Noah Kaiba

From The Character Database
Revision as of 08:44, 11 March 2025 by Laguna97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "alt=NKYGODM|frameless '''Noah Kaiba''' ({{Ruby|海馬|かいば}}{{Ruby|乃亜|のあ}} Kaiba Noa) is the biological son of Gozaburo Kaiba and serves as the main antagonist of the anime-exclusive Virtual World arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters until his defeat at the hands of Yami Yugi, who uses both his own and Seto Kaiba’s cards against him. {| class="wikitable" |'''Names''' |'''Noah Kaiba''' ({{Ruby|海馬|かいば}}{{Ruby|...")
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Noah Kaiba (海馬かいば乃亜のあ Kaiba Noa) is the biological son of Gozaburo Kaiba and serves as the main antagonist of the anime-exclusive Virtual World arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters until his defeat at the hands of Yami Yugi, who uses both his own and Seto Kaiba’s cards against him.

Names Noah Kaiba (海馬かいば乃亜のあ Kaiba Noa)
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Duelist, Ruler of the Virtual World
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Episode 98: A Virtual Nightmare! 未知なる挑戦者 巨大機動要塞浮上!Michinaru Chōsensha Kyodai Kidō Yōsai Fujō! lit, The Unknown Challenger - The Giant Mobile Fortress Surfaces! (March 12, 2002)
Alignment Reformed
Age 12 (Physically)
Created By Studio Gallop, Nihon Ad Systems
Personality Type ENTP, 3w4 (Enneagram)
Voice Actors Flag of Japan.png Japanese: Chisa Yokoyama

Flag of United Kingdom.png English: Andrew Rannells

Flag of Spain.png Spanish: Ricardo Escobar

Flag of Germany.png German: Hannes Maurer

Flag of Brazil.png Brazilian Portuguese: Francisco Freitas


Noah wears a white long-sleeved jacket with purple markings, white shorts, navy blue knee socks, and brown loafers. He has green and teal hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


Noah presents himself as composed, polite, and respectful to those against whom he holds no grudge, often speaking in a formal, business-like manner. However, beneath this refined exterior, he is also arrogant, smug, and unsettlingly mature for a child. In the 4Kids dub, much of his poise and politeness are removed, portraying him instead as overtly conceited, obnoxious, and taunting.

Like Seto, Noah holds a particularly low opinion of Yugi’s Kuriboh, dismissing it as a "puffball" due to its low attack points.

Noah is as intelligent as Seto, possessing an exceptional ability to develop advanced weaponry and machinery, as well as the skills to hack into virtually any computer system. His mind is directly linked to the Virtual World, granting him omnipresent awareness of everything that occurs within it.

Having been raised in extreme privilege and indulgence as a child, Noah is emotionally immature, accustomed to having all his desires met without question. He reacts poorly when things do not go his way, often throwing tantrums or lashing out. Seto observes that because Noah has been trapped in a child's form for years, he never had the opportunity to grow out of his spoiled behavior, which fuels his obsession with dominance and control.

Despite boasting about his god-like authority over the Virtual World—claiming that the vast amount of information he has absorbed from global computer networks has elevated him beyond humanity—Noah deeply resents the artificial existence he is confined to. His ultimate goal is to escape to the real world, regardless of the cost.

Beneath his arrogance and hostility, Noah is ultimately a frightened child, desperate to regain any semblance of normalcy. His years of isolation and frustration have festered into resentment toward his adoptive brothers, Seto and Mokuba, whom he views as usurpers of his rightful place as KaibaCorp's heir. His hatred stems from the belief that they stole the life that was meant for him while he was left in a helpless state, trapped between existence and oblivion. He blames them for his father’s loss of interest in him, though in reality, all three were nothing more than tools to be used or discarded by Gozaburo.

Despite Gozaburo’s neglect, Noah idolizes his father and desperately seeks his approval, striving to prove himself as the rightful heir. He believes himself superior to Seto and Mokuba and is determined to demonstrate this through their defeat. Yet, at the same time, he envies the deep bond they share as siblings—so much so that he attempts to destroy it, even resorting to brainwashing Mokuba in an effort to claim that connection for himself.

Noah’s actions are ultimately driven by the pain of abandonment and years of isolation in the Virtual World. His father’s dismissal of him as worthless is what first fuels his rage, leading him to attempt the destruction of the Virtual World and later turning against Gozaburo altogether. However, in the end, the only person who shows him true kindness is Mokuba, who, despite everything, recognizes Noah as another victim of Gozaburo’s cruelty. Noah comes to appreciate this and, in his final moments, expresses gratitude to Mokuba for his compassion.

While Noah outwardly disapproves of cheating—going so far as to nearly delete Johnson of the Big Five for attempting to rig his duel against Joey—his concern seems to stem more from a disdain for others disregarding the rules he has established rather than any genuine sense of fairness. This is evident in his willingness to manipulate Mokuba to interfere in his duel against Seto. However, given that he was never truly at risk of losing and later dueled Yugi fairly, it is possible he did this merely to toy with Seto and Mokuba’s sibling bond.



Noah was raised in luxury by his power-driven father, Gozaburo Kaiba, who groomed him to become the heir to KaibaCorp. Unlike Seto, Noah genuinely enjoyed his rigorous education, excelling in academics, music, and sports under the instruction of the best tutors available.

When he was around twelve, Noah was critically injured in a car accident, with little hope of survival. In a desperate attempt to save him, Gozaburo transferred Noah's mind into a supercomputer just before adopting Seto. Noah's consciousness existed in a Virtual World, initially limited to a digital recreation of his bedroom before expanding into a vast, simulated reality.

At first, Noah found his new virtual existence enjoyable, but over time, he grew frustrated with the limitations and flaws of the artificial citizens and his virtual pet. His increasing agitation led to moments of sadistic behavior as he sought new ways to entertain himself. While his intelligence and ego expanded rapidly, his lack of real human interaction left him emotionally stunted, retaining the mindset of a spoiled child.

Originally, Gozaburo adopted Seto as a role model for Noah, but he eventually abandoned his son, realizing that Noah would always be immature and entitled. Instead, he focused on mentoring Seto, who later usurped him and took control of KaibaCorp. In his final act of desperation, Gozaburo uploaded his own mind into Noah’s Virtual World.

Virtual World

Six years later, Noah sought revenge on Seto. During the semi-finals of Battle City, he hijacked Seto’s Battle Ship, trapping Seto and his passengers in the Virtual World. His goal was to take over one of their bodies, ideally Seto's, so he could return to the real world.

With the aid of the Big Five—former KaibaCorp executives who had been trapped in the Virtual World following their failed coup—Noah forced Seto and the others into Duels, with the condition that the losers would have their minds erased, allowing Noah or his allies to take over their bodies. With his father’s support, Noah orchestrated the ultimate challenge for Seto and his friends, determined to claim his revenge and reclaim the KaibaCorp legacy.

Despite their efforts, the Big Five failed to defeat the group, even against relatively inexperienced Duelists like Téa Gardner, Tristan Taylor, Duke Devlin, and Serenity Wheeler. The only success they had was acquiring Tristan’s body—and even that was on a technicality, as Serenity had actually won the Duel with Duke’s assistance. However, their victory was short-lived, as Yami Yugi and Joey Wheeler ultimately defeated the combined Big Five in a final Duel. Disgusted by their repeated failures, Noah deleted them (or, in the English dub, imprisoned them in isolated areas of the Virtual World).

Determined to take matters into his own hands, Noah decided to claim Seto’s body for himself and take his rightful place as KaibaCorp’s heir. To weaken Seto’s resolve, he brainwashed Mokuba into believing that Noah was his true brother instead of Seto. With Mokuba under his influence, Noah challenged Seto to a Duel.

Noah demonstrated greater skill than the Big Five and had the means to prevent his own defeat using "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane." However, instead of relying on this effect, he used Mokuba as a psychological weapon, discouraging Seto from attacking. Both Duelists knew that proceeding with the attack would severely harm Mokuba, and Noah was well aware that Seto would never risk his brother’s safety just to win. Just as Seto was about to lose, he managed to break through Noah’s control over Mokuba, freeing him from the brainwashing. In retaliation, Noah turned both Seto and Mokuba into stone.

With Seto immobilized, Noah faced Yami Yugi, who stepped in to take Kaiba’s place. Yugi used both his and Kaiba’s cards to expose Noah’s reliance on trickery and deceit. Throughout the Duel, Noah seemed to hold the advantage, turning Yugi’s friends to stone with each attack. His Deck Master, "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane," allowed him to restore Life Points whenever a monster was sent to the Graveyard, making his strategy even more effective given that Yugi had started the Duel with dangerously low Life Points, inherited from Seto’s previous losses.

Even after defeating Yugi’s three strongest Spellcasters—"Dark Magician," "Dark Magician Girl," and "Magician of Black Chaos"—Noah ultimately lost. Yami Yugi drew "Card of Sanctity," allowing him to draw six new cards, one for each of his fallen friends. Among them were Kaiba’s three "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cards, which Yugi fused into "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" to overpower Noah’s strongest Spirit monster. He then used "De-Fusion" to separate them and deplete Noah’s remaining Life Points, sealing his defeat.

Despite his loss, Noah attempted to steal Yugi’s body, but was forced out due to Yami Yugi already inhabiting it. At this point, Gozaburo revealed himself, and Noah, realizing the danger, showed the group an escape route. However, he betrayed them by taking over Mokuba’s body and escaping the Virtual World. Using Mokuba’s identity, he tried to destroy the submarine where Yugi and the others were by ordering a satellite missile strike.

At the last moment, Noah hesitated. Mokuba had called him "brother" and still showed him kindness, even after everything Noah had done. Overcome with guilt, Noah attempted to cancel the satellite strike, only to discover that the computer controlling it had already been destroyed by Yami Marik. Accepting responsibility, he returned Mokuba’s body and helped Yugi and the others escape the Virtual World.

Before they left, Noah apologized for his actions and pleaded with Yugi to save Seto from Gozaburo, who had locked himself in a Duel with his former protégé. As everyone fled, Noah thanked Mokuba for showing him the meaning of true friendship and brotherhood. He then sent Mokuba and the others to safety before resigning himself to his fate. Noah ultimately perished alongside Gozaburo when the Virtual World was destroyed. Unlike his father, he accepted his fate, realizing that he had already died long ago.

In the English dub, it is implied that Noah may have saved himself by storing his consciousness in a backup file, leaving open the possibility of a future return.

Battle City Finals

Although Noah did not return to the real world, he was briefly mentioned by Mokuba while flying to America, as Mokuba wished that Noah could see Kaiba Land become a reality (this scene was removed in the dub). Téa and Serenity also referenced him after the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament. Flashbacks of Noah’s Duel against Yami Yugi and his final moment defying Gozaburo were shown, but his relationship with Seto and Mokuba was not further explored.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 11-B in Virtual World | 10-C in Mokuba's Body

Dimensionality: 3D

Key: Virtual World | As Mokuba

Powers and Abilities: , Hacking, Immortality (Types 6 & 8). Mind Manipulation (Sent Yugi and Co.minds into the virtual world), Data Manipulation (Controls the Virtual World) Possession (Put his consciousness into Mokuba's body) Genius Intelligence (Absorbed vast amounts of information from global computer networks)

Attack Potency: Microscopic level physically (Is data inside a supercomputer).| Below Average Human level in Mokuba's body

Speed: Microscopic | Below Average Human level

Lifting Strength: Microscopic level | Below Average Human level

Striking Strength: Microscopic level| Below Average Human level

Durability: Microscopic level| Below Average Human

Stamina: Unlimited in the Virtual World

Range: Microscopic in Virtual World, Standard Melee Range in real world

Intelligence: Genius (Is a computer program that has absorbed vast arrays of knowledge and data from global computer networks)

Weaknesses: If the Supercomputer is destroyed he will die

Standard Equipment: Duel Monsters cards, Duel Disk.


Creation Deck

Against Seto, Noah used a Creation Deck themed around the symbolic creation of Earth. His strategy followed a sequence: first, he played elements referencing pagan mythology ("Aeris," "Chiron the Mage"), then mimicked the biblical Great Flood, followed by evolutionary stages, including the reign of dinosaurs, the Ice Age, modern civilization, futuristic advancements, and finally, the Apocalypse—represented by his Deck Master, "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane."

Spirit Deck

Against Yugi, Noah utilized a Spirit Deck focused on rapidly restoring his Life Points.


  • Noah has a striking resemblance to Seto Kaiba's look in the Toei series anime.
  • In the English dub, Noah frequently uses the phrase "shall we?" during Duels and speaks with a high-pitched voice. However, after his change of heart, his voice becomes more mature.
  • In the Japanese version, he makes religious references, such as calling himself a god or creator and referring to fiend/zombie monsters as belonging in "hell." He is generally rude to almost everyone, particularly the Big Five, but in stark contrast, he is extremely respectful toward his father, addressing him as "chichiue" (父上), an archaic and formal way of saying "father," which was commonly used in the Samurai era. This could reflect Noah’s admiration for traditional Japanese culture.
  • Noah has a habit of laughing maniacally. He also refers to himself using "boku," a pronoun for "I" typically used by young males, which may indicate his immaturity despite being the same age as Seto Kaiba.
