Ash Ketchum (Alternate Movies)

From The Character Database
Articles about Ash Ketchum
Canon, Alternate Movies, The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Ash ketchum i choose you.png
Now you look, I don't think you know who you're dealing with. I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokémon Master. Mess with me and you're going to lose.
― Ash Ketchum

Ash Ketchum (サトシ Satoshi) is a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town with an ambitious goal of becoming a Pokémon Master. He stars as the main protagonist in the movie trilogy I Choose You!, The Power of Us, and Secrets of the Jungle, a set of Pokémon films that unfold in a continuity separate from Pokémon the Series. Although he shares many traits and begins his journey similarly to the Ash from the main series, his story in this alternate continuity follows a distinct path.

Names Ash Ketchum (サトシ Satoshi)
Gender Male
Race Human
Occupation Pokémon Trainer
Origin Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!, 劇場版げきじょうばんポケットモンスター キミにきめた!Gekijō-ban Poketto Monsutā Kimi ni kimeta! lit: Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! (July 6, 2017)
Alignment Hero
Age 10
Created By Kunihiko Yuyama, Shōji Yonemura
Height Not Stated
Weight Not Stated


Ash Ketchum is a 10-year-old Pokémon Trainer with a youthful, energetic look. He has spiky black hair that he usually keeps hidden under his signature cap, which often features the Pokémon League or a unique symbol. Ash has large brown eyes that reflect his curiosity and determination. His typical outfit includes a blue and white jacket or vest, fingerless gloves, jeans, and red sneakers. He is rarely seen without his iconic cap and backpack, where he stores his Poké Balls and other essentials for his journey. Pikachu, his loyal Pokémon partner, is almost always by his side, either on his shoulder or running alongside him, symbolizing the deep bond they share.

In general, Ash's appearance stays practical and ready for travel, reflecting his active lifestyle as he moves from one adventure to the next.


Ash Ketchum is known for his unwavering optimism, bravery, and fierce determination to become a Pokémon Master. His personality is defined by his compassion for Pokémon and his deep belief in friendship and teamwork. He cares deeply for all Pokémon, especially his own, and is quick to help both people and Pokémon in need, often putting their well-being above his own safety. His empathy enables him to form strong bonds with both his Pokémon and the friends he meets on his travels.

Ash is naturally curious and loves exploring new places, leading him into countless adventures. While he can be headstrong and occasionally impulsive, his willingness to learn from his experiences allows him to grow as both a Trainer and a person. Despite facing many defeats, he remains resilient and optimistic, using his losses as motivation to improve. His upbeat nature also has a positive influence on those around him, inspiring his friends and even rivals. He values loyalty, fairness, and never gives up, qualities that make him a beloved and respected Trainer among his peers.



In Secrets of the Jungle, Ash recalls that, as a child, he faced skepticism from friends who laughed at his dream. His father, however, encouraged him, telling him that his dream was held in his heart and could never come true if he gave up.

I Choose You

On the day Ash was set to begin his Pokémon journey, he overslept and arrived late at Professor Oak's Laboratory, only to find that the three starter Pokémon had already been chosen by other Trainers from Pallet Town: Gary, Marina, and Tierno. Fortunately, there was a fourth option—a feisty Pikachu. Undeterred, Ash chose Pikachu as his partner. With new clothes gifted by his mother, Ash left Pallet Town to embark on his adventure.

Early in the journey, Ash and Pikachu were attacked by a flock of wild Spearow, but the danger brought them closer together. In a moment of awe, they saw the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh flying overhead, dropping a Rainbow Wing as it passed. Inspired, Ash picked up the wing and promised Pikachu that they would meet Ho-Oh again someday. Entering Viridian Forest, Ash encountered a Caterpie and, with Pikachu’s help, successfully caught it. Determined to enter the Pokémon League, he set out to earn Gym Badges and soon won three.

Along the way, Ash met two fellow Trainers, Verity and Sorrel, while chasing after an Entei. After Entei escaped and rain began to pour, the group sought shelter and discovered a weakened Charmander left out in the rain. After a disagreement with its original Trainer, Cross, they rescued Charmander and nursed it back to health. Charmander chose to join Ash’s team, and together with Verity and Sorrel, they decided to head to the Raizen Mountains, where Ho-Oh was rumored to appear.

Ash encountered Cross again and lost to him in battle, which shook his confidence. Frustrated, he blamed his Pokémon for the loss, causing the Rainbow Wing he carried to turn dark. Unknown to Ash, a Marshadow had been observing him and decided to intervene by pulling him into a dream. In this vision, Ash reconnected with Pikachu and came to understand the true bond he shared with his Pokémon, realizing the importance of trust and friendship.

Eventually, Ash, Verity, and Sorrel reached the Raizen Mountains and climbed to its highest peak, Mt. Tensei. As Ash prepared to place the Rainbow Wing on Rainbow Rock to summon Ho-Oh, he was confronted by Cross and his Incineroar. Having spied on their journey, Cross wanted to battle Ho-Oh himself and tried to steal the Rainbow Wing from Ash. In a fierce battle, Ash's newly evolved Charizard managed to defeat Cross's Incineroar. Despite his loss, Cross took the Rainbow Wing and placed it on Rainbow Rock. However, his malicious intent corrupted the Rainbow Wing, which in turn corrupted the nearby Marshadow and wild Pokémon, turning them against the humans.

Ash and Pikachu tried to fight off Marshadow, but Pikachu was badly injured. In an effort to protect Pikachu, Ash took a full blast from the corrupted Pokémon, causing his body to slowly disappear until only his consciousness remained. This sacrifice broke the hold of the corrupted Rainbow Wing, freeing Marshadow and the wild Pokémon from its control. Heartbroken, Pikachu clutched Ash's hat and, in his grief, released a powerful Thunderbolt. Meanwhile, Ash’s consciousness awakened in a desolate spirit world. Hearing Pikachu’s cries, he ran toward the sound, and his body began to reform in the real world in a glow of light, allowing him and Pikachu to reunite fully.

A new Rainbow Wing then appeared before Ash, and when he placed it on Rainbow Rock, it responded to his pure heart. A rainbow filled the sky, and Ho-Oh flew over Mt. Tensei, accepting Ash’s challenge in an exhilarating battle. Afterward, Ho-Oh and Ash parted ways. Later, at a Pokémon Center, Ash, Verity, and Sorrel bid farewell to Cross, who had turned over a new leaf and vowed to battle Ash again someday. Shortly after, Ash also parted ways with Verity and Sorrel as they pursued their own paths. Ash continued his journey with Pikachu, resolute in his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master.

The Power of Us

Continuing his journey, Ash arrived in Fula City to take part in the annual Wind Festival, dressed in new attire. Shortly after his arrival, he encountered Margo, who was in a dispute with Townes, Hoyt, and Miles. Ash intervened by battling Hoyt's Phanpy, earning Margo’s gratitude and a quick tour of the city. Ash then joined the Pokémon Catch Race, where he took the runner-up prize after helping stop a rampaging Tyranitar.

The following day, Ash met Risa, who recognized him from the race and asked for his help catching a Pokémon. With assistance from Ash and Pikachu, Risa successfully caught an Eevee. However, the festival was marred by minor acts of vandalism, and the "eternal flame" that protected Fula City was stolen. With Mayor Oliver's approval, Ash joined the efforts to find the flame, uncovering that Margo was behind the incidents, as she sought to protect her friend, the rare Pokémon Zeraora, from being discovered by the townspeople.

Disaster soon struck when Team Rocket's stolen bottle of Effect Spore exploded, releasing a poisonous cloud across the city. Ash rallied Risa, Toren, and Harriet to use their "Pokémon Power" by working with their Pokémon to protect the city. They devised a plan: Risa retrieved the eternal flame to summon Lugia, Harriet powered up the city's windmills to disperse the Effect Spore, and Toren and his team created an antidote.

Meanwhile, Ash confronted Zeraora, aiming to restore its trust in humans after years of distrust from being hunted. Battling with Pikachu, Ash earned Zeraora's respect when he shielded wild Pokémon from an errant Electric attack, sustaining a minor injury. This act of courage convinced Zeraora of Ash’s good intentions. Together, they worked to extinguish a forest fire ignited by the Effect Spore, joined by Oliver and the townspeople. Ultimately, Toren and Harriet neutralized the Effect Spore, and Risa successfully summoned Lugia, who doused the remaining flames.

With Fula City safe once more, Ash celebrated the Wind Festival with his new friends. Mayor Oliver declared that Zeraora would live in peace alongside the city. When the festival concluded, Ash said his farewells and continued on his journey.

Secrets of the Jungle

Ash Ketchum and Pikachu journey to the Forest of Okoya from nearby Milyfa Town. After a brief call with his mother, Ash encounters a wild Cramorant, which tries and fails to eat Pikachu. They then run into Sharon and a team from the Biotope Company, who are researching the forest’s healing springs. Meanwhile, Team Rocket infiltrates the Biotope Company to spy on its leader, Dr. Zed.

In the forest, a human boy named Koko lives with the Zarude, particularly one he calls "Dada." Dada had discovered Koko as an infant and, against Zarude tribe rules, raised him in exile. Now, Koko, questioning his origins, has a run-in with Ash, who saves him after a fall. Ash learns that Koko believes he is a Pokémon and helps him experience life among humans, acquiring clothes and observing human-Pokémon relationships.

After an emotional visit with Dada, Koko discovers his human heritage, learning that his parents were researchers who disappeared when he was a baby. Dr. Zed soon reveals his intent to exploit the forest's resources, manipulating Koko to find the Heart Tree, which he then attacks with a mecha to extract its energy. Ash, Pikachu, Koko, and Dada, joined by the Zarude tribe and jungle Pokémon, unite to confront Zed in a fierce battle. Dada is injured protecting Koko, but Koko’s resolve and connection to the forest miraculously revive him. Ash and Pikachu disable the mecha, leading to Zed's capture and the restoration of the forest.

Afterward, Koko decides to journey beyond the forest, embracing both his human and Zarude identities. He bids farewell to Dada and his tribe, who honor him with a display from the healing springs, marking the start of Koko’s path as a bridge between humans and Pokémon. Ash and Pikachu continue on their journey, with peace returning to the Forest of Okoya as Shiny Celebi reappears.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Distant Blue Sky!

While swimming in a river with Water Pokémon, Ash encounters a Gyarados that lifts him out of the water. He calls Pikachu, who uses Thunderbolt, but the attempt to capture Gyarados fails as it escapes. Unfazed, Ash waves goodbye before joining Len, another Trainer, for a battle where Pikachu defeats Len's Machamp. At a Pokémon Center afterward, Ash receives a call from his mom, Delia, who tells him she’s meeting his father in Tonari Town. Eager, Ash heads there, unaware that Team Rocket is following him, intending to steal Pikachu.

Passing through a tunnel and forest, Ash and Pikachu camp overnight. When Ash wakes up to find Pikachu missing, a boy named Sunny offers to help and reveals that strange people took Pikachu. Together, they find Team Rocket and Ash retrieves the key to Pikachu’s capsule, freeing him and sending Team Rocket blasting off once more.

Grateful for Sunny’s help, Ash offers a handshake, but Sunny instead asks what touching a Pokémon feels like. Ash describes it as warm and soft, and they try to find a Pokémon for Sunny to experience this himself, but each attempt fails. Fleeing a swarm of Beedrill, they stumble upon an Oran Berry orchard next to a house, where they meet Sue and her husband, So, who invites Ash to take some berries and even shares berry bread. After leaving, Ash reunites with Sunny, who apologizes for disappearing, explaining he chased after a Pokémon. They share a meal together as they continue on their journey.

After seeing how well Ash understands Pokémon, Sunny asks for help retrieving a cap from a mischievous Mankey pack. Recognizing the hat as Sunny's favorite, Ash recalls a similar incident when his hat was taken by a Mankey and agrees to help, opting not to use Pikachu to avoid damaging the hat. Ash chases the Mankey until it accidentally runs onto an Onix, and he saves it from falling, recovering Sunny's cap. Ash offers his own hat to the disappointed Mankey as compensation. When he tries to return Sunny's cap, Sunny silently leads him back to So and Sue's house, where the couple reacts with shock and sadness upon seeing it. Ash learns that Sunny was actually So and Sue's son, who had died a year ago after a long illness, explaining his ghostly nature, his reluctance to shake hands, and his refusal to eat. Sunny had loved the forest Pokémon and dreamed of becoming a Pokémon Trainer, while So, grieving his loss, only painted skies that Sunny had admired.

Ash shares that Sunny had chosen one particular painting as his favorite, a memory that helps So and Sue appreciate the joys of family and not take their loved ones for granted. Inspired, So decides to paint scenes beyond just skies, honoring Sunny’s love for the forest and Pokémon.

Continuing his journey, Ash encounters Sunny once more. He remembers Sunny’s wish to feel what touching a Pokémon is like, and he offers Pikachu to fulfill that dream. Although Sunny’s ghostly hand phases through, Ash holds his hand, using his Aura to transfer the sensation of touching Pikachu. Sunny finds the experience comforting, and with a grateful smile, he vanishes. As Ash leaves the forest, he glimpses a sky identical to Sunny's favorite, taking a moment to thank Pikachu for always being there.

Ash arrives in Tonari Town at dusk but learns from Delia that his father had to leave due to an emergency, though he left a new hat as a gift. Delia, noticing Ash’s hunger, serves him croquettes, even sharing some with a disguised and hungry Team Rocket nearby. Ash finds himself inexplicably tearful, touched by the memories of the day and the time with Sunny.

The next morning, hearing about an Entei sighting, Ash eagerly sets off in pursuit. Delia sends him off with a mouthful of toast, while Team Rocket, grateful for the food, resumes chasing him. Ash races into a wide field under the open blue sky, continuing his journey alongside Pikachu, ready for whatever adventures await.

Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! Remix Manga

In ICYR1, Ash undertakes an island trial on Poni Island, where he faces a Totem Kommo-o. During this intense battle, he recalls the moment he first met Pikachu. In the flashback, a younger Ash rushes to Professor Oak's Laboratory, having arrived late to choose his first Pokémon. With the initial three starters already chosen, he is left with Pikachu. Their relationship starts out rough, but when Ash accidentally provokes a Spearow by throwing a rock, Pikachu bravely defends him from a pursuing flock. This act cements their bond, and together, they witness the mythical Ho-Oh soaring overhead.

Returning to the present, Ash's strengthened connection with Pikachu helps him defeat Kommo-o with the powerful 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt move.

In ICYR3, Ash arrives at Mount Tensei with Verity and Sorrel, where he attempts to place the Rainbow Wing on a ceremonial rock. However, Cross interrupts him, challenging Ash to a battle. Ash manages to defeat Cross's Incineroar, but must then face Cross's Lycanroc, pushing him further into this challenging confrontation.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 9-B | 8-A | High 7-A | High 6-C

Key: Himself | Start of Adventure | Mid-Adventure Pokémon | End of M20/M21 Pikachu

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Social Influencing, Resurrection through his Pokémon, limited Automatic Translation (Non-combat applicable) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Non-Physical Interaction [All], Small Size (Type 1), Electricity Manipulation and Absorption, Metal Manipulation, Superhuman Speed via Quick Attack, Afterimage Creation, Can paralyze enemies, Resistance to Electricity Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Air Manipulation and Sleep Manipulation [Pikachu], Flight, Fire Manipulation, Dragon and Fire type breath attacks, Dragon-based attacks, Martial Arts via Seismic Toss, limited Reactive Power Level (Blaze makes the user much more powerful when it's close to being defeated), Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Magic and Sleep Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Healing, and Fear Manipulation (Charizard)

Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Should be the same as his canon self) | Multi-City Block level (Possesses a Pikachu, which also created this explosion on Day 1 of his adventure) | Large Mountain level+ (KOed many fully evolved Pokémon such as a Snorlax and Erika’s team, Ash’s Charmeleon fought a trained Incineroar to some degree of success, and later defeated him after evolving to Charizard) | Large Island level+ (Battled against Ho-Oh from midday to dusk, though the Rainbow Pokémon was clearly stronger. Upon being enraged, he did this. Battled somewhat evenly against a wounded Zeraora and matched the Mech upon getting serious and was responsible for its destruction)

Speed: Superhuman with FTL reactions (Perceived end of movie Pikachu attempting to get in front of him. Should be the same of his canon counterpart) | Massively Hypersonic+ (While injured, got in front of Ash so quickly that even lightning hardly moved) | FTL (Reacted to attacks from Ho-Oh, many fully evolved Pokémon, and electrical attacks from Zeraora, who moves so fast that Celebi appears frozen to him)

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Broke out of a Caterpie’s String Shot) | Unknown | At least Class 10 (Physically launched a Snorlax far into the air) | At least Class M (Ash's Pikachu should be far stronger than his Charizard, and by extension Cross’s Incineroar)

Striking Strength: Wall level+ | Multi-City Block level | Large Mountain level+ | Large Island level+ (Deflected an attack from Marshadow)

Durability: At least Building level, likely far higher (Can take numerous hits from fully evolved Pokémon) | Multi-City Block level | Large Mountain level+ (Hardly took damage from a Snorlax's Body Slam) | Large Island level+ (Fought against Ho-Oh for multiple hours on end, tanked attacks from Marshadow, a weakened Zeraora, and the Mech)

Stamina: High, can fight numerous Pokémon battles in a row and walk to different cities | Extremely High, fought the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh all the way from mid-day to dusk, with neither Pikachu nor his trainer seeming tired in the slightest once they were done; was never significantly tired throughout the entire battle against the Mech

Range: Standard Melee Range | Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with most attacks | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers with most attacks | Standard Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers with most attacks

Standard Equipment: Poké Balls

Intelligence: High, even at the start of his journey, Ash was recognized by the Legendary Ho-Oh as worthy of being the Rainbow Hero. Ash has defeated multiple Gym Leaders, battled against multiple Pokémon that have been around for thousands of years, calmed down a rampaging Tyranitar, won 2nd place in a contest of 10 people, and even largely helped to save Fula City from a citywide catastrophe

Weaknesses: Despite being incredibly proficient in battle, he is known to lack common sense to some degree
