Here's the real truth. There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders. You, me? We're exceptional.
― Goblin explaining his worldview to Spider-Man
I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take.
― Green Goblin to Spider-Man
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) serves as the primary antagonist in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. He is the main villain of the original Spider-Man film and appears as a posthumous overarching antagonist in Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3. An alternate version of Norman Osborn later emerges as the main antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Norman Osborn is a wealthy industrialist, the founder and CEO of Oscorp Technologies, and the father of Harry Osborn, Peter Parker's best friend. After exposure to the experimental Goblin Serum, Norman suffers severe side effects, including insanity and auditory hallucinations of the Goblin. These symptoms cause his mind to split, giving rise to a sinister alternate persona: the Green Goblin. This persona, a ruthless and destructive counterpart to Norman, drives him to commit acts of violence and chaos.
The Green Goblin takes control of Norman, compelling him to destroy anyone and anything in his path. His conflict with Spider-Man begins when the hero rises to protect New York, pitting the two against each other. Upon discovering Spider-Man’s true identity as Peter Parker, the Goblin becomes obsessed with ruining Peter's life, cementing himself as Spider-Man's archenemy.
In their final battle, Norman attempts to kill Spider-Man with his glider but is fatally impaled by it instead. Despite his death, Norman's legacy and the Green Goblin's influence continue to haunt Spider-Man, leaving a lasting impact on Peter's life.
Twenty-two years after his death, a past version of Norman Osborn and his Green Goblin persona is accidentally transported to the year 2024 in an alternate universe. Initially, Norman regains control of his mind and encounters two villains from his home universe and two others from a separate alternate universe. These individuals, like Norman, previously battled Spider-Man, with some meeting similar tragic ends. United by their shared desire to avoid their fates upon returning to their respective timelines, they team up to seek a cure for their conditions.
However, the Green Goblin reemerges, seizing control of Osborn once more. Rejecting the idea of being cured, the Goblin focuses his wrath on this universe’s Spider-Man and his loved ones, ultimately becoming one of his greatest adversaries, second only to Mysterio. After a climactic confrontation, this Spider-Man manages to defeat the Green Goblin by curing Osborn, effectively eliminating the Goblin for good. Osborn is then returned to his home universe, where he is granted a second chance at life in a branched alternate timeline.
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin is portrayed by Willem Dafoe in Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.
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