Kane (Jump Force)

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Kane (Jump Force)
Kane.(Jump.Force).full.26554251-min (1).png

Vital statistics
Names Kane, カイン Kain, Cain
Gender Male
Race Alien
Occupation Revolutionary
Origin Jump Force (14 February 2019)
Alignment Anti-Villain
Age Unknown
Created By Akira Toriyama (design) Ryuichi Hitori, Yuuya Amano, Hiro Ito
Height 195 cm or (6ft 5in)
Weight Not Stated

Kane (カイン Kain) is an original antagonist in the 2019 crossover fighting game "Jump Force," developed by Spike Chunsoft and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. He is a formidable warrior with a complex philosophy about strength and chaos, playing a pivotal role in the game's storyline as he seeks to reshape the world through destruction and conflict. Designed by Akira Toriyama, Kane is characterized by his towering presence, muscular build, and a unique outfit that merges traditional martial arts aesthetics with futuristic elements.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Kane’s design reflects his role as a formidable antagonist. He is a tall, muscular figure with a stern expression and glowing yellow eyes, symbolizing his connection to otherworldly powers. His outfit is a blend of armor and traditional martial arts attire, featuring a long, flowing coat with a high collar, metallic shoulder guards, and gauntlets. His color scheme primarily includes shades of dark purple and black, with red accents that highlight his menacing appearance.

Kane's design was crafted by Akira Toriyama, renowned for his work on "Dragon Ball" and other influential manga. Toriyama’s influence is evident in Kane’s distinctive look, which combines sleek, futuristic elements with a classic villainous presence. His character design emphasizes both his physical prowess and his mysterious, otherworldly origin, making him an imposing figure on the battlefield.

Personality:[edit | edit source]

Kane is portrayed as a ruthless, driven, and ideologically motivated antagonist. He is highly intelligent, articulate, and possesses a sharp understanding of the nature of strength and conflict. Unlike many villains who seek power for its own sake, Kane is a firm believer in the necessity of chaos and destruction to force evolution and growth. He sees himself as a revolutionary who is not afraid to tear down the old world to create something new and more vital.

Despite his cruel methods, Kane shows moments of genuine respect for those who prove their worth in battle, suggesting a sense of honor beneath his villainous exterior. He is not swayed by personal gain or petty desires; rather, his actions are driven by a belief in his philosophical ideals. Kane views the heroes of Jump Force as misguided, but not necessarily beneath him, recognizing their potential if they were to embrace the harsh truths he believes in.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Kane's origins are shrouded in mystery, but he emerges in "Jump Force" as a powerful and enigmatic villain with a deep disdain for the current state of the world. His backstory is gradually revealed through his dialogues and confrontations with the game's heroes, suggesting that he was once an ordinary person who experienced profound disillusionment with humanity's stagnant state . Kane believes that conflict, destruction, and the survival of the fittest are the true paths to strength and evolution.

Driven by this philosophy, Kane allies himself with Galena, another original character designed by Toriyama, who shares his ambition to create a new world order. Together, they seek to manipulate the energies of the Jump Worlds (fictional universes from the Weekly Shonen Jump series) to create a reality where only the strongest survive. Kane's ultimate goal is to shatter the existing boundaries between worlds, merge them into one chaotic battlefield, and force humanity to evolve or perish as revenge for his family's deaths.

Role in "Jump Force":[edit | edit source]

In "Jump Force," Kane serves as one of the main antagonists, working alongside Galena and unknowingly, mastermind Prometheus, who controls the Umbras Cubes. These cubes have the power to turn ordinary humans into Venoms — mindless warriors who obey the will of Prometheus. Kane, however, harbors his own plans for the cubes and seeks to harness their power to amplify his own abilities and destroy the world’s current order.

Kane’s ideology clashes with the members of Jump Force, a team of heroes from different Jump universes brought together to protect Earth from the threat of the Venoms and the merging worlds. Kane views them as naïve for trying to maintain the status quo and accuses them of being too weak to understand the necessity of destruction for the sake of rebirth.

Throughout the game, Kane battles the heroes multiple times, demonstrating his immense strength, agility, and combat skills. He is a ruthless fighter, wielding a combination of physical prowess, energy manipulation, and dark powers derived from the Umbras Cubes. Despite his malevolent actions, he often expresses a grudging respect for those who prove their strength against him, indicating that his motives are not purely evil but driven by his belief in his twisted sense of justice and progress.

The player defeats Kane, only for Glover to reveal himself as Prometheus, the true mastermind behind the merging of the worlds and Galena's actual master, who had used Kane to spread chaos across the worlds. Once Kane's usefulness ends, Galena seemingly kills him and stalls the heroes to buy time for Prometheus to continue his plans. The heroes manage to defeat Galena, but Prometheus absorbs her shortly afterward.

Confronting Prometheus, the heroes learn that he is a "keyman" responsible for showing the real world the stories of "Jump." However, he grew disillusioned with humanity's vices and decided to merge the real and Jump worlds to guide humanity toward a better path. To achieve this, he steals the player's cube for its positive energy, intending to balance it against the evil energy he collected from the villains and become a god. The villains join forces with the heroes in a temporary truce, and a still-living Kane uses his last strength to give his cube to the player. Goku further empowers them with the energy of all the Jump Force, enabling them to finally destroy Prometheus.

Powers and Statistics[edit | edit source]

Tier: Low 1-C | Likely High 1-A

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Master Martial Artist, Indomitable Will, Flight, Energy Projection (capable of homing in on his targets, and forming defensive barriers), Explosion Manipulation, Afterimage Creation, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, BFR, Portal Creation, Reactive Power Level (Seemingly became vastly stronger in his encounter with Prometheus, being able to shrug off a few casual attacks when before he was not even able to defeat the Player and Goku), Corruption, Possession, Duplication, Mind Control, Statistics Amplification (Self and others via Umbras cubes), Absorption (energy and other beings), Non-Physical Interaction, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Creation, Existence Erasure (Is stated to be able to erase entire Jump Worlds and create his own worlds) | All previous abilities, but vastly enhanced. Kane can shrug off casual attacks from Prometheus, a Transdual, Beyond Dimensional being, this implies at least some resistance to Prometheus abilities and he would need the following abilities to be even a minor threat. Conceptual Manipulation (type 1), Immortality Negation (Type 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10), Regeneration Negation (True-Godly)

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (Should be comparable to Jump Force Goku) | Likely High Outerverse level (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Speed: Immeasurable (Should be comparable to Jump Force Goku) | Likely Irrelevant (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Likely Irrelevant (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level (Should be comparable to Jump Force Goku) | Likely High Outerverse level (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level (Should be comparable to Jump Force Goku) | Likely High Outerverse level (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Stamina: Extremely high

Range: Low Complex Multiverse level (Should be comparable to Jump Force Goku) | Likely High Outerverse level (Is likely somewhat comparable to Prometheus)

Standard Equipment: Onyx Book, Umbras Cubes

Intelligence: Kane is a Martial Arts master adept in hand to hand combat and fighting at a distance with energy projection techniques, portal creation and teleportation. He also is the leader of the Venoms, organizing many of their missions and plans showing great leadership skills.

Weaknesses: None notable.

Attacks/Techniques[edit | edit source]

  • Ignition Bullet - Kane teleports towards the opponent and throws a powerful fiery punch that knocks the opponent back. The attack can be charged, which will increase the distance that Kane teleports.
  • Planetbreaker - Kane braces himself before teleporting into the air closer to the opponent and slamming to the ground. The impact creates a burst of fire and will send the opponent flying if it hits.
  • Phantom Wave - Kane disappears in a burst of red Umbras Cubes and reappears in the direction that the left stick is held in when the ability is triggered.
  • Cosmic Overload - Kane teleports above the center of the arena and releases a massive burst of energy from his body that covers almost the entire arena.