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(Created page with "{{Content Warning}} alt=ChinChinTFFS|frameless{{Quote|Ore wa, ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!|Chin-Chin's only phrase}} '''Chin-Chin''' was a Lycra deity of immense power, feared across the many realms of the ''Filthy Frank'' universe. As the Dark Lord of Realm 6.2, he demanded chromic sacrifices and ruled over mortals and Lycra alike, his very existence striking terror into all who knew of him. A being of pure malevolence, his presence radiated an...")
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Latest revision as of 03:04, 26 February 2025


Ore wa, ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!
― Chin-Chin's only phrase

Chin-Chin was a Lycra deity of immense power, feared across the many realms of the Filthy Frank universe. As the Dark Lord of Realm 6.2, he demanded chromic sacrifices and ruled over mortals and Lycra alike, his very existence striking terror into all who knew of him. A being of pure malevolence, his presence radiated anguish and suffering, tormenting those unfortunate enough to cross his path. He served as the primary antagonist of The Filthy Frank Show and also made appearances in Francis of the Filth.

Chin-Chin’s last known battle was against Frank, Pink Guy, and Yadaran. The confrontation ended with his defeat and subsequent banishment to an unknown realm, though his ominous legacy lingers.

Names Chin-Chin, Dark Lord, The Dark Lord, Creepy Dude, God, My Lord (by Filthy Frank), Junior, Stupid Poopyface
Gender Male ♂
Race Lycra Person (Homo Sapiens Lycrasus) Chinpilla
Occupation Supreme Dictator of the Omniverse (before he was banished)


Origin CHIN CHIN (A SERIOUS VIDEO) HD ( April 8 2013)
Alignment Evil
Age 20s
Created By George "Joji" Miller
Height 173 cm (5ft 8in)
Weight 68kg (150 lbs) (10.7 st)
Personality Type INTJ, 8w5 (Enneagram)
Portrayed By George "Joji" Miller


Chin-Chin is a Lycra-clad entity, primarily recognized for his black full-body suit, which covers him entirely. His most defining physical traits include sewn-shut eyes, a permanently neutral yet unsettling facial expression, and a towering, menacing presence. His true form remains unknown, but his humanoid appearance suggests he may have once resembled a mortal before ascending into his god-like state.


Chin-Chin exudes an aura of despair, torment, and unfathomable power. He thrives on chaos and suffering, demanding chromosomal sacrifices from those who worship him. Despite his seemingly one-dimensional role as a tyrannical overlord, he exhibits occasional moments of unexpected emotion—such as sparing Salamander Man out of appreciation for his assflute skills.

While feared across multiple realms, Chin-Chin’s behavior can be strangely erratic, sometimes shifting between godlike menace and mundane activities like gardening. He has a tendency to torment his followers, yet at times, he shows favoritism or leniency toward those who amuse or intrigue him. However, this does not make him any less dangerous, as he remains the primary antagonist of The Filthy Frank Show, always looming in the background, waiting for the right moment to return.


The Filthy Frank Show

In Realm 6.2.0, Chin-Chin was revered—and feared—as The Dark Lord. He demanded constant chromic sacrifices, which both humans and Lycra were forced to provide. His power was unmatched, though his presence was often unpredictable.

One fateful day, Chin-Chin was summoned by Pink Guy after a simple game of rock-paper-scissors with Red Dick escalated beyond control. Though he was in the middle of gardening at the time, he swiftly engaged in battle, easily overpowering Red Dick. However, his reign of terror was momentarily halted when he was abruptly struck down by Prometheus’ trash can, an embarrassing defeat that led Filthy Frank to believe he had been vanquished for good.

Sometime later, Santa’s Brother warned Frank of Chin-Chin’s return. Soon after, the Dark Lord reappeared in Frank’s apartment, chanting ominous phrases, including "ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo". Frank, now aware of the danger, was forced to make daily sacrifices using the chromosomes of Chromosome Kid to appease Chin-Chin.

When Frank was temporarily carried away by Salamander Man’s assflute and forgot to perform a sacrifice, chaos ensued. Chromosome Kid escaped, sending Chin-Chin into a fit of rage. As punishment, he kidnapped Salamander Man and took him to the Rock Paper Scissors Arena, where he laid a powerful curse on him. Frank, alongside Red Dick, traveled to the arena, where he attempted to placate Chin-Chin by presenting him with sacrifices offered by fans of the show. The Dark Lord was satisfied—for a time.

However, his demands only grew. He soon insisted on monthly sacrifices, and despite his followers’ unwavering devotion, he eventually disappeared. Around this time, Creepy Dude reemerged after a long absence, frequently hanging around Frank and his crew. It was later revealed in PINK GUY COOKS TAKOYAKI AND RAPS that Creepy Dude was actually Chin-Chin in disguise. Following this revelation, both he and Plastic Pinocchio mysteriously vanished.

Chin-Chin later resurfaced during Frank’s mission to hunt Anime in Realm 69. After Frank shot Pookie, Chin-Chin ambushed him, demanding further sacrifices in exchange for the henchman he had previously lent to Frank in WORST FILM EVER.

By the end of 2015, Frank had gathered the necessary offerings for Chin-Chin, but the Dark Lord retaliated by taking Pink Guy from him and exiling Frank to Realm 0—the infamous location of the Rice Fields, motherfucker!. There, Frank encountered Salamander Man once more, leading to further conflicts and escalations.

In FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN-CHIN, Chin-Chin made his return, possibly killing Safari Man by stealing his chromosomes. Soon after, Frank initiated an all-out war against him. Though Chin-Chin was ultimately defeated, Frank ominously warned that the battle was far from over, stating that the real war had yet to begin.

Chin-Chin made one final appearance in FRANCIS OF THE FILTH (OUT NOW), where he had trapped Frank and lured Pink Guy to his location. His goal was to obtain Francis of the Filth, a powerful artifact that he sought to steal from Frank. However, before he could achieve his objective, Yadaran intervened, warning Chin-Chin not to challenge him. The confrontation ended with Chin-Chin’s banishment to an unknown location, leaving his fate uncertain.

Francis of the Filth

Chin-Chin serves as the primary antagonist in this part of the story. When Frank and Pink Guy journey through the Omniverse, they eventually reach a mangrove jungle, where Frank encounters Lemon and is saved by Salamander Man. After finding and rescuing Pink Guy, the trio continues toward the foothills, where they meet Negi Generation 4, who cryptically tells them to ascend a mountain before collapsing. Upon reaching the summit, Chin-Chin appears amid a storm, kills Negi Generation 4, and demands Frank’s chromosomes, threatening him with banishment to the Sea of the Wretched.

After Chin-Chin departs, the group is violently transported to another realm, landing in NYC, where they meet Safari Man, Alpha Centurion, and Drone. However, Chin-Chin reappears to demand payment in chromosomes, forcing Frank and his allies to gather them while secretly plotting a way to defeat him.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 2-A

Dimensionality: 4D

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Dimensional Travel, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, BFR, Teleportation, Social Influencing, Life Manipulation (Created Fake Frank) Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation

Attack Potency: Unknown, possibly Multiverse Level+

Speed: Irrelevant (Known to cross multiverses instantly)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Has thrown humanoids in the past)

Striking Strength: Likely Multiversal

Durability: Likely Multiverse Level+ (has endured being beaten with an anime studio [read: trash can] by Prometheus—though not without being significantly hurt. Should be as durable as his attack potency)

Stamina: Does not seem to tire or need rest, though can be worn down by Prometheus.

Range: His influence is multiversal in scale, but direct attacks appear to be short-range, as his targets are usually within a radius of a few hundred feet. It’s possible that this range can be extended through telephony or some device which allows him to have a direct view of his target.

Intelligence: Very high intelligence, although not omniscient. He is not able to determine what is happening in a realm outside his observation, and is easily fooled by simple obscuring techniques. However, he does have razor-sharp wit, cunning, and memory. He can remember events that others cannot, and can manipulate just about anybody into doing his bidding.

Weaknesses: A lack of chromosomes will cause his power to be hindered over time. In addition, Prometheus, as long as he exists, remains a threat to Chin Chin.

Attacks and Techniques:

Teleportation of other entities to any location in the Omniverse of his choosing, mental manipulation.

Chromosomes: Chromosomes are a power source, currency and unit of time. They are entities made of tightly packed and coiled deoxyribonucleic acid that can manifest into objects. Every being in Chin Chin’s omniverse are chromic structures and have their own Chromic level, calculated by the amount of Chromosomes in their body. Chromosomes control the amount of physical and mental power in any being, and in his Omniverse, Chin Chin’s chromic level is the second-highest, surpassed only by Prometheus.

Watering Can: Chin Chin passes time tending to his vast garden. His watering can is mainly a defensive piece, although could be used in melee combat if the need arose.

Sacrifices: Sacrifices made to Chin Chin by his followers, in any form, transfigure into chromosomes which the Dark Lord can then absorb to amplify his powers.


  • Ochinchin is a childish Japanese term for penis.
  • The phrase Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo (俺はおちんちんが大好きなんだよ) translates to "I like penis."
  • Chin-Chin once had a Facebook account.
  • In FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN-CHIN, Frank stated that Chin-Chin is not a god—not even close.
  • Chin-Chin appears to enjoy gardening, as he is seen watering plants in ROCK PAPER SCISSORS...?
  • His main theme is Hunger by Hans Zimmer from the Black Hawk Down soundtrack, typically pitch-shifted down to F# minor. When used in creepy scenarios without Chin-Chin present, the pitch is usually raised back to its original key of G minor to differentiate it.
  • Chin-Chin was present during the first-ever Harlem Shake, disguised as Creepy Dude.
  • While he is generally malicious, Chin-Chin has shown rare moments of mercy. He assists followers in battle if nearby and refuses to send prisoners to Jacksonville. He also spared Salamander Man due to his appreciation for the arts.
  • Chin-Chin can emerge from plastic cups of water, as seen in WORST FILM EVER.
  • In I HATE BABIES, it is speculated that Frank’s Strange Baby was actually Chin-Chin before his curse, as it uttered "Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo."
  • The concept of Chin-Chin may have originated from Chin-Chin (A SERIOUS VIDEO). Before Filthy Frank began, George Miller uploaded a 2008 video titled I LIKE WEINER, featuring a bizarre character saying, "I like weiner."
  • In I HATE SOCIAL NETWORKS, it is suggested that Chin-Chin controls PornHub.
  • During The Battle of Jew Central, Frank infected Chin-Chin with multiple STDs, including herpes and HPV, while yelling, "I hope you like itchy dick, you bastard." This led to Chin-Chin's defeat.
  • Chin-Chin is currently banished in the lore, exiled by Yadaran, with his whereabouts unknown.
  • His eyes were sewn shut to prevent further growth.
  • Chin-Chin suffers from chronic digestive issues due to having five opened Fruit Snacks lodged in his anus via a high-powered rifle.
  • In FILTHY FRANK VS CHIN-CHIN, Real Frank uses Drake songs to trigger Chin-Chin’s PTSD about his ex-boyfriend.