, "Kuriboh," saves him from losing both the Duel and his body. Yami uses "Rainbow Blessing" with Kuriboh to create a path for "Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight" to land the finishing blow, defeating Gansley.

Later, the Big Five, possessing Tristan’s body, challenge Yugi to a Duel. Joey volunteers to be Yugi’s Tag Team partner, and together they defeat the Big Five.

Yami then confronts Noah, who had kept Kaiba from defeating him by using Mokuba as leverage. Yami challenges Noah to a Duel, replacing Kaiba as his opponent. Despite Kaiba having only 400 Life Points while Noah has nearly 8,000, Yami combines Kaiba’s Deck with his own. Noah turns each of Yugi’s friends to stone with each passing turn that Yugi fails to defeat him. Yami, drawing strength from his friends, activates "Card of Sanctity" and draws a brand-new hand—one card for each of his friends. Using a One Turn Kill strategy with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon," Yami defeats Noah and restores Kaiba, Mokuba, and everyone else to normal.

After the Duel, Gozaburo Kaiba, Noah’s father, appears and reveals that Noah had been working for him, with plans to take over the world by sending it into the Virtual World. Noah initially betrays Yugi and the others, using Mokuba’s body to escape to the real world and planning to destroy the Virtual World with a missile. However, after a change of heart, Noah helps them by revealing the exit to the Virtual World. Yami Marik destroys the computer programming the missile, and the group escapes the explosion, with Noah returning Mokuba’s body just in time.

Enter the Shadow Realm

After escaping the Virtual World, the four finalists of the Battle City tournament—Yugi, Yami Marik, Joey Wheeler, and Seto Kaiba—compete in a 4-way Battle Royal to determine their matchups. Yugi finds himself pitted against Kaiba in a rematch of their Duel from Duelist Kingdom.

In their "Clash in the Coliseum," both Yugi and Kaiba summon their respective Egyptian God Cards, but neither God is able to destroy the other, resulting in a stalemate. The Duel intensifies after Yugi and Kaiba experience a flashback of Ancient Egypt, where their previous incarnations conducted a Shadow Game. As a result, both "Slifer the Sky Dragon" and "Obelisk the Tormentor" are destroyed, and the Duel continues with their ace cards—Yugi’s "Dark Magician" and Kaiba’s "Blue-Eyes White Dragon." When Kaiba summons two more "Blue-Eyes" using "The Flute of Summoning Dragon," Yugi considers forfeiting but is encouraged by Joey’s spirit to keep fighting. Yugi summons "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" and uses "Magician’s Selection" to destroy Kaiba’s "Lord of Dragons," weakening one of his "Blue-Eyes" enough for "Red-Eyes" to defeat it.

The Duel reaches a critical point when Kaiba forces it into a 6-turn showdown by reducing both players’ Decks to three cards. Kaiba summons "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon," but Yugi counters by summoning "Dark Paladin" and using "De-Fusion" to separate Kaiba’s monster into its components. The Duel ends with Yugi using "Diffusion Wave-Motion" to deliver the final blow. Yugi is awarded "Obelisk the Tormentor" as per the ante rule.

Yugi’s next Duel is against Marik in a Shadow Game, where the loser forfeits his alter ego. However, Marik warns that an innocent soul will be lost no matter the outcome—and if Yami Yugi loses, both he and Yugi will cease to exist.

Yami summons "Slifer" early in the Duel, but Marik counters by summoning "The Winged Dragon of Ra" and uses its "Point-to-Point Transfer" ability to try to defeat Yugi. Yami counters with "Fiend’s Sanctuary," a card Kaiba had given him, which would redirect all Battle Damage back to Marik if the attack succeeded. Marik negates "Ra’s" attack with "De-Fusion," and Yami uses "Fiend’s Sanctuary" with "Multiply" to summon "Obelisk" and attack directly. However, Marik’s strategy is not foiled, as he locks down Yami’s attacks using "Egyptian God Slime" and "Jam Defender," while reviving "Ra" with "Monster Reborn."

The Duel culminates with the destruction of both "Ra" and Yami Marik, thanks to Yami Yugi’s "Ragnarok" card. Marik regains control of his body and mind, forfeits the Duel, and destroys Yami Marik. As a token of gratitude, Marik gives Yugi "Ra," the Millennium Rod, and the Millennium Ring. Marik also reveals the hieroglyphs tattooed on his back, explaining that the "Secret of the Pharaoh" is written there, and only the rightful possessor of the Millennium Puzzle and the three Egyptian God Cards can unlock that great secret.

Yu-Gi-Oh! R

Project R.A

In this arc, Yako Tenma blamed the Yugis for the death of Pegasus during the Duelist Kingdom and took extreme actions to get revenge. He kidnapped Téa and used a Solid Vision projection of her to trick Yugi into believing she was real. Tenma then controlled a Solid Vision of himself to challenge Yugi in a Duel, where Yami Yugi summoned Slifer the Sky Dragon, but Tenma countered with The Wicked Avatar, a card he had created. The Wicked Avatar, a higher-ranked God card, destroyed Slifer and defeated it in battle. Tenma then disappeared the Solid Vision of Téa and informed Yami Yugi that she would be sacrificed for Project R.A., a project to resurrect Pegasus. He told Yami Yugi to come to KaibaCorp to save her.

Yami Yugi, accompanied by Joey and Tristan, traveled to KaibaCorp, where they were confronted by Deschutes Lew, one of the thirteen Card Professor mercenaries. Yami Yugi defeated him, earning a key card that allowed them to progress. Along the way, he faced several other Card Professors, including Tilla Mook and Kirk Dixon, winning each Duel and collecting more key cards to advance through the building.

In the final stages, Yako Tenma appeared and challenged Yami Yugi to a Duel, stating that if Yami Yugi won, he could see Téa, but if he lost, he would have to surrender his Egyptian God cards to Tenma. Yami Yugi faced Tenma’s perfected "Wicked God" Deck. Despite Summoning Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and equipping it with Lightning Blade, Yami Yugi struggled against The Wicked Dreadroot, which halved Valkyrion's ATK with its fear-based power. Yami Yugi attempted to counter with The Sun Dragon Ra, but Tenma negated the Summon. Tenma then powered up Dreadroot further, affecting even a God card with his Divine Evolution.

Determined not to give up, Yami Yugi summoned Arcana Knight Joker, negating Dreadroot's fear power with Spellbinding Illusion and eventually powered it up enough to destroy Dreadroot. However, before he could claim victory, the Duel was interrupted by Croquet, and Yako Tenma appeared on a screen to reveal that Yami Yugi had been dueling Gekko Tenma, Yako’s twin brother, who had been possessed. Yako then showed Yami Yugi Téa's soulless body and explained that the purpose of Project R.A. was to resurrect Pegasus using Téa’s body. Yami Yugi was given a way to contact Téa’s spirit through her card in his Duel Disk, and Téa's spirit encouraged him to keep fighting. Exhausted, Yami Yugi retreated into the Millennium Puzzle, vowing to save Téa.

In this arc, Yugi faced off against Depre Scott, but he initially refused Yami Yugi's help, wanting to duel on his own. After Depre had Yugi on the ropes, he urged Yugi to call out Yami Yugi. However, Yami Yugi assured Depre that Yugi would win without his interference. As the battle progressed, they were trapped by Gekko, and Joey opened the door for them to continue. They encountered Cedar Mill, where Yami Yugi summoned Slifer the Sky Dragon to defeat him, believing they were on a mission to stop Yako’s plans. Later, they ran into Bandit Keith, and Yami Yugi warned Joey of the danger, but Joey remained determined to defeat Keith himself.

After Joey's victory over Keith, the group made their way to the Apex Arena, where Yako Tenma and a defeated Kaiba awaited. Kaiba was prepared for Yami Yugi, knowing only he could defeat Yako. Yako, who had been working with his twin brother Gekko, criticized Yami Yugi for the death of Pegasus, despite not directly causing it, and refused to release Téa. He then invited Yami Yugi to face him in a Duel, with the stakes being Téa’s life.

In the Duel, Yami Yugi quickly gained an advantage, defeating Yako’s Beast King Barbaros with Arcana Knight Joker. However, Yako used the destruction of his monster to summon multiple weaker monsters and eventually brought out The Wicked Eraser, which grew stronger for every card on Yami Yugi’s field. Yami Yugi tried to stop it, but Yako sacrificed The Wicked Eraser to summon Gaap the Divine Soldier, triggering Eraser’s effect to destroy all of Yami Yugi’s cards, leaving him vulnerable.

Yako then summoned The Wicked Avatar to power up Gaap and reduced Yami Yugi’s Life Points to 300. Yami Yugi countered by using Union Attack, but Yako played Fiend's Sanctuary, reflecting Yugi’s form onto The Wicked Avatar. Yako believed that Yugi hated Yami Yugi, claiming that Yami Yugi had taken everything from him. This shocked Yami Yugi, but Yugi reassured him, stating that Yami Yugi had broadened his horizons and that they had gained many things together. This gave Yami Yugi the strength to retake control of the Duel.

Yami Yugi then summoned The God of the Obelisk, using Divine Evolution and its Soul Energy Max ability to power it up. This caused The Wicked Avatar to mimic Obelisk, and both Gods destroyed each other, freeing Téa and returning Yako to his normal self. Despite the Duel being over, Yako almost surrendered, but Gekko urged him to continue. They fought on even ground until Yami Yugi brought out his two Magicians to destroy Yako’s Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür, wiping out his Life Points. With Yako defeated, Yami Yugi ran to meet his friends as they arrived at the top of the building.

Pyramid of Light

After the events of Battle City, Yugi Muto is now the owner of all three Egyptian God Cards, earning worldwide fame for his impressive strategies and possession of such powerful cards. However, Seto Kaiba, frustrated by his inability to defeat Yugi and his Gods, turns to an unlikely source for a solution. He believes that since Maximillion Pegasus created the Egyptian God cards, he must have also devised a way to defeat them, just in case. Kaiba travels to Pegasus’s castle, where they agree to a high-stakes Duel: if Kaiba wins, he gets the card that can beat the Gods; if Pegasus wins, Kaiba must give up his three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Kaiba defeats Pegasus's Toons with his XYZ-Dragon Cannon but is confused when he discovers two cards instead of one that could defeat the Gods.

Meanwhile, Yugi, along with Téa Gardner, seeks refuge from an overwhelming crowd of duelists eager to challenge him for the Egyptian Gods. They stumble upon the Pyramid of Light at the Domino Museum, which resembles the Millennium Puzzle. Yugi's grandfather, Solomon Muto, reads an inscription from a sarcophagus, which triggers a vision involving the Puzzle, the Pyramid of Light, Anubis, and Kaiba. After Yugi wakes from the vision, he finds that the pyramid has been stolen and that Kaiba has summoned him to the KaibaCorp Duel Dome.

At the Duel Dome, Kaiba challenges Yami Yugi to a Duel, sealing the exits to ensure that Yami Yugi cannot escape. As the Duel progresses, Kaiba activates a Trap Card, the Pyramid of Light, which prevents Yami Yugi from using the Egyptian Gods. Kaiba summons Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but surprises Yami Yugi by sacrificing it to summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, which is even more powerful. The Pyramid also traps Yugi, Joey, and Tristan’s souls inside the Millennium Puzzle, where they are pursued by mummies controlled by an unknown force.

Despite being pushed to the brink of defeat by Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, Yami Yugi refuses to give up. Kaiba attempts to achieve the perfect victory by using the Pyramid of Light to remove the Egyptian Gods from play and summons Return from the Different Dimension to bring them under his control. However, as Kaiba commands Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon to destroy the Pyramid of Light, a ghostly voice declares, "This I cannot allow!" An Anubis figure emerges, taking over the Duel and revealing himself to be the Egyptian Lord of the Dead, who had been destroyed by the Pharaoh 5,000 years ago. With his powerful monsters, Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Teleia, Anubis traps the group inside the Puzzle and forces Yami Yugi to face him alone.

Yami Yugi, relying on his cards, draws Double Spell to discard a spell and activate Monster Reborn from Kaiba’s Graveyard, reviving Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. The dragon destroys the Pyramid and Anubis's monsters, but Anubis merges the fallen Sphinxes into a new, stronger form: Theinen the Great Sphinx. Yami Yugi activates Reverse of Reverse to use Kaiba’s Return from the Different Dimension, bringing the Egyptian Gods back to the field and defeating Theinen the Great Sphinx.

Anubis's final form appears as a giant jackal, but Kaiba and Yugi combine their efforts, channeling all their power into Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. Together, they use Shining Nova to destroy Anubis once and for all. At the last moment, Pegasus arrives in a helicopter to help them escape the explosion.

Waking the Dragons

After the Battle City tournament, Yugi visits a museum where Yami Yugi attempts to regain his memories by using the Egyptian God Cards with a tablet. However, they are unable to access the memories due to a dark force freezing the tablet and consuming the power of the God Cards. The situation is interrupted by real-life Duel Monsters appearing outside.

Later that night, a group of perpetrators break into Kame Game and steal the God Cards. Yami Yugi confronts one of them, Gurimo, who activates a field Magic Card called "The Seal of Orichalcos," trapping himself and Yami Yugi in a magical force field. Gurimo explains that the Seal cuts them off from the outside world, and only the winner of the Duel can escape its power, while the loser's soul is extracted to awaken the Great Leviathan. Gurimo summons "Obelisk the Tormentor," who is affected by the Seal. Yami Yugi defeats Gurimo, destroys "Obelisk," and seals Gurimo’s soul, but the God Cards are not recovered.

That night, Yugi and Yami Yugi awaken inside the Millennium Puzzle, where Kuriboh guides them to a portal into the Duel Monsters Spirit World. There, they meet Dark Magician Girl, who tells them about the Leviathan and urges them to pull a sword from a crystallized dragon. Yugi, revealed to be one of three chosen Duelists, releases the Legendary Dragon, Timaeus, who becomes a card in Yugi’s Deck. Using "The Eye of Timaeus," Yugi and Yami fight the Paradius organization, who is trying to awaken the Great Leviathan with the power of "The Seal of Orichalcos."

Later, Pegasus sends Yugi and his friends a videotape inviting them to Industrial Illusions headquarters in America to collect a card needed to defeat Paradius.

Rafael, believing Yami Yugi is an evil Pharaoh, targets him to take his soul. He challenges Yugi to a Duel, claiming he won't use "The Seal of Orichalcos," but later plays it, forcing Yami to take the card. Yugi warns Yami not to play it, but Yami, unable to win without using the card, activates it. As a result, "Timaeus" automatically leaves Yami’s field since it doesn't cooperate with the Orichalcos. The Seal corrupts Yami, who starts recklessly using "Catapult Turtle" to tribute his monsters in an attempt to damage Rafael's Life Points and win. Rafael uses Yami's strategy against him by summoning "Guardian Eatos," whose ATK increases with the number of monsters in the Graveyard, and defeats Yami. As "The Seal of Orichalcos" begins to take Yami's soul, Yugi decides to sacrifice himself in Yami's place, as the Seal only requires one soul.

Yami falls into a deep depression and guilt after what happened to Yugi, blaming himself for losing Yugi’s soul. As he continues his travels with Téa, they are separated from Joey and Tristan on a hijacked train by Rex and Weevil. Weevil, seeking revenge for his loss in Duelist Kingdom, challenges Yami to a Duel on the roof of the train, using "The Seal of Orichalcos." Yami’s Dragon, "Timaeus," refuses to assist him after Yami’s reckless actions in the previous Duel. Weevil manipulates Yami into believing he has permanently lost Yugi’s soul, pushing Yami into a berserk state. Yami recklessly attacks Weevil, even after Weevil’s Life Points drop to zero. Téa manages to stop Yami, pointing out that he’s already won, but it’s too late for them to escape. The train derails and falls off a cliff.

Yami and Téa are rescued by Ironheart, and Yami, ashamed of himself, lets Ironheart hold onto his "Timaeus" card. Ironheart leads them to a place of lost souls, where Yami confronts the spirits of evil Duelists he has faced. There, he finds Yugi’s spirit, who convinces Yami to Duel him. Yugi challenges Yami to prove his remorse by engaging in a Duel, using "The Seal of Orichalcos" against Yami, similar to Yami’s Duel with Rafael. Yami tries to reason with Yugi, but Yugi accuses him of never caring about others and having brought this darkness upon himself. Yugi uses monster sacrifices to challenge Yami’s doubts, but Yami triumphs by countering with "Divine Wind," defeating Yugi. However, Yami learns that Yugi had planned the Duel all along and was never under the influence of the Seal. Yami has overcome his mistakes and eliminated the darkness from his heart.

After Yugi vanishes, Dartz appears and summons an Orichalcos Soldier to Duel Yami. Yami struggles without "Timaeus," but Ironheart, Chris, and Skye sacrifice their lives to return the card to him. With the darkness erased, Yami summons "Timaeus" and fuses it with "l" to summon her evolved form, "Dragon Knight," which defeats the Soldier.

Yami and Téa reunite with the others, including Seto Kaiba, who has just escaped a rematch with Alister. Kaiba takes them back to Domino City, now overrun by Orichalcos Soldiers. Joey defeats Valon but loses his soul in a Duel with Mai. Mai, filled with rage and regret over leaving Joey for power, challenges Rafael to avenge Joey. However, she is defeated and loses her soul.

Yami prepares to Duel Rafael, who tosses him Joey’s "Hermos" card. Rafael uses "The Seal of Orichalcos" again, allowing "Guardian Eatos" to fall under its influence. Yami destroys "Eatos" with "Amulet Dragon," but the Seal begins to feed on Rafael’s anger. He summons "Guardian Dreadscythe," equipped with the "Reaper Scythe - Dreadscythe" card. Rafael, refusing to let his monsters go to the Graveyard in his vengeful desire to defeat Yami, tries to overcome him. Yami Summons "Eatos" back to his side, equips her with "Goddess Bow," and destroys Rafael’s "Dreadscythe." With Rafael freed from Dartz’s influence, he plays "Soul Charge" to revive his monsters, depleting his Life Points and losing on purpose. However, since Rafael has overcome the darkness in his heart, the Seal no longer has power over him, allowing him to keep his soul.

In the final Duel with Dartz, Yami and Kaiba team up to face the former King of Atlantis. Dartz, however, reveals the true extent of the power of "The Seal of Orichalcos," activating its higher levels—"Orichalcos Deuteros" and "Orichalcos Tritos." These cards give Dartz additional powers, including "Orichalcos Kyutora," which protects his Life Points from depletion, and the ability to increase his Life Points while disrupting his opponents' strategies with every passing turn. Dartz becomes nearly unbeatable.

Kaiba loses his soul due to the immense ATK of "Orichalcos Shunoros," but before that, he uses "Wish of Final Effort" to boost Yami's Life Points by the ATK of his destroyed "Mirror Force Dragon." Yami continues the Duel and activates a card that Pegasus had created to help battle Dartz—the "Legend of Heart." This card allows the three Legendary Dragons—Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos—to assume human form as the Legendary Knights. Yami sends them into battle against Dartz's "Orichalcos Shunoros" and later, his formidable "Divine Serpent Geh." With the help of the Legendary Knights, Yami eventually achieves victory, but not before the Leviathan seemingly swallows Dartz whole. Upon Dartz's defeat, the Legendary Knights return Yugi's soul.

In the final stages of the arc, Yami faces Dartz, who has merged with the Leviathan. Despite his efforts, the Leviathan proves too powerful and absorbs Yugi into its body. Yugi, inside the Leviathan, convinces the imprisoned boys and men whose dark feelings had fueled the Leviathan's power to remember the good things in their lives. This act of light causes the Egyptian Gods, whose souls Dartz had used as a tribute to accelerate the Leviathan’s awakening, to be released. Yami leaves Yugi's body to join the Gods in the battle. With the light of every boy and man imprisoned inside the Leviathan fueling the Gods, Yami finally defeats the Leviathan, and Dartz is restored to his human form.

However, the Leviathan's essence still lingers. Yami realizes that in order to fully defeat the Beast, he must confront his own darkness. Using the power of his light, Yami’s spirit destroys the Leviathan once and for all. With the Beast eliminated, Dartz behaves differently, and it is revealed through a flashback that Dartz, too, had fallen under the control of the Orichalcos, explaining his previous actions.

Grand Championship Arc

After defeating the threat of the Orichalcos, Yugi and his friends prepare to return to Domino, Japan, but they lack the airfare for the journey. Seto Kaiba offers to take them back, on the condition that they attend the KC-1 Grand Prix Championship, a tournament Kaiba is hosting to restore KaibaCorp's reputation after the interference of Paradius. The winner of the tournament will face Yugi Muto for the title of world Duel Monsters champion.

On the opening day of the tournament, while Yugi and his friends watch a Duel between Rick and the KC DuelTek 760, a hacker traps everyone inside the makeshift electronic stadium. The CPU opponent's difficulty level is set to its highest, and the only way to escape is to defeat the CPU in a Duel. Rick's Deck mostly consists of Dragon-Type Normal Monsters, with few Magic or Trap Cards. Yugi transforms into Yami, taking over the Duel, and uses "Heart of the Underdog" (a card Yugi had given Rick) along with "Spirit Ryu" to win and free everyone.

Though Yugi doesn't Duel much in this season, he cheers for his friends, especially Joey and Rebecca. He Duels and defeats Vivian Wong to cure Solomon Muto's back injury.

In the finals, Yami faces Leon von Schroeder, who is using the alias Leon Wilson. Leon reveals that his true motive is to earn the respect of his family, something his older brother Zigfried failed to achieve in his youth. During the Duel, Leon plays the illegal card "Golden Castle of Stromberg," which forces Yugi to discard half the cards in his Deck each turn and also infects the KaibaCorp computer system with a virus.

Yami quickly discovers the weakness of "Golden Castle of Stromberg"—he doesn't have enough cards left to discard half each turn. He manages to destroy the card and nullify the virus. Afterward, Yugi plays several Magic and Trap Cards and delivers the final blow using "Dark Magician," "Necromancy," and "Diffusion Wave-Motion," ultimately winning the Duel.

World of Memories Arc

As Yugi and his friends discuss going to the museum to recover Yami Yugi's memories, Téa expresses her concern that regaining his memories might cause Yami Yugi to forget the time spent with them. However, Yami Yugi reassures her that he would never forget them. At the museum, they meet Bobasa, who guards the Millennium Key and Scale. He tells Yami Yugi that he must journey to the Memory World. Téa buys Yami Yugi a cartouche pendant that he can use to write his real name once he remembers it.

By holding the three Egyptian God cards up to the Tablet of Lost Memories, Yami Yugi’s soul is pulled into the tablet, leaving no trace of him in Yugi’s body. Yami Yugi’s soul enters a table in the museum, where he plays the Ultimate Shadow RPG with Dark Bakura. The RPG is set in the Pharaoh’s Memory World, recreating the Pharaoh’s past through his and Zorc Necrophades’ memories. The game’s events mirror the past, but changes can be made. Yami Yugi’s characters include his ancient Egyptian self and his companions from his time as Pharaoh. Yugi, Joey, Téa, Tristan, and Bobasa enter the game as non-player characters (NPCs) to assist Yami Yugi, while a fragment of Dark Bakura’s soul aids Dark Bakura and Zorc.

Yami Yugi’s consciousness exists partly within the Memory World, where he relives the final moments of his life as Pharaoh, initially confused by what’s happening. He mistakenly calls Siamun Muran "Grandpa," and Siamun provides him with some context about his lost memory. The Pharaoh witnesses a ka battle and notes its resemblance to Duel Monsters, as well as the connection between Priest Seto and Seto Kaiba.

The Pharaoh relives his battles with Bakura, King of Thieves. However, before being defeated by Diabound and having the Millennium Pendant stolen, Yugi, Joey, Téa, and Tristan arrive to help. Yugi replenishes his ba gauge, allowing him to summon Ra and defeat Diabound. Yugi then explains to the Pharaoh that this is the world of his memories, and they are searching for his real name.

Dark Bakura is displeased with the changes in the events and uses one of his hourglasses to rewind time, using Zorc’s power. This time, Dark Bakura distracts Yugi and his friends, preventing them from saving the Pharaoh. Before encountering Spiria, the Pharaoh meets Hasan, who identifies himself as the one who watches memories and warns that a great battle is coming.

In the chamber at Kul Elna, as the Pharaoh and the priests battle Bakura and Diabound, Yami Yugi controls their actions in the RPG. Dark Bakura uses another hourglass to freeze time, allowing Akhenaden to collect the remaining Millennium Items and summon Zorc Necrophades. With Yami Yugi’s characters frozen and Zorc at full power, Dark Bakura only needs to attack to win. However, Yami Yugi suggests that Dark Bakura should have Akhenaden stop Zorc’s attack, as Seto, his son, would have prevented it. Dark Bakura offers to spare the attack if Yami Yugi gives him the Seto card, but Yami Yugi declines. Zorc attacks anyway, disregarding Akhenaden’s parental emotions. Just then, Hasan shields Yami Yugi’s team from the attack, and the attack’s power causes Bakura’s ability to stop time to end. They are transported to the surface for the battle.

Zorc kills Shada and Siamun, but Yugi and his friends arrive and are told to focus on the Pharaoh’s name written on the cartouche, which is the key to defeating Zorc. Yami Yugi reads the name "Atem" and summons the three Egyptian Gods, who combine to summon The Creator God of Light, defeating Zorc. However, Seto is missing, and when they return to the palace, they find Kisara dead, and Akhenaden possessing Seto.

A battle ensues between Akhenaden/Seto and Atem, with Akhenaden using The White Dragon and Atem using the Dark Magician (Mahado). Akhenaden is victorious, but Kisara’s ka enters Seto’s mind and kills Akhenaden. Atem then offers Seto the throne and returns to the real world, where he faces one final battle.

Ceremonial Battle Arc

After learning his true name, defeating Zorc Necrophades, and obtaining the seven Millennium Items and three Egyptian God Cards, Yami (Atem) is ready to depart the mortal world and join his faithful priests in the afterlife. To open the gateway to the afterlife, however, he must face one final challenge: a Duel known as the Ceremonial Battle.

Yami and his friends follow the Egyptian tradition that the Pharaoh must depart via a boat. Joey and Kaiba offer to face Yami in the Duel, but Yugi insists that he is the one who should battle Yami. Kaiba is initially skeptical, believing that Yugi would simply duel himself, and even angrily grabs Yugi by the throat. However, Yugi’s determination convinces Kaiba to let him proceed.

Yami leaves Yugi to think alone as he prepares a Deck for the battle. Yugi also constructs his own Deck, and they arrive at the Eye of Wdjat. In this sacred place, Yami and Yugi split into separate physical bodies to duel each other, neither holding back.

The Duel begins with Yami quickly Summoning the Egyptian Gods, but Yugi counters with his own strategies. Using "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior" and "Magnet Force," Yugi predicts Yami’s moves and redirects Slifer’s blasts, weakening and eventually destroying the Egyptian Gods.

As the Duel continues, Yami’s will is so powerful that he influences fate itself, drawing exactly the cards he needs at the right time. He Summons "Dark Magician," and Mahad takes form to protect the Pharaoh. Despite Yami’s strong efforts, Yugi destroys his key cards and moves closer to victory.

Yami attempts to end the Duel by reviving "Slifer the Sky Dragon" using "Monster Reborn," but Yugi had already anticipated this move. He reveals that the card he hid in the "Gold Sarcophagus" was also "Monster Reborn," effectively negating Yami's revival attempt.

As the Duel nears its conclusion, Yami is ready to admit defeat. Yugi hesitates to make his final attack, not wanting Yami to leave. Overcome with emotion, Yugi orders "Silent Magician" to attack, securing his victory.

Yugi falls to his knees in tears, feeling weak and doubting his ability to follow in Yami’s footsteps. Yami reassures him, reminding him that he is not a coward. He explains that Yugi has learned the principles of victory and that now, with him leaving, there will be no one else for Yugi to follow, only Yugi himself.

With a final farewell, Yami tells the Eye of Wdjat his true name, "Atem," and the gate to the afterlife opens. Yami’s friends try to persuade him to stay, but they ultimately come to accept that he must go. Yami bids them farewell and steps into the afterlife, where he is reunited with his ancient Egyptian friends and can finally rest in peace.

The Dark Side of Dimensions

In The Dark Side of Dimensions, Seto Kaiba is determined to reawaken Pharaoh Atem (Yami) to challenge him to a Duel once more. To achieve this, Kaiba creates a virtual version of Atem and works on reassembling the Millennium Puzzle, hoping to bring the Pharaoh back into the world of the living.

Atem is referenced several times throughout the story. Sera and Aigami both refer to Yugi as "the vessel of the Pharaoh," and Yugi’s emotional connection to Atem is evident when he holds his cards close to his chest, recalling the Pharaoh. Tristan observes that it’s impossible for anyone to forget Atem.

During a critical moment, when Joey is trapped in another dimension by Aigami, he sees a vision of Atem. Though startled, Joey is reassured by the vision and returns to his own dimension.

The Return of Atem

Atem makes his return during Yugi’s final Duel against Aigami, who is distorted by the Millennium Ring's influence. As Yugi nears the brink of disappearance, Atem takes over Yugi’s body, allowing the two to work together. They draw a new monster, "Palladium Oracle Mahad," which helps defeat Aigami, restoring him to his normal self. After the battle, Atem holds the Millennium Puzzle, separating from Yugi. They share a moment of silence before Atem returns to the afterlife with the Puzzle, ensuring that no one can use its power to bring him back.

Despite Atem's departure, Kaiba is relentless in his pursuit of another Duel. Using the Quantum Cube, he ventures to the afterlife in search of Atem. When Kaiba finds him, Atem greets him with a smile and stands, signifying that he is ready for whatever may come.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

In the series finale of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yugi transports Jaden Yuki to the past for a Duel, shortly after Jaden's victory in a second Battle City. During the Duel, as Jaden gains the upper hand, Yami takes over Yugi’s body and summons Slifer the Sky Dragon. Yami declares that only a god can face a Duelist as great as Jaden. Excited about facing a god, Jaden eagerly prepares for the next phase of the Duel. The episode ends with Yami, Yugi, and Jaden all smiling, signaling mutual respect and a strong bond between them.

Bonds Beyond Time

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time, set before the events of the Waking the Dragons arc, Yugi faces an adversary named Paradox, who comes from a dystopian future where Duel Monsters have been erased from existence. Paradox seeks to kill Pegasus to ensure that Duel Monsters are never created. Yugi is aided by Jaden and Yusei to prevent this from happening, and during the course of the battle, Yugi switches to Yami Yugi.

During the Duel, Yami uses several strategic plays, including summoning Dark Magician with the spell Ancient Rules, but is temporarily thwarted by the effect of Malefic Paradox Dragon. Yusei asks Yami to destroy Stardust Dragon, which Paradox had stolen. Yami plays Bond Between Teacher and Student, summoning Dark Magician Girl and using Magic Gate of Miracles to regain control of Stardust Dragon. After a series of intense plays, including a risky move with Dark Magic Twin Burst, they manage to destroy Malefic Paradox Dragon, but Paradox counters with Malefic Truth Dragon.

The trio struggles to avoid defeat, with Paradox wiping out their Monster Zones and summoning Malefic Stardust Dragon, which would potentially finish them off. However, Jaden activates The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh to reduce the damage to zero, allowing them to survive. Yusei then activates Stardust Mirage to revive all their destroyed monsters, and with the power of Stardust Dragon boosted by both Neos Spiral Force and Dark Spiral Force, the trio makes their final move, defeating Paradox.

With Paradox defeated, the timeline is restored, and Pegasus' tournament continues uninterrupted. Yami and Yugi bid farewell to Jaden and Yusei, hoping to meet them again in the future. It is implied that most of Yugi and Yami's memories of these events are erased, as the altered timeline is undone with Paradox's defeat.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 10-A physically. High 7-C with the Egyptian Gods. At least High 7-C with Horakhty | 9-C, 2-C via powers, higher after unleashing his name

Key: Manga | Anime

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Strength and Durability, Multiple Selves (Types 1 and 2), Soul Manipulation, Luck Manipulation (Can will the exact card he needs and or wants to draw) Sealing, Magic, Pocket Reality Manipulation (There exists a world of Atem's memories within the puzzle itself), Illusion Creation (Anyone attempting to piece together the puzzle may be shown a horrifying illusion) with the Millennium Puzzle. Illusion Creation Mind Control (Can cast out "Penalty Games" to people who failed to complete a Shadow Game), Empathic Manipulation (Shadow Games reveal a person's true nature) with Shadow Games, Clairvoyance with the Millennium Pendant, Summoning of ka and the Egyptian Gods. Light Manipulation, Resurrection

Attack Potency: Athlete level physically. Large Town level with the Egyptian Gods. At least Large Town level with Horakhty (One-shot Zorc) | Street level as Yami Yugi (Yami Yugi should be comparable to Atem), Low Multiverse level via powers (Can summon monsters with various degrees of power and amplify their power with his spirit energy up to the strongest monster he has in his deck, Was stated to have the strongest duel energy by Yubel) Street level (Comparable to Joey Wheeler and Bandit King Bakura), Low Multiverse level via powers (Is much stronger than his other self. Has the spirit energy to summon all of The Egyptian Gods. Referred to as "the Ultimate Duelist", by Future Yugi in GX), higher after unleashing his name (Was able to summon Horakhty who casually One-shot Zorc Necrophades upon being summoned)

Speed: Athletic Human | Athletic Human

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human | Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Athlete level (By himself) | Street level (By himself), Low Multiverse level with summons

Durability: Human level | Street level

Stamina: Superhuman (No matter the damage to his Ba, he will keep fighting until his Ba is depleted) | Peak Human (Can duel for various hours and continue dueling after a lot of physical abuse)

Range: Standard Melee Range physically; Tens of Kilometers with several monsters, spells, and traps

Intelligence: At least Gifted. A tactical fighter and leader.

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses. He can be led to making morally-questionable strategies, which might endanger his life if a friend of his is in danger, Duel Monsters´s Cards depend on canon to be applied to the real world, and sometimes his strategies might not go his way. He also needs a Duel Disk in order to "fight". The summoning of Ra and Horakhty require the use of summoning chants.

Standard Equipment: Duel Monsters cards, Duel Disk, Millennium Puzzle.

Monster Cards

  • Slifer the Sky Dragon
  • Exodia the Forbidden One (Lost)
  • Dark Magician
  • Dark Sage
  • Dark Magician Girl
  • Black Luster Soldier
  • Red Eyes Black Dragon [temporary]
  • Dark Paladin
  • Summoned Skull
  • Celtic Guardian
  • Kuriboh
  • Sorcerer of Dark Magic
  • Gaia The Fierce Knight
  • Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
  • Curse of Dragon
  • Jack's Knight
  • Queen's Knight
  • King's Knight
  • Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1
  • Beaver Warrior
  • Mystical Elf
  • Giant Soldier of Stone
  • Feral Imp
  • Alpha The Magnet Warrior
  • Beta The Magnet Warrior
  • Gamma The Magnet Warrior
  • Valkyrion the Magna Warrior
  • Gemini Elf
  • Buster Blader
  • Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
  • Berfomet
  • Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
  • Silver Fang
  • Zombyra the Dark
  • Torike
  • Archfiend of Gilfer
  • Breaker the Magical Warrior
  • Big Shield Gardna
  • Griffore
  • Horn Imp
  • Mammoth Graveyard
  • Koumori Dragon
  • Rude Kaiser
  • Catapult Turtle
  • Sangan
  • Skilled Dark Magician
  • Skilled White Magician
  • Zombie Warrior
  • Watapon
  • The Tricky
  • Mirage Knight
  • Seiyaryu
  • Electromagnetic Turtle
  • Des Volstgalph
  • Kuribee
  • Kuriboo
  • Kuribah
  • Kuribeh
  • Kuribabylon
  • Kuribandit
  • Old Vindictive Magician
  • Royal Straight Slasher
  • 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
  • Giant Rat [temporary]

Spell Cards

  • Gold Sarcophagus
  • Monster Reborn
  • Monster Reincarnation
  • Swords of Revealing Light
  • Mystic Box
  • Brain Control
  • Monster Recovery
  • Spell Shattering Arrow
  • Horn of the Unicorn
  • Mystical Moon
  • Multiply
  • Detonate
  • Makiu, the Magical Mist
  • Polymerization
  • Dark Magic Curtain
  • Thousand Knives
  • Double Spell
  • Ectoplasmer
  • Soul Taker
  • Pot of Greed
  • Card Destruction
  • Exchange
  • De-Fusion
  • Dark Magic Attack
  • Creature Swap
  • Change of Heart
  • Dark Hole
  • Graceful Charity
  • Premature Burial
  • Mystical Space Typhoon
  • Silent Doom
  • Magical Dimension
  • Book of Secret Arts
  • Reinforcements
  • De-Spell
  • Fissure
  • Magic Formula
  • Black Magic Ritual
  • Black Luster Ritual
  • Emblem of Dragon Destroyer
  • Soul Release
  • Exile of the Wicked
  • Heavy Storm
  • Burning Land
  • Magicians Unite
  • Card of Sanctity
  • Living Arrow
  • Diffusion Wave-Motion
  • Marshmallon Glasses
  • Necromancy
  • Emergency Provisions
  • Breath of Light
  • Quick Attack
  • The Shallow Grave
  • Five Star Twilight
  • Magnet Reverse
  • Time Travel
  • Fiend's Sanctuary
  • Brave Attack
  • Rainbow Blessing
  • Bounce Spell
  • Turn Jump
  • Rebellion
  • Magical Pigeon
  • Ragnarok
  • Mirage Spell
  • Magical Academy
  • Royal Straight
  • Berserker Soul
  • Altar of Restoration
  • Legend of Heart
  • Awakening from Beyond
  • Aria from Beyond
  • Tricky Spell 4
  • Spider Web
  • Ties of the Brethren
  • Excalibur
  • Spell Textbook
  • Hand Control
  • Underworld Circle
  • Dark Spear
  • Pump Up

Trap Cards

  • Obliterate!!!
  • Mirror Force
  • Magical Hats
  • Seven Tools of the Bandit
  • Call of the Haunted
  • Magic Cylinder
  • Dust Tornado
  • Spellbinding Circle
  • Shift
  • Lightforce Sword
  • Soul Rope
  • Ultimate Offering
  • Waboku
  • Reverse Trap
  • Trap Hole
  • Dragon Capture Jar
  • Chain Destruction
  • Dark Renewal
  • Skull Invitation
  • Nutrient Z
  • Magician's Circle
  • Collected Power
  • The Regulation of Tribe
  • Time Seal
  • Light of Intervention
  • Rope of Life
  • Mystical Refpanel
  • Zero Gravity
  • Horn of Heaven
  • Meteorain
  • Life Shaver
  • Black Illusion
  • Relay Soul
  • Magnet Force
  • Magician's Selection
  • Ground Erosion
  • Natural Selection
  • Disgraceful Charity
  • Ambush Shield
  • Reduction Barrier
  • Summoning Clock
  • Mirage Ruler
  • Guardian Force
  • Soul Shield
  • Dark Magic Retribution

Attacks and Techniques

Shadow Games: Shadow Games encompass a wide variety of games, ranging from those created entirely from scratch to those derived from existing games, such as tabletop RPGs. These games are layered with increasing complexity. In Stage One, the game’s challenges mainly affect the player's physical body, imposing costs or disadvantages. By Stage Three, cheating is strictly forbidden, with the game resulting in an instant loss for the violator. A Shadow Game can be initiated either at the beginning or during the course of the game, and wagers can be placed, where the loser forfeits their bet, with the prize being destroyed or transferred to the winner.

Penalty Game: A Penalty Game is administered when a participant loses a Shadow Game. The severity of the penalty depends on the wager or the winner's choice. Penalty Games can manifest as temporary illusions, psychological manipulation, or, in extreme cases, even death. Common types include:

  • Sensation of Death: A powerful illusion that induces terror, simulating the sensation of dying. For those with weak hearts or prone to fear, it can potentially be fatal.
  • Mind Crush: A permanent mental attack where the victim’s psyche is shattered into pieces. While this does not result in death, it leaves the victim in a comatose state until their soul can heal and reassemble their fragmented mind. The objective of this Penalty Game is to rid the victim of their inner darkness.

Note: In this context, Ba refers to an individual's life force or energy, while ka represents the spirit of a monster that is controlled through another’s Ba. Damaging a ka also impacts its Ba, and if all of a person's Ba is depleted, they will die. However, if a ka is summoned through other means, its destruction will not cause the summoner's death.
