Dark Magician Girl

From The Character Database


Dark Magician Girl (ブラマジガール) known as Black Magician Girl in the Japanese version, is a spirit ka that could be summoned by Mana. Her Duel Monsters card is the "Dark Magician Girl."

Names Dark Magician Girl (ブラマジガール), Black Magician Girl
Gender Female
Race Duel Monster Spirit
Occupation Sorceror, Student
Origin Yu-Gi-Oh! Chapter 164: "The Calling Soul!" よみがえる魂!!,Yomigaeru Tamashī!! lit, "Revived Soul!!" (July 4, 2000 tankōbon volume) (as a card), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Episode 147: "Legend of the Dragons" 名もなき竜 ティマイオス, Namonaki Ryū Timaiosu lit,"Nameless Dragon, Timaeus" (March 4, 2003) (as a character)
Alignment Good
Age Unknown at least 3,000 years old chronologically
Created By Kazuo Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋 一雅)


Dark Magician Girl's outfit mirrors that of Dark Magician, though it is predominantly blue and pink, accented with yellow details. She has blonde hair, green eyes, and blushed cheeks, wielding a wand that complements her attire. In localized versions of the anime and card art, her bust is subtly reduced by erasing cleavage lines, her hexagram is replaced with a red jewel (which also appears as the Millennium Item symbol in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX), and she is sometimes depicted wearing shorts under her skirt.

Her outfit consists of an off-the-shoulder garment that reaches her upper thighs, transitioning into a pink skirt. The garment is blue with pink trims and yellow accents. She also wears a pointed hat, much like Dark Magician's, but hers is blue with pink rings and a pink spiral on one side. Her boots reach halfway up her thighs, and her blue wand features a spiral that matches the one on her hat, but in yellow. Optional pink and blue gauntlets complete her look.

In the manga, during Ancient Egypt, she is depicted with tanned skin, akin to Mana's appearance.

TCG Card


Dark Magician Girl's personality is often portrayed as energetic, playful, and loyal, with a strong sense of determination and innocence. She is known for her caring nature, especially toward her fellow Duelists and her mentor, Dark Magician. Despite her youthful demeanor, she possesses a deep sense of duty and takes her role as a student and partner in battle seriously.

In her interactions with others, Dark Magician Girl often displays a cheerful and lighthearted attitude, especially when dueling for fun or helping others. She is compassionate and willing to help, as shown when she aids Téa in the Virtual World arc. She can also be a bit mischievous and playful, enjoying moments of camaraderie and fun, like during the Duel Festival in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

However, she can also show a great deal of courage and seriousness when the situation calls for it. In moments of battle, she is determined to give her best effort, as evidenced by her willingness to face powerful opponents, even when the odds are against her. Despite losing some duels, she values the experience and the thrill of the game over the outcome.

At her core, Dark Magician Girl embodies the spirit of friendship, growth, and the pursuit of learning, always striving to improve and support her companions.



Ancient Egypt

During the battle at Kul Elna, when Atem, Shada, and Mahado (as Dark Magician) confronted Bakura, Mana arrived with the other priests. In a critical moment, she summoned Dark Magician Girl to protect Mahado from an attack by Diabound. Through Dark Magician Girl, Mana communicated with Mahado, expressing her joy to see him alive. As Dark Magician Girl was not yet strong enough to fight, she transferred her heka to Mahado, who had been weakened in battle.

Battle City

Dark Magician Girl first appears in the Battle City arc, where she is summoned during Yugi’s Duel with the former magician Arkana. She draws power from both Duelists' Dark Magician cards and plays a key role in the Duel. One of Yugi's most expressive monsters, she is seen crying when forced to attack due to the effect of Bakura’s "Dark Spirit of the Silent," which damages her owner via "Dark Sanctuary." This shows that she understands the implications of her actions.

Virtual World

In the Virtual World arc, Dark Magician Girl is selected as Téa’s Deck Master, granting her the ability to communicate telepathically with Téa and assist her during her Duel with Crump. Despite being an amateur Duelist, Téa is pushed to her limits by Crump, but Dark Magician Girl volunteers to be summoned. Téa initially hesitates due to the risk of losing automatically if Dark Magician Girl is destroyed, but she eventually agrees. Téa uses her full potential, clearing her Graveyard to draw four cards, one of which is "Sage's Stone," enabling her to summon Yugi’s Dark Magician from his nearby Deck. Together, they defeat Crump, with Dark Magician Girl directly attacking him.

Waking the Dragons

Dark Magician Girl plays a more prominent role in the Waking the Dragons arc. She helps Yugi and Yami Yugi travel to the World of Duel Monsters to revive the Legendary Dragon Timaeus, aiding them in their battle against Dartz. She also assists Kaiba and Joey in obtaining the dragons, Critias and Hermos.

When Dartz summons the Great Leviathan, Dark Magician Girl opens a portal to the Duel Monsters Spirit World, leading an attack against the creature alongside Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. After the Leviathan’s defeat, she and the Legendary Knights return the stolen souls from The Seal of Orichalcos to their bodies and express gratitude to Yugi and Yami for saving both the human and Duel Monsters Spirit Worlds.

Dawn of the Duel

In the Dawn of the Duel arc, Dark Magician Girl serves as Mana’s Ka monster. After Mahad’s death and transformation into the Dark Magician, Mana vows to become a powerful magician in his honor, following in her teacher’s footsteps.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Dark Magician Girl appears as a Duel Spirit during the Duel Festival. On the special day when Duel Spirits can take physical form, she emerges to duel with Jaden Yuki after learning that Syrus Truesdale had planned a Costume Duel for that day. When Jaden expresses disappointment over not having an opponent, especially after Alexis Rhodes chases off her brother for taking a picture of her in costume, Dark Magician Girl steps in and offers to duel him. Although everyone else at the event, except for Jaden, Syrus, and Chazz Princeton, assumes she is just another person in a costume, Syrus develops a crush on her, and Jaden considers her a formidable opponent. Bastion Misawa even suggests that Dark Magician Girl should have been part of Yugi Muto’s Deck. Despite losing the Duel, Dark Magician Girl enjoys herself, and before leaving, she gives Syrus a kiss on the cheek. She then returns to her card, having expended the last of her energy.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time, Dark Magician Girl is summoned by the effect of "Bond Between Teacher and Student." She acts somewhat childish and becomes nervous upon seeing Paradox’s monsters. Dark Magician, however, reassures her, emphasizing that victory will be assured when they work together with their master.

Other Appearances

In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, Dark Magician Girl arrives late, which causes Dark Magician to become frustrated, scolding her for being tardy. When Yugi asks who she is, Dark Magician Girl introduces herself as Dark Magician’s number one student. Dark Magician clarifies that she is an inexperienced student who was called back from her training and instructs Yugi to place her at the bottom of the roster. She then joins the party.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: High 7-C | 2-C

Key: Manga | Anime

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Energy Manipulation, Creation (Can create a barrage of knives, as well as giant hats and magic boxes), Teleportation (Can switch position with an enemy with Mystical Box) Illusion Creation (Has Illusion Magic. , Forcefield Creation Portal Creation (The Dark Magical Circle has been utilized to create portals), Attack Reflection (Has access to the Magic Cylinder, which returns an attack back to the sender., Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with spirits), Soul Manipulation, Statistics Amplification (Her attack rises when Dark Magician is in the Graveyard) Summoning (is a duelist in GX)

Attack Potency: Large Town level | Low Multiverse level (Is Comparable to Dark Magician whom has been repeatedly shown as a rival to the Blue Eyes White Dragon. In the Bond Beyond Time movie Dark Spiral Force was shown as equal to the Neos Spiral Force)

Speed: Likely Massively Hypersonic+ (Comparable to the Blue Eyes)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Large Town level | Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Hundreds of Meters

Standard Equipment: Magician's Rod

Optional Equipment:


In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Dark Magician Girl plays a Spellcaster Deck, which focuses on her own card and a swarming strategy from the Removed from Play Zone. Coincidentally, her deck list is near-identical to that of Doctor Collector, as they both have a similar strategy of banishing their monsters and then summoning them en masse via "Dimension Fusion".

Intelligence: High (She's an expert in the magic arts)

Attacks and Techniques

Dark Burning Attack: Her signature move

Dark Magic Twin Burst: Team attack with Dark Magician


  • Dark Magician Girl is the first Level 6 Spellcaster-type monster.
  • Despite her effect, this card was released in the TCG well before Magician of Black Chaos.
  • She is the apprentice and female counterpart of the Dark Magician.
  • Dark Magician Girl has a retrained version known as Apprentice Illusion Magician and a LIGHT counterpart, Palladium Oracle Mana.
  • She is featured as a cover card in Premium Pack 4.
  • The card’s effect may be a reference to Mana, its original spirit owner, who vowed to become stronger in honor of her teacher Mahad, who became the Dark Magician after his death.
  • In the manga, Dark Magician Girl’s effect was slightly stronger, gaining 500 ATK instead of 300.
  • This card appears in the artwork of several other cards:
    • Bond Between Teacher and Student
    • Dark Burning Attack
    • Dark Burning Magic
    • Dark Magic Twin Burst
    • Dark Magic Expanded
    • Magician Navigation
    • Magicians' Defense
    • Dark Magic Inheritance
  • Dark Magician Girl has several counterparts:
    • Magician's Valkyria
    • A supposed younger counterpart, Card Ejector
    • A Toon counterpart, Toon Dark Magician Girl
    • An Xyz counterpart, Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal (Originally intended as an alternate artwork of this card)
  • In the anime, she also fuses with The Eye of Timaeus to form Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight.
  • Dark Magician Girl has counterparts in several series:
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Card Ejector
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: T.G. Wonder Magician
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Gagaga Girl
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Xiangsheng Magician
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Cyberse Witch
    • Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS: Sevens Road Witch
  • She is themed after the magical girl manga and anime subgenre, while maintaining a shonen undertone.
  • The third artwork of Dark Magician Girl mirrors the first artwork of Dark Magician. Both feature the Magicians holding their hats with their left hands, scepters with their right, and floating in front of their respective seals.
  • In the 20th tome of the manga, when Yugi Summoned Dark Magician Girl during his Duel against Strings, she appeared exactly as depicted in this artwork and stayed in that position until her destruction.
  • Newer reprints, such as those in Starter Deck Yugi Reloaded and Premium Gold, do not include the 8-digit passcode.
  • This is one of the rare instances where a card is reprinted without a passcode.
  • Dark Magician Girl is the only Magician Girl monster with just one effect instead of two.
  • When counting all of her artworks, including those with minor uncensored differences, this card has the most artworks of any monster in the TCG/OCG, surpassing Blue-Eyes White Dragon (8 artworks) and Dark Magician (7 artworks).
  • Dark Magician Girl is one of the most iconic monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, alongside Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Dark Magician, and Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
  • She was the first Duel Monster to speak in a duel during the anime, doing so in Freeze Play Part 1.
