Prometheus (Jump Force)

From The Character Database
Prometheus (Jump Force)

Vital statistics
Names Director Glover, Prometheus
Gender Male
Race Alien, Keyman
Occupation Director of Jump Force, Keyman
Origin Jump Force (14 February 2019)
Alignment Evil
Age Unknown
Created By Akira Toriyama (design) Ryuichi Hitori, Yuuya Amano, Hiro Ito
Height Not Stated
Weight Not Stated

Prometheus /"Director Glover" (プロメテウス/グラバー, Purometeusu/Gurabā) is the primary antagonist in the crossover fighting game "Jump Force," which features characters from various Shonen Jump manga series. As an original character created specifically for the game, Prometheus serves as a central figure in the conflict that threatens the real world and the universes of the various manga characters.


Prometheus appears as a tall, intimidating figure clad in a dark, flowing robe adorned with arcane symbols. His face is hidden behind a metallic mask, which has sharp, angular features that add to his menacing presence. Prometheus's mask has glowing red eyes, reflecting his sinister intentions. His overall appearance conveys a sense of mystery and danger, as he often looms over his adversaries and speaks with a cold, authoritative tone.


Prometheus is characterized by his intellectual arrogance and sense of superiority. He is confident in his belief that he alone understands the true nature of the world and is willing to manipulate and betray others to achieve his vision of unity and peace. Prometheus is calm and calculating, often displaying a composed demeanor even in the face of opposition. He views the heroes of the Jump Worlds as mere tools to be used for his grand design and has little regard for their well-being or desires.

While he presents himself as a seeker of peace, his actions reveal a more complex character driven by a desire for control and an inability to trust in the innate goodness or potential of others. This makes him a compelling antagonist, as he represents a perversion of the idea of a "hero" who fights for a greater cause but does so through force and manipulation.

As Director Glover



Prometheus is a being of great power and intellect who once belonged to an organization called "Umbras Cubes," dedicated to maintaining balance between the real world and the Jump Worlds—the universes of various manga series. Initially, Prometheus as Director Glover with Navigator, worked to safeguard this balance, but Prometheus became disillusioned with the constant conflicts that arose between the heroes and villains of the Jump Worlds.

Believing that true peace could only be achieved by uniting all worlds into one under his rule, Prometheus betrays his comrades and becomes obsessed with using the "Umbras Cubes"—mysterious objects capable of merging different worlds and granting immense power. Prometheus begins manipulating events to bring together powerful heroes and villains from the Jump Worlds, using the Umbras Cubes to amplify their strength and turn them into his pawns. He orchestrates the merging of the real world with the Jump Worlds, creating a massive crisis.

Role in Jump Force

In "Jump Force," Prometheus acts as the mastermind behind the invasion of the real world by various Jump World villains. He uses the Umbras Cubes to corrupt both heroes and villains, turning them into his subordinates known as "Venoms." He creates the Jump Force—a coalition of heroes from different manga universes—under the guise of protecting the worlds, but his true intention is to merge all realities into one and rule over it as a god-like figure.

Throughout the game, Prometheus continually tests the heroes of the Jump Force, manipulating them into conflicts with the Venoms and furthering his plans. His ultimate goal is to use the energy from these battles and the power of the Umbras Cubes to achieve his vision of a united world under his dominion.

Final Confrontation

The game culminates in a showdown between Prometheus and the assembled heroes of the Jump Force. In the final battle, Prometheus reveals his true form, displaying the full extent of his power granted by the Umbras Cubes. Despite his formidable abilities, he is ultimately defeated by the combined might of the Jump Force, who manage to thwart his plan to merge the worlds.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: High 1-A

Powers and Abilities:

Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Flight, Energy Manipulation,(capable of homing in on his targets, and forming defensive barriers), Explosion Manipulation, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, BFR, Portal Creation, Creation, Transduality (Transcends all Jump Worlds, the characters and events within them, including Transdual ones like Ajimu, and even the Real World), Conceptual Manipulation (type 1), Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Acausality (type 5), Immortality (1, 3, 4, 5 and 10), Regeneration (True Godly, Trancends the duality of Existence and Nonexistence), Regeneration Negation (True-Godly), Spatial Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience, Corruption, Possession, Duplication, Mind Manipulation]], Statistics Amplification (Self and others via Umbras cubes), Absorption (energy and other beings), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Existence Erasure (Can erase the Player from existence), Beyond-Dimensional Existence, Fusionism (can fuse all worlds), he could use any skill from any Jump Worlds character by creating copies of them which he controls, likely many others

Prometheus should resist any ability that any character from a Jump World could use, given the fact that he completely transcends them and their Worlds, and he felt nobody in the Jump Force could even hope to scratch him. There are far to many skills to list as resistances for each individual ability that has ever appeared in a Jump franchise. However one notable character who's skills would all be resisted that would cover many of these categories is Ajimu Najimi from Medaka Box. So here is an idea of some of the quadrillions of skills which she has, that Prometheus would resist.

Attack Potency: High Outerverse level (Prometheus states that with the power of the Onyx Book, it would be a trivial matter to change all Jump Worlds, and even the Real World, which views the Jump Worlds, their characters and events as just fiction. Prometheus planned to fuse all the Jump Worlds and the Real World together into one World, where he would be the "One true God" with his power. Prometheus also considers those in the Jump Force to be so far beneath him that they could not even hope to scratch him).See the Notes section for further details on the reasoning for his tier.

Speed: Irrelevant

Lifting Strength: Irrelevant

Striking Strength: High Outerverse level

Durability: High Outerverse level

Stamina: Irrelevant

Range: High Outerverse level

Standard Equipment: Umbras Cubes, Onyx Book

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient. Watches over and conveys all Jump Worlds as stories to the Real World.

Weaknesses: He is arrogant, so may not take his opponents seriously at first.


1. Prometheus not only completely transcends any "Jump World" and the characters within them, but also the Real World, which views the Jump Worlds as mere fiction to. This means he is Transcendent many times over to powerful verses like Dragon Ball, Digimon, Final Fantasy and Saint Seiya, but also even characters such as Ajimu Najimi from Medaka Box, who among her quadrillions of skills can create Universes, increase the power of her skills, always be stronger than her opponent and always win against those much stronger, trancends dimensions, is superior to a character who already surpasses dimesnions, controls the infinite, has achieved every impossibility, her ability of being anywhere at any time she wishes isn't even one quadrillionth of what she can do, Kumagawa, who can erase the concepts of time, colours, people, reality and more like they never existed cannot defeat her, she is stated to be all knowing and all powerful; an omnipotent being, and she is also implied to have Transduality, being above even the duality of reality and non-reality; beyond fictional manga characters, and exists aware of the reader and even outside her own manga and show at times. Medaka Box verse, and Ajimu Najimi herself are even seen in the previous installment of Jump Force, J-Stars, for further proof that she is included in the Jump Worlds. She should logically be "At least 1-A, likely higher" based on this information alone.

2. It is clear that Medaka box refers to dimensions as transcending higher dimensional planes and not regular universes. Her transcending dimensions is also clearly the concept of dimensions in general due to her being a transdual being which includes those dualities listed, as well as impossibility and possibility, and even reality and non-reality, fiction and non-fiction. She can achieve virtualy anything she wants, and if there is someone beyond her, she will automatically become beyond them

3. Prometheus also likely transcends the cosmology and characters of Marvel, given that the Marvel × Shōnen Jump+ Super Collaboration makes the Marvel verse technically a published entity in Shōnen Jump+, a branch of the Jump franchise and part of the Jump Worlds. This would mean that Prometheus is immeasurably above entities like Oblivion and the Living Tribunal, who Transcend all dimensions of space and time in an infinitely layered multiverse, and embody fundamental Platonic Concepts in their cosmology. In fact Dead Pool in "Deadpool Samurai" even meets All might from My Hero Academia, further strengthening the argument that Marvel exists within the same structure as the other Jump worlds. Marvel even acknowledges the existence of other fictional franchises in their cosmology through guides and many crossovers.

4. The Umbras Cubes and Onyx Book have been shown to corrupt, posses and mind control both heroes and villains across the Jump Worlds and Real World, creating "Venoms". They can also increase the power and combat abilities of those who have them. The Onyx Book has even been shown to create countless copies of other characters, or the user, as seen with Galena when she makes many copies of herself. The book and cubes can absorb energy, as well as individuals, as seen when Prometheus absorbs Galena.


  • Prometheus's name is inspired by the figure in Greek mythology, Prometheus, who defied the gods to bring fire to humanity. This allusion reflects his desire to reshape the world and his self-perception as a figure who transcends the existing order.
  • He is an original character designed by Akira Toriyama, the creator of "Dragon Ball," specifically for "Jump Force." This design choice adds a unique visual style to Prometheus, differentiating him from the manga characters.
  • Like how both Kane and Galena are Jump Force's equivalent of both Mira and Towa from the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series respectively Prometheus could be the game's equivalent of Demigra as both characters are the main antagonist and the character who is responsible for the events in the game happening.