Barca (Spartacus: Blood and Sand)

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Barca is a recurring character in the Spartacus series. A formidable gladiator in Batiatus' Ludus, he earns the title "Beast of Carthage" after famously defeating his own father, Mago, in the arena. He is the lover of Auctus and later Pietros.

Names Barca, The Beast of Carthage"
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Gladiator
Origin Spartacus: Blood and Sand Issue #3 (December 23, 2009)
Alignment Mixed
Age 30s
Created By Steven S, DeKnight
Height 195 cm (6ft 4in)
Weight 90kg (198.4 lbs) (14.17 st)
Personality Type ISTP, 6w5 (Enneagram)
Portrayed By Antonio Te Maioha


Barca is the tallest gladiator in the Ludus, with a light-brown complexion and long, shoulder-length black hair, which he wears in dreadlocks or braids. While training or fighting, he typically dons a utility vest or harness, or a manica and galerus, which protect his right side and extend diagonally from his left shoulder. His standard gladiatorial attire also includes a subligaria, ocrea (greaves made of metal or leather), a cingulum (wide protective belt), and a balteus (belt used to secure the subligaria).

When serving as Batiatus’ bodyguard and assassin, he often wears only a subligaria, balteus, and footwear, occasionally adding a utility harness or vest.

Barca fights in the hoplomachus style and is equipped accordingly with a spear, round shield, and short sword. In the arena, he wears a metal helmet adorned with an extravagant plume.


Barca is one of the more well-rounded characters in the series. While he enjoys intimidating those he deems weaker, he also has a tender side, particularly toward his loved ones, such as Auctus and their birds, and later Pietros. Having spent longer in the Ludus than most, he has forged strong friendships and deeply respects his fellow gladiators who have earned their place.

Despite his rough exterior, Barca is capable of personal growth and reevaluating his opinions of others. He forms a close friendship with Crixus, even after Crixus kills Auctus in the arena, and later befriends Spartacus, demonstrating his ability to overcome past grievances.

His combat skills earn the respect of both Titus and Quintus Lentulus Batiatus. Following the death of Batiatus' previous bodyguard, Barca is entrusted with protecting Quintus outside the Ludus and carrying out covert or brutal assignments. This highlights not only his fighting prowess but also the deep trust Batiatus places in his loyalty and efficiency.



Barca was born in a fierce warrior village near Carthage, where he spent his childhood playing with birds alongside his best friend, Cyprian. However, his father, Mago, the village chieftain, viewed this as weakness, believing his son should focus on becoming a warrior. Barca’s mother, Elissa, was more nurturing, but their lives took a tragic turn when Roman soldiers raided the village. Elissa hid Barca and Cyprian in a closet before confronting one of the invaders, only for Barca to witness her brutal beheading. Devastated, he remained by her side for days until Mago and the village warriors returned. Upon finding his son weeping over Elissa's body, Mago, consumed by grief and rage, blamed Barca for his mother’s death and disowned him.

Left without a home or family, Barca dedicated himself to becoming a formidable warrior. Over the years, he trained relentlessly and eventually assembled a group of men, waging war against the Romans and achieving multiple victories. During this time, he and Cyprian became lovers, leading their forces in a campaign that neared the borders of Rome itself. Before crossing a steep river, Barca had his men fill the waters with the bodies of fallen Gauls, remarking, "The Gauls proved themselves useful."

One fateful night, while resting around a fire, Barca and his warriors were ambushed by a Roman legion. Though they fought fiercely, they were ultimately outmatched. In the chaos, Cyprian was fatally wounded while trying to protect Barca. As he lay dying, he looked at Barca and uttered his final words: "Remember me." Enraged, Barca launched a furious assault, cutting down many soldiers before he was eventually overwhelmed and captured along with his surviving men.

Taken to Capua, the Phoenicians were forced to fight each other in the arena for the amusement of the Romans. Barca proved himself a fierce combatant, cutting down many of his own people until only two warriors remained—himself and his father, Mago. Shocked to see each other, father and son hesitated, but knowing there was no escape, they engaged in battle. A noble watching from the stands declared, "I will purchase the victor."

Mago, with his experience and raw strength, clashed with Barca, who had youth and agility on his side. The fight raged for half a day, both warriors evenly matched. Eventually, Barca gained the upper hand, forcing Mago to his knees. Looking up at his son, Mago spoke in admiration, "Barca, you are my son!" After a moment of hesitation, Barca replied, "And I live, father," before driving his blade through Mago’s throat.

From that moment, he became known as the "Beast of Carthage" and was purchased by Titus Lentulus Batiatus.

House of Batiatus

Barca quickly rose to prominence as one of the most ruthless gladiators in the House of Batiatus. Trained in the hoplomachus style, he formed strong bonds with fellow gladiators such as Oenomaus and Gannicus. He also became close to Auctus, another hoplomachus, and the two developed a deep romantic relationship. Living together in a shared cell, they cared for Auctus’ pet birds while maintaining their positions as elite warriors in the Ludus.

Gods of the Arena

Barca is one of the most formidable gladiators in the House of Batiatus, earning the title "Beast of Carthage" for his ruthless skill in the arena. Alongside his lover, Auctus, he frequently torments and mocks new recruits, particularly targeting Ashur and Dagan. Their antagonism escalates into a full-scale brawl between the gladiators. He also ridicules Crixus, deeming him too small and weak to be a true warrior.

Barca is later chosen to fight in the arena alongside Auctus, Gnaeus, and Crixus. His opponent is Gnaeus, a Dacian gladiator who has long sought the chance to battle him. However, despite Gnaeus' eagerness, Barca easily bests and humiliates him. To Barca’s disappointment, the editor Quintilius Varus spares Gnaeus' life, leaving Gnaeus harboring a bitter grudge. Auctus then faces Crixus, with Barca cheering him on. However, in a shocking turn, Crixus defeats and kills Auctus. Barca watches helplessly as his lover dies to the deafening cheers of the crowd. As a reward for his victory, Crixus is granted the mark of the brotherhood. Though deeply grieving, Barca reluctantly welcomes him as a brother but sinks into a profound depression.

Crixus later finds Barca mourning in the cell he once shared with Auctus and offers him bread to feed the birds, believing them to be Barca’s pets. Initially resentful, Barca listens as Crixus explains his motivations for becoming a gladiator and assures him that Auctus will never be forgotten. Moved that someone else remembers his fallen lover, Barca softens and corrects Crixus, revealing that the birds belonged to Auctus, not him, and that he has not cared for them since Auctus’ death. However, with nothing left of Auctus but the birds, he accepts the bread and, from that moment, he and Crixus form a close bond, confiding in one another. Though his friendship with Crixus brings some comfort, Barca never fully recovers, and neither his training nor his spirit return to their former strength.

His suffering worsens when he is raped by Roman nobles during Lucretia’s orgy in Beneath the Mask. When Batiatus later seeks revenge against Tullius and Vettius, he selects Barca and several other gladiators to ambush their men in the streets. During the skirmish, Barca is stabbed by one of Tullius’ thugs but is saved by Batiatus.

Due to his injuries, Barca is unable to compete in the Games of the New Arena. Instead, he helps prepare his fellow gladiators, particularly Crixus. After Gannicus emerges victorious and wins his freedom, Barca bids him farewell, promising that one day he, too, will earn his freedom and reunite with him—not as a gladiator, but as a free man.

Blood and Sand

Barca is the second-best gladiator in the Ludus, earning the title "Beast of Carthage," and serves as the closest friend to the reigning Champion of Capua, Crixus. Like Crixus, he frequently mocks and berates Spartacus and his fellow recruits. He is also deeply devoted to his young lover, Pietros, a slave who serves Doctore.

During the final test for Spartacus and his recruitment class, Barca easily defeats his opponent, Marcus, before watching Crixus suffer an unexpected loss to Spartacus—helped by a piece of cloth that belonged to Spartacus’ wife.

Beyond the arena, Barca serves as Batiatus’ personal bodyguard, often accompanying him into town, sometimes alongside Ashur. When Spartacus is prepared for the brutal underground fights in The Pit, Barca begins to respect the Thracian after witnessing his endurance.

Later, Barca wagers a large sum against Ashur on the outcome of the Shadow Games, where Crixus and Spartacus must face the undefeated Theokoles. Confident in their victory, he bets in their favor, while Ashur is certain of their defeat. When Spartacus manages to slay Theokoles, Barca wins the bet, leaving Ashur deeply in debt and fearful of retribution.

With his winnings and past earnings, Barca plans to buy his freedom along with Pietros, dreaming of a peaceful life as farmers near the ruins of Carthage. Pietros is overjoyed but grows uneasy when he discovers bloody clothes from Barca’s mission to slaughter Ovidius and his household—including a young boy. Saddened by the possibility of Barca killing a child, Pietros confronts him. To comfort his lover, Barca lies, claiming he spared the boy and that they will be long gone before he is found. Barca reassures Pietros that he alone will command him in their future together, displaying his deep love. However, Ashur secretly overhears their conversation and seizes the opportunity to rid himself of his debt.

Soon, Batiatus learns that Ovidius' son is still alive and, enraged, allows Ashur to cast doubt on Barca’s loyalty. Manipulating Pietros into confirming his suspicions, Batiatus summons Barca, who believes he is meeting to discuss his freedom. Instead, he is interrogated and admits that he lied to Pietros for his peace of mind. Batiatus begins to believe him, but before the matter is settled, Ashur suddenly stabs Barca, sparking a struggle. Despite fighting back fiercely, Barca is unarmed and outnumbered. As he weakly crawls away, Batiatus seizes him by the hair and mockingly slits his throat, sneering, "Now you're free!" before leaving him to die in the rain. His body is later carried away by slaves under Batiatus’ orders to avoid disrupting an incoming guest.

The guest, Magistrate Calavius—Ovidius' cousin—arrives and unknowingly confirms that Ovidius' son had actually been killed, meaning Barca had told the truth all along. However, Batiatus and Lucretia dismiss any regret, justifying his death by framing the desire for freedom as treachery.

Barca’s murder devastates Pietros, who suffers severe abuse at the hands of Gnaeus before ultimately taking his own life. Crixus, having lost his best friend while Spartacus rises as Champion, bitterly remarks that he has "awakened to a world of shit."


During the tribute games held in honor of Crixus during the War of the Damned, a rebel, possibly a former slave or gladiator of the House of Batiatus, shouts Barca’s name in remembrance.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 9-B

Dimensionality: 3D

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Adept in Unarmed Combat, High Pain Tolerance, Indomitable Will

Attack Potency: Wall level (is said to be among the best of Batiatus's gladiators, alongside Gannicus, Auctus, and later Crixus and Spartacus)

Speed: Peak Human

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Spear and Shield

Optional Equipment: Sword, Dagger, Axe

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: None Notable


  • Barca’s father was Mago, whom he killed in order to earn the title Beast of Carthage, as shown in the episode Legends.
  • Barca is the third tallest gladiator in the series, ranked below Theokoles and Caburus, and tied with Dagan and Oenomaus.
  • Barca’s name is derived from the Barca Dynasty of Carthage, whose origins trace back to the Eastern Mediterranean, eventually settling in Northern Africa. The name is based on Semitic languages.
  • In Beneath The Mask, Barca tells Crixus that the pet pigeons he cares for belonged to Auctus. However, in The Beast of Carthage, Barca is shown caring for pet birds as a young boy alongside his childhood friend and future lover. This apparent continuity issue can be explained as a coincidence, with Auctus’ care for birds triggering a buried memory for Barca after his death.
  • It is revealed in The Thing in the Pit that Crixus confided in Barca about his affair with Lucretia and his feelings for Naevia.
  • While Barca typically fights in the Hoplomachus style, in the novel Spartacus: Swords and Ashes, he competes in the primus of the Funeral Games of Marcus Pelorus, wielding an axe in the style of a Secutor.
  • Barca is said to have witnessed the fall of Carthage, though historically, Carthage was destroyed by Rome in 146 BCE, while the Third Servile War began in 73 BCE, a full 74 years later. This may be a conflation with the Roman conquest of Numidia, which had been allied with Carthage and was impacted by the destruction of Carthaginian cities during the Jugurthine War.
  • Since the death of Batiatus' other slave in the first episode of Gods of the Arena, Barca has regularly acted as Batiatus' bodyguard on the streets of Capua. The Latin term for a bodyguard is Stipator, and notable Roman figures like Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla employed gladiators as Stipatores.
  • The literal Latin term for a bodyguard is Custos Corporis.
  • Although Barca and Crixus initially taunt Spartacus, after Spartacus defeats Theokoles, Barca gains respect for him, though he is killed by Batiatus before they can become true friends.
  • Barca was never seen fighting in the new arena.
  • Barca is one of the few openly homosexual characters in the series.
  • He was the first main character to be killed.