King Vegeta

From The Character Database
King Vegeta
King Vegeta (Toei)-min.png
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Vegeta, you come from a strong bloodline and you possess the potential power to join the super elite of all Saiyan's. Never forget where you're from and train very hard, my son, because if you've proven yourself worthy, perhaps someday you will become a Super Saiyan.
― King Vegeta to Vegeta in "Z Warriors Prepare"

Vital statistics
Names Vegeta III
Gender Male
Race Saiyan/Saiyajin,
Occupation King of Planet Vegeta, Commander-in-Chief of the Saiyan Army
Origin Dragon Ball Z Episode 48:"Fighting Power: One Million??" (悪あく夢むの超ちょう変へん身しん!!戦せん闘とう力りょく100万まんのフリーザ Akumu no Chō-Henshin!! Sentō-ryoku Hyaku-Man no Furīza, lit. "A Nightmare Super-Transformation!! Freeza's Battle Power Reaches One Million")February 20, 1991
Alignment Evil
Age 37
Created By Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation
Height Not Stated
Weight Not Stated

King Vegeta (ベジータ王, Bejīta-Ō), specifically Vegeta III (ベジータ三世, Bejīta Sansei), was the last king of the Saiyans and the father of Vegeta IV and Tarble. After the Saiyans were annexed by King Cold's Cold Army, King Vegeta was forced to pledge allegiance but managed to retain power over his people. This continued during the Saiyans' subjugation under Frieza's Frieza Force until the tyrant ultimately destroyed them.

Appearance:[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta bears a strong resemblance to his eldest son, Vegeta, though he is taller, bearded, and has brown hair. As a member of Frieza's army, King Vegeta wears the standard Battle Armor with some custom features, such as the red Vegeta Royal Family Crest on the left side of his armor. He also wears a blue and red cape, similar to the one his son Vegeta wore as a child. His outfit includes a black undersuit and dark blue boots.

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, King Vegeta’s appearance is slightly altered with a new design. His face has more pronounced cheekbones, longer sideburns, and his beard sports a thinner mustache with a gap in the middle. His hair appears in a darker shade of brown, although some artworks depict it as black with gray highlights. His armor is primarily black with a gold plate on the stomach and lower back, as well as gold shoulder pads supporting a red cape. Unlike his original design, this version of King Vegeta does not have the Saiyan Royal Family crest on his chest plate. Underneath his cape and armor, he wears a dark blue tight suit, a gold necklace with blue gems, black wrist guards, white Frieza Force boots, and a white skirt with a red and gray stripe at the bottom, with his tail wrapped around it.

Personality[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta is portrayed as bold, arrogant, and boastful, yet level-headed and clever, symbolizing Saiyan pride. He is ruthless and merciless, enjoying the downfall of his enemies, traits he passed on to his son Vegeta. Although he accepted the reality of Saiyan subjugation under Frieza, he concealed this from his people.

In the Funimation dub and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, King Vegeta shows a jealous side, particularly regarding Broly's potential surpassing his son's. He opts to banish Broly to a remote planet rather than execute him, recognizing the potential danger Broly's power could pose.

Despite his ruthlessness, King Vegeta cares for his son, Vegeta, though he was embarrassed by his younger son, Tarble's weakness, choosing banishment over execution for him as well. His elitist views led him to believe only those of high power levels, like his son, could become Super Saiyans, though this belief was later challenged by Goku's transformation.

King Vegeta is also pragmatic, willing to swallow his pride when faced with superior foes like Frieza and Beerus, although he made mistakes that led to dangerous consequences. His pride in Saiyan heritage and his strict, often ruthless leadership were essential for maintaining control over his warrior race.

Biography:[edit | edit source]

Background:[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta emerged as a key leader during the Saiyan-Tuffle war, rallying his people against the Tuffles on Planet Plant. After a decade-long conflict ending in Age 730, the planet was renamed Planet Vegeta in his honor. His intelligence and cunning were recognized even by his enemies, like Dr. Lychee, who compared him to the Tuffles in terms of strategic thinking.

After the war, King Vegeta discovered the Demon Realm planet, which he used for secret training.[1] Shortly thereafter, the Saiyans came into contact with Frieza, who provided them with advanced technology in exchange for their allegiance. Despite his reluctance, King Vegeta submitted to Frieza, knowing that the Saiyans could not defeat the powerful tyrant.

In Age 731, King Vegeta married an unnamed female Saiyan, likely his queen, and fathered two sons: Prince Vegeta, born in Age 732, and Tarble. Prince Vegeta was later given to Frieza under unknown circumstances, although King Vegeta planned to rebel before letting Frieza fully control his son. Tarble, who lacked the fighting spirit of a Saiyan, was sent away from Planet Vegeta as an infant, saving him from Frieza's grasp.

Realizing that Frieza had no further use for the Saiyans, King Vegeta decided to rebel against his oppression and retrieve his son. He led an assault on Frieza's capital ship with his royal guard. However, his guards were too terrified to assist him, leaving King Vegeta to face Frieza alone. Frieza effortlessly dodged King Vegeta's attack and killed him with a single punch, followed by the massacre of the Saiyan elites who had accompanied him.

Frieza Saga (Dragon Ball Z):[edit | edit source]

I dreamt, I yearned to be the one to avenge us… yet he battered and broke me just as he did the others.
― King Vegeta to Goku in a vision, alongside Vegeta and Bardock in "The Final Trump Card! Goku's Ultimate Spirit Bomb!"

King Vegeta is mentioned by Frieza, who recalls defeating him effortlessly during his attack on Planet Vegeta. In a flashback, it is shown that King Vegeta attempted to battle Frieza but was easily overpowered. Vegeta later reveals that he surpassed his father in strength even as a child. During Goku's battle with Frieza on Namek, King Vegeta appears in a vision alongside Vegeta and Bardock, urging Goku not to give up and to defeat Frieza for the Saiyan race.

Dragon Ball Super:[edit | edit source]

God of Destruction Beerus Saga :[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta once encountered Beerus, the God of Destruction, and was mistreated by him for keeping the most comfortable pillow for himself after Beerus had ordered him to find it. Beerus admonished him for his actions but spared King Vegeta, his son, and the Saiyans after King Vegeta willingly submitted to punishment. This incident led Beerus to develop a poor opinion of King Vegeta and the Saiyans, ultimately influencing his suggestion to Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta.

Years later, during a flashback, Vegeta recalls seeing his father submit to Beerus. Vegeta stands up for his father and attacks Beerus, who easily paralyzes him but acknowledges Vegeta's potential due to his respect for his father.

Broly:[edit | edit source]

When King Cold retires and introduces Frieza as his successor on Planet Vegeta, King Vegeta reluctantly greets them and kneels before Frieza. Later, he visits his son, Prince Vegeta, in his incubator and is proud of his potential. However, upon noticing the baby Broly and learning of his high power level, King Vegeta decides to banish Broly to the remote planet Vampa, fearing the threat he could pose to the royal family. Paragus confronts King Vegeta about this decision, but the king remains resolute.

Baby Saga (Dragon Ball GT):[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta appears in a flashback when Baby explains the Saiyan-Tuffle War to Vegeta. He is shown leading the Saiyans and transforming into a Great Ape during the war.

Film Appearances[edit | edit source]

Cooler's Revenge:[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta is mentioned in the prologue of the Funimation dub, where Cooler criticizes Frieza for being so blinded by arrogance that he failed to notice a space pod escaping Planet Vegeta. Cooler remarks that the pod could have just as easily contained King Vegeta instead of Kakarot.

Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan:[edit | edit source]

In Age 737, King Vegeta orders the execution of newborn Broly due to his extraordinarily high power level of 10,000, viewing it as a threat to the royal family. Paragus, Broly's father, tries to intervene but is blasted by King Vegeta and left for dead along with his son. This event sparks Paragus and Broly's vendetta against the royal family, leading Paragus to seek revenge through Broly after King Vegeta's death at the hands of Frieza.

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta makes a brief appearance during the Destron Gas incident in West City. When the Z-Fighters investigate the source of the gas, Vegeta explains that the Destron Gas was likely created by surviving Tuffles. In a flashback, King Vegeta is shown as Vegeta recounts the Saiyan-Tuffle war, explaining that the Tuffles were the only ones capable of making such a device and gas. Vegeta suggests that the Tuffles' intention was to use the Destron Gas to exact revenge by killing off the remaining Saiyans on Earth, motivated by their defeat in the conflict led by King Vegeta many years ago.

Battle of Gods:[edit | edit source]

King Vegeta appears briefly in a flashback during "Battle of Gods." He is shown kneeling before Beerus, with the God of Destruction's foot on his head, while Beerus enjoys a meal prepared by the king. Prince Vegeta watches silently nearby as his father submits to Beerus.

Powers and Stats[edit | edit source]

Tier: Low 4-C

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, [allowing them to locate small, distant objects][2] by tracking their smell[3] and see clearly over long distances[4]), Flight, Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which can home in on targets, and form defensive barriers), Reactive Evolution, Likely Radiation Manipulation (Like Vegeta, possibly can create enough Blutz Waves to turn a Saiyan into a Great Ape[5]), Transformation (Can transform into an Oozaru, increasing his capabilities drastically, and giving him Type 1 Large Size and ), Bodily Weaponry, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Space Survival. (Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiation) (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects.[6] Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high.[7] Can travel in space, which is cold and filled with radiations[8])

Attack Potency: Small Star level+ (Destroyed a string of planets with a single attack. Superior to Goku when he faced Vegeta)

Speed: Relativistic+ (Superior to Piccolo who could fire a beam that reached the Moon in seconds)

Lifting Strength: Class P (Superior to an enraged Gohan, who resisted the gravitational pull of the Dead Zone)

Striking Strength: Small Star level+

Durability: Small Star level+

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard Melee Range. Planetary with ki blasts and attacks.

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Mastery of various martial arts techniques and skills.

Weaknesses: Arrogance.

Tier: 5-B, 5-A as an Oozaru

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies,[9] and they age slowly after reaching their prime[10] in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades;[11] after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan[12] than humans), Acrobatics, Skilled Martial Artist, Flight, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects[13] by tracking their smell[14] and see clearly over long distances[15]), Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Stats & Abilities - As a Saiyan, King Vegeta grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Likely Radiation Manipulation (Like Vegeta, possibly can create enough Blutz Waves to turn a Saiyan into a Great Ape[16]), Transformation (Can transform into an Oozaru, increasing his capabilities drastically, and giving him Large Size (Type 1)), Bodily Weaponry (Via Saiyan Tail[17]). Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Saiyans are immune[18] to the Extinction Bomb,[19] which releases a planet-wide supervirus aimed at extinguishing the targeted population[20] and has been stated to work on other alien planets in the past[21]), Cold and Radiations (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects.[22] Can fight in the upper atmosphere where the temperature is extremely cold and the radiation levels are exceedingly high[23])

Attack Potency: Planet level (Was the strongest Saiyan at the time besides Prince Vegeta, which means he was superior to Bardock and Nappa), Large Planet level as an Oozaru (10 times stronger than base form)

Speed: At least Relativistic+ (Should be faster than Nappa), higher as an Oozaru.

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Planet level, Large Planet level as an Oozaru (10 times stronger than base form)

Durability: Planet level, Large Planet level as an Oozaru

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range; Planetary with ki blasts and attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: likely Gifted (Mastery of various martial arts techniques and skills)

Weaknesses: King Vegeta is very arrogant, and cannot survive in the vacuum of space.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:[edit | edit source]

  • Execution Beam – A purple beam of energy King Vegeta used on a Saiyan messenger after the said soldier told him that they have to wait for three days to invade planet Tazba for Frieza's organization due to how long it is going to take until the planet experiences its full moon. He also uses it on Paragus in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan to silence him after he protested against Broly's execution.
  • Orga Blaster – King Vegeta rushes toward the opponent and smacks them aside. He then takes the opponent by their head, knees them in the face, and punches them in the same place. The final part of this attack involves King Vegeta using a large purple energy wave to blast his opponent away. He used the finishing blast against an army of Frieza's soldiers whilst invading Frieza's ship to rescue his son, Vegeta.
    • King Blazer - In Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, King Vegeta uses King Blazer which is basically the energy wave portion of Orga Blaster as his Super Attack.
  • Explosive Wave – King Vegeta used it while on an unnamed planet with his elite. From what was seen of it, it was apparently powerful enough to not only destroy the planet he was on, but also the surrounding planets as well. It is also one of his Blast 1 in his base and Great Ape forms in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Power Ball – The natural Saiyan ability to make an artificial moon to make use for transforming into a Great Ape.
  • Chou Makouhou – Great Ape King Vegeta releases a massive wave of energy from his mouth. He is seen using it during a flashback of the Saiyan-Tuffle war in Dragon Ball GT.
    • Super King Blaster - King Vegeta's personal variation of the Chou Makouhou used by Great Ape King Vegeta as his Super Attack in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission. Unlike a normal Chou Makouhou, the blast is made of fiery ki rather than an energy wave.
    • Chou Makouhou Barrage – Great Ape King Vegeta releases a rapid flurry version of Chou Makouhou. It is his Ultimate Blast in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Super Explosive Wave – King Vegeta releases a gigantic energy wave that deals far greater damage than the basic Explosive Wave. It is one of his Blast 2 in his Great Ape form in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Super Galick Gun – King Vegeta does use this technique in his Great Ape form in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. He fires it with one hand, in a similar fashion to the blast he uses to end Orga Blaster rush.
    • Royal Family Galick Gun - A combined Energy Wave and team attack performed by SSGSS Vegeta, Tarble, and King Vegeta in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission after Vegeta summons his brother and father from Subspace with his Royal Family Galick Gun T CAA Super Ability.
  • Howl – One of Great Ape King Vegeta's Blast 1 in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • King of Saiyans – One of King Vegeta's Blast 1 in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
  • Super Energy Wave Volley – Used in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Hair Color: King Vegeta is usually depicted with brown hair, but in certain flashbacks, such as in the pre-Androids Saga and Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, he is shown with black hair. This discrepancy likely stems from Vegeta's statement in the manga that true Saiyans' hair is always black and does not grow. This was also the case with Vegeta, who was initially animated with brown hair, but this was later corrected to black as the series progressed.
  • Bardock - The Father of Goku: Despite common misconceptions, King Vegeta does not appear in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku. This confusion likely arises from flashbacks in the anime that some viewers mistakenly associate with that special.
  • Manga Appearances: King Vegeta was never featured in the Dragon Ball manga and was only mentioned a few times by Vegeta and Frieza during the Frieza Saga. His appearances in the anime were filler. However, he eventually makes an actual appearance in Dragon Ball Super Chapter 3 and in a Bonus Story.
  • Budokai Tenkaichi 3: In the "Dragon History" mode of Budokai Tenkaichi 3, King Vegeta has a line directed at Frieza: "You will join your father in the next world." This suggests that King Vegeta and King Cold had some interaction before his death. This was later implied in Dragon Ball Super: Broly when King Cold annexed the Saiyans into his empire and handed control over to Frieza.
  • Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit: Vegeta's second alternate outfit in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit closely resembles King Vegeta's outfit in terms of color, though it lacks the royal family crest on the breastplate.
  • Voice Change: In the remastered version of Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan, King Vegeta's voice was slightly higher in pitch compared to the original version.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X, 2017
  2. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  3. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  4. Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
  5. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  6. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  7. Dragon Ball Z — “Bardock: The Father of Goku“
  8. Dragon Ball Z — “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan“
  9. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11, Page 9
  10. Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume, Chapter 11, Page 9
  11. Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
  12. Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!
  13. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  14. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  15. Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
  16. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  17. DB Chapter 0196-014
  18. V-Jump December 2013 Issue (21 October 2013) — “Tera-P” & “V-Jump Cartoonists’ Collection”
  19. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman "Chapter 11 — Mission Accomplished!"
  20. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman "Chapter 1 — Goes To Earth"
  21. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman "Chapter 2 — The Galactic Patrolman's Discovery"
  22. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  23. Dragon Ball Super — “Broly“ (23:50-24:05)