
From The Character Database
Frieza Legends-min.png
I am Lord Frieza. None surpass me. No one even comes close! Etch this into your skull! I am the Emperor of the Universe! The likes of you are only fit to grovel at my feet! Or, better still... TO DIE, IN DISGRACE, AT THE HANDS OF YOUR MASTER!
― Frieza, to Goku

Vital statistics
Names Frieza

Freeza Freezer Freeza F Lord Frieza Emperor Frieza Universal Emperor

Gender Male
Race Alien Hybrid Mutant
Occupation Emperor
Origin Dragon Ball Chapter 247: (DBZ 53)"Planet Namek, Cold and Dark" (暗あん雲うんうずまくナメック星せい An'un Uzumaku Namekku-sei, lit. "Dark Clouds Swirl Over Planet Namek")October 24, 1989 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1989 #47)
Alignment Evil
Age Over 70 Years Old
Created By Akira Toriyama
Height 158 cm (5ft 2in; final form)
Weight Not Stated
Personality Type {{{personality type}}}

Frieza (フリーザ Furīza, lit. "Freeza") is one of the major antagonists in the Dragon Ball franchise, known for his ruthless nature and immense power. He is a member of an unnamed race and is a prominent figure in Universe 7.

Frieza is the descendant of Chilled, the younger son of King Cold, and the younger brother of Cooler. He is also the father of Kuriza. Frieza rose to power as the emperor of Universe 7, inheriting his father's imperialist army. He became infamous for his cruelty and for being one of the most feared beings in the universe. His power and tyranny led to the genocide of the Saiyan race, and he is the primary antagonist in several sagas, including the Frieza Saga and the Golden Frieza Saga. In the Universe Survival Saga, Frieza serves as a villainous protagonist.

Concept and Creation

  • Name Origin: Frieza's name is a play on the word "freezer," fitting with the theme where his subordinates are named after items found in a refrigerator.
  • Design Inspiration: Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, envisioned Frieza based on his childhood idea of what a monster should look like. Frieza’s design is also inspired by Toriyama’s second editor, Yū Kondō, and the economic bubble in Japan at the time, with Frieza symbolizing real estate speculators, whom Toriyama regarded as "the worst sort of people."
  • Final Form Concept: Frieza's final form was intentionally made to look small and less threatening, subverting the common trope where monsters become larger and more menacing as they become stronger.


  • Transformations: Frieza has multiple transformations, each drastically different from the others. His fourth form, which is the most powerful, is implied to be his original form, while the other forms are used to suppress and control his immense power.
  • First Form: In this form, Frieza typically wears the standard armor of his army, which includes a purple body suit with yellow shoulder guards, black shorts, and sometimes a red scouter.
  • True Form: Frieza’s true form features his race’s Bio Suit, and in his Mecha form, he is equipped with a permanent Cosmic Suit.
  • Universe Survival Saga: In this saga, Frieza is depicted with a halo over his head due to being dead, which is later removed when Whis restores his life.
  • Alternate Outfits: In a promotional series of stamps for Dragon Ball Super, Frieza is depicted in a black suit with a white dress shirt and a red tie, an outfit he wears in the Society Survival Saga.


Frieza, unlike most primary antagonists, exhibits a refined and civilized demeanor, speaking with a regal and eloquent tone. In the Japanese versions, he even uses the Keigo dialect, characterized by exceptionally respectful and formal language. In the original and remastered dubs of Dragon Ball Z, while his polite mannerisms are somewhat retained (such as when he quips about forgetting his manners and should have said "please" while threatening the Namekians), his brutal nature is more emphasized. Frieza approaches situations systematically, often employing dark humor, making twisted jokes, and mockingly taunting his enemies before killing them. Fully aware of his reputation for brutality, Frieza not only accepts it but revels in it, as shown in his introduction to the Namekians. He also displays anger when his cruel actions are undone, such as when the Dragon Balls revive his previous victims. Frieza can be described as an intelligent, mostly composed, yet extraordinarily sadistic and completely heartless sociopath. His character biography in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 highlights his unparalleled cruelty, and he is often referred to as "the evilest being in Universe 7." In Cooler's Revenge, Goku remarks that Frieza is "filled with hatred" when condemning Frieza's brother, Cooler.

While Frieza never attepted to kill his father or brother during his lifetime and has collaborated with them to protect their family's reign (as seen in the Trunks Saga, Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans, and Xenoverse 2), he has little real love or attachment to them. He even dismisses the idea of reviving his father when Sorbet suggests it in both Resurrection 'F' and Dragon Ball Super. This detachment is further illustrated when the Supreme Kai of Universe 9, Ro, questions Frieza about betraying Universe 7 and asks if he has any cherished memories or loved ones, to which Frieza coldly responds that he has no idea what Ro is talking about, leading Ro to label him a psychopath when considering the possibility of Frieza joining Team Universe 9 with Sidra. Despite his lack of affection for his family, Frieza is proud of his lineage and respected his father during his lifetime, taking his father's warnings about Beerus and Majin Buu seriously. Frieza and Cooler have a strong sibling rivalry, and it is implied that they would have eventually clashed over control of the universe if not for Frieza's defeat on Namek. In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Frieza is mildly annoyed when his father affectionately pats him on the back on Planet Vegeta, indicating his general dislike for affection, even from his father. However, Frieza does refer to his father as "loving" when mentioning that Goku was the first person, other than his parents, to inflict pain on his final form, though this could be sarcasm.

Frieza is a perfectionist, expecting the same from his soldiers, and any failure is met with severe punishment or death. He has no qualms about slaughtering his own forces, no matter their loyalty, if they are in his way, as demonstrated when he destroyed Planet Vegeta, knowing most of his men were within the trajectory, and when he executed a soldier before deciding to deal with Future Trunks himself in the Japanese version. In Resurrection 'F', Frieza executed Tagoma by shooting him into space and made no effort to activate the secondary window to save his forces from being sucked into the vacuum (with only Sorbet doing so). He also reacts violently to criticism, failed plans, or any damage to his pride.

At his core, Frieza delights in glory, power, suffering, dominance, control, and destruction, as evident in his enjoyment of Planet Vegeta's annihilation and his maniacal pleasure in destroying planets and tormenting his enemies before killing them. He is one of the most sadistic and megalomaniacal beings across the known universes, lacking any sympathetic or redeeming traits. Additionally, he has a pronounced disdain for joyful environments. Due to these traits, Frieza is more of a malignant narcissist than merely a psychopath. During his imprisonment in Hell, the constant company of stuffed animals, fairies, and angels cheerfully dancing and serenading him was absolute torture for the evil tyrant, serving as a fitting eternal punishment. Frieza holds a deeply cynical view of others, believing everyone to be as selfish and untrustworthy as he is. Ironically, he is outspoken against all forms of nobility, finding it an appalling concept. When Kikono suggests that the Frieza Force are criminals, Frieza retorts by saying they merely conquer planets to sell them to those in need of a new home, viewing the interactions as transactional and excusing his malicious actions, feeling no responsibility for them.

Frieza's actions have significantly shaped Universe 7's perception of his race, as seen in Xenoverse when a heroic member of his race, Reso, asserts that the belief in their inherent evilness is a misconception. In Xenoverse 2, Future Zamasu notes that the Frieza Race is disliked, likely due to Frieza and his family's evil deeds. Frieza's amoral and selfish nature extends even to his own kind, as shown when he meets his Universe 6 counterpart, Frost. During their first encounter, they appear to get along well, sharing a love for conquest and destruction. Frieza points out their similarities, leading to an alliance. However, once Frost outlives his usefulness, Frieza betrays him and eliminates him from the tournament, dismissing him as an amateur, likely due to Frost's reliance on deception and sneak attacks. Frieza has a strong influence over others, often corrupting them and bending them to his will over time. Two notable examples of this corruption are Vegeta and Tagoma, both of whom underwent significant changes in demeanor due to Frieza.

Perhaps Frieza's most prominent trait is his enormous ego, matched only by his malice and power. His high opinion of himself allows him to remain calm in most situations. Frieza is highly confident in his abilities, frequently referring to his enemies as lower life-forms, such as insects, and relishing the opportunity to mock them (e.g., not using his limbs in some fights). For much of his life, Frieza was considered one of the most powerful beings in the universe, with Lord Beerus and Majin Buu being the only beings his father, King Cold, warned him not to confront. As a result, Frieza believes that no force can challenge his authority. Due to his arrogance, Frieza generally avoids direct combat, preferring to rely on his minions to deal with challengers and only confronting opponents personally when necessary, as seen during the events on Planet Namek and after his first revival. Frieza's arrogance also reveals a dual superiority and inferiority complex, as he can quickly be driven to rage when opponents prove capable of overpowering or even rivaling him. Despite this, Frieza has a competitive nature and enjoys facing foes who can withstand his power, as demonstrated when he "congratulates" Goku for hurting him in his true form.

Another consequence of Frieza's arrogance is that he never trained a day in his life, relying solely on his natural gifts as a phenomenal warrior. His powers were so immense that he had to suppress them to control himself, which, arguably, resulted from his lack of training. Even in his suppressed form, Frieza was one of the most feared beings in the universe, far stronger than almost any other warrior in the galaxy, and capable of disintegrating a planet with a single attack. When he finally decided to train, he managed to match Goku's Super Saiyan Blue powers within just four months. Additionally, by meditating while in Hell, Frieza attained perfect control over his final form, Golden Frieza. After his second revival, Frieza learned from his past mistakes and trained for a decade to achieve the power of Black Frieza.

Frieza arguably desires absolute control more than simply being recognized as the most powerful being in the universe, a desire that can be illustrated by the events on Planet Namek, where he already controlled around 70% of the universe. By the time he participates in the Tournament of Power, Frieza exhibits little fear of deities and angels, even slighting Zeno by addressing him without the royal title "lord" and referring to the deities as "colorful brats." During this tournament, Frieza was visibly annoyed by how casually Zeno and his future counterpart destroyed entire universes, vowing one day to overthrow both Zenos. This suggests that Frieza's genocidal nature and love of destruction have limits, as he tends to destroy only on a planetary scale and usually resorts to such extreme measures only when necessary.

Frieza's ceaselessly opportunistic and malicious intentions are evident in his approach to the Tournament of Power, which he saw as the perfect opportunity to manipulate deities for his advantage. When confronted by assassins hired by Sidra and Roh, Frieza ignored Goku's pleas and slaughtered them, even offering his services to Universe 9 in exchange for revival. The deities present were disgusted by Frieza's lack of loyalty to his own universe, with Roh noting that Frieza's detached and destructive nature made him even more suited to being a God of Destruction than Sidra.

Despite his evil nature, Frieza can be quite gregarious towards those who treat him with reverence, such as the Ginyu Force, who worship him with extreme loyalty. In Xenoverse 2, both Beerus and Whis acknowledge Frieza's charisma. In the Frieza's Spaceship rift, it is implied that he has a unique leadership style, allowing his subordinates to fight among themselves to gain his favor. However, Frieza has shown some degree of mercy towards his fighters, such as when he allows Dodoria and Zarbon to live after being defeated by the Future Warrior. Still, this mercy is rare and usually a one-time act, as he admits that he never gives more chances. Frieza also spares non-fighters if it serves his interests, as seen when he recruits Macki and Oil into his Frieza Force as wait staff. His leadership style favors the strong, encouraging in-fighting to keep his soldiers on their toes, effectively weeding out weaker members and motivating his staff to become stronger.

Frieza's obsession with revenge, particularly after his crushing defeat on Namek, drives much of his actions. His desire for retribution against Goku and his friends is so consuming that it even causes him to suffer from PTSD, as evidenced by his hallucinations of Goku and his fear of Future Trunks in Super Saiyan form. However, by his first revival, Frieza overcomes this trauma and regains his confidence, even smirking at Kale's Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, showing his renewed composure.

For all his arrogance, Frieza does not entirely disregard potential threats to his rule, bordering on paranoia. His destruction of the Saiyan race is driven by the growing strength of even low-level Saiyan warriors, which made him concerned about the possibility of a revolution and the Super Saiyan legend. Similarly, after his defeat by Goku on Namek, Frieza acknowledges that he cannot defeat certain foes, refusing to fight Beerus or Majin Buu. He is also willing to ally with others against common enemies, as seen in the Tournament of Power, where he aids Goku in defeating Jiren, a mortal warrior with power surpassing a God of Destruction.

Following Majin Buu's defeat, Frieza's drive for supremacy is tempered by a newfound sense of humility and patience. Upon learning of Goku's victory over Majin Buu, Frieza postpones his revenge to train, despite his disdain for such a "lowly" task. This dedication allows him to unlock a new Ultimate Evolution, although his impatience to use it against Goku ultimately leads to his downfall. While Frieza's tactical brilliance is noted by Vegeta in Dragon Ball Legends, his execution often proves flawed, as seen by his hasty attack on Earth without fully mastering his new form.

By the Tournament of Power, Frieza has returned to his composed and self-confident self from before his defeat on Namek. He has mastered his Golden Form and temporarily sets aside his rivalry with Goku to aid Universe 7 in exchange for his full revival. Despite their alliance, Frieza and Goku's animosity remains, as shown by their mutual punch to the gut when they meet before the tournament. During the Tournament of Power, Frieza develops a measure of respect for Goku, acknowledging his might and even donating energy to the Universe 7 Spirit Bomb, recognizing that Goku's Ultra Instinct is the best chance of defeating Jiren.

Frieza also proves to be a surprisingly effective tag-team partner during the Tournament of Power, working well with Gohan and other members of Team Universe 7. By the tournament's end, despite his evil and selfish nature, Frieza has come to respect Goku and his allies, even celebrating with them briefly after being revived by Whis. His admiration for the Z-Fighters is shown by his reaction to Goku's declaration that he will take Frieza down if he returns to his evil ways, implying that Frieza now views Goku as an equal.

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Frieza reveals that he no longer seeks immortality due to his experience in Hell, where he fears being left crippled with no escape. This is one of the few instances where Frieza learns from his past experiences, as seen when he orders his men to find out how to make a wish with the Earth's Dragon Balls to avoid repeating the mistakes of Planet Namek. After being defeated by Gogeta, Frieza chooses to retreat rather than risk further confrontation, showing a rare moment of prudence.

Frieza's vanity, however, remains intact. As revealed by Berryblue, Frieza is sensitive about his height in his True form, to the point where soldiers have been executed for calling him short. Yet, Frieza allows Berryblue to comment on his height without retribution, suggesting a genuine fondness for his childhood nanny. This vanity also drives Frieza to steal the Earth's Dragon Balls to increase his height, though he only wishes to grow by 5 centimeters to create the illusion of natural growth.

Frieza's interest in Broly's power leads him to use Paragus to control Broly initially, but when Paragus outlives his usefulness, Frieza kills him to trigger Broly's anger, mimicking the event that triggered Goku's Super Saiyan transformation. However, this plan backfires, and Frieza is overwhelmed by Broly's might. Despite this, Frieza refrains from hunting down Cheelai and Lemo, who have joined Broly on Vampa, hoping that they might tame Broly and make him a future ally, indicating a shift from his past fear of Super Saiyans to a desire to harness their power.

Ultimately, Frieza's end goal is to defeat the Omni-Kings and rule above them all, showcasing his unrelenting ambition and drive for absolute control.



Frieza, a member of the Frieza Race, was born with extraordinary power and cruelty, traits inherited from his father, King Cold. Both father and son are mutants within their race, possessing power levels far beyond the norm. Frieza, a prodigy since birth, quickly surpassed even his father in strength and evil tendencies. His natural abilities were so vast that Frieza never required formal training, yet he still became recognized as the most powerful warrior in the universe.

In Age 731, Frieza annexed the Saiyan race into his empire, integrating them into his notorious Frieza Force. The Saiyans, known for their natural fighting ability and potential for growth, were used by Frieza as powerful tools in his planetary conquest efforts. Despite their utility, Frieza always harbored a deep mistrust of the Saiyans due to their pride and the legends surrounding the Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God. His paranoia led him to believe that the Saiyans could one day rise against him, potentially producing a warrior capable of challenging his supremacy.

Frieza's father, King Cold, was aware of his son's potential from a young age and decided to hand over control of their empire to him while Frieza was still a child. In Age 732, King Cold introduced Frieza to the Saiyans, declaring that Frieza was their new master. This announcement marked the beginning of a tyrannical rule that would see Frieza conquer at least 448 planets and gain control over 70% of Universe 7.

Frieza was warned by King Cold to avoid crossing two entities in the universe: Majin Buu and Beerus the Destroyer. Despite this warning, Frieza eventually encountered Beerus, and the two initially got along due to their shared enjoyment of destruction. However, Frieza's arrogance eventually led to a confrontation in which Beerus easily defeated him. Although Beerus considered destroying Frieza for his insolence, he ultimately allowed the tyrant to continue his reign, deciding that Frieza could serve his purposes by destroying Planet Vegeta, thus saving Beerus the trouble.

Frieza's fear of the Saiyan race and their potential led him to a drastic decision: the annihilation of Planet Vegeta. Despite recognizing the Saiyans' value as mighty warriors, Frieza's paranoia and a past encounter with Beerus motivated him to eliminate the threat they posed. He commanded that all Saiyans return to Planet Vegeta, planning to destroy the planet and its inhabitants once they had gathered. To avoid suspicion, Frieza devised a cover story, instructing his subordinates to inform any surviving Saiyans that their homeworld had been destroyed by a meteor.

Between Jaco and Dragon Ball Z

Manga Events:

In the manga, Frieza's takeover of Planet Vegeta culminates with him killing King Vegeta without needing to transform into a higher form, highlighting his immense power even in his base state. A month after calling the Saiyans back to their homeworld, Frieza executes his plan to destroy the planet. Bardock, one of the Saiyan warriors, makes a futile attempt to stop Frieza by attacking him as Frieza prepares to destroy Planet Vegeta. However, Frieza easily overpowers Bardock and wipes out the planet, its inhabitants, and Bardock himself with a devastating Supernova attack.

Anime Events:

In the anime adaptation, Frieza's arrival in Planet Vegeta's orbit triggers an uprising led by King Vegeta, who attempts to rescue his son, Prince Vegeta, from Frieza's clutches. The rebellion ends in disaster, with Frieza effortlessly killing King Vegeta and his soldiers with a single punch, observed by his lieutenants, Zarbon and Dodoria. Following this, Frieza becomes wary of further Saiyan uprisings, a fear that seems justified when Bardock confronts him, rallying against the tyrant with a defiant speech and a Final Spirit Cannon attack. Frieza, amused by Bardock's resistance, annihilates the planet with a Supernova, killing Bardock, his followers, and almost the entire Saiyan race.

Aftermath and Cover-Up:

After the destruction of Planet Vegeta, Frieza concocts a cover story to maintain control over the remaining Saiyans in his employ, such as Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa. According to this fabricated tale, Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteor, a story that is altered in another version to suggest that the planet's guardian, ashamed of the Saiyans' immorality, summoned meteors to destroy it. Despite the official story, rumors circulate about Frieza's true role in the planet's destruction, with Vegeta learning the truth during the events of the Frieza Saga in Dragon Ball Z, when Dodoria confesses before his death.

Frieza's Demonstration of Power:

At another point, Frieza demonstrates his overwhelming power by destroying an entire planet and its rebellious inhabitants with a single, enormous energy ball fired from his index finger. Vegeta, witnessing this display of strength, becomes fearful and postpones his plans to assassinate Frieza. Before the battle on Namek, Frieza witnesses a conflict between Vegeta and the Ginyu Force member Guldo. Interrupting the fight, Frieza effortlessly kills Guldo with a weak Energy Wave, as he wishes to speak with Vegeta about a planet he intends to conquer.

Later, Frieza orders the invasion and massacre of a planet, with Cui leading the assault. Although the invasion is successful, a few children escape in a Mirror Spaceship, their ordeal leaving them paranoid and distrustful of anyone who might be associated with Frieza.

Dragon Ball Z:

Frieza Saga

Frieza Learns About the Dragon Balls

Twenty-five years after destroying Planet Vegeta, Frieza overhears Vegeta's scouter during the Vegeta Saga and learns about the existence of the Dragon Balls on Namek. Desiring immortality, Frieza sets out for Namek with his top lieutenants, Zarbon and Dodoria, intending to gather the Dragon Balls before Vegeta can claim them. Vegeta, learning of Frieza's plan from Cui, rushes to Namek to achieve his own goals.

Raiding Namekian Villages

Frieza and his forces begin raiding Namekian villages, successfully stealing four Dragon Balls. Zarbon informs Frieza of Vegeta's arrival on Namek and notes the appearance of two large power levels (Gohan and Krillin) that have mysteriously vanished. Frieza, focused on eliminating Vegeta, remains unfazed by the growing opposition.

During a confrontation, Vegeta reveals his ability to control his power level, causing both Cui's and Zarbon's scouters to explode. Dodoria, using an upgraded scouter, discovers that Vegeta's power level has surpassed 24,000, which shocks Frieza's forces. Frieza, however, is unsurprised, noting that Vegeta's battles on Earth have made him stronger. He orders Zarbon and Dodoria to work together to defeat Vegeta, believing that without immortality, Vegeta cannot overcome him.

After Vegeta kills Cui, Frieza dismisses it as a minor issue and focuses on finding the fifth Dragon Ball. Detecting ten Namekians nearby, Frieza decides to pay them a visit, warning his men to remain vigilant as Vegeta and others are trying to thwart his plans.

Encounter with Namekian Warriors

Frieza's group arrives at a Namekian village and discovers five Namekians hiding. The elder, Moori, tries to deceive Frieza by speaking in the Namekian language, but Frieza, knowing they can speak in a universal language, demands the Dragon Ball. Moori denies knowledge of the Dragon Ball's location, but Frieza and Dodoria recall how they obtained the other Dragon Balls by force. When Moori refuses to cooperate, Frieza orders Zarbon to kill everyone except Moori and the children. Moori, outraged, declares he would rather die than give the Dragon Ball to Frieza, but Frieza threatens the children, forcing Moori to reconsider.

At this moment, three warrior Namekians arrive, ready to defend their village. Frieza orders Dodoria to handle them, and Dodoria quickly assesses their power levels as no match for him. The Namekian warriors destroy the scouters of Frieza's forces, leading Dodoria to angrily slaughter them under Frieza's orders.

The Murder of Moori and Cargo

Frieza, realizing that resistance is futile, demands that Moori hand over the Dragon Ball. Moori reluctantly agrees but refuses to reveal the location of the remaining Dragon Balls. Frieza, dissatisfied, orders Dodoria to kill Moori. Before dying, Moori orders Dende and Cargo to flee. Dodoria, however, kills Cargo with a blast, and then brutally murders Moori by breaking his neck.

As Dende tries to escape, Dodoria chases after him, preparing to kill him as well. Suddenly, Gohan intervenes, attacking Dodoria and saving Dende. Krillin joins in, and together they manage to escape with Dende, leaving a furious Frieza to order Dodoria to pursue them.

Frieza Grows Impatient

Growing impatient while waiting for Dodoria, Frieza decides to abandon the search for Vegeta's Dragon Ball and dismisses Dodoria as useless. He sends Zarbon and Appule to search for the remaining two Dragon Balls while he returns to the ship with the five already in his possession. Frieza suspects that Vegeta has found a Dragon Ball and plans to take it from him when he comes after the others. Confident in his plan, Frieza telekinetically lifts the five Dragon Balls and speeds off in his pod.

Zarbon's Report and Frieza's Fury

Zarbon later returns to the ship to report his victory over Vegeta. Frieza, relieved, asks if Vegeta is dead, but Zarbon admits he didn't confirm the kill due to Vegeta being submerged underwater. Frieza, irritated, accuses Zarbon of neglecting to confirm Vegeta's death to avoid getting his hair wet, and he suspects that Vegeta may have hidden a Dragon Ball.

In the anime, Orlen arrives at the ship, reporting the discovery of a destroyed village and a missing Dragon Ball (in the manga, this was Appule's revelation). Zarbon deduces that Vegeta likely destroyed the village and hid the Dragon Ball. When Orlen admits he killed a survivor without extracting information, Frieza, enraged, kills Orlen with Eye Lasers in front of a terrified Zarbon. Frieza orders Zarbon to retrieve Vegeta, threatening him with the same fate as Orlen if Vegeta is not found alive.

Summoning the Ginyu Force

Frieza, sensing potential danger, orders Appule to contact Planet Frieza and summon the Ginyu Force, to arrive in five days with replacement Scouters. Zarbon panics, questioning the need for the Ginyu Force. Frieza explains that he has a premonition of a powerful Saiyan somewhere in the universe destined to become his enemy. Although unsure if it's Vegeta, Frieza worries about the Saiyan's potential. Zarbon speculates that the Saiyan could be Goku or his son, but Frieza dismisses their power as weaker than Vegeta's. Frieza, growing impatient, orders Zarbon to hurry and bring Vegeta back.

Vegeta's Capture and Escape

Zarbon locates Vegeta's battered body and brings him back to Frieza's ship, placing him in a rejuvenation chamber under Appule's supervision. Zarbon reports Vegeta's capture to Frieza, who plans to interrogate Vegeta once healed. However, upon recovering, Vegeta blasts out of the tank, killing Appule in the explosion. Zarbon and Frieza rush to the treatment room, but Vegeta uses a blast to create a distraction and hides within the ship.

Realizing Vegeta has escaped, Frieza orders Zarbon to find him. Vegeta, now free, races to Frieza's room, where the five Dragon Balls are unguarded. Knowing he can't carry all five at once, Vegeta alerts Zarbon and Frieza to his location by blasting a hole in the ship's wall. Vegeta then throws the Dragon Balls outside the ship and escapes just in time.

Frieza's Rage and Desperation

Furious, Frieza blames Zarbon for Vegeta's escape and orders him to find the Saiyan within an hour, threatening to kill him if he fails. Frieza begins searching the ship's interior while Zarbon desperately searches the surrounding area to avoid Frieza's wrath. Meanwhile, Vegeta, having successfully fled, swims to safety in a nearby body of water, with Frieza and Zarbon frantically searching for him.

Frieza's Frustration and the Ginyu Force

With Zarbon missing, Frieza laments not summoning the Ginyu Force sooner. He deduces that Vegeta hasn’t yet collected all seven Dragon Balls, as nothing abnormal has happened and Vegeta is still alive. Frieza expects that with the Ginyu Force and their new Scouters, they will be able to find and capture Vegeta.

A few days later, the Ginyu Force arrives on Planet Namek and presents themselves to Frieza with their characteristic absurd poses, unsettling him. Despite his discomfort, Frieza quickly directs them to capture Vegeta alive for interrogation. Captain Ginyu uses his Scouter to determine that Vegeta is accompanied by two others, presumed to be Gohan and Krillin. Frieza gives the Ginyu Force the freedom to deal with them as they see fit and receives a box of new Scouters from Jeice.

The Ginyu Force's Failure

The Ginyu Force, after receiving their orders, fails to capture Vegeta when Goku arrives on Namek and defeats them in combat. During this time, Ginyu manages to bring Frieza the Dragon Balls, and Frieza commends him on a job well done, reflecting that he should have summoned the Ginyu Force earlier. Ginyu attempts to celebrate with his trademark dance, but Frieza dismisses him, focusing instead on summoning Porunga.

Frieza's attempt to use the Dragon Balls fails, as he realizes they require a unique password only a Namekian would know. Using his Scouters, he discovers that three Namekians are still alive. Frieza decides to go after them himself, telling Ginyu to stay behind, and heads towards Grand Elder Guru's home, passing by Dende without acknowledging him.

Confrontation with Nail and Guru

At Guru's location, Frieza is met by Nail, the strongest Namekian warrior, who leads him away from Guru to fight him. During their battle, Frieza easily overpowers Nail, ripping off his arm, which Nail regenerates to Frieza’s surprise. Despite a prolonged and brutal fight, Frieza demands to know the password to summon Porunga. Nail launches a powerful ki attack that proves ineffective, and Frieza lands a blow to Nail's nose. Nail, despite his injuries, laughs at Frieza’s mistake of allowing Dende to escape.

Frieza realizes that the fight was a diversion, allowing Dende to reveal the password to Krillin and Gohan. Enraged, Frieza abandons Nail to die and returns to his ship. However, he discovers that the Ginyu Force is no longer showing up on his Scouter and, in a fit of rage, pursues the heroes.

The Loss of Porunga and the Final Battle

Frieza arrives too late to stop the summoning of Porunga and learns that Guru has died, resulting in the disappearance of the Dragon Balls. He confronts Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan, and Dende, becoming increasingly enraged as he realizes his wish for immortality has been thwarted. Frieza, now furious and unhinged, faces off against a more powerful Vegeta, who manages to hold his own against Frieza's formidable strength.

Frieza's Transformation and the Destruction of Namek

Spurred by Vegeta, who learned of Frieza’s suppressing transformations, Frieza initially fakes an explosion of his armor and reveals his second form, shocking everyone. This form significantly increases his power, allowing him to easily defeat Vegeta. Frieza then uses the Death Storm attack and decides to kill Krillin first. He impales Krillin through the chest with his horn, tortures him, and throws him into the Namekian sea, taunting Gohan.

Gohan, fueled by rage, attacks Frieza with a relentless assault of punches, kicks, and ki blasts. Despite Gohan’s efforts, Frieza overwhelms him. Krillin, now healed by Dende, shoots a Destructo Disc at Frieza’s tail, severing it. Frieza chases Krillin briefly before returning to finish off the others. Piccolo, having fused with Nail, joins the battle and fights Frieza, but is unable to gain the upper hand.

Frieza's Transformation

Frieza, spurred on by Vegeta's knowledge of his suppression transformations, initially fakes an explosion of his armor to surprise his enemies. He reveals his second form, shocking Gohan, Krillin, Vegeta, and Dende with both his increased power and new appearance. Frieza easily defeats Vegeta, using his Death Storm attack to choose who should die first. He tortures Krillin by impaling him with his horn and then throws him into the Namekian sea, taunting Gohan.

In a fit of rage, Gohan attacks Frieza with punches, kicks, and ki blasts. Frieza responds with brutal force, but just as he is about to finish Gohan, Krillin, now healed by Dende, manages to cut off Frieza’s tail with a Destructo Disc. Frieza chases Krillin, leaving the others momentarily safe.

Piccolo Joins the Battle

Piccolo arrives, now stronger due to his fusion with Nail, and is able to match Frieza in combat. In the anime, Frieza realizes Piccolo has fused with Nail when Piccolo briefly speaks in Nail’s voice. The battle between Piccolo and Frieza is intense, with neither gaining a clear advantage. Piccolo’s weighted clothing initially hinders him, but even after removing them, Frieza's power proves too great. Frieza’s speed and strength overwhelm Piccolo, and he attacks Piccolo with his Crazy Finger Beam.

Gohan, in another burst of rage, fires the Full Power Masenko at Frieza. Frieza deflects the attack effortlessly, though Piccolo protects Gohan by redirecting the beam. Frieza then kills Dende, who had been healing the fighters.

Frieza’s True Form and Vegeta’s Demise

Frieza unveils his final form, which terrifies the remaining fighters. He kills Dende, who had been healing them, and easily dodges their attacks. Vegeta, who says he has become a Super Saiyan, attempts to fight Frieza but finds himself overmatched. Despite Vegeta's powerful Final Burst Cannon, Frieza remains superior and begins to torture him.

Frieza wraps his tail around Vegeta’s neck and brutally beats him. He taunts Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan, offering them the chance to help Vegeta as a cruel joke. Just as Frieza is about to kill Vegeta, Goku arrives, fully healed and ready to fight.

Goku vs. Frieza

Goku and Frieza engage in a fierce battle. Goku’s power and speed impress his friends, who are unable to follow their movements. Frieza attempts to use his Barrage Death Beam, but Goku deflects the attacks and protects his friends. Frieza, initially believing he has defeated Goku, is shocked to find him standing unharmed.

Vegeta, despite his severe injuries, acknowledges Goku as a true Super Saiyan and urges him to take revenge for the Saiyan race. Frieza, irritated by Vegeta's taunting and his past failures, kills Vegeta with a Death Beam through the heart. As Vegeta dies, he tells Goku about Frieza's destruction of the Saiyan race, urging him to avenge them.

Goku, enraged by Vegeta’s death and Frieza’s cruelty, buries him and vows to defeat Frieza. He rejects Frieza's dismissal of the Super Saiyan legend, focusing on stopping Frieza's tyranny. Krillin, Gohan, and Piccolo leave the battlefield to allow Goku to confront Frieza without distraction.

Goku vs. Frieza: Tactical Combat

Goku and Frieza resume their fight, equally matched in strength and unable to land decisive blows. Frustrated by the stalemate, Frieza fires an energy wave, which Goku dodges using a Kamehameha to propel himself into the air. As smoke obscures the battlefield, Frieza shoots Death Beams through it, but Goku manages to avoid them. Frieza briefly spots Goku and continues his assault, landing a downward knuckle attack on him.

Goku is pushed into a rock formation and then falls into a pool of lava due to Frieza's attack. Piccolo, arriving at the scene, demands to know what happened to Goku, and Frieza taunts him, claiming Goku is dead and offering Piccolo to be "seasoned" for his stew.

Goku's Survival and Strategy

Despite the apparent defeat, Goku bursts from the ground, his clothes on fire momentarily, but otherwise unharmed. He uses a Kamehameha to push the lava back into the ground, buying time before the planet's explosion. Frieza, initially fooled into thinking Goku was dead, becomes frustrated and tries to use his hiding tactic again. Goku, recalling Frieza's difficulty in detecting him through smoke, devises a plan.

Goku sets two Kamehameha torpedo balls underwater and waits for Frieza. When Goku fires the first torpedo, Frieza barely dodges, and the second torpedo forces him to move again. Goku then lands a powerful kick to Frieza’s cheek, crashing him into a rock formation. Frieza emerges with minor damage and acknowledges that Goku is the first person besides his parents to inflict pain on him.

Frieza’s New Tactics

Frieza, now more amused than ever, resorts to using rocks and even a mountain telekinetically against Goku. Goku dodges or destroys the rocks, and when faced with the mountain, he tries to stop it with his strength but is ultimately pushed into another mountain. Frieza, enjoying the fight, traps Goku in a ball and kicks him around like a soccer ball, eventually causing a massive explosion by blowing up the ball.

Goku’s Resilience

In the aftermath of the explosion, Piccolo realizes that Frieza is merely warming up and could destroy the entire planet if he wanted. He tells Krillin and Gohan that Frieza is just playing with Goku. Despite the destruction, Goku emerges almost unscathed, having escaped the blast radius. His clothes are damaged, but he is otherwise fine.

The Final Standoff

Goku and Frieza, both determined to end the battle, stare each other down and prepare for the next round. Frieza offers a serious proposition in his native language, translating to "let's get down to business," and Goku agrees. Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan are left as witnesses to the climactic battle, with Piccolo hoping to be more than just an observer.

Ground Battle Strategy

Frieza offers Goku a choice of fighting on the ground or in the air. Goku opts for the ground, trying to minimize the risk of Frieza's aerial attacks. Frieza selects a small island for their final battle. Goku removes his orange shirt, and Frieza, taunting him about burial or cremation, gives Goku a break by agreeing not to use his hands in battle.

Melee Combat and Tail Attacks

The battle begins, with Frieza unable to punch Goku but easily dodging his attacks. Frieza uses his tail to strike Goku, initially slapping him multiple times before sending him crashing to the ground. Goku finds the battle exciting but is questioned by Frieza about his belief in victory. Goku attacks again, but Frieza wraps him in his tail and throws him to the ground. Goku grabs Frieza's tail and jokes about his hygiene, only to fling Frieza into the air.

Tactical Advantage and Taunting

Frieza uses rocks to distract Goku and lands another tail hit. Goku grabs Frieza's tail again and makes a taunting remark, infuriating Frieza. The battle continues with both fighters landing kicks and punches. Frieza wraps his tail around Goku's head, bringing him to his knees. In desperation, Goku bites Frieza's tail, causing him pain and gaining an opportunity to attack. Goku lands several punches and kicks, but Frieza breaks the "no hands" rule with a strong punch, knocking Goku down.

Power Reveal and Proposition

Frieza reveals that he has been holding back, only using 1% of his power (anime only). He offers Goku a choice: join him and live like a god or suffer and die. Goku refuses, and Frieza increases his power to 50%. Despite Goku's attempt to use Kaio-ken x10 and x20, he struggles against Frieza's increased power. Frieza easily outmatches Goku, who is unable to keep up.

Spirit Bomb and Final Blow

Goku, severely battered, attempts to create a Large Spirit Bomb by gathering energy from Namek's solar system. Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan help distract Frieza, with Piccolo kicking him into the ocean and Krillin and Gohan attacking him. Just as Frieza is about to vaporize them, Goku fires the Spirit Bomb. The attack heavily wounds Frieza, severing his tail and temporarily blinding his left eye.

Frieza's Retaliation

After the Large Spirit Bomb's explosion, the heroes relax, believing Frieza is dead. However, Krillin notices Frieza emerging from the crater. Frieza retaliates by mortally wounding Piccolo with a Death Beam (in the manga, Frieza targets Piccolo intentionally; in the anime, Piccolo takes the blast to save Goku). Frieza then kills Krillin by detonating his ki from within, despite Goku's pleas. Frieza also threatens Gohan, pushing Goku into a state of uncontrollable rage, transforming him into a Super Saiyan.

The Emergence of a Super Saiyan

Frieza is astonished to see a Super Saiyan for the first time. He attempts to attack Gohan but is stopped by Goku, who crushes Frieza's hand and chastises him for his cruelty. In their ensuing battle, Goku's Super Saiyan form easily overpowers Frieza, making his 50% power insufficient. Frieza's attacks, including the Barrage Death Beam, are ineffective against the newly transformed Saiyan. Goku responds that the Saiyans have "paid for their mistakes," leading Frieza to question his rationale for their destruction.

Frieza's Desperation and Planet Destruction

Frieza, frustrated, sends a Death Ball to the core of Namek, initiating a chain reaction to destroy the planet in five minutes. He then unleashes 70% and later 100% of his power, requesting Goku to fight him at full strength. Goku acknowledges that Frieza’s full power is significant and notes that Frieza wanted to fight at this level to avoid another planet-destroying attack.

Intense Battle and Strategy

Frieza delivers a brutal assault on Super Saiyan Goku, including a powerful knee strike. In the anime, Goku fakes his death to recover, and Frieza briefly fights Gohan before Goku returns. Goku reveals that Porunga (the Namekian Dragon) has been activated, and Frieza attempts to wish for immortality. However, Dende grants the wish to evacuate everyone but Frieza and Goku, and Frieza sees a revived Vegeta. Goku's strategy involves ensuring there are no innocent bystanders to hold him back.

Conclusion of the Battle

Super Saiyan Goku realizes that Frieza's body cannot handle his full power for long. They continue fighting until Goku gains the upper hand, delivering a decisive blow that symbolically ends Frieza’s reign. With Frieza’s power dwindling rapidly, Goku decides to call off the fight, stating that continuing would be pointless as Frieza is already defeated.

Final Act of Defiance

Humiliated, Frieza launches a last-ditch attack using two Death Saucers. Goku easily dodges these attacks, which leads to Frieza being unintentionally sliced in half by his own attack. Clinging to life, Frieza desperately begs for mercy. Goku, conflicted but compassionate, gives Frieza a portion of his ki to prolong his survival.

Frieza's Pride and Final Attempt

Despite receiving Goku's mercy, Frieza’s pride prevents him from accepting defeat. He uses the last of his energy to launch a final attack on Goku. Overwhelmed by anger at Frieza’s refusal to relent and his previous atrocities, Goku responds with an Angry Kamehameha. This powerful energy wave overwhelms and annihilates Frieza, ensuring his final defeat and bringing vengeance for countless lives across the universe.

Frieza-Androids Interlude

Survival and Reconstruction

After the explosion of Namek, Frieza's severely damaged body drifts through space. His father, King Cold, refuses to believe that Frieza could have been destroyed by a planet’s explosion and sends search crews to find him. They salvage what remains of Frieza, and he is extensively reconstructed with cybernetic enhancements. Now more powerful and bitter, Frieza’s primary focus becomes seeking revenge on those who defeated him.

Revenge on Earth

Frieza arrives on Earth before Goku and plans to exterminate its inhabitants, intending to personally kill Goku's friends. However, his army is decimated by a mysterious youth. Frieza initially dismisses the youth, who turns out to be another Super Saiyan, as a mere child. He is shocked when the youth transforms into a Super Saiyan, proving his claim.

Confrontation with the Super Saiyan

Frieza's attempts to kill the Super Saiyan, including energy blasts and a Supernova, are all easily countered. In the anime, Frieza goes all out, but his attacks are still ineffective. In the manga, Frieza only uses a fraction of his power before being killed in a single attack. The youth, revealed to be Future Trunks, ultimately defeats Frieza by slicing him in half and then vaporizing him with an energy blast. King Cold meets a similar fate when he tries to attack the youth, being obliterated by a God Breaker.

Legacy and Implications

Despite these events, the common myth across the universe is that Goku defeated Frieza on Namek. In alternate future timelines, such as those involving Future Trunks and Cell, it's suggested that Future Goku used Instant Transmission to Earth and killed Future Frieza and Future King Cold. Frieza’s cells, regardless of the timeline, are harvested by Dr. Gero to create Cell, who inherits Frieza's ability to survive in a vacuum.

Buu Saga

Hell’s Trouble

In the anime, Frieza teams up with Cell, King Cold, and the dead members of the Ginyu Force to cause chaos in Hell. Frieza and King Cold are the only villains who do not end up on the Mountain of Needles, as Pikkon knocks Frieza out with a single punch and King Cold with an elbow to the stomach. All seven villains are then imprisoned. This is a rare instance where Frieza and Cell interact and train together in Hell.

Observing the Fight

Frieza is later shown observing Goku's battle with Kid Buu, along with other defeated villains. Frieza remarks, "I could have done the same thing if I hadn't lost both my legs!" He frequently roots for Kid Buu to defeat Goku. After Goku regains his power and destroys Kid Buu, Frieza watches in silent irritation at Goku's victory and thinks, "Why am I not surprised?"

Dragon Ball Super

God of Destruction Beerus Saga

In the manga, Goku imagines training by envisioning battles with Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu. In his mental image, Frieza attacks Goku from behind, but Goku senses the attack and defeats Frieza with a punch to the face.

Later, when Beerus inquires about Frieza's status, Whis reviews Frieza's past fight with Goku on Namek, showing Beerus a segment of their battle.

Golden Frieza Saga

Resurrection and Training:

Frieza is resurrected by Sorbet and Tagoma using the Dragon Balls, being restored to his original form from before his death. Regaining his full strength, he dreams of his past defeats by Goku and Future Trunks and vows vengeance. Despite Sorbet and Tagoma's pleas to focus on rebuilding their empire, Frieza is fixated on killing the Super Saiyans. Over four months, he trains intensely, using Tagoma as a sparring partner to improve his combat skills and torturing techniques.

Arrival on Earth:

Frieza arrives on Earth, eager for revenge. He destroys North City with a Death Beam and encounters the Z Fighters. Frieza is annoyed that Goku has not arrived yet and is angered by Krillin's presence, whom he killed on Namek. He mocks the Dragon Balls' ability to revive both powerful and weak individuals and dismisses Bulma's pleas for Goku. Frieza orders his 1,000 soldiers to attack, aiming to kill Krillin as a joke, with a planet offered as a reward for his death.

Frieza’s Disdain and Tactical Moves:

Frieza expresses disgust at Gohan’s morals, comparing him unfavorably to his father, Goku. He dismisses his troops, threatens Sorbet, and appoints Tagoma as the supreme commander if he can defeat the Z Fighters. Tagoma’s attempt to kill Gohan with a bear hug is thwarted when Frieza’s interest shifts to Gotenks, who later defuses. Frieza grows furious upon recognizing Goten’s resemblance to Goku and Trunks’ resemblance to Future Trunks, ordering Tagoma to eliminate them.

Captain Ginyu’s Return:

Captain Ginyu, who has switched bodies with Tagoma, seeks Frieza’s aid after years of hardship. Frieza, though pleased to have Ginyu back, is unimpressed with his fighting pose and orders him to eliminate the Z Fighters. Ginyu initially succeeds but is defeated when Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan, surprising Frieza.

Frieza’s Rampage:

Frieza, enraged by the resemblance to his battle with Goku on Namek, attacks Gohan with Death Beams, delighting in Gohan’s pleas for mercy. Piccolo intervenes, taking the attack meant for Gohan, which Frieza finds amusing. Frieza then decides to kill Gohan, but Gohan’s power-up as a Super Saiyan catches Goku’s attention. Frieza waits for Goku to arrive, entertaining himself with the prospect of killing Gohan and his friends.

Gohan’s Sacrifice:

Gohan’s power-up eventually exhausts him. Frieza, ready to end his life, prepares to strike Gohan again as he waits for Goku’s arrival.

Goku and Vegeta Arrive:

Goku, having used Instant Transmission, arrives just in time to block Frieza's Death Beam and confronts him. Frieza recounts his suffering in Hell and his desire for vengeance against Goku, blaming him for his torment. Vegeta kills Captain Ginyu, prompting Frieza to acknowledge Vegeta's strength but vows to deal with him after Goku.

Transformation and Battle:

Frieza transforms into his final form from the start, vaporizing his remaining soldiers in the process. Goku and Vegeta engage Frieza in battle, with Frieza expressing his gratitude for Goku’s training. Frieza attempts to kill Krillin and Bulma, but Goku and Vegeta intervene. They continue their fight above the clouds, with Frieza aiming to make Goku angrier to fuel their battle.

Energy Clash and Strategy:

Frieza fires a Golden Death Ball at Goku, who counters with a Kamehameha, resulting in a massive explosion. Frieza and Vegeta briefly clash, with Frieza questioning Vegeta's loyalty and expressing his desire to fight Goku first. Frieza, irritated by Vegeta’s clapping, decides to fight him later and resumes his battle with Goku.

Goku’s New Form:

In the manga, Goku gains the upper hand in their fight, blasting Frieza with a Kamehameha. Frieza, in response, announces he will reveal his further evolution. Goku then transforms into Super Saiyan Blue. Frieza attempts to strike Goku from behind, but Goku catches his attack. Frieza finally transforms into Golden Frieza.

Golden Frieza vs. Super Saiyan Blue Goku:

Frieza and Goku resume their fight, with Frieza initially gaining the upper hand. Their battle results in an energy clash that leads to a blinding explosion.

Frieza’s Upper Hand:

With his newfound power, Frieza gains the upper hand over Goku, reflecting on how long it took him and Goku to reach their new forms. Frieza decides to kill Goku and his friends to ensure he won't be alone in Hell. When he notices Beerus' presence, he becomes fearful that Beerus might interfere, but Beerus tells him to proceed as he wishes. Frieza continues his assault, pushing Goku to exhaustion.

Struggle and Weakness:

Frieza strangles Goku with his tail and attacks him relentlessly. Despite Goku's warnings about the drawbacks of Frieza's form, Frieza ignores him and continues fighting. The intense battle leads to Frieza burning more energy than he can sustain. As his stamina drops, Goku begins to turn the tide, knocking Frieza away. Goku suggests they have a rematch later, but Frieza retaliates by having Sorbet shoot Goku with a ring, severely injuring him.

Vegeta’s Intervention:

As Frieza prepares to kill Goku, Vegeta intervenes, attacking Frieza and blocking his Death Beam intended for Krillin. Frieza is initially shocked by Vegeta's strength but soon becomes enraged. Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and defeats Frieza, forcing him back into his Final Form. Before Vegeta can finish him off, Frieza destroys the Earth with a massive explosion, killing everyone on it.

Temporal Do-Over:

Whis uses his Temporal Do-Over ability to undo the destruction of Earth. Goku, now fully restored, transforms into Super Saiyan Blue and launches a powerful Kamehameha. This attack obliterates Frieza, sending him back to Hell. As Frieza is re-captured and placed into a cocoon in Hell, he is forced to endure the Angels of Hell's mocking dance and song, cursing Goku in his final moments.

"Future" Trunks Saga

Encounter with Frieza’s Illusion:

While Goku and Krillin are training and searching for Paradise Herb in a mystical forest, they encounter a manifestation of Frieza. This forest exists at the boundary between the living world and the afterlife, causing memories of past battles to manifest. The manifestation of Frieza appears due to Krillin’s memories of him. The appearance of Frieza terrifies Krillin because Frieza was one of the villains responsible for his death. Despite his fear, Krillin is more frightened by the illusion of Tambourine, a Mutant Namekian who killed him first, compared to the Frieza illusion.Goku destroys the Frieza illusion, but it continuously reappears. To deal with it, Goku ignores the illusions, causing them, including the Frieza and other illusions, to disintegrate. Eventually, the illusions morph into Nappa.

Universe Survival Saga


Team Universe 7 Formation: With Buu asleep and unable to participate in the Tournament of Power, Goku proposes reviving Frieza to fill the 10th spot on the team, despite the team's initial reluctance. Goku believes he and Vegeta can control Frieza if he turns rogue.

Reviving Frieza: Goku persuades King Yemma to allow him to retrieve Frieza from Hell. Goku finds Frieza in his cocoon and offers him a chance to join the tournament. Frieza, initially skeptical about the Super Dragon Balls, is enticed by the possibility of being revived and agrees to participate.

Initial Encounter: Frieza, revived temporarily by Fortuneteller Baba, and Goku engage in a brief fight, each landing a punch that knocks the other out. Frieza quickly demonstrates his power by defeating assassins from Universe 9. He attempts to negotiate with the gods of other universes, offering to sabotage Universe 7 in exchange for a place on their team, but Beerus and Whis intervene before a deal is struck.

Suspicion and Integration: Frieza joins the rest of Team Universe 7, and his presence is met with suspicion. Beerus keeps a close watch on him to prevent trouble. Frieza jokes about Vegeta's halo and is eventually transported to the Tournament of Power arena with the rest of the team.

Arrival in the Null Realm: Frieza and his teammates arrive in the Null Realm, where Frieza encounters Frost, another member of his race. They agree to work together.

Initial Battles: Frieza starts the tournament by attacking Universe 3's Catopesra and easily defeating Napapa and Roselle, causing Roselle to accidentally jump out of bounds. Frieza witnesses Universe 9 being erased and vows to dominate in the future. He remains unfazed by Kale's rampage.

Interaction with Gohan and Jimizu: Frieza aids Gohan in his fight against Jimizu but lets the fight continue before intervening himself. Frieza easily defeats Jimizu with his tail, dismissing Jimizu's Instant Transmission and torturing him before throwing him out of the ring.

Alliance with Frost: After defeating Jimizu, Frieza and Frost reveal their alliance. Frost warns Frieza not to lie, forming a Death Beam. Frieza and Gohan battle, with Frieza ultimately defeating Gohan after powering up to his Golden Form.

Frost's Betrayal: Frieza offers Frost a lesson in using his form effectively and then knocks Frost out of the ring, revealing his betrayal. Frieza claims Frost is an amateur compared to him. Frost's attempt to retaliate is cut short when he is erased by the Zenos. Frieza tells Gohan they should continue working together for victory, leaving the arena with a smile.

Frieza and Goku’s Interaction:

Frieza’s Assist: After Goku’s loss to Jiren, Frieza chases him down. Despite preparing to attack, Frieza surprises Goku by sparing him and providing some of his own energy. He explains that he did this because he wanted to avoid Jiren himself and wants Goku to recover and continue fighting. Frieza reveals that the gods are fearful of Goku's new form, Ultra Instinct.

Frieza vs. Cabba:

Challenge to Cabba: Frieza, disgusted by Vegeta saving Cabba, challenges him to a fight. Cabba initially struggles in his base form but powers up to Super Saiyan 2. Despite Cabba’s efforts, Frieza overpowers him using his Golden Frieza form and defeats him with Emperor's Death Beams. Frieza blasts Cabba out of the ring and expresses regret for using more stamina than necessary.

Frieza’s Battles:

Catopesra’s Challenge: Frieza fires Death Beams to find a new opponent. Catopesra challenges him but Frieza ignores him, instead, focusing on other battles.

Goku and Saiyan Battles: Frieza observes Goku, Caulifla, and Kale, showing interest in eliminating the Saiyan women but halts his attack when Goku insists on fighting them himself. Frieza watches as Goku fights with his reawakened Ultra Instinct, noting that Goku did not access this power during their previous encounter.

Agnilasa Battle:

Frieza’s Cooperation: When Agnilasa is created, Goku asks Frieza for help. Frieza cooperates with Goku, Vegeta, Android 17, and Gohan to defeat the formidable foe.

Frieza vs. Dyspo:

Initial Encounter: Dyspo attempts to attack Frieza from behind with his Light Bullet. Frieza, using his tail, grabs Dyspo and is thrown against a rock formation. Despite this, Frieza remains unscathed and forces Dyspo to flee with a Death Beam.

Frieza’s Counterattack: Dyspo continues to attack with Light Bullet and Circle Flash. Frieza initially struggles but blocks Dyspo's attacks with his tail and throws him down. Frieza offers Dyspo a deal similar to the one with Universe 9, but Dyspo refuses, irritating Frieza.

Golden Frieza Transformation: Frieza transforms into Golden Frieza and overwhelms Dyspo with his superior speed and power. Dyspo, using Super Maximum Light Speed Mode, gains the upper hand momentarily, pushing Frieza a distance but still struggling to land decisive blows.

Gohan’s Intervention: Gohan intervenes to help Frieza, surprising him. Gohan warns Frieza that if he betrays them, he will ensure Frieza falls from the arena. Frieza agrees to work with Gohan, and they attack Dyspo together. Frieza creates a Cage of Light to limit Dyspo’s speed, allowing Gohan to immobilize him. They both eliminate Dyspo, with Frieza finishing him off.

Frieza vs. Top:

Initial Attack: Frieza observes Top and Android 17's battle. He intervenes with a Death Beam, severely injuring Top. Frieza mocks Top and continues with a barrage of Death Beams, finishing with a Golden Death Blaster. Despite Top being heavily injured, he persists.

Top’s Transformation: Top, declaring survival as paramount, transforms into his Destroyer Form. Frieza, confident that the form is ineffective against him, is quickly proven wrong when Top’s Energy of Destruction consumes him.:

Frieza's Injuries and Rage: Frieza, severely injured and no longer in Golden Form, confronts Top, expressing his frustration. Frieza fires his Destroy The Planet! attack, but Top neutralizes it with a flick of destructive energy, shocking Frieza. Top then overwhelms Frieza with powerful punches, knocking him unconscious. Android 17 kicks a rock, changing Frieza's trajectory and preventing a ring-out.

Temporary Alliance: Frieza later returns to aid Android 17, using an Imprisonment Ball to paralyze Top briefly. Despite this, Frieza’s Psychic Rock Throw and subsequent ki blasts fail to harm Top, who continues to dominate.

Frieza vs. Jiren:

Initial Attack: During the fight between Goku and Jiren, Jiren’s Power Impact hits both Frieza and 17. Frieza, enraged by Jiren's attack, attacks Jiren fiercely but is easily overpowered. Jiren knocks Frieza out of his Golden Form, leaving him unconscious.

Final Moments: As Goku and Jiren continue their battle, Frieza regains consciousness and saves Goku from being knocked out with a Kiai. Frieza, alongside Android 17, prepares to face Jiren. In his Golden Form, Frieza manages to keep up with Jiren, mocking him for his lost power.

Combined Assault: 17 charges at Jiren with a sneak attack while Frieza engages him head-on. 17 traps Jiren in a barrier and detonates it, hitting Jiren with a full blast. Jiren, now severely weakened, vomits and drops to his knees, beaten by the combined efforts of Frieza and 17.

Final Battle with Jiren:

Frieza's Ultimatum: After Android 17 urges Frieza to finish off Jiren, Frieza charges a Death Beam and demands Jiren to look him in the eyes as he prepares to eliminate him. Despite Jiren's effort to power up, which forces Frieza and 17 to use a barrier that causes Frieza to revert to his final form, the trio continues to fight.

Goku's Return and Alliance: Goku, having recovered, joins Frieza and 17. Frieza asks Goku if he remembers his promise to resurrect him, to which Goku affirms. Frieza, though insulting Goku’s naïveté, expresses gratitude and they continue their assault on Jiren, with 17 providing support with extended-range ki attacks.

Final Push: The combined efforts of Goku, Frieza, and 17 force Jiren towards the edge of the arena. Jiren initially targets 17 but is thrown off course by Goku, allowing Frieza to attack with his Nova Strike. Frieza sacrifices himself in the attempt to eliminate Jiren, but Jiren redirects the attack into a rock formation. Goku, struggling to maintain his Super Saiyan form due to exhaustion, catches Jiren, and with support from their team, Goku and Frieza make a final push.

Elimination of Jiren: Goku fully powers up in his Super Saiyan form, while Frieza fully powers up his Final Form. The duo, with 17’s support, drives Jiren through the ring, ultimately eliminating him and winning the Tournament of Power.

Universe Restoration: After Universe 7 wins the Tournament of Power, Android 17 uses the Super Dragon Balls to wish back everyone who was erased.

Frieza's Reaction: Frieza is annoyed by the idea of a happy ending, feeling that it’s worse than damnation. He expresses his disdain for the outcome.

Frieza's Resurrection: At Beerus’s request, Whis revives Frieza as a personal gift from Beerus. Frieza is shocked but grateful for the revival. However, he makes it clear that he has no intention of changing his evil ways.

Goku's Warning: Goku warns Frieza that if he causes any more trouble, he will be defeated again, reaffirming his commitment to stop Frieza if necessary.

In the anime, sometime later, Frieza resumes his position as leader of the Frieza Force. He apologizes to his soldiers for making them wait so long and re-introduces himself, while announcing that the "Emperor of the Universe" has returned.


Frieza's Nightmare and Goku's Visit: Frieza has a nightmare about his defeats and second death. Goku appears in Earth's Hell, offering Frieza a chance to leave for 24 hours. Goku tells him it's not a dream and offers a chance to participate in the Tournament of Power.

Arrival at Capsule Corporation: Goku and Frieza arrive at Capsule Corporation, battered and bruised. The team is shocked that Goku recruited Frieza, and Vegeta insults him for his halo. Goku explains that Frieza has grown stronger from his time in Hell, having trained extensively in image training simulations.

Negotiations and Team Formation: Frieza's recruitment is met with skepticism. Goku reveals that Frieza agreed to join the tournament on the condition of being fully revived if Universe 7 wins. Beerus forces Frieza to hold hands with the team under threat of destruction. The team prepares to leave, with Beerus advising them to conserve their stamina and let others fight as well.

Departure: The team joins hands, and Whis prepares to transport them to the tournament arena. Bulma bids them farewell, wishing them luck.

Arrival in the Null Realm: Frieza meets Frost, his counterpart from Universe 6. They bond over their shared love of ruling with an iron fist and agree to work together.

Tournament Begins: The Grand Minister announces the start of the Tournament of Power. Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Android 17, and Android 18 separate from the rest of Universe 7 to fight independently.

Frieza and Frost's Strategy:

Elimination of Rubalt: Frieza eliminates Rubalt by stepping on his hand after Android 17 nearly knocks him out.

Frost’s Target: Frieza instructs Frost to eliminate Master Roshi, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan, expressing his personal vendetta against the Saiyans rather than focusing on winning the tournament. Frost agrees to this plan.

Frost's Eliminations:

Krillin and Tien: Frost easily kicks Krillin out of the ring and overpowers Tien Shinhan, eliminating him with a full-power Tri-Beam.

Master Roshi: Frieza intervenes to protect Frost from Master Roshi, suggesting they focus on other universes instead.

Final Form: Frost uses his final form to fight, while Frieza advises him to conserve energy for later. Frieza plans to step in once Frost is exhausted.

Frost's Rampage: Frost eliminates several members of Universe 9, including Oregano, Hyssop, Dragonthrow, Chappil, Hop, and Sorrel. He defeats Comfrey with an Explosive Wave, leading to the retreat of the Trio of Danger.

Betrayal: Frieza then chokes and kicks Frost out of the ring, revealing this as part of his plan to use Frost to clear weaker fighters.

Frieza’s Assistance, Gohan and Piccolo: As the Trio of Danger surrounds Gohan and Piccolo, Frieza intervenes, knocking out Basil and Lavender. He expresses his intention to exact revenge on the Saiyans once they win the tournament, despite Gohan's gratitude.

End of Universe 9:

Bergamo's Final Stand: With Bergamo being the last fighter from Universe 9, Piccolo corners him. Sidra urges Bergamo to hold on, realizing their universe will be erased if they lose. Piccolo hesitates, but Frieza intervenes, kicking Bergamo off the ring. The Omni-Kings erase Universe 9, leaving only their Angel. The Grand Minister instructs the fighters to resume the battle.

Beerus's Threat:

Universe 7’s Motivation: Beerus warns Universe 7 that losing is not an option, threatening severe consequences if they fail. Goku reflects on their dire situation, feeling that losing would mean doom for them all.

Frieza vs. Caulifla:

Initial Fight: Frieza fights Caulifla, who transforms into a Super Saiyan to combat him. Caulifla's aggressive attacks initially give her an advantage, but Frieza uses his telekinetic abilities to defend and counterattack. Caulifla’s close-range blast destroys part of the arena.

Frieza's Full Power: Impressed by Caulifla's skill, Frieza transforms into his Golden Form. He quickly overpowers Caulifla, who struggles as Kale arrives to assist her. Kale’s high-speed attacks distract Frieza but don't inflict significant damage. Frieza tosses Kale aside and continues his fight with Caulifla.

Team Effort: Cabba joins the fray, knocking Za Priccio off the ring to help Caulifla and Kale. Despite their combined efforts, Frieza remains dominant. Caulifla insists on fighting Frieza alone, but she is unable to make significant progress.

Kale’s True Power: Frieza comments that Kale’s attacks had more impact than Caulifla's. Cabba, realizing Caulifla’s reason for holding back, encourages Kale to use her true power.

Cabba and Kale's Transformation:

Cabba's Struggle: Cabba transforms into a Super Saiyan and joins the battle against Frieza. Despite his efforts, he is quickly overpowered. Caulifla and Cabba try to team up, but their combined attacks are ineffective against Frieza.

Kale's Fury: Witnessing her allies’ defeat ignites Kale’s rage. She transforms into a Super Saiyan, surprising both Cabba and Caulifla. Frieza is not phased by this new transformation, as he has encountered various Super Saiyan forms before. However, Kale’s new form brings a vicious assault that Frieza struggles to counter.

Goku’s Intervention:

Goku’s Arrival: Goku, who is engaged with the Pride Troopers, is directed to assist Frieza. He arrives in his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form, much to Frieza’s annoyance. Goku stops Kale’s initial attack and praises her strength before kicking her away.

Frieza and Goku’s Dynamic: Frieza insists on handling Kale himself and gets annoyed by Goku’s intervention. Despite Goku’s efforts, Kale continues to push back, displaying increasing strength.

Kale’s Legendary Super Saiyan Form:

Kale’s Rampage: Kale’s transformation into the Legendary Super Saiyan dramatically amplifies her power. Goku notes her rising ki levels, while Champa is pleased, and Vados expresses concern over Kale losing control.

Rampage: Kale struggles with her power and nearly loses her sanity, causing massive destruction. She unleashes a rampage that results in the elimination of combatants from Universes 4, 3, 2, and 10.

Final 12 Fighters: With 15 minutes remaining, the fighters left are Kefla (Universe 6), Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Gohan, Android 17, and Master Roshi (Universe 7), and Jiren, Top, Kahseral, and Dyspo (Universe 11).

Frieza's Strategy: As the other fighters engage in battle, Frieza takes the opportunity to recover his stamina. He remains in the background until he sees an opportunity to act.

Vegeta vs. Top: Vegeta, frustrated by Goku's achievement of Ultra Instinct Sign, is struggling with Top. He manages to power up, knocking Top out of the ring onto floating debris. Frieza appears and mocks Top for relying on Jiren and kicks him across the debris.

Frieza’s Assault: Frieza destroys the floating debris, isolating Top and Dyspo on a single rock. Top tells Dyspo to leave him, but Dyspo is too exhausted to jump back to the ring. Frieza torments them by shooting at the rock they’re standing on. Android 17 scolds Frieza and tells him to finish them off, which Frieza reluctantly agrees to.

Jiren's Intervention: As Dyspo and Top struggle, Jiren intervenes, knocking Frieza and 17 aside and eliminating Dyspo and Top from the ring. Jiren's decisive action eliminates the remaining members of Universe 11 from the arena.

Frieza vs. Jiren: Frieza, unimpressed by Jiren's confidence, transforms into Golden Frieza and engages him in battle. While fighting, Frieza uses the shrinking giant pillar as a distraction to buy time. Jiren realizes Frieza's strategy and intensifies his efforts to destroy the ring that Frieza is standing on.

Frieza and 17’s Struggle: Jiren's attack is blocked by Android 17, who tries to help Frieza. However, Jiren’s overwhelming force nearly knocks both Frieza and 17 out. They save themselves by landing on remaining debris. Android 17 acknowledges his and Frieza’s inability to match Jiren’s strength.

Android 17’s Plan: Android 17 devises a plan and asks Krillin and Android 18 to look after his family on their island. 18 agrees to take care of the children, and Krillin realizes what 17 is about to do.

Android 17’s Sacrifice: 17 confronts Jiren, questioning if his fight is for survival or a wish. Jiren answers both. 17 decides to sacrifice himself, blowing himself up in an attempt to win. His explosion destroys half of the ring, but Jiren remains unharmed and on the ring.

Tournament Continuation: The Grand Minister and Omni-Kings decide to continue the tournament since 17 willingly gave up his life. Jiren, unimpressed by the act, resolves to end the battle. Goku, undeterred, reactivates Ultra Instinct Sign.

Goku and Vegeta vs. Jiren: Goku’s Ultra Instinct Sign eventually wears off. Goku and Vegeta, fighting together, manage to push back Jiren. However, Jiren awakens his Super Full Power form, overpowering Vegeta and eliminating him from the arena.

Frieza’s Strategy: As Goku struggles against Jiren, Frieza, in Golden Form, appears with a Death Ball. He instructs Goku to hold Jiren in place while he charges his attack. Goku grabs Jiren, and Frieza launches the Death Ball. Jiren deflects it, but Frieza uses Nova Strike to push Jiren, Goku, and himself out of the arena, leading to their elimination.

Android 17’s Survival: After the elimination, Android 17 emerges from beneath a rock. He reveals that the plan was successful, and he was the last fighter standing. Frieza expresses dissatisfaction with Android 17 being the last one standing. Goku commends their strategy, and Frieza contrasts it with Goku's reckless approach.

Revelation and Victory: The tournament ends with Universe 7 as the victor. Others are surprised that Android 17 is still in the game due to not sensing his energy. Krillin asks about the self-destruction, and 17 clarifies that he never intended to self-destruct and lost that ability long ago, as Krillin had previously wished to remove their bombs.

Wish Granting: After Universe 11 is erased, Android 17 makes the wish to bring back all the erased universes. The Grand Minister is surprised by this wish but acknowledges Android 17’s right as the winner.

Restoration: The Super Dragon Balls are used to restore all erased universes and participants. Universe 7 is elevated to third from the bottom in the rankings.

Universe 11’s Participants: The revived participants, including Cabba, Frost, and Jiren, are shown as they prepare to return to their respective universes. Jiren expresses a desire to meet Goku again, who reciprocates.

Android 17's Decision: Android 17 explains he changed his wish because he didn’t want the Zenos to have their way. Vegeta offers him a ship, but 17 declines.

Frieza's Revival: Frieza is revived by Whis as a personal gift from Beerus. Although surprised, Frieza vows to continue his evil ways. Goku warns that he will defeat Frieza again if necessary.

Return to Earth: Team Universe 7 returns to Capsule Corporation, while Whis takes Frieza back to his own planet.


Frieza’s Plan: Frieza sends his forces to steal the Dragon Balls from Capsule Corporation, aiming to become 5 cm taller. He avoids going to Earth himself to prevent his large ki signature from being detected. He sends weaker soldiers to steal the Dragon Radar and six Dragon Balls from Bulma's lab, while instructing them to locate the final Dragon Ball on the Ice Continent.

Encounter with Saiyan Survivors: Frieza’s soldiers discover Broly and Paragus stranded on Vampa. Frieza learns that Paragus harbors a grudge against the House of Vegeta due to Broly's exile. Frieza sees value in Broly’s untapped potential and Paragus’s hatred of Vegeta. Frieza makes a deal with Paragus: they can seek revenge on Vegeta, but Goku will be dealt with by Frieza himself.

Arrival on Earth: Frieza’s forces retrieve the final Dragon Ball and head to Earth. Goku and Vegeta attack their ship but are interrupted when Frieza arrives with a Petite Supernova, creating a dramatic entrance.

Confrontation: Frieza, Broly, and Paragus descend to the Ice Continent. Frieza uses Telekinesis to secure the Dragon Balls and prepares to confront Goku and Vegeta. Vegeta dismisses the conflict between Broly and himself, stating it’s irrelevant to him, while Frieza notices Broly’s anger and has Paragus order him to attack Vegeta.

Battle with Broly: As Broly fights Vegeta, Frieza mocks Paragus for his fighting experience compared to Vegeta’s. When Goku starts overpowering Broly, Frieza learns Broly cannot transform into a Super Saiyan. Frieza executes Paragus to trigger Broly’s rage, hoping to replicate the effect of Krillin's death on Goku. Broly transforms into a Super Saiyan.

Broly’s Rampage: Despite his Golden Form, Frieza struggles against Broly’s power and is beaten severely. Frieza’s confidence falters as Gogeta, the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, arrives. Gogeta’s power overwhelms Broly and Frieza, who attempts to kill his betraying soldiers but is stopped by Gogeta.

Frieza’s Strategy: After the battle, Frieza believes Broly could be a great asset if he learns to control his power. Frieza acknowledges the growing threat of Goku and Vegeta’s fusion and decides he needs a powerful ally to match them.

Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga

Frieza’s Reaction to Escapes: Frieza is informed about the escaped prisoners from Galactic Prison who are causing chaos across the universe. Despite the situation, Frieza shows disinterest, believing that dealing with these criminals holds no strategic advantage or benefit for him.

Kikono’s Question: Kikono questions Frieza's lack of concern, suggesting that the Frieza Force itself could be considered criminals. Frieza, along with Berryblue, clarifies that their actions involve overtaking planets and selling them to those in need of new worlds, framing it as legitimate business rather than criminal activity.

Business vs. Crime: Frieza emphasizes that their operations are business transactions rather than criminal acts, and questions Kikono if he has any issues with this. Kikono, sensing the situation, quickly denies any problems and suggests they move on to another planet.

Granolah the Survivor Saga

Past Deal with the Heeters: Forty years prior, Frieza made a deal with Elec of the Heeters to claim Planet Cereal, sending a team of Saiyans and his underlings to exterminate its inhabitants. After this event, Elec and the Heeters vowed to eventually dispose of Frieza, not realizing that Frieza was aware of their plans and had kept this information secret.

Discovery of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber: Frieza discovers a Hyperbolic Time Chamber on one of his conquered planets. He uses it to train for ten years, achieving a new transformation known as Black Frieza.

Climax of the Saga: During the saga's climax, Frieza appears after being contacted by Elec, who is planning to eliminate him before Gas’ lifespan expires. Frieza's arrival shocks everyone. He quickly transforms into Black Frieza and effortlessly defeats Gas.

Confrontation with Elec: Frieza reveals to Elec that he has known about the Heeters' plans for 40 years and had been exploiting their efforts for his benefit. He mocks Elec, calling him the weakest Heeter, and kills him for his betrayal.

Explanation of Strength: When questioned by Goku and Vegeta about how he could defeat Gas despite Gas’ wish to be the strongest, Frieza explains that his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber allowed him to surpass that wish. He uses his Black Frieza form to knock out both Goku and Vegeta with a single hit but decides to spare them since they were not his targets.

Post-Battle Actions: Frieza recruits Macki and Oil into the Frieza Force and departs, leaving the defeated and shocked participants behind.

Super Hero

Alongside Kikono and Berryblue, Frieza makes a brief appearance in the command room of his ship. Goku also briefly alludes to him when explaining to a then-recently awoken Beerus why Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo were on his planet, citing that it was the only place where he was certain Frieza couldn't keep tabs on him.

Dragon Ball GT

Super 17 Saga

Frieza teams up with Cell to act as a distraction for Goku while a horde of villains from the Dragon Team's past escape Hell, thanks to Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu's portal. Even when Frieza and Cell combine their forces to combat Goku, they both fall under Goku's might, with each of their most significant attacks failing after another. Eventually, after much bickering, Cell and Frieza use their newly made combination technique, the Hell's Buster, to launch Goku downwards into the darker realms of Hell where their opponent has to endure the Terrible Torture Tour. Frieza and Cell come to see Goku frozen after the final stage of the tour, but due to Goku being alive, his living energy heats the ice encasing his body. He then uses the snow machine of the Torture Tour to freeze Cell and Frieza, finally defeating them. Frieza was last seen with Cell being arrested by the ogres.

Shadow Dragon Saga

Frieza briefly appears in the first episode of the Saga, when it's shown the wishes made to Shenron that brought the Shadow Dragons to life, as Syn Shenron, the saga's main antagonist, was born from the wish made by Mr. Popo to revive everyone on Namek that was killed at the hands of Frieza and his soldiers. Later, Frieza appears in the flashbacks of the final episode that shows him killing Krillin and then Goku becoming a Super Saiyan for the first time at their battle on Namek.

Film Appearances

Bardock - The Father of Goku

Frieza mulls over the Saiyans' increasing power until Zarbon advises his master to eliminate Bardock and his team. He then has Dodoria and his soldiers take care of destroying the team. Beforehand, he also humors Vegeta's request for a challenging mission by having him do the most challenging mission with the incentive of him coming back alive. However, when seeing that Bardock's attack pod was en route to Vegeta, he forced Dodoria to be placed under house arrest within his quarters for the failure. He also appeared in a vision of Bardock's, where Goku tells Bardock that it's not too late to avoid becoming like Frieza (it should be noted that this dialogue was exclusive to the dub). Upon witnessing Bardock holding his own against his soldiers, Frieza, with barely contained fury, orders for Zarbon to prepare his hover pod to go into space, with a hesitant Zarbon ultimately complying when Frieza subtly threatens Zarbon for questioning his orders. In the end, Frieza is challenged by Bardock himself, who survived the onslaught and wants revenge for the death of his crew. Bardock fires a Riot Javelin at Frieza, who makes a Supernova and cancels out Bardock's attack. Frieza then sends the ball straight into the core of the Planet Vegeta, wiping out almost the entire Saiyan race and many of his own henchmen.

Cooler's Revenge

Frieza appears along with Bardock, as his brother Cooler watches as he destroys Planet Vegeta and kills Goku's father. The scenes involving Frieza and Bardock, as well as the screen monitors depicting Frieza aboard Cooler's ship, were directly lifted from Bardock: The Father of Goku. He is also frequently mentioned throughout the events proper, mostly in relation to Cooler, as well as his defeat at the hands of Goku. Because of Cooler's uncanny resemblance to Frieza, both Goku and Piccolo mistook him for the latter and ended up shocked due to Frieza's presumed death beforehand.

Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan

Although Frieza does not directly appear, his destruction of Planet Vegeta is shown in a flashback by Paragus and was also mentioned twice by him, both relating to his genocide. Ironically, the film revealed that King Vegeta's attempted execution of the titular antagonist Broly had been done for the same reason why Planet Vegeta ended up destroyed by Frieza: to prevent the creation of the Legendary Super Saiyan. He also briefly appears in the opening segment, which showed his death at the hands of Future Trunks.

Fusion Reborn

When Janemba appears, the dead all escape Hell and head toward Earth, under Frieza's command. Frieza confronts Gohan and Videl, and immediately recognizes Gohan as Goku's son after the latter makes clear they had met before. Deciding the boy should pay for his father's "sins", Frieza sends his army of villains (Zarbon, Jeice, Burter, Bojack, Zangya, Paragus, Recoome, Salza, etc.) to attack the couple, but Gohan flies through them all and silences him by punching Frieza in the stomach and blowing him away with an energy shot to the gut. His terrified minions quickly disperse.

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans

When the Z Fighters arrive at West City in order to shut down the final Destron Gas Machine, it is discovered that the Frieza, Cooler, Slug, and Turles - revived as Ghost Warriors - are its guardians, after a talk with the Z Fighters the two teams' fight. After Turles and Slug are defeated, Frieza and Cooler attack the Z Fighters together, only to also be taken down. The four then attempt to fight the Z Fighters again but are defeated once more until the Destron Gas takes effect, at which point Ghost Frieza and the other Ghost Warriors prepare to finish the Z Fighters of with finger beams, though before they can Bulma appears and shuts down the machine, removing all of the Destron Gas. The Z Fighters then return to full power and Ghost Warrior Frieza and his allies are easily dealt with, however, before they are finished off, Frieza destroys Bunbuku Island killing all of its inhabitants, including Mr. Satan. As the Ghost Warriors disintegrate into Ghost Frieza, Ghost Frieza yells out that the Saiyans should not underestimate their grudge before vanishing.

Later, after the Z Fighters crash on Planet Kuhn, Frieza is brought back again by Hatchiyack, having made a deal with Raichi he is powered up into Psycho Frieza, and sent to stop the Z Fighters from gaining the ring they need to repair their ship. Frieza locates the ring in the planet's ruins before the Z Fighters can and prepares to destroy it. The Z Fighters arrive and engage Frieza in a battle, eventually defeating him again.

Frieza briefly appears after this, with his grudge energy being the second last to enter Hatchiyack.

The Real 4-D

Frieza emerges as the main villain after being summoned by a hooded figure using Shenron. Once summoned, Frieza rapidly increases his power, wreaking havoc in West City. Goku challenges him but is initially outclassed. Transforming into a Super Saiyan, Goku manages a better fight but is ultimately defeated and left severely injured. Super Saiyan Vegeta, Krillin, and Piccolo then arrive to assist Goku. Frieza, enraged by Vegeta's Super Saiyan form, faces a formidable challenge. Goku gathers enough energy to create a massive Spirit Bomb, intended to kill Frieza. In this film, Frieza is noted to have a power level of 5,300,000,000, which is 10,000 times greater than his power in his first form on Namek.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: At least 4-B, 2-C in final form, higher as Golden Frieza | 2-C, higher as Golden Frieza | 2-C, higher as Golden Frieza | 2-C, even higher as Black Frieza

Key: Resurrection ‘F’ | Tournament of Power | Post-Tournament of Power | Granolah the Survivor Saga

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: At least Solar System level (Far stronger than Tagoma, and easily defeated Super Saiyan Gohan with a barrage of Death Beams), Low Multiverse level in final form (Clashed with Base Goku), higher as Golden Frieza (Slightly stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Goku, and managed to gradually overpower him before his stamina dropped) | Low Multiverse level (Eliminated Frost and easily overpowered the likes of Jimizu. Fought and matched Base Dyspo), higher as Golden Frieza (Equal to Super Saiyan Blue Goku at the start of the Tournament of Power. Fought Base Toppo alongside Android 17. Managed to eliminate Super Maximum Light Speed Dyspo with the help of Gohan and harmed them with his laser cage) | Low Multiverse level (Confirmed to have gotten much stronger since the Tournament of Power), higher as Golden Frieza (6 universes. Somewhat fought and held his own against Super Saiyan Broly for an hour, and his attacks were sometimes staggering Broly and occasionally forcing him to dodge, which makes him far stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta, who with a combined surprise attack couldn't do any damage to Broly)| Low Multiverse level, far higher as Golden Frieza (After training for 10 years in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Frieza became vastly stronger than before), even higher as Black Frieza (Killed Gas in one attack. One-shotted both True Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta at the same time)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Faster than Super Saiyan Gohan), far higher in final form (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely far higher. Can keep up with Base Goku), even higher as Golden Frieza (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 946 octillion c. Comparable to Super Saiyan Blue Goku) | Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 9.46 nonillion c. Became even faster after his training in hell and is equal to Super Saiyan Blue Goku at the start of the Tournament of Power as Golden Frieza. Kept up with Base Dyspo in his own base and overwhelmed him with Golden Frieza, but was badly outsped by Dyspo's Super Maximum Light Speed Mode) | Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 75.68 duodecillion c. Became even faster after the Tournament of Power and could somewhat keep up with Super Saiyan Broly as Golden Frieza) | Massively FTL+ (Vastly faster than before), far higher as Golden Frieza, even higher as Black Frieza (Far faster than True Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta, blitzed Gas)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Comparable to Gohan), far higher with transformations | Class T (Comparable to Tournament of Power Goku, who endured Pretty Black Hole´s gravitational pull) | At least Class T (Stronger than before)

Striking Strength: At least Solar System level, Low Multiverse level in final form (Clashed with Base Goku), higher as Golden Frieza (Overpowered Super Saiyan Blue Goku) | Low Multiverse level, higher as Golden Frieza (Eliminated Frost with a single hit in his Final Form. Clashed with Super Saiyan Blue Goku and harmed Base Toppo. Harmed Gohan and Dyspo with his laser cage) | Low Multiverse level, higher as Golden Frieza (Although inferior to Super Saiyan Broly, Frieza could at least stagger Broly with his blows) | Low Multiverse level, far higher as Golden Frieza, even higher as Black Frieza (Killed Gas with a single strike and one-shotted both True Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta at the same time)

Durability: At least Solar System level, Low Multiverse level in final form, higher as Golden Frieza (Took hits from Super Saiyan Blue Goku) | Low Multiverse level (Tanked multiple attacks from Dyspo with little injury. Survived a brutal beatdown from God of Destruction Toppo), higher as Golden Frieza (Survived Toppo's Hakai and casual blows from a serious base Jiren, but both badly injured him) | Low Multiverse level (More durable than before. Survived part of Super Saiyan Broly's beatdown, but was badly damaged), higher as Golden Frieza (Survived getting beaten around by Super Saiyan Broly for an entire hour)| Low Multiverse level (Vastly more durable than before), far higher as Golden Frieza, even higher as Black Frieza

Stamina: Superhuman (Frieza's endurance is extraordinary, as demonstrated in his long, painful battle with Goku. Even after taking a Spirit Bomb head-on, Frieza still had enough stamina to keep on going and fight against Goku as a Super Saiyan, powering up to 100% and matching him in power. However, due to Frieza's inexperience with the form, at 100%, Frieza's ki is rapidly drained. Even so, he can endure being severely injured during his fight with Goku and ultimately even being cut in half and blasted into Namek after being completely drained of ki, going on to survive its explosion. After first gaining the form, Golden Frieza drains stamina rapidly and thus cannot be maintained for long. Still, he eventually grows to master the form and overcome this weakness)

Range: Standard Melee Range, at least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, at least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, at least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, at least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, Interplanetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range, Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks

Standard Equipment: His Scouter and Hover Pod

Intelligence: Gifted (Frieza, as the dictatorial ruler of much of Universe 7, is a clever and crafty commander who kept his iron grip on his territory by terror and strategic military deployment. In combat, he is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant capable of fighting on par with the likes of Goku, even when playing around. He is well-versed in using ki, replicating and improving upon Krillin's Kienzan with his own homing variant. However, for all of his skill, Frieza is quite overconfident and isn't fond of utilizing his full power. Due to his arrogance and obsession with vengeance, he rushed to fight Goku as soon as he achieved his Golden Form, skipping the training process to optimize its ridiculous energy expenditure)

Weaknesses: Frieza is arrogant and sadistic, preferring to prolong an opponent's suffering rather than killing them right away, even when it is entirely feasible for him to do so. Frieza's ki rapidly drains in his 100% power state due to his lack of experience with it, and he cannot fight for long in this condition. His Golden form also has a similar weakness before he masters it during his mental training in Hell.

Notable Attacks/Techniques

  • Death Beam – To perform the technique, the user extends his right arm and fires a small, thin, very fast and concentrated laser-like beam of ki from his index finger, which barrels down and pierces through the opponent. The user is able to fire the attack very quickly, while maintaining precise aim. Frieza has also been shown firing the beam from his left hand's thumb.
    • Death Bullet – The first method has the user prepare his index and middle fingers on both of his hands, and then he fires a Death Beam at the opponent at a very rapid rate, inflicting a great deal of damage. The second method has the user simply flicking his finger with deadly force.
      • Full Power Death Bullet – A powerful finger blast shot from the index finger.
      • Finger Beam – The user holds out their index finger and releases an energy beam from their fingertip.
    • Barrage Death Beam – First, the user extends his index finger at the target as if he were to fire the Death Beam. Then, he fires multiple Death Beams at a very fast rate, inflicting a great deal of damage.
    • Golden Death Beam – Much like its original version, Frieza fires the Golden Death Beam as a crimson beam of light, piercing his opponent.
      • Emperor's Death Beam – Golden Frieza blasts the opponent with a Chaotic Dead End, then provides to rapid fire Death Beams in a Gatling Gun fashion, inflicting massive damage.
        • Great Death Beam – This technique is fired from each finger that home in on targets, pierce through them and continue locking on to other targets. Due to True Golden Frieza's refined Ki control, he can also target his opponent's vital points with Great Death Beam to cause them to explode.
          • Cage of Light - By firing his Great Death Beams out of his ten fingers continuously in several directions, Frieza can create a "cage" with the beams functioning as its iron bars. Anyone touching the beams gets electrically shocked causing them heavy damage. Due to the great amount of energy the beams need to be fired continuously, Frieza can't hold this technique for a long time.
  • Eye Laser – The user shoots laser-like beams from both eyes. The potency of the Eye Laser technique varies, but most of them are very fast and able to nullify weak attacks and small projectiles, as well as cripple opponents and damage other objects.
    • Floating Attack – Eye Lasers used in the air. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
  • Invisible Eye Blast – A Kiai shot from the eyes.
  • Death Ball – Frieza lights a spark of energy on his index finger. Once enough energy is gathered, this spark may grow to the size of a small moon and is thrown towards the target. Typically, this attack is used to destroy planets or as a last-ditch effort to kill an opponent.
    • Black Hole Death Ball – The basic version of the Death Ball, charged by Frieza for use against Goku on Namek, and for use against Kale and Caulifla in the Tournament of Power, but was never fired on either occasion.
    • Supernova – The user raises his finger and gathers their energy in the form of a giant yellow orange, sun-like energy sphere. Once it is ready, the user launches the attack against the target. Like the normal Death Ball, it is mostly used to destroy planets, or as a last ditch-effort to kill an enemy. It can also detonate if hit with another ki blast, especially if the attack was successfully countered by a powerful enough opponent.
      • Petite Supernova - Frieza forms a much smaller version of the Supernova in the palm of his hand. Despite being so small, it is still extremely potent, as it was capable of expanding greatly in size and parting away all of the clouds that were in the way of the landing area.
      • Golden Supernova - Like with the regular Supernova, the user raises his index finger and gathers energy in the form of a giant yellow-orange, sun-looking energy sphere. Once it is ready, the user launches the attack at the target.
    • Destroy The Planet! – Frieza puts the palms of his hands together in front of his chest and brings them apart as he forms a pink energy sphere. Then, he raises it upward and charges it with more power, changing it into a red and orange energy sphere and making it bigger and more powerful with additional streaks of black electricity. Finally, he fires the attack at the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage. When thrown into a planet, it is shown that it tunnels into the ground until it destroys the planet's core.
    • Golden Death Ball – Frieza brings his hand forward to charge up a massive Death Ball before pulling his hand back and pushing the sphere forward to slam into his opponent, inflicting heavy damage to them.
  • Death Comet – Frieza fires several energy waves coming out of the aura around his body.
  • Whirlwind Blow – By lightly blowing, the user produces strong winds that formed a tornado. Then, the tornado lifts the opponent into the air and throws them a great distance away.
  • Death Storm – Cackling, Frieza raises his clenched hand and opens it, momentarily changing the environment to black and white before releasing a massive Exploding Wave around him and creating a pillar of large-scale planetary destruction.
  • Death Fork – Frieza charges at the opponent to impale them in the chest with one of his horns. Next, he shifts his head up and down, further injuring the opponent and causing more blood to leak out of them. Finally, Frieza throws the opponent off his horn down to the ground.
  • Featherlight Touch – Frieza touches the opponent with minimal effort, killing weaker enemies. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
  • Kiai – It is a technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent.
    • Shockwave from the Fingertips – Frieza flicks his fingers at his opponent, rapidly firing multiple kiais at them to inflict a great deal of damage.
  • Telekinesis – A technique that allows the user to manipulate objects and other people with the power of one's mind.
    • Psycho Blast – The performer uses telekinesis to lift a medium-sized to large boulder (tiles or debris) from the ground nearby, and then throws it at the opponent, inflicting moderate damage.
    • Imprisonment Ball – Frieza appears behind the opponent and holds his hand out, ensnaring them in an inescapable golden sphere of energy. He then toys around with this containment like a soccer ball. When Frieza is finished beating the victim around, he kicks the ball away, where it detonates on contact with anything other than Frieza himself. The resulting implosion is so immense it creates a vacuum that sucks in anybody nearby.
    • Psychic Move – Frieza raises his hand and swipes it sideways, creating a razor-sharp storm of Ki blades that slice the opponent and create a red explosion, sending them flying back. The attack usually leaves a large crescent-shaped crater.
    • Death Psycho Bomb – Frieza catches the opponent with a small, invisible energy sphere shot from his index finger in a fashion similar to his Death Beam. Then, he raises his arm upward, controlling and pulling the opponent high in the air with telekinesis. Finally, Frieza clenches his hand into a fist, detonating the opponent's ki and causing them to explode.
    • Gigantic Rock Throw - The user picks up a boulder in front of them and throws it at the opponent, inflicting considerable damage.
    • Death Psychokinesis - Frieza imprisons his opponent with an Imprisonment Ball and then bombards them with blocks of Kachi Katchin.
  • Death Wave – To use it, Frieza puts his middle and index fingers together and charges an energy sphere on the tips. He then swings the energy sphere around, creating a large Death Beam in the form of a giant, razor-sharp energy blade that can slice through anything.
    • Emperor's Edge - The user fires a fiery gold and red slashing energy wave at the opponent. As soon as it hits the opponent, a large explosion in the shape of a blade appears, knocking away the opponent.
  • Nova Strike – Frieza charges up to his maximum before surrounding his body in a large energy sphere, before using it as a shield and ramming into his opponent with great force.
  • Death Saucer – A red energy disc with a super-sharp magenta ki "edge" that can be thrown at opponents to slice them up. Frieza's use of telekinesis improves upon the original Destructo Disc by making his Death Saucers remotely controlled, allowing him to track targets through maintained concentration, while breaking concentration (such as losing eye contact) reverts the saucers back to standard Destructo Discs, leaving them flying in unprecedented directions.
    • Double Death Saucer - The user creates two energy discs and fires them at the opponent one after the other to slice them up and use telekinesis to track their targets through maintained concentration, while breaking concentration (such as losing eye contact) reverts the saucers back to standard Destructo Discs, leaving them flying in unprecedented directions.
    • Golden Death Slicer - Frieza launches a red energy sphere which forms into a tracking Death Saucer.
  • Death Cannon – Frieza holds one of his hands in front of him with the other hand supporting it (in a manner similar to the Explosive Demon Wave). Then, he fires a large purplish-pink energy wave or energy sphere at the opponent, inflicting a huge amount of damage. The blast creates a huge mushroom cloud explosion on impact and has an electrical aura surrounding the explosion.
    • Red Energy Blast – Frieza extends his hand forward to fire a large crimson energy wave.
      • Punishing Blaster – Frieza gathers pink energy in his hand and thrusts it forward to fire a large energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a high amount of damage.
    • Killer Ball – First, Frieza holds one of his hands outstretched in front of him sometimes with the other supporting it. Then, he fires many energy blasts at the opponent, inflicting a great deal of damage.
    • Last Emperor – First, Frieza draws his right fist to his side and charges a purple energy sphere. Then, he brings his hand forward and fires an emanating purple energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a large amount of damage.
    • Death Blaster – Frieza raises his hand upward and gathers yellow energy into his hand. He then aims his arm at the desired target and emits an energy wave at the target, inflicting a large amount of damage.
      • Golden Death Blaster - Frieza raises his hand forward, forming a large red energy sphere and emits an energy wave at the target, inflicting a large amount of damage.
  • Earth Breaker – Frieza presses his palms onto the surface of the planet he is on and then fires an energy blast straight at its core, causing the ground to rupture and streams of magma to erupt, soon resulting in the planet's destruction.
  • Fingertip Ball – Frieza creates a small energy sphere on his finger in order to intimidate his opponent.
  • Roar – The user howls loudly, which magnifies the user's power, putting them straight into Max Power mode and increasing their physical attributes. However, once the power wears out, the user will have a hard time gaining back their ki, making them take a much longer amount of time to be able to use ki-based attacks.
  • Powering Rage – The user holds their hand forward in front of them in an attempt to block an incoming attack. To increase the potency of the block, they may also use their other hand, either to hold their other wrist or to block alongside the first hand.
  • Psycho Barrier - A technique used to generate an energy shield around the user to protect them from attacks.
  • Emperor's Sign - A Fighting Pose used to inspire one's allies.
  • Crazy Finger Beam – An incredibly fast burst which explodes at a location Frieza points to.
    • Death Laser – The attack is used in the same way as the Death Beam, being a long straight beam fired from the finger.
  • Energy Punch - Frieza fires a large flame pillar-like blast of energy. Frieza can rapidly fire many Energy Punches at the opponent if he so wishes, generating a massive fiery wave of energy.
  • 100% Death Ball – An enormous pink energy sphere covered with electricity.
  • Hell's Buster – Both Frieza and Cell begin to glow, then a yellow ki emits from both of their bodies, which then envelops their opponent, trapping him/her in an inescapable ki orb. Then, both the users throw the orb prison down into the deepest part of Hell with the prisoner in it.
  • Tail Attack – A technique used by those who have tail in order to attack their opponents. They can use it to whip or constrict the opponent.
    • Mystic Attack – A technique that allows the user to extend parts of their body to great lengths.
    • Tail Whip – Using his tail, Frieza catches and throws his opponent. Used in the Butōden series.
    • Tail Smash – Frieza hits his opponent with his tail. Used in the Butōden series. Named Super Tail Hit in Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout.
  • Ruthless Blow – The attack starts off with Frieza saying "Out of my way!", he charges towards the opponent at high speed, then he uses Rapid Movement (disappearing from the opponent's line of sight). The opponent suddenly feels a stabbing pain and discovers to their shock and horror that Frieza has thrust his hand/palm into their back. Frieza ends the attack by pulling his hand out of the opponent's back and letting them fall helplessly to the ground.
  • Kick Combo – Frieza attacks his opponent only with his feet. Named in Final Bout, it is also Frieza's throw move in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Death Raid – Frieza surrounds his body with aura and dashes straight at the opponent, hitting them in the stomach with a powerful punch. Or Frieza jets into the air and fires a powerful orange ki blast at his opponent.
  • Palm Strike – A kick to the stomach used against Super Saiyan Goku as part of his Death Break. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
  • Right Cross – A powerful punch used by 100% Power Frieza against Super Saiyan Goku. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
  • Frieza Head Smash – An aggressive and forceful thrust with the top of the user's head into the face or body of another person.
  • Pressure Point Attack - By touching or hitting weakly certain pressure points on an opponent's body, can incite effects such as paralysis or knock the opponent out. Enough prolonged pressure on the pressure points can also kill the opponent.
  • Grudgeless Strike - The user moves around rapidly before powering up and charges at the opponent full speed to punch them in the face.
  • Miracle of Universe 7 - Goku (who is struggling to transform from his base form to Super Saiyan) and Frieza - who have both gone well beyond their limits - utilize a powered-up Nova Strike to ram into their opponent in order to create a massive explosion.
  • Hug Maneuver – The user's arms are wrapped around the opponent, with the opponent's arms sometimes pinned to their body. The user's hands are locked around the opponent, who is held tightly to the user's chest. Although intended to be a torture hold, it can also be used as a restraining technique to pin an opponent long enough for their allies to attack.
  • Punishing Rush – Frieza shouts "Here I go!" as he elbows the opponent in the stomach and hits them on their legs with his tail, turning them around. He then double slaps the opponent on their back, knocking them away and teleporting in front to backhand punch them in the face, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • It's Just Getting Exciting! – First, as he asks, "How would you like it?", Frieza knees the opponent in their stomach and kicks them up into the air. Then, he appears above the opponent to fly down and punch them down into the ground, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • 50% Power – First, Frieza snickers as he elbows the opponent in their face. Then, he teleports behind the opponent and knocks them up off the ground with a low roundhouse kick. Next, he catches the opponent by their neck with his tail and brings them closer to elbow them in the ribs. Finally, Frieza says "I enjoyed that" as he tosses the opponent away with his tail, inflicting a great deal of damage.
    • Death Break – As he shouts, "I'll never give up!", Frieza punches his opponent in the stomach. He then attacks and knocks the opponent away up into the air with two roundhouse kicks. Finally, Frieza appears above the opponent and knocks them down into the ground with a hook kick in their stomach, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • Limitbreaking Assault - Goku and Frieza let out a furious roar and charge at their opponent, delivering a barrage of blows in sync, then launching the opponent into the air and delivering a joint heavy kick from both sides.
  • You Thought That Was It? – Before the opponent attacks him, Frieza says "Watch what I can really do!" and dashes across the opponent with a punch to their face. Then, he flies back and elbows the opponent in the face. Finally, he punches them down into the ground, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • Punishing Counter – When the opponent attempts to attack, Frieza turns around and back kicks them in the face. He then moves behind the opponent and blasts them away with a Death Cannon, inflicting a high amount of damage.
  • Sonic Warp – Frieza uses a form of rapid movement that moves so fast it looks like he's teleporting.
  • Frieza Stance - Frieza stands with one foot in front of the other, arms and palms outstretched.
  • Power Up – A process used to gather ki and increase one's power level so that a greater advantage in battle can be obtained.
  • Pump Up – One of his Blast 1 in his first form in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Full Power – One of his Blast 1 in his final form in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Long awaited-for 100% – Frieza powers up even further beyond his 100% power.


  • Transforming Ability – It allows the user to transform into a weaker state, and then transform up from it into other stronger forms.
  • 100% Full Power - It allows the user to draw out their maximum power and bulk out their muscles. Their defense and speed increase with this power-up as well. However, it requires a tremendous amount of energy to simply maintain the form and is only used as a last resort.
  • Mecha Frieza - Specialized armor worn by members of Frieza's race in order to increase their power and combat capabilities. It is a special type of Bio Suit that combines Frieza Race tissue and mechanical parts.
  • Golden Frieza - A transformation acquired through training and used to power up.
  • True Golden Frieza - The mastered version of Golden Frieza.
  • Fury Golden Frieza - A state one can enter as a result of great distress. During which, the user's prowess in might is boosted to extreme levels.
  • Black Frieza - A transformation acquired through a long period of training and used to power up.


  • Frieza's name is spelled as "Freeza" in-universe.
  • He is the first character to survive a full-power Spirit Bomb, with Jiren being the second.
  • Frieza's English dub voice actor, Chris Ayres, is the brother of Frost's English dub voice actor, Greg Ayres.
  • He is the final villain in the Dragon Ball manga with a desire for the Dragon Balls.
  • In the Hebrew dub, Frieza is renamed "Pariz" with "Freezer" as his surname. He claims to possess literal freezing powers and threatens to freeze Zarbon.
  • Frieza has a merchandise-only joke form called "Pure Gold Frieza," which he claims is the result of overtraining and an Ultimate Evolution-like state.
  • An error in the Funimation dub had Frieza in his first form claiming to be 530,000 times stronger than Nail, which would make his power level 22,260,000,000. The original Japanese dub and Dragon Ball Z Kai state his power level as 530,000.
  • Frieza's third form resembles a Xenomorph from the Alien film series, particularly in skull structure and dorsal spines. Cooler's final form vaguely resembles a Predator.
  • The fight between Goku and Frieza is the longest in the Dragon Ball Z anime, lasting 19 episodes and roughly 3.5 hours of screentime. It is also the longest fight in the manga, spanning 20 chapters.
  • Frieza has his tail cut off four times: by Krillin with a Destructo Disc, by Goku's Spirit Bomb, by his own energy disks, and when Jiren slams him into the arena with his Nova Strike.
  • He is chopped in half twice: once by his own energy disk and once by Future Trunks. In Dragon Ball GT, he is also chopped in half by Goku's Destructo Disc in Hell.
  • In Dragon Ball SD, Roshi has a Freezer-brand fridge.
  • Frieza is the second villain to be defeated by Goku and return as a cyborg, following Mercenary Tao. Both suffered grave injuries and were given cybernetics by a relative. Unlike Tao, Frieza is no longer a cyborg.
  • Frieza has inspired other villains, notably Orochimaru from Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto hoped Orochimaru would have a voice actor similar to Frieza's.
  • He is the second character to make Goku shake in fear, after Raditz and before Hit.
  • Among the main villains in Dragon Ball Z, Frieza has the largest on-screen body count, committing numerous atrocities and murders.
  • Frieza is the second villain to yell "Damn you Goku!" as his last words, with Dr. Wheelo being the first.
  • He is the most prominent "true" villain to appear as a major character in multiple mainstream Dragon Ball media.
  • Frieza's appearance in Dragon Ball GT is less prominent, and his role in Hell is minor.
  • He is also the only major villain to appear in more than one film, with his significant role in Resurrection 'F'.
  • Frieza is one of the most referenced villains in the series, often used as a benchmark for the power of other characters.
  • His wish to become taller is similar to Commander Red's and may indicate a Napoleonic complex.
  • In the Greek dub, Frieza is female in various media, including Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and movies, but male in Dragon Ball Super.
  • Frieza is a foil to Goku, being extraordinarily powerful from birth and rarely showing mercy, unlike Goku, who was born weak, trains to become strong, and is naturally peaceful.
  • Frieza's Ghost Warrior is unique as the only one in the OVA not originating from a movie.
  • Frieza's speech about the destruction of Planet Vegeta differs between languages, with comparisons to fireworks or a live performance.
  • His voice in his second and third forms differs from his base and final forms, with notable changes between voice actors Linda Young and Chris Ayres.
  • Frieza has an excellent memory, recognizing Bardock's appearance and deducing Goku's identity as his son.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Dragon Ball Super: Broly
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Light Novel)
  3. Dragon Ball Volume “F“ — Akira Toriyama Script Comments
  4. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 1 — Goes To Earth
  5. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 2 — The Galactic Patrolman's Discovery
  6. V-Jump December 2013 Issue (21 October 2013) — “Tera-P” & “V-Jump Cartoonists’ Collection”
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Dragon Ball Super: Episode 95 - Most Heinous! Most Evil! Frieza's Rampage!
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 125
  9. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 69
  10. Dr. Slump Arale-chan episode 82
  11. Dr. Slump Arale-chan episode 240
  12. Dragon Ball Super: Episode 28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name Is Champa!
  13. V-Jump October 2022 Dragon Ball Super Interval Special
  14. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 59
  15. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 102