
From The Character Database


Names Lagss
Gender Female
Race Glass Person
Occupation Core Area Warrior
Origin Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 6: "I'll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!" (オラがケリをつける!!!の! Ora ga keri o tsukeru!! Hatsudō! Migatte no Gokui!) December 22, 2018
Alignment Anti-Villain
Age Not Stated
Created By Bandai Namco, Yoshitaka Nagayama, Yūki Kadota,
Height 5ft 7in to 5ft 9in (170-175 cm)
Weight Unknown

Lagss is a humanoid female and a loyal member of the Core Area Warriors, appearing in Super Dragon Ball Heroes during the Prison Planet Saga and Universal Conflict Saga. Her character is marked by her unique glass-based abilities and her unwavering loyalty to Hearts, the leader of the Core Area Warriors.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Lagss has pale-blue skin and long, pale turquoise hair styled with a grey-gold hair accessory that ties her hair into two ponytails. She wears a revealing blue and turquoise top with gold trimmings, and in the anime, unattached sleeves match her attire. Her outfit is complemented by grey armbands covering purple gloves with gold accents, white boots with blue soles, and dark turquoise leggings.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Lagss is depicted as ruthless and pragmatic, attacking opponents without giving them the chance to counter. She displays strong loyalty to Hearts, threatening others who question him and even preventing Zamasu from betraying Hearts. Despite her fierce nature, she is intelligent and strategic, foreseeing potential threats like Zamasu's betrayal.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Prison Planet Saga[edit | edit source]

Lagss first appears after the destruction of the chains around the Prison Planet and teleports away with the Core Area Warriors after Fused Zamasu retrieves Cumber.

Universal Conflict Saga[edit | edit source]

In the anime, she fights against Ultra Instinct Sign Goku and severely injures him with her glass shards. She later battles Future Trunks and assists Cumber in Universe 3 but is defeated by Meta-Cooler. In the manga, she intercepts Fused Zamasu, turns him into glass, and delivers the Universe Seed to Hearts. She later fights Piccolo and Android 17 but is ultimately defeated.

Demon Invader Saga[edit | edit source]

Lagss is absorbed by Majin Ozotto but is later freed by Hearts, joining forces with Goku, Vegeta, and others to battle Ozotto and his clones. Together, they strategize on how to defeat the Majin, with Lagss using her Glass Bullet to aid in the fight.

Powers and Stats[edit | edit source]

Tier: Low 1-C

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Ki Manipulation (Heroes & Xenoverse Exclusive - Master), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 2), Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; She belong to a race called Glass People, and they are being made of glass), Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (Can sense God Ki from Fused Zamasu), Flight, Enhanced Senses, Possibly Limited Earth Manipulation (Her main ability is Glass manipulation and can form different constructs with her glass), Matter Manipulation (As a member of Glass Tribe, she has the ability to manipulate condense particles of sand and stone in the atmosphere/area to form glass anywhere which she can use to turn anything organic or inorganic into glass), Transmutation (Can rewrite a persons atomic structure into that of glass, Turning Fused Zamasu in a sheet of glass, Can shoot "energy blasts" that "glassify" anything they come in contact with), Weapon Creation (With her Glass abilities, she can create weapon made from glass like mirror, shield and many others. Created a Gigantic Dragon made of glass against the Z warriors), Telekinesis, Statistics Manipulation (Passively increases her statistics and reduce her opponents' statistics, even to bare minimum), Damage Manipulation (Passively reduce the damage taken from an enemy attack. Can boost her damage in battle), Minor Power Modification (Can reduce the effectiveness of an opponent's damage reduction ability), Energy Nullification (Can nullifies her opponent's energy), Dimensional Travel & Teleportation (Can traverse to different Universes on her own), Energy Reduction (Can reduce her opponent energy), Healing (Can heal with her glass, seen when she healed Cumber), Recovery (Can passively recover her stamina), Attack Reflection (With her ‘Float Mirror’ technique, she can send back attacks from enemies), Stamina Reduction & Status Effect Inducement (Can passively reduce his opponent stamina via skills or actively via normal attacks. Can disable all of his opponents abilities, powers and actions by reducing their stamina to zero; making them unable to act). Resistance to Evil Aura (Unaffected by Cumber's Evil Aura), Extreme Heat (Via scaling above characters who can swim in lava and survive on a section of the prison planet that's completely imbued in heat, fire and lava), Extreme Cold, Cosmic Radiations

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (Scales to Super Saiyan God CC Vegeta who is on par with CC Son Goku in the same form who in turn scale far higher than Base Xeno Goku). Can ignore durability with her Glassification by turning her opponent into glass.

Speed: Immeasurable (Kept up with Dyspo and reacted to CC Vegeta)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level (Comparable to SSG Vegeta (SDBH))

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level (Tanked attacks from SSG Vegeta)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range. At least Extended Melee Range, likely far higher up to Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with her glass abilities (Can imbues her glass abilities with Ki attacks). At least Low Multiversal & Interdimensional, likely Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Teleportation and Dimensional Travel. Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Ki Attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above Average (Lagss is a smart and pragmatic individual as she choose to attack and neutralize her foes without giving them to chance to counterattack or recover and was able to foresee Zamasu's betrayal)

Weaknesses: She is too sure of herself and can leave herself open for attacks.

Attacks and Techniques[edit | edit source]

  • Glass Manipulation - As a member of the Glass Tribe, Lagss has the innate ability to manipulate and control glass for various purposes.
    • Glassification - Lagss can cover things in glass or turn things into glass. She can do this to injured people to restore them (as she did with Cumber) or to restrain foes (as she did to Universe 3's fighters).
    • Glass Generation - Lagss can create glass at will. By touching the ground, she can generate sharp pillars of glass from it.
      • Glass Molding - Lagss manipulates her glass to form objects.
        • Float Mirror - Lagss creates a mirror to deflect attacks.
        • Glass Dome - Lagss creates a large, spiked glass construct to hide within.
        • Glass Pod - Lagss creates a working glass Attack Ball.
        • Glass Dragon - Lagss' ultimate technique, she creates a massive dragon resembling Shenron out of glass which she uses to fight.
          • Glass Energy Wave - The Glass Dragon fires an energy wave infused with glass at the foe.
    • Glass Bullet - Lagss fires shards of glass at her enemies.
      • Glass Barrage - Lagss fires a barrage of glass shards at her opponent. She flick her index and middle fingers upward to have her glass shards strike her opponent from behind.
  • Teleportation - Lagss possesses the ability to teleport herself and her glass structure.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Lagss is a member of the Glass Tribe and possesses unique glass-based abilities, including creating glass shards and dragons.
  • Her name is derived from "glass" with a slight alteration.
  • Lagss' loyalty to Hearts is so strong that she views his ambitions as her purpose for living.