The Weaver (World of Darkness)

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No matter what travelers experience, they know the cosmos surrounding the Axis Mundi was formed from three primal forces: the Wyrm, the Weaver, and the Wyld. They’re collectively known as the Triat. Galliards have spent centuries competing to see who can elaborate on the most creative explanations they can fathom, but the simplest explanations are the best.

In the time before time, the primal forces of the Triat created the universe, but since then, they’ve been forced out of balance. The exact reason why has been a subject of extensive debate, an explanation so vital that it’s created a great deal of conflict. Regardless, the forces of the Triat are now slowly ravaging the Tellurian. They’ll continue to do so until some cosmic event corrects them or, more likely, the Apocalypse brings the end of all existence.

― Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition

Names The Weaver, The Grand Spider, Grandmother Spider, Auntie Spider, Vishnu
Gender Inapplicable, however is called a Female
Race Umbrood, Spirit
Occupation Spirit of the Triat
Origin Werewolf: The Apocalypse (1st Edition) (1992)
Alignment Neutral
Age Inapplicable
Created By Mark Rein-Hagen
Height Inapplicable
Weight Inapplicable

The Weaver is one of the three great spirits of the Triat. Its role was traditionally to impose order on the chaotic creations of the Wyld, giving them structure and purpose for their lifespan until they were destroyed by the Wyrm, thus maintaining a balance between creation and destruction.

Many Garou attribute the current imbalance in the Triat to the Weaver. According to their mythology, the Weaver became frustrated with its creations being undone by the Wyrm and spun webs to imprison the Wyrm, aiming to halt its destructive force. This confinement drove the Wyrm to madness, leading it to indiscriminately destroy everything, rather than merely the things whose time had come.

Garou glyph for the Weaver

The Weaver's avatars and progeny often appear as spiders or insects. It (often referred to as she) is a patron of law, order, science, and technology, and is revered by some semi-heretical Glass Walkers, Ratkin, and Ananasi (who call her Grandmother Spider and believe she created their patron spirit, Queen Ananasa). However, many acknowledge that the Weaver’s influence has become overwhelming in the modern world, where cities and steel dominate over nature.

Mankind is considered the Weaver’s adopted child, tasked with bringing order to the world and helping to quell the chaos perpetuated by her Celestine counterparts. To aid in this, the Weaver endowed mortals with three gifts: Dogma, Science, and Technology. It is said that after the Impergium, the Weaver vowed never to allow her children to be persecuted again. Some Awakened (mages) of the Technocracy revere her under various guises, often naming her Stasis; her pursuit of unending perfection reflects the Technocratic aim for a static reality.

Bagheera and other Bastet refer to the Weaver using the masculine name Rajah (a Hindi term meaning "regent").

The Weaver has three Incarna: The Machine (embodying her gift of Technology), the Patriarch (embodying Dogma), and Science (embodying Science).

Powers and Statistics[edit | edit source]

Tier: Low 1-A, up to High 1-A | 1-T+

Key: Manifestations in the Umbra | Celestial Spirit / True Form

Powers and Abilities: Logic Manipulation (represents logic itself), Immortality (Type 5; It exists beyond the low Umbra, which is the conceptual realm of death.), Transduality (Type 3; The Weaver exists beyond the concepts of Ying and Yang), Acausality (Type 5; exists vastly beyond the Umbra, the Umbra transcends the bounds of nature and the human mind, where dreams and concepts are made manifest, a realm of pure spirit where the laws of the physical world such as physics, gravity, forces, cause and effect plays no part), Power Nullification, Ontologically Transcendent Physiology, Metaphysics Manipulation (Type 1), Abstract existence (Type 1; exists in a realm of abstract conceptual nature) Creation (The Weaver's effects are felt throughout the Tellurian, with her Califying all Creation, a state of permanent stasis) Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1 - Created many concepts, including Laws, Rules, Time and Distance) , Soul Manipulation

Attack Potency: Varies from Low Outerversal to High Outerversal in its manifestations (It exists in a realm of pure sets, being the same Tegmark's type 4 Multiverse, and should be able to affect the entirety of this realm.) | Transcendent+ (The Weaver can affect the entirety of the Tellurian, the Tellurian contains all descriptions of the possible and impossible).

Speed: Irrelevant | Omnipresent (The weaver's realm touches all places at the same time.)

Lifting strength: Immeasurable

Striking strength: Varies from Low Outerversal to High Outerversal | Transcendent+ possibly higher

Durability: Varies from Low Outerversal to High Outerversal | Transcendent+ (is a necessary part of the Tellurian.)

Stamina: Infinite

Range: At least Universal (she was able to create a structure that crosses the entire universe). | Transcendent+

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Incomprehensible (The Triat exists completely beyond the parameters of Human intelligence, and lack such concepts like "thinks, wants, desires," or even having personalities, their actions are so beyond that asking "why" becomes meaningless, as nobody could comprehend the answer, furthermore knows the True Name of all beings in Existence, all things known and unknown)

Weakness: Insane