Joey Wheeler

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Joseph "Joey" Wheeler, known as Katsuya Jonouchi (じょううち かつ, Jōnouchi Katsuya) in the manga and Japanese version, is one of the main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. He is Yugi Muto’s best friend and starts out as an inexperienced Duelist, but through perseverance and skill, he rises to become one of the world's greatest. Joey accompanies Yugi throughout his adventures, playing a vital role in the story.

Names Joseph "Joey" Wheeler, Katsuya Jonouchi (じょううち かつ, Jōnouchi Katsuya)
Gender Male ♂
Race Human
Occupation Duelist, Student
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter 1: "The Puzzle of the Gods" のパズル Kami no Pazuru, September 14, 1996 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1992 #46)
Alignment Heroic
Age 16 (physically), 18 (DSOD)
Height 178 cm (5ft 10in)
Weight 62 kg (137 lbs) (9.76 st)
Created By Kazuo Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋 一雅)
Personality Type ESFP, 7w6 (Enneagram)
Voice Actors Flag of Japan.png Japanese: Hiroki Takahashi, Mariko Nagahama (childhood)

 Flag of United Kingdom.png English: Wayne Grayson, Dwayne Tan (Singapore)

Flag of Spain.png Spanish: Pablo Tribaldos

Flag of Mexico.png Latin American Spanish: Carlos Íñigo, José Gilberto Vilchis

Flag of Portugal.png Portuguese: Quimbé (S1-S4)

Flag of Brazil.png Brazilian Portuguese: Rodrigo Andreatto

Flag of the Arab League.png Arabic: Badih Abou Chakra (Duelist Kingdom, Middle and late Battle City), Fouad Shamas (Early Battle City, Virtual World and Battle City Finals), Hicham Abou Sleiman (Doma, KC Grand Prix, Capsule Monsters and Millennium World)

Flag of Germany.png German: Robin Kahnmeyer

Flag of South Korea.png Korean: Kang Sujin

Flag of Italy.png Italian: Simone D'Andrea

Flag of the Philippines.png Tagalog: Eric Galvez


Joey's character design was created by Kazuki Takahashi. In the first seven volumes of the manga, his hairstyle undergoes drastic changes—from two large fringes in front of his ears to an exaggerated, sporadic taper. His first colored appearance portrays him with medium brown hair and black eyes, which later shift to dirty blond and blond with brown or hazel eyes. In the first anime adaptation, his hairstyle remains consistent, depicted in bright blond with brown eyes. In the second series, he retains the sporadic hairstyle with dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. His signature outfit consists of a long green open jacket with a raised collar, a white T-shirt, and blue jeans, later replaced with a blue denim jacket. He frequently carries a KaibaCorp Duel Disk on his left arm. In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, he appears in a flashback wearing a red version of his Battle City shirt.


Initially, Joey is a bit of a troublemaker, but his friendship with Yugi transforms him into a loyal, courageous, and kind-hearted individual. Though sometimes gullible, sarcastic, and impulsive, he proves himself to be heroic, selfless, and deeply devoted to those he cares about. His passion for Dueling stems from his belief that it’s about fighting for the people you love. Like Seto Kaiba, Joey is deeply protective of his younger sister, Serenity Wheeler, willing to risk everything for her happiness and safety. He also becomes defensive when others, like Tristan or Duke, express interest in dating her. Easily flustered by insults—especially about his appearance, Dueling skills, or when compared to animals in the dub—Joey can be hot-headed but remains a key figure in the series, often providing comic relief while embodying its themes of friendship and determination.

Kazuki Takahashi has stated that Joey surpasses both Seto Kaiba and Yami Yugi in strength. Notably, the first syllables of Yugi and Joeyi’s names form Yūjō, the Japanese word for “friendship,” symbolizing their deep bond. This connection is immortalized in the card Yu-Jo Friendship.


Early Life

Joey grew up with his younger sister, Serenity, and often spent time walking around town with her. However, when he was 10, their parents divorced, leading to their separation—Serenity went to live with their mother, while Joey stayed with their father.

During middle school, Joey became a street thug and occasionally ran with Hirutani's gang, frequently getting into fights and honing his combat skills. He also spent time with Tristan .

Life at home was difficult, as Joey's father struggled with gambling addiction and alcoholism, forcing him into poverty. To help pay off his father’s debts, Joey took on multiple jobs, becoming one of the few students permitted to work while attending school. He was known as the “lone paperboy” during this time.

School Arc

Bullying Yugi

Joey, along with Tristan, initially bullied Yugi at school. He was frustrated by Yugi’s timid nature and claimed that his actions were meant to toughen him up. Despite this, he did offer Yugi the chance to hit him back—though Yugi, disliking violence, refused. One day, after Joey and Tristan stole the box containing the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle, Téa scolded them. While Joey left the room, he secretly pocketed one of the puzzle pieces.

In the hallway, Joey expressed his irritation over Yugi’s obsession with the puzzle and Téa calling them bullies. He and Tristan then encountered Ushio, a self-proclaimed hall monitor who questioned them about bullying. When Joey tried to dismiss the topic, Tristan restrained him, fearing Ushio’s influence. Seeking revenge, Joey revealed to Tristan that he had taken a piece of Yugi’s puzzle and, in an act of defiance, threw it into the school pool.

The next day, Ushio brutally beat up Joey and Tristan, suspecting them of bullying Yugi. When Yugi tried to intervene, claiming they were only trying to teach him to be strong, Ushio turned on him as well. Inspired by Yugi’s courage and kindness, Joey had a change of heart. That evening, he retrieved the missing puzzle piece from the pool and gave it to Yugi’s grandfather, asking him to return it to Yugi.

The following day, when Yugi posed the riddle, “something you can show but can’t see,” Joey answered, “friendship,” affirming that he was now Yugi’s friend.

ZTV Incident

One day, Joey noticed a ZTV van outside their school and excitedly spread rumors about a disguised celebrity among the students. Convinced that uncovering their identity would lead to fortune and fame, he set off on his own investigation. Yugi, however, remained skeptical.

Later, Joey stumbled upon Yugi being assaulted by Fujita. Rushing to break up the fight, he discovered that it was a staged scene for a documentary, Caught on Camera: School Violence. When he confronted the director, the man smugly reminded him that he was on film, making Joey hesitant to retaliate. However, when the director turned violent, Joey found himself under attack.

After looking further into the situation, Joey admitted that there was no hidden star at the school, much to Yugi’s surprise—especially since Joey had been so determined. Instead, Joey declared that he would become the school’s star.

Meanwhile, Joey sensed something was bothering Yugi, unaware that he was being pressured into selling tickets for Sozoji’s concert. When Yugi insisted he was fine, Joey and Tristan turned their attention elsewhere—namely, attempting to lift Téa’s skirt with a t-square. This, unsurprisingly, earned Joey a well-deserved punch to the face.

Prisoner 777

Joey noticed Téa acting strangely—she had been avoiding walking home with them and discouraging visits to Burger World. At first, he suspected she was secretly dating older men for money. To uncover the truth, he and Yugi followed her home after school, only to be surprised when she entered Burger World and greeted them in a waitress uniform. Téa was visibly nervous, as after-school jobs were against school rules, and she feared Joey, being a loudmouth, would spread the news. She explained that she was working to save money for her dream of studying dance in New York. Joey promised to keep her secret.

During her shift, an escaped prisoner took Téa hostage. Joey was unable to assist, as all customers were forced to lie on the floor. Positioned behind an overweight man, he couldn't see that Yami Yugi had stepped in to rescue her.


Joey complained to Yugi about being down on his luck, claiming he had been hit once in a fight against four punks. Hoping to turn things around, he attended a gathering led by the so-called psychic Kokurano. Noticing the room was mostly filled with girls, Joey pretended that Téa had dragged him there—even though he had insisted that both she and Yugi come along. When he finally got a reading, Kokurano simply confirmed that Joey had bad luck but offered no solutions.


While brainstorming ideas for their class fundraiser at the school festival, Joey proposed a cabaret starring the girls from their class—an idea that was immediately rejected. Instead, the class settled on a Carnival Games booth. Joey took charge of building the barrel for the life-sized version of Bluebeard’s Attack and was eager to tease whoever played Bluebeard. However, since Joey fit the barrel perfectly and Yugi had custom-made the headpiece for him, Téa assigned him the role.

When Goro Inogashira attempted to steal the class's booth spot, Joey tried to fight him but got stuck in the barrel, making him an easy target. During the festival, despite the setback, he played Bluebeard, and Téa believed he enjoyed himself.

Ms. Chono

Tristan developed a crush on their classmate, Miho Nosaka. Ignoring Tristan's protests, Joey enlisted Yugi to help find the perfect gift for Miho. They decided on a love-themed jigsaw puzzle from Yugi’s family shop and secretly placed it in Miho’s desk.

Unfortunately, Miho didn’t discover it until Ms. Chono performed a surprise desk inspection. Chono began assembling the puzzle, reading its message aloud to the class with the intent of punishing the sender. To protect Tristan, Yugi, Joey, and Tristan all claimed responsibility. Yami Yugi then initiated a Shadow Game, Dark Puzzle, forcing Chono to experience the pain she inflicted on others. This exposed her makeup-free face, sending her fleeing from the classroom without punishing them.

Afterward, Tristan confessed his feelings to Miho, but she turned him down. To lift his spirits, Joey offered to buy him a hamburger.

Junky Scorpion Owner

Joey had long wanted a pair of Air Muscle shoes. When he finally visited the Junky Scorpion shop with Yugi and Tristan, the owner refused to sell them unless Joey proved his bravery by placing his foot inside one of the shoes—while a scorpion was allegedly inside. Joey accepted the challenge, only to find out there was no scorpion; it had been a test. As a reward, the owner sold him the shoes at half price.

Shortly after leaving the store, a gang of thugs ambushed Joey, Yugi, and Tristan, stealing the shoes. The three tracked them down, and Joey and Tristan fought to reclaim them, learning that the shop owner had hired the thugs to take them back. By the time they returned, Yugi—who had unknowingly transformed into Yami Yugi—had already defeated the owner in a Coin in Sneaker match. The owner, having been stung by real scorpions, was being taken to the hospital. Yugi handed the shoes back to Joey, now with a hole in one. Rather than being upset, Joey considered it a battle scar.


Joey was introduced to Duel Monsters by Sugoroku and Yugi at their game shop. During his visit, Sugoroku showed them his rare Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. Excited about the game, Joey planned to duel Yugi at school the next day.

Before their match, Seto Kaiba arrived. Joey invited him to join them, but Kaiba scoffed at his weak deck and told him to come back once he had at least 10,000 cards. The next day, Joey played against Yugi and lost, immediately asking for a rematch. His enthusiasm distracted Yugi from noticing Kaiba, who had just stolen the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card.

Hirutani’s Gang

Hirutani blackmailed Joey into rejoining his gang by threatening to harm his classmates if he refused. As a result, Joey disappeared from home for two days, even missing school. Tristan, suspicious since Joey had never skipped class before, grew concerned.

Joey was later seen mugging someone outside the American Club with Hirutani’s gang. Yugi rushed over and pleaded with him to leave, but Joey denied knowing him and didn't react when a gang member punched Yugi.

Later, at J’z, Joey retaliated against the gangster for hitting Yugi earlier. Enraged, Hirutani ordered his men to capture Joey and take him to their torture chamber. There, Joey was tied up and beaten. The gang electrocuted him with stun guns to the point where he could barely speak. Despite warnings that he might die, Hirutani insisted they continue.

Yami Yugi arrived just in time, defeating the gang in Landmine Search Network and saving Joey.


Yugi invited Joey, Téa, and Tristan to the Egypt Unearthed exhibition at the Domino City Museum. While there, Joey became uneasy about the possibility of being cursed, especially after discovering a mummy. His paranoia grew when Téa mentioned that Yugi’s grandfather had said the archaeologists who unearthed the Millennium Puzzle died under mysterious circumstances.

On the day of the exhibition, Joey teased Yugi for wearing his school uniform on a weekend. They were given a tour by Professor Yoshimori, unaware of the dangerous encounter that awaited them.

When news broke of Curator Kanekura's death, Joey, Téa, Yugi, and Sugoroku visited Professor Yoshimori at the university to console him. However, Shadi, seeking to test Yugi, had possessed Yoshimori by altering his soul room. Acting strangely, Yoshimori suddenly attacked Joey, choking him while the others struggled to pull him off. Téa ultimately freed Joey by striking Yoshimori on the head with a globe.

To divert the possessed Yoshimori's attention from the others, Joey led him on a chase through the building. In an attempt to snap him back to normal, Joey punched him in the face—knocking out more of his teeth—and sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. However, Yoshimori retaliated by pushing Joey out of a third-floor window. Clinging to a ledge, Joey spotted Téa above him, standing motionless on a precariously hanging board as part of the Trial of the Mind Shadow Game. He climbed up to rescue her but was pursued by Yoshimori. As Joey struggled to keep hold of Téa’s board, the supporting rope began to fray. Witnessing Yugi’s friends working together with trust, Shadi’s ushebti shattered, causing his Millennium Key to slide down a rope toward Téa, restoring her to normal.

Joey and Yami Yugi helped Téa to safety, and Yami Yugi instructed Joey to touch the key to Yoshimori to free him from Shadi’s control. Joey complied but also noticed Yugi’s unusual behavior. After ensuring everyone was safe, Joey told Shadi he was unwelcome. Once Shadi departed, Téa asked Joey if Yugi seemed different, but by the time they approached him, he had returned to normal. When Yoshimori later realized some of his teeth were missing, Joey attempted to blame Téa.

During the previous Shadow Game, Shadi had conjured an illusion of Joey for Yami Yugi to face in the Game of Death, where the goal was to force the opponent over the edge. The illusion embodied Joey’s past as a bully. Yami Yugi, refusing to attack, feared it might be the real Joey under Shadi’s influence. His unwavering trust in Joey caused the illusion to vanish instead of forcing him off the edge.

Digital Pets

When Digital Pets became popular, Joey purchased one, though his friends mocked how ugly it became. Connecting it with Yugi’s pet, U2, for data exchange, Joey’s pet initially acted like a bully, kicking U2, but they eventually became friends. Their classmate, Kujirada, had a hidden-character pet, which Joey laughed at for being even uglier than his own. The next day, Joey left his pet unattended, and Kujirada fed it to his own. As Kujirada continued consuming other pets, U2—having grown stronger from its data transfer—defeated Kujirada’s pet.

Joey was introduced to the American comic Zombire by Tomoya Hanasaki and, along with Yugi, Téa, and Tristan, visited Hanasaki’s house to see his collection. During their visit, Joey was startled when Hanasaki’s father entered wearing a Zombire mask. He also unknowingly assembled a collectible figure Hanasaki had wanted to keep unopened. However, as they left, Hanasaki forgave Joey, deciding he actually preferred it assembled. Hanasaki’s father pleaded with them to stay friends with his son, to which Joey reassured him, stating that Hanasaki wasn’t as fragile as he believed.

Street Fighter

Joey and Yugi went to the arcade, hoping to beat "KAI" in at least one national high-score ranking. Other kids at the arcade revealed that "KAI" was actually Seto Kaiba and that he was rumored to be developing the ultimate game. Joey failed to surpass Kaiba’s record in a racing game and, after watching Yugi play Virtual VS, went to buy a cola for Yugi and coffee for himself. Upon returning, he found Yugi beaten up and his Millennium Puzzle stolen.

Tracking down the thief—known as "Street Fighter"—Joey was challenged to win the Puzzle back in a brutal Game of Death. The game required each player to hold a knife in their mouth, which would stab their throat if hit in the face. Joey refused to let his opponent use a knife, stating he didn’t want to hold back when punching him. Fighting with his hands in his pockets, Joey struggled to dodge attacks in the narrow alleyway. He then revealed the two "promises" in his pockets: one was Yugi’s cola, which he had shaken and used to spray into his opponent’s eyes, and the other was his vow to "clobber" him. With his opponent blinded, Joey landed a decisive punch to his jaw and reclaimed the Millennium Puzzle to return to Yugi.


Prior Events

Shortly after their encounter with Street Fighter, a limousine pulled up beside Yugi and Joey. The chauffeur informed them that Seto Kaiba had requested to see Yugi at his mansion. Both Yugi and Joey got inside, where Joey was surprised to learn that Kaiba was the president of KaibaCorp. Upon arrival, they were told Kaiba was unavailable, and Mokuba Kaiba instead had them served a "special course" meal. To their disappointment, it consisted of childish dishes. Mokuba then suggested they turn it into a game by spinning a turntable to determine their meal. When Joey asked if the food was poisoned, Mokuba lied. Secretly, he rigged the game using a hidden switch in a syrup bottle, forcing Joey to eat a poisoned dish. Yugi transformed into Yami Yugi and defeated Mokuba in a game, winning the antidote to save Joey.

That night, Yugi and Joey stayed at Kaiba's mansion. The next morning, they met Kaiba, and Joey was still upset over Mokuba’s actions. However, Kaiba invited them to the grand opening of his Kaiba Land theme park as special guests. Along with many other children, they were given free access to all attractions, leading Joey to believe he had misjudged Kaiba. But Kaiba soon revealed his true intentions, forcing Yugi to watch as he dueled and defeated Sugoroku Mutou. He then trapped Yugi in Death-T, a deadly theme park challenge, only agreeing to release Sugoroku once Yugi completed it. Joey insisted on joining Yugi, as did Tristan, who was babysitting his nephew, Johji, in the audience.

Death T-1

At the first stage, Death T-1, they unexpectedly encountered Téa, who was working at the park. She explained the rules: they had to face three opponents in a laser shootout. However, Kaiba had secretly hired professional hitmen—Johnny Gayle, Bob McGuire, and an unidentified third man—who were armed with real guns.

Joey, unwilling to wait for their opponents, leaped onto a wall and kicked Gayle in the face, knocking him out. When Tristan realized their own guns had no effect, he ordered the group to retreat. Joey suggested another sneak attack, but Tristan and Johji ultimately turned the tide by using Téa’s unrigged gun to take out the remaining enemies.

Death T-2

Joey’s bravado faded as they entered the Horror Zone for Death T-2. The first challenge was the Electric Chair Ride, where Joey, Yugi, Tristan, Téa, and Kaiba’s butler were strapped into electric chairs. The rule was simple: if they screamed, they would receive a shock. Joey warned the others to stay silent, but they yelled back, predicting that he would be the first to scream. Throughout the ride, they were subjected to various terrors, causing Joey to faint—ironically saving him from screaming. The group was ultimately saved when Johji caused the butler to scream, electrocuting himself.

Next, they entered the Murderer’s Mansion, where the doors locked behind them. Joey attempted to pick the lock, but Johji pointed out there was no use in going backward. The group was forced to participate in a deadly game where they had to place their hands inside holes, triggering a mechanism that locked them beneath a massive guillotine. Yugi managed to solve the necessary riddle to release them.

After escaping, Johji was kidnapped by the Chopman. Since Johji had saved them earlier, Joey decided to return the favor by facing the Chopman in combat. Under Kaiba’s orders, Johji handcuffed Joey to the Chopman, forcing them into a fight to the death inside a small chamber filled with weapons. Joey was completely outmatched in strength, but when the Chopman’s chainsaw got stuck in a pillar, he saw an opportunity. Yugi pointed him toward a candlestick, which he used to pick the lock on his handcuffs. As the Chopman freed his chainsaw, Joey quickly attached his end of the handcuffs to the door and hung the candle loosely from it. The Chopman pulled on the chain, unknowingly yanking the door off—giving Joey a chance to escape. The candle then fell onto the oil-covered floor, igniting the Chopman in flames.

Death T-3

For Death T-3, Joey and the others were locked in an empty room, waiting for the challenge to begin. As they sat there, Joey reflected on how much his life had changed recently. Téa drew a symbol of friendship on each of their hands and explained that if they ever went their separate ways, seeing the symbol would remind them of their bond.

Yugi suddenly broke down in guilt, blaming himself for dragging them into danger. Outraged, Joey grabbed Yugi by the collar, telling him never to say that again—they were a team.

The challenge began, and massive blocks started falling from the ceiling. Téa, using her dance experience, recognized the rhythm in which the blocks were falling and guided everyone through the gaps. As the room filled up, they managed to escape through a hole in the wall. However, Tristan got stuck just as the opening sealed shut, preventing them from going back to help him.

Death T-4

Distraught over Tristan’s fate, Yugi finally admitted to Joey and Téa that he believed another version of himself existed inside him. He had been afraid to tell them, worried they might abandon him. Joey reassured him, vowing that no matter what, they would always be friends.

At that moment, Yugi transformed into Yami Yugi in front of Joey and Téa for the first time. With their support, he prepared to face Mokuba in the next deadly game—Capsule Monster Chess, marking the beginning of Death T-4.

Death T-5

During Death T-4, Joey and Téa were held at gunpoint by Saruwatari and another KaibaCorp guard. After Yami Yugi emerged victorious, they were escorted to witness Death T-5, where Yugi faced Kaiba in a Duel Monsters match. Before the duel began, Joey discreetly swiped Saruwatari's phone and called Tomoya Hanasaki at the hospital to check on Sugoroku.

During the duel, Yami Yugi imagined Joey, Téa, and Tristan standing beside him as he drew his final card. When he triumphed over Kaiba, the guards still held Joey and Téa at gunpoint. However, Tristan, who had been rescued by Mokuba, arrived just in time to help Joey fight them off. One of the guards recovered and held Joey at gunpoint again, but Mokuba intervened, ordering him to stand down and explaining that he saved them because he owed Yugi a favor.

As they exited Kaiba Land, Joey received a call from Hanasaki, who confirmed that Sugoroku’s surgery was successful. Noticing that Yami Yugi had reverted to Yugi, Joey considered asking him a question but ultimately decided against it.

Post Death-T


Joey, Tristan, and Yugi played the Achievement Test Bingo Game when the results of their achievement tests were posted. Joey, failing to complete a single line, had to buy three hamburgers for Yugi and two for Tristan. Their fun was interrupted by Tsuruoka, the guidance counselor, who scolded them for scoring among the lowest of the four hundred students and derided them as "unskilled slackers." He confiscated Yugi’s Lovely Two love compatibility tester and threatened to break it.

Yami Yugi emerged, asserting that they possessed skills Tsuruoka could never match. In response, Tsuruoka challenged them to a game called "Find the Keyring!"—he hid the Lovely Two and gave them one hour to find it or face expulsion. Anticipating that Tsuruoka may have buried the device, Joey and Tristan fetched digging equipment. However, Yami Yugi deduced that the device was hidden on Tsuruoka’s person. Using Téa’s Lovely Two to trigger a reaction from Yugi’s, they pinpointed its location. Joey and Tristan tackled Tsuruoka, revealing that he wore a wig and had hidden the Lovely Two inside it.

The Get the Million Game

Joey submitted an entry for ZTV's "The Get the Million Game," decorating his form with rainbow colors to stand out. The studio’s background check revealed that his father was an unemployed alcoholic, and Joey was working to pay off his gambling debts. Seeing potential in his struggles, the producer selected him to boost ratings.

Joey successfully passed the first two challenges—Darts of Fortune and The Electric Helmet. The final stage, The Wheel of Fate, had been rigged against him, but Yami Yugi uncovered the deception and used Red Paint Lottery to prevent tampering. Joey won the million yen, but before he could cash the check, the studio went bankrupt.

Monster Fighter

Joey purchased a "Killer Emaada" Monster Fighter figure from Kame Game and played against Yugi, losing the match. The following day, they brought their figures to school, where Joey suffered another defeat. Their matches sparked widespread interest among other students. When Koji Nagumo stole Yugi’s fighter, Joey lent him "Killer Emaada," which Yami Yugi used to reclaim the stolen figure in a rematch.

Dragon Cards

Imori brought the sealed Dragon Cards to Kame Game, seeking Sugoroku’s expertise. Sugoroku allowed Joey to open the seal but stopped him, warning that breaking it would cause a clash of yin and yang, unleashing a warped power. This frightened Joey. A few days later, he sensed something was wrong with Yugi, who had received a ransom note from Imori, but Yugi insisted everything was fine.

Hirutani's Gang

Joey purchased a Yovega Fireboy yo-yo and brought it to school, attempting to impress his classmates with a trick. However, Nezumi, recalling being mugged by a yo-yo-wielding gang, was unimpressed. Disgusted by their misuse of yo-yos, Joey agreed to help Nezumi get revenge.

Nezumi led Joey and Yugi to Hirutani’s torture chamber, where they were ambushed by Hirutani’s gang. The gang tried to recruit Joey as Hirutani’s second-in-command, but he refused. Nezumi, having set them up, assisted in capturing Yugi, who was hung from a hook by his Millennium Puzzle rope. Joey fought through the gang despite taking multiple blows, managing to free Yugi.

Hirutani gave Joey one last chance to join him before ordering his gang to kill both him and Yugi. As the gangsters swung their yo-yos at them, Joey borrowed Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle and swung it around, tangling the yo-yos in its rope. He then attached them to the hook, causing the gangsters to be suspended by their fingers.

Yugi switched to Yami Yugi to help fight off the remaining gang members. Yami Yugi lured them onto a rooftop while Joey separated Hirutani from the group. The two engaged in a brutal fight, during which Joey knocked out two of Hirutani's teeth. In retaliation, Hirutani shattered a glass bottle and threw the shards at Joey, some of which got into his eyes. Temporarily blinded, Joey became an easy target as Hirutani pummeled him and prepared to stab him with a shard of glass.

However, Joey heard Hirutani step on broken glass and pinpointed his location. He swung a punch, knocking Hirutani off the roof, leaving him hanging by one hand. Seizing the moment, Joey took out his yo-yo and used "Walk the Dog" to strike Hirutani’s hand, causing him to fall. Afterward, Joey regrouped with Yami Yugi, who had already dealt with the other gang members. Feeling guilty, Joey apologized for dragging Yugi into his problems, but Yami Yugi reassured him that his problems were Yugi's as well.

Monster World

When Ryo Bakura transferred to Domino High School, he sat next to Joey, and the two quickly became friends. During lunch, Joey introduced Bakura to Yugi, Téa, and Tristan, and they all agreed to play the tabletop RPG Monster World the next day. However, before they could finalize their plans, a group of girls pulled Bakura away to give him a school tour.

After school, Joey, Yugi, Téa, and Tristan caught up with Bakura to discuss where they'd play the game, but Bakura hesitated, revealing that everyone who had played games with him before had mysteriously fallen into comas. The next day, Bakura didn’t show up at school, so Joey and the others went to his apartment to cheer him up and prove the coma incidents were just coincidences by playing Monster World themselves. When they arrived, they were greeted by Dark Bakura, whom they mistook for Ryo Bakura.

Dark Bakura explained the rules of Monster World and had them create character miniatures after filling out forms. Joey's character, "Joey," was a human warrior. He, Yugi, Téa, and Tristan took on the roles of adventurers, while Dark Bakura acted as the Dark Master.

With no knowledge of their enemy or the game world, the adventurers ventured into a village for information. Joey fully immersed himself in the role, intimidating the barman into revealing that Zorc had conquered the land and filled it with monsters. Tristan noted how the game was bringing out Joey’s aggressive side when he demanded gold from the barman to "help" the village. The barman instead directed them to another villager who could guide them to Zorc’s Castle. Joey and Tristan laughed hysterically upon seeing that the villager resembled their gym teacher, Mr. Karita, unaware that he had been trapped inside a miniature. Karita gave them directions and warned them to avoid the forest.

Outside the village, there was a 30% chance of encountering a monster. Dark Bakura rolled a 02 on a pair of ten-sided dice—an enemy Level 3 Goblin appeared. Joey rolled to attack, and Dark Bakura calculated that he needed a roll of 40 or lower to defeat it. Joey rolled a 13, easily slaying the goblin.

Later, the adventurers encountered an unconscious stranger in their path, unaware that it was Zorc in disguise. Joey poked him with his sword to wake him up. The stranger claimed that a holy sword capable of defeating Zorc had been stolen from him in the forest and pleaded for their help in retrieving it. Despite Karita’s warning, Joey convinced the group that the sword was worth the risk, and they agreed to venture into the forest.

Inside, the encounter rate jumped to 80%, and the adventurers were soon ambushed by five monsters. Joey rolled an 82, causing his character to trip and fall face-first when attempting to attack. Tristan, Yugi, and Téa managed to defeat the monsters and even tamed a new ally, Pokii, who joined their party.

The stranger then revealed his true identity as Zorc and transformed. Dark Bakura rolled a 00, trapping Téa’s soul inside her miniature. Furious, Joey tried to attack out of turn, unaware of the consequences. He rolled a 99—a fumble—resulting in his own soul being sealed in his miniature as well. Soon after, Tristan and Yugi suffered the same fate, leaving only Yami Yugi to roll for all of them.

Duelist Kingdom

After Seto Kaiba defeats Solomon Muto in a Duel and tears up his "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" card, Joey develops a deep resentment toward Kaiba. Initially, Joey struggles with Duel Monsters, as his Deck consists only of Monster Cards without any Spells or Traps. Recognizing this weakness, Yugi suggests that he train under Solomon. Despite the rigorous lessons, Joey perseveres and significantly improves as a Duelist, managing to reach the top eight in the regional tournament (nationals in the Japanese version).

Joey joins Yugi in the Duelist Kingdom tournament, both to help rescue Solomon and to win the prize money needed for his sister Serenity’s eye operation. Yugi gives Joey one of his Star Chips, allowing him to enter the tournament. On the boat to Duelist Kingdom, Yugi also gifts Joey a "Time Wizard," advising him that it could be useful in a tight situation. During the voyage, Joey meets Mai Valentine for the first time, though she dismisses him as unworthy of her attention. Later, when Weevil Underwood throws Yugi’s "Exodia" cards overboard, Joey dives into the ocean to retrieve them, managing to save two before Yugi jumps in to rescue him. Téa and Tristan, who had secretly boarded the ship, help pull them back to safety. Once back on deck, Joey shares the story of Serenity and her condition with his friends.

Despite being inexperienced, Joey defeats Mai Valentine with Yugi's guidance and the encouragement of Téa and Tristan. He later faces Rex Raptor in a Duel where he must rely entirely on his own skill. By wagering "Time Wizard," he secures victory and wins Rex’s "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" along with its "Dragon Nails."

The group later encounters Bakura, only to be trapped inside Duel Monsters cards by Yami Bakura. Yami Yugi is forced to Duel to free them, using his friends as cards. Joey is sealed inside the "Flame Swordsman" card and is summoned onto the field. In a key moment, he sacrifices himself for Yugi’s "Horn of Heaven" to prevent Yami Bakura from using "Man-Eater Bug." Téa, who takes the form of the "Magician of Faith," weeps for Joey’s loss, triggering her effect, which returns "Monster Reborn" to Yami Yugi’s hand. Yugi uses it to revive Joey, and ultimately, Yami Bakura is defeated when Yami Yugi swaps him with the real Bakura using the Millennium Puzzle. Joey later dismisses the whole event as a dream.

Seeking revenge on Kaiba, Joey challenges him to a Duel outside the tournament but suffers a crushing defeat. Demoralized, he temporarily separates from his friends but is soon forced into a Duel against Bonz, which he manages to win. He later teams up with Yugi to defeat the Paradox Brothers in a tag Duel, securing his place in the semi-finals. However, Pegasus announces that Duelists must hold one of two entry cards to continue. To ensure Joey remains in the tournament, Yugi gives him one of his own. Though Bandit Keith later steals it, Joey is able to enter the semi-finals thanks to Mai, who gives him her own entry card after her loss to Yugi.

In the final match against Yugi, Joey applies everything he has learned throughout the tournament. Though their bond remains strong, neither holds back, and Yugi narrowly defeats Joey in a close Duel. Joey remains supportive, cheering Yugi on in the finals. After Yugi defeats Pegasus, he hands the prize money to Joey, allowing Serenity to undergo her operation.

Legendary Heroes

Shortly after Duelist Kingdom, Mokuba Kaiba arrives at Solomon’s shop with news that Seto has been kidnapped and trapped inside a Virtual World. Determined to help, Joey, Yugi, and Mokuba travel to KaibaCorp and enter the MMORPG-like Virtual World, completing various tasks and encountering Mai Valentine along the way. Though Mai initially avoids them, not wanting to be seen as their friend, she ultimately aids their mission. While Joey plays a role in saving Kaiba, Kaiba remains dismissive, refusing to acknowledge Joey as a teammate.

Dungeon Dice Monsters

After Duke Devlin transfers to Domino High, Joey becomes jealous of his popularity and challenges him to a Duel. The stakes are high—if Joey wins, Duke must shut down his game shop, which has been hurting Solomon’s business (though in the original version, Joey’s goal is to win over Duke’s admirers). Duke, however, sets his own condition: if he wins, Joey must obey his commands. Despite Yugi's warnings, Joey agrees to the terms and Duels using only cards from Booster Packs. Duke ultimately wins, leaving Joey to bitterly reflect that his drive to help Serenity had pushed him beyond his limits during Duelist Kingdom. Keeping his word, Joey wears a humiliating dog costume as per Duke’s orders. However, Yugi later defeats Duke in a game of Dungeon Dice Monsters, freeing Joey from his punishment. Despite their rocky start, Joey and Duke eventually become friends.

Battle City

When Seto Kaiba announces the Battle City tournament, he grants entry only to Duelists with a high enough ranking. Yugi qualifies with a five-star rating, but Joey is given the minimum rating of one star. While Joey rants about Kaiba's bias, a tournament official notices that "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" is listed as Joey’s rarest card and quietly changes his rating to four stars, claiming there was a mistake. After Joey and his friends leave, the official secretly contacts a Rare Hunter, tipping him off about the "Red-Eyes" card.

While heading to the hospital for Serenity’s operation, Joey is ambushed by a group of Rare Hunters. One of them, Seeker, challenges him to a Duel and defeats him using "Exodia." The Hunters then beat Joey and steal his "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" card, leaving him feeling unworthy to be present at Serenity’s surgery. However, Serenity refuses to undergo the procedure until Joey arrives. Tristan eventually finds him and convinces him to come to the hospital, where Serenity scolds him for being late. Despite her frustration, Joey manages to persuade her to proceed with the operation. Though his recent losses to Seeker and Duke Devlin make it seem like he’s at his lowest point, a major comeback awaits him.

On the first day of the Battle City tournament, Joey searches for Seeker to demand a rematch, but Seeker refuses. Instead, Yugi steps in and defeats Seeker, reclaiming the "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" card. Yugi offers to return it to Joey, but Joey insists that Yugi should keep it. Despite losing the card, Joey pushes forward, defeating Espa Roba—who had previously defeated the card’s original owner, Rex Raptor. He then overcomes Yugi’s old rivals, Weevil Underwood and Mako Tsunami, securing a spot in the quarter-finals. Determined to prove himself, Joey deliberately seeks out strong opponents rather than taking an easier path to qualify. He even challenges Seto Kaiba, but Kaiba dismisses him after receiving word of Yugi’s location in his search for the Egyptian God Cards. Although Joey feels relieved to avoid the Duel, he still puts on a tough act, calling Kaiba a coward.

Following his victory over Mako, Joey is suddenly possessed by Marik Ishtar, the leader of the Rare Hunters, using his Millennium Rod. Under Marik’s control, Joey is forced into a deadly Shadow Game against Yugi, where both Duelists are chained to an anchor set to drop into the ocean once the time runs out or when a player’s Life Points reach zero. The winner will receive a key to unlock themselves, while the loser will be doomed to drown. Marik enhances Joey’s Deck with powerful spell cards that impress even Yugi and Kaiba. To prove his unshakable bond with Joey, Yugi Summons "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" and hands Joey his Millennium Puzzle. Yugi ultimately loses, but Joey breaks free from Marik’s control at the last moment and forces the Duel into a DRAW. Grabbing the key, he unlocks Yugi’s chains and dives into the water to save him. However, he is unable to unlock his own chains. Just in time, Serenity arrives, removes her bandages, retrieves Joey’s key, and dives in to rescue him.

After recovering, Joey and his friends board Kaiba’s blimp for the quarter-finals. He is paired against Odion Ishtar, who is posing as Marik while the real Marik, disguised as "Namu," manipulates the group into trusting him. During their Duel, Serenity nearly leaves, unable to watch Joey struggle, but Joey calls her back, declaring that she is his inspiration and that he needs her support to win. As Joey mounts a comeback, Odion attempts to claim victory, but Joey boldly accuses him of not being the same Marik who once controlled him. He argues that Odion has fought honorably, unlike the sadistic mastermind behind his previous ordeal. In response, Odion abandons his winning move and attempts to Summon "The Winged Dragon of Ra" to prove his identity. However, because the card is a counterfeit placed in Odion’s Deck by Marik, the real Ra retaliates, striking down both Duelists. The backlash also shatters Odion’s fake Millennium Rod, exposing Marik’s true identity.

Seto Kaiba declares that the first Duelist to stand within the time limit will be declared the winner; otherwise, both will be disqualified. While unconscious, Joey dreams of his friends encouraging him to stand up. Drawing strength from them, he miraculously rises just before time runs out, securing victory. Odion, before falling into a coma, asks Joey for forgiveness and acknowledges that it was an honor to Duel him. Moments later, Yami Marik emerges, signaling a more dangerous turn in the tournament.

After regaining consciousness, Joey thanks his friends for supporting him, claiming they were there with him in his dream. Mai Valentine, curious if she was included, asks him directly. Joey, trying to play it cool, lies and says she wasn’t—which infuriates Mai. Angry, she storms off, insisting that she doesn’t need friends, while Téa pulls Joey aside to scold him.

Mai is then paired against Marik in the quarter-finals. Despite Joey’s attempts to cheer her on, Mai remains upset over his earlier comment and refuses his support. Marik twists the Duel into a psychological nightmare, forcing Mai to forget memories of her friends whenever she loses a monster. One by one, she forgets Téa and then Joey. As the Duel nears its climax, Marik prepares to finish her with "The Winged Dragon of Ra," while she is bound to a wall by his Shadow Magic. Desperate to save her, Joey leaps into the arena and tries to unstrap her before Ra’s attack. Unable to free her in time, he braces for the blast, but Yami Yugi intervenes, shielding them both. Though Joey and Yugi survive, Marik succeeds in banishing Mai to the Shadow Realm. Joey is devastated, blaming himself for her fate. This only intensifies his hatred for Marik and strengthens his resolve to defeat him in the next round.

Virtual World

Following the quarter-finals, Kaiba’s blimp is pulled into a hidden realm, where Joey and the others are trapped inside a Virtual World controlled by Noah Kaiba, Seto’s stepbrother. The group is separated and forced to defeat the Big Five—KaibaCorp’s former executives—who seek to steal their bodies and escape to the real world. Joey builds his Deck from a set list of available cards, including "Harpie" cards as a tribute to Mai. He faces Johnson, one of the Big Five, who manipulates Joey’s luck-based strategies to work against him. Though Noah threatens to disqualify Johnson for cheating, Joey insists that the Duel continue and ultimately defeats him. Later, he teams up with Yugi in a Duel against the combined forces of the Big Five. Working together, they secure victory, and after Yugi defeats Noah, the group is returned to the real world.

Battle City Finals

Upon arriving at the Duel Tower Island, the site of the Battle City finals, Kaiba resumes mocking Joey, questioning how he even made it this far. He suggests that someone must have made an error in the tournament’s system. Despite his dislike for Kaiba, Joey’s real focus is Marik, and he manipulates the Battle Royale match—which determines the final pairings—to ensure he faces Marik in the next round.

As the Battle City finals begin on Duel Tower Island, Kaiba continues to mock Joey, questioning how he made it this far. Despite his resentment toward Kaiba, Joey is more focused on Marik and uses the Battle Royale Duel to ensure he faces him in the semi-finals.

During the Duel, Marik links each Duelist to their monsters, making Joey experience their pain. Despite the intense suffering, Joey fights back, shocking Marik with his resilience. When Marik Summons "The Winged Dragon of Ra," he activates its effect to destroy Joey’s monsters, causing a devastating explosion that seems to end the Duel. Even Yami Yugi pleads with Kaiba to stop the match, but Kaiba refuses, wanting to witness Ra’s power firsthand. Yet, when the dust settles, Joey is still standing. He struggles to draw his next card, "Gearfried the Iron Knight," and attempts a final attack on Marik’s Life Points. However, just before it lands, he collapses, unable to continue, making Marik the winner. Even Kaiba, watching in disbelief, acknowledges that Joey’s performance was far more impressive than he expected, finally realizing he is not the "third-rate Duelist" he once dismissed.

Joey falls into a coma, though in the Japanese version, it is implied he briefly dies. His friends fear he has been sent to the Shadow Realm, but his strong bonds with Yugi and Yami Yugi keep him tethered to life. He is cared for by KaibaCorp doctors until Yugi’s semi-final Duel against Kaiba. Tristan drags Joey to the window, claiming Yugi needs him, and upon seeing Yugi Summon "Red-Eyes Black Dragon," Joey regains consciousness. He rushes to the Duel Tower, catching the end of Yugi’s match.

Afterward, Joey challenges Kaiba for third place. He puts up a strong fight, even managing to use Kaiba’s own "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" against him, but ultimately loses. Kaiba dismisses the match as a waste of time, though Mokuba, one of the few spectators, is impressed by Joey’s skills.

Joey cheers Yugi on in the finals against Yami Marik before returning to Mai’s bedside, hoping her victory over Marik will wake her. Overcome with emotion, he cries beside her, only for Mai and Serenity to prank him—she had already woken up before he arrived.

After returning to Domino City, Joey reunites with Yugi for the Duel they promised each other, declaring he will win back his "Red-Eyes Black Dragon." The result is left unknown, but Joey is later seen using the card, suggesting he may have reclaimed it.

Pyramid of Light

In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light, Joey and Tristan fend off crowds eager to Duel Yugi for his Egyptian God Cards. Later, they rush to Kaiba’s duel dome to watch Yugi’s battle against Kaiba and Anubis.

Waking the Dragons

In Waking the Dragons, Joey joins Yugi in fighting Dartz’s organization, Paradius. When he learns Mai has joined them, he refuses to believe she did so willingly, accusing them of brainwashing her. She Duels him using "The Seal of Orichalcos" to steal his soul. Joey, initially hesitant, gains an advantage after unlocking a powerful dragon. Before he can win, Valon interrupts, breaking the Seal.

Joey later witnesses Yami’s loss to Rafael, shocked to see him marked with the Orichalcos symbol. When Rafael escapes with Yami’s body, Joey chases after him. Yugi survives, but only because his soul was sacrificed instead of Yami’s. Joey, enraged, punches Yami and tells him to focus on saving Yugi.

Joey and Tristan get separated from Téa and Yami Yugi when the train they are on splits in two. Outside, they encounter Rex Raptor, who is now working for Paradius and eager to Duel Joey. Joey refuses, knowing that playing "The Seal of Orichalcos" would result in one of them losing their soul. However, Rex starts the Duel anyway, activating the Seal on his first turn and forcing Joey to fight back. Throughout the Duel, Rex reveals his resentment toward Joey, blaming him for his humiliation and loss of popularity after Duelist Kingdom. He accuses Joey of stealing, rather than fairly winning, his "Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Despite the tension, Joey wins, causing Rex to lose his soul. Joey and Tristan are then left carrying Rex’s body through the desert.

As they struggle through the terrain, Joey’s Hermos card begins to glow. The three Legendary Dragons appear and guide a nearby airplane to land safely. Joey and Tristan rush to the plane, where they reunite with Yami Yugi and Téa, who had also witnessed the dragons' intervention. Emerging from the aircraft, Kaiba explains that Paradius has hacked into KaibaCorp and is attempting a takeover. He offers them all a ride to Domino City, leaving Rex in the care of his remaining loyal staff.

Upon arrival, they find the city overrun with Orichalcos Soldiers. While being pursued, Joey encounters Valon, who speeds off on a motorcycle. Seizing an opportunity, Joey commandeers another bike and gives chase. When he catches up, they begin a Duel, during which Valon reveals his motive: after constantly hearing Mai rant about Joey, he believes eliminating him would be a favor to her. However, as the Duel progresses, Valon becomes impressed by Joey’s determination and his belief that Dueling is about fighting for those you care about. He starts to respect Joey and finally understands why Mai is so fixated on him.

Mai suddenly arrives, chastising Valon for interfering, as she wants to be the one to defeat Joey. Despite exhaustion from his Duel with Valon, Joey accepts Mai’s challenge. Throughout the match, Mai slowly begins to remember why she once cared about Joey. Just as she hesitates to land the final blow, Joey collapses from sheer fatigue. The Seal of Orichalcos activates, beginning to claim his soul. In a desperate moment, Mai rushes to his side, apologizing and admitting that Joey was the closest friend she ever had. In a final act of selflessness, Joey uses his remaining strength to push Mai out of the Seal’s range, saving her as his own soul is taken. His image is then engraved in stone within Dartz’s temple, notably without the usual expression of fear seen in others.

Mai, devastated, renounces everything she had done under Paradius’s influence. After regaining her composure, she takes Joey’s Hermos card and places his body next to Valon’s before leaving to challenge Dartz. Soon after, Yami Yugi, Téa, and Tristan arrive and take care of Joey’s unconscious form.

Joey’s soul is restored following Yami’s victory over Dartz. Reunited with his friends, he regains Hermos and later aids in summoning monsters to help defeat the Great Leviathan. After its destruction, he watches as the Legendary Knights and Dark Magician Girl return to their realm, with the Hermos card vanishing as the dragon departs.

Grand Championship

Joey is invited to participate in Seto Kaiba’s Grand Championship tournament. In this arc, he serves mainly as comic relief, with "Heart of the Underdog" becoming a running gag after Yugi remarks that the card reminds him of a certain friend. In the first round, Joey faces Solomon Muto—disguised as "Apdnarg Otum"—who entered the tournament to test Joey’s growth. While the disguise fools no one except Joey, Solomon puts up a good fight before ultimately losing. In the next round, Joey faces Zigfried von Schroeder but is defeated.

Later, when Solomon goes missing, Joey joins Yugi and the others in searching for him. They eventually find him being bribed by Vivian Wong, who challenges Yugi to a Duel. Yugi accepts and wins.

Capsule Monsters

Between the Grand Championship and Dawn of the Duel, Joey wins a trip for four to India and invites Yugi, Téa, and Tristan to join him.

However, their plane malfunctions and crash-lands in a mysterious forest. After evacuating, they meet Dr. Alex Brisbane, who reveals he was a colleague of Solomon Muto and that Solomon disappeared during their last expedition together. Brisbane leads them to what he believes is the legendary pyramid of Alexander the Great.

Inside, the group unknowingly activates an ancient map, transporting them to a strange world. Here, Joey discovers a living Baby Dragon and, alongside his friends, embarks on a series of trials to escape. Throughout their journey, they receive guidance from the spirit of Alexander the Great and eventually reunite with Solomon.

Joey later separates from the group, and when they next encounter him, he is possessed and clad in armor resembling Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Under its influence, he prevents the others from acquiring the sword needed to complete their current trial. Yugi manages to bring Joey back to his senses, breaking the armor's control. The armor then transforms into Red-Eyes Black Dragon, revealing that both Joey and the sword had been under its possession. Joey pulls the real sword from Red-Eyes, freeing them both.

With their challenges completed, the group is offered a powerful reward by Shadi, but Yugi declines. However, before they can leave, they are confronted by Alexander the Great, who seeks to claim the power for himself. A battle ensues between Alexander’s forces and Yugi’s group, with everyone summoning the monsters they have acquired throughout their journey. Ultimately, Yugi, Joey, Téa, Tristan, and Solomon are returned to the pyramid, marking the end of their adventure.

Dawn of the Duel

In this arc, Joey, Yugi, Téa, and Tristan travel to Cairo, Egypt, to assist Yami Yugi in fulfilling his destiny as Pharaoh. Upon arrival, they are welcomed by the Ishtars. When Yami Yugi enters the Memory World, they are surprised to find he has left the Millennium Puzzle behind. To aid him, Shadi uses the Millennium Key to open a path into Yugi’s heart, where they search for the doorway to the Memory World.

While navigating the Memory World, the group meets Bobasa, who agrees to help them. Though they can phase through buildings and people unnoticed, they are unable to pass through the palace gates. Eventually, they discover Yami’s true name written in hieroglyphics but cannot decipher it. Later, when they reunite with Yami, they struggle to convey his name to him. During the final confrontation with Zorc Necrophades, they summon monsters to aid in battle, but Zorc quickly overpowers them. By focusing on their memories of the hieroglyphics, they cause the symbols to appear on a cartouche, allowing Yami to read his true name—Atem. This revelation enables him to summon The Creator God of Light, Horakhty, who ultimately destroys Zorc.

Upon returning to the real world, Joey offers to Duel Atem in the Ceremonial Battle, but Atem declines, choosing to face Yugi instead. During the Duel, Joey explains Yugi’s emotions to the others, helping them understand the weight of the moment. After Yugi’s victory, Joey and his friends fly back home to Domino City. In the final moments of the series, Joey is last seen walking into the distance alongside Yugi, Téa, and Tristan.


In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Joey’s name is referenced in a humorous nod when Jaden Yuki Duels a lab chimpanzee named Wheeler—an allusion to Seto Kaiba once calling Joey a "Dueling monkey" in the dub.

Additionally, Joey is mentioned by Maximillion Pegasus, who ranks him as the third-best Duelist due to his exceptional raw talent, placing him behind Kaiba and Yugi. When Jaden is transported to the past to Duel Yugi, he briefly sees a flyer featuring Yugi, Téa, Tristan, Joey, and Kaiba.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 9-C

Powers and Abilites: Martial Arts, High Pain Tolerance, Supernatural Luck, Skilled Stagiest in Dueling

Attack Potency: Street level (Used to be a street thug and hung out in a gang for long periods of time. Often got into fights and developed great fighting skills. Harmed Yami Yugi with a punch)

Speed: Athletic Human

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Wall level+ (Tanked two missiles up close)

Stamina: Peak Human (Can duel for various hours and continue dueling after a lot of physical abuse)

Range: Standard melee range

Standard Equipment: Duel Monsters cards, Duel Disk

During the Duelist Kingdom arc, Joey's Deck primarily consists of Warrior and Beast-Warrior-Type monsters. He uses relatively few Magic and Trap Cards, with most of them focused on either strengthening his own monsters or weakening his opponent's. His favorite card is Flame Swordsman, though he rarely uses it after Duelist Kingdom. His signature strategy in this arc revolves around the combination of Time Wizard and Baby Dragon, using Time Wizard’s effect to weaken enemy monsters while aging Baby Dragon into Thousand Dragon. Joey also utilizes Graverobber to steal cards from his opponent’s Graveyard (in the anime, Graverobber can take any card, not just Magic Cards). After defeating Rex Raptor, Joey wins Red-Eyes Black Dragon and incorporates it into his Deck. Aside from temporarily losing Red-Eyes to a Rare Hunter during Battle City, he consistently uses the card throughout the series, gradually adding support cards to enhance it.

In the Battle City arc, Joey's Deck becomes more balanced. He continues relying on Warrior monsters but introduces Gamble cards that rely on coin flips, dice rolls, or other elements of luck, such as Graceful Dice and Skull Dice, which become staple cards in his Deck. Unlike Duelists such as Yugi and Kaiba, who have access to powerful and structured strategies, Joey compensates with his reliance on luck. Other key additions to his Deck include Alligator Sword, Swordsman of Landstar, and Panther Warrior, as well as the Magic Cards Scapegoat and Giant Trunade. As he progresses through the tournament, Joey acquires powerful cards from defeated opponents, including Jinzo, Insect Queen, and The Legendary Fisherman, with Jinzo becoming one of his most valuable monsters.

In the Virtual World arc, Joey continues using Warrior monsters while boosting their ATK with the Deck Master ability of Flame Swordsman. He also temporarily includes Cyber Harpie and Harpie’s Feather Duster as a tribute to Mai Valentine during his and Yami's Duel against the Big Five, aiming to reclaim Tristan’s body.

During the Waking the Dragons arc, Joey adds The Claw of Hermos to his Deck, allowing him to fuse it with various monsters to create unique Equip cards. He also incorporates Star Blaster, Roll of Fate, additional Gamble cards, and Red-Eyes Black Dragon to refine his strategies.

In the Grand Championship arc, Joey's Deck remains largely the same as in Waking the Dragons. However, he expands upon his Swordsman of Landstar by adding other Landstar monsters and support cards. He also increases his reliance on Gamble cards, introducing Dangerous Machine Type-6 and Maximum Six to his Deck.

Intelligence: Average. Gifted when it comes to Duel Monsters (He starts out as an inexperienced Duelist, but he later becomes one of the greatest Duelists in the world. Pegasus mentioned Joey is one of his top five Duelists as number three due to his unusual gift of pure raw talent. The number two is Kaiba and number one is Yugi.)

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses


  • The exclusive comic book that comes with "Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon" says that Paradox stole Joey's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" to use to Summon "Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon."
  • In the Japanese version, Joey does not use honorifics, giving him a "rude" speech pattern. When speaking to people he dislikes, he often uses teme (a harsh form of "you" in Japanese, often translated as "you bastard") instead of his usual omae (a more casual "you" that can imply lower status if used incorrectly). This is especially evident in his interactions with Seto Kaiba, who looks down on him. In the English dub, this speech pattern is represented by Joey (voiced by Wayne Grayson) speaking with a Brooklyn accent. He also refers to himself as "The Godfather of Games" in the movie and frequently calls Kaiba "rich boy" to emphasize his disdain.
  • In the Southeast Asian English dub, Joey (voiced by Dwayne Tan) does not have the Brooklyn accent present in the 4Kids version.
  • In the European Spanish dub, Joey (voiced by Pablo Tribaldos) also lacks the Brooklyn accent but retains a distinct way of speaking. He frequently calls Kaiba ricachón ("very rich guy") and insults people he dislikes by calling them cerdos ("pigs"). While cheering for Yugi in duels, he often shouts "machaca a ese cerdo, Yugi" ("crush that pig, Yugi"). When making a good move or drawing the card he needs, he exclaims "¡toma ya!" (similar to "booya" or "all right!"), and when successfully activating Time Wizard, he says "¡toma ya! ruleta del tiempo" ("booyah... Time roulette"). He also humorously refers to the Big Five as ejecutivillos (a diminutive, Flanders-esque way of saying "businessmen").
  • In the Italian dub, Joey has a southern Italian accent.
  • He is known as Joseph "Joey" Wheeler in the 4Kids dub, video games, and the Brazilian and Portuguese versions of the manga, while the Funimation Uncut dub calls him Joseph "Joey" Katsuya. In the Swedish dub, he retains his original Japanese name, Katsuya Jonouchi, but to align with 4Kids' script, he is given the nickname "Jono." His name is sometimes spelled Katsuya Jyonouchi in the Japanese anime.
  • His dub name, Joey Wheeler, may be inspired by Wheeler from Captain Planet, who also has a Brooklyn accent (and a voice actor named Joey). It might also reference Joseph Wheeler, a commander during the American Civil War. In the manga, when Ryo Bakura invites the protagonists to play the Monster World RPG, Jonouchi’s character is named "Joey." Additionally, Bandit Keith mockingly refers to Jonouchi as "Joey" as an insult.
