Dr. Gero

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Dr. Gero (ドクター・ゲロ Dokutā Gero, lit. "Doctor Gero"), also known as Android 20 (人造人間20号 Jinzōningen Nijū-Gō, lit. "Artificial Human No. 20"), is a brilliant scientist who masterminded the creation of the Red Ribbon Androids. Following the defeat of the Red Ribbon Army at the hands of Goku, Gero dedicated his life to revenge, creating many more androids, including models 16, 17, 18, and 19. and including the bio-organic entity Cell.

Names: Doctor Gero, #20, Artificial Human No. 20

Origin: Dragon Ball Chapter 337 (DBZ 143) "The Gathering of the Warriors" (うたち Tsudō Sūpā Senshi-tachi, lit. "The Super Warriors Gather") August 13, 1991 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1991 #36/37)

Gender: Male, Genderless as an Android

Age: Not Stated

Alignment: Evil

Race: Human (Formally), Android

Created By: Akira Toriyama

Occupation: Scientist

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero has slightly tanned skin, blue eyes, a large bushy white mustache, and long hair. After transforming himself into an android, he conceals his visible brain under a hat adorned with the Red Ribbon Army logo. His mechanical body lacks the eyebrows he had in his organic form, featuring a pronounced brow instead. His attire includes black clothing with orange sections on the upper arms, light-yellow sleeves on the lower arms, dark brown pants, and black and white shoes.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero is a coldhearted individual, relentlessly pursuing his goals without letting anyone stand in his way, even resorting to kidnapping people for his experiments. He harbors a deep hatred for Goku, stemming from Goku's defeat of the entire Red Ribbon Army. Gero has immense confidence in his technological prowess and intellect, believing that he or his creations will prevail, regardless of the odds. He trusts his creations with his life, convinced that they will respect him as their master now that he has "improved" them. However, he hesitates before releasing Androids 17 and 18, acknowledging the severe risks they pose to him due to their hatred.

Despite his ruthless nature, Gero is capable of affection, as demonstrated by his creation of Android 16, whom he modeled after his deceased son. He deliberately made Android 16 gentle to avoid the risk of him being destroyed in battle, as Gero could not bear the thought of losing him. This likely explains why Gero chose not to activate Android 16 and did not discard him like the earlier android models, except for Android 8.

In Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, it is suggested that the Red Ribbon Army warped Gero's mind, implying that he may have been a decent person at one time. Due to his insanity, Gero’s youngest son and daughter-in-law distanced themselves from him and kept their own son away from his influence as well.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero fathered two children with his wife, Vomi, one of whom was named Gevo.

As the head scientist and a founding member of the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero played a crucial role in designing the army's weaponry and creating the first androids. He believed that androids were superior to mechanical robots, as they could think independently and were less likely to be captured and repurposed by enemies. Another scientist, Dr. Flappe, is credited with creating Android 8, but the inconsistency is addressed in Daizenshuu 7, which states that Dr. Flappe and Dr. Gero were colleagues in charge of the Red Ribbon Army's Android Development Program. Gero's desire to create androids and cyborgs wasn't solely motivated by the Red Ribbon Army's objectives; he always dreamed of replacing the entire human race with artificial beings, even before Goku defeated the Red Ribbon Army.

After the Red Ribbon Army's defeat by Goku, Dr. Gero retreated to his laboratory in a mountain area north of North City, where he continued his work on creating the ultimate fighting machine. With funding from Magenta, Gero used an intelligent tracking device disguised as a ladybug to study Goku and the Z Fighters for years, observing their battles against Tien Shinhan, King Piccolo, Piccolo, and the Saiyans Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta.

Dr. Gero modeled the powerful Android 16 after his deceased son, Gevo, a high-ranking Red Ribbon soldier who had been killed by an enemy bullet. In his affection, Gero made Android 16 powerful but gentle, as he could not bear the thought of him being destroyed in battle. Dr. Gero also created Android 19, based on a doll he had taken as a trophy from an enemy base.

Gero ceased studying Goku's power when the Saiyan left for Namek, believing he had already gathered enough information. He adjusted the androids' power levels to account for Goku's expected increase in strength, unaware of the Super Saiyan transformation. Confident that he had created the ultimate fighting machines, Gero finalized his plans and constructed a series of Androids. While searching for fresh material for his experiments, Dr. Gero encountered two notorious delinquents, a brother and sister, whom he kidnapped and transformed into Android 17 and Android 18. However, the siblings retained their human free will and became rebellious, prompting Gero to deactivate them. According to Android 18, Dr. Gero destroyed all the other androids up to Android 15 because he couldn't control their personalities, which were often too dark, too stupid, or too nice.

To achieve immortality, Dr. Gero had Android 19 turn him into an android, becoming Android 20. The only remaining human part of him was his brain, which was transplanted into his new android body. Instead of choosing an infinite-powered model, which would have given him greater power reserves, Gero opted for an energy-absorbing model, possibly because he believed it would be easier to control. Gero later disguised his true identity by claiming that he was merely Android 20 and that Dr. Gero had died long ago.

While constructing the Androids, Dr. Gero discovered a method to fuse together the cells of the strongest warriors on Earth—Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, and King Cold—to create a supreme fighting entity. However, realizing that the project would take too long to complete, he left his supercomputer to finish the ultimate being, which he named Cell. Cell later speculated that Dr. Gero intended him to defeat the Earth and eventually destroy the entire universe.

Dragon Ball Z[edit | edit source]

Androids/Cell Saga[edit | edit source]

Two years after the destruction of Namek, Future Trunks arrives and informs the Z Fighters that in three years, two extremely powerful Androids created by Dr. Gero will appear. On May 12 of Age 767, at 10:00 am, Android 19 and Android 20 emerge on an island nine miles southwest of South City. They attack Yajirobe in his hovercar, shortly after he delivers a sack of Senzu Beans to the Z Fighters, and then descend into the city, where they begin a ruthless killing spree. At one point, Android 20 grabs a man from his car and crushes his skull without showing any emotion.

The Z Fighters struggle to locate the Androids due to their lack of detectable ki, but Yamcha is the first to find them after hearing a woman's scream. Mistaking them for civilians, Yamcha approaches them and warns them to evacuate, but he soon notices the Red Ribbon logo on Android 20's cap. Android 20 smugly confirms that they are indeed the Androids Yamcha is referring to.

Before Yamcha can react, Android 20 demonstrates a deadly power—an energy-absorbing function that Dr. Gero designed for the Androids. Using a small red jewel embedded in his hand, Android 20 grabs Yamcha by the jaw, punches a hole through his chest, and drains his life force. Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan sense Yamcha's rapidly decreasing energy and rush to find him gravely injured by Android 20. Krillin quickly takes the dying Yamcha back to Bulma to receive a Senzu Bean.

Android 20 is surprised that the Z Fighters knew they were Androids and appeared in anticipation of their arrival, despite the Androids giving no indication of their presence. He questions how the Z Fighters knew this, but Piccolo refuses to answer, stating that they will have to obtain the information by force. Android 20 coldly replies that they will do just that.

Goku, concerned about the safety of innocent people, suggests moving the battle to another location. Android 20 misinterprets this as Goku not wanting anyone to interfere and destroys half of the city and its populace with his Bionic Punisher. Enraged, Goku charges at Android 20, delivering a punch that knocks off his hat, revealing a seemingly organic brain underneath. Android 20 detects Goku's dissatisfaction with his solution to finding an uninhabited place and tells Goku to choose the location of his death, calling him by name.

Piccolo, surprised, wonders how Android 20 knows Goku's name. Android 20 calmly reveals that he knows all of them, mentioning Piccolo and Tien by name as well. As police sirens approach, Goku says that they can ask questions later and takes off, with the Androids, Piccolo, and Tien following him.

As the group flies over a deserted plain, Android 20 suggests that they fight there, deeming it an adequate battleground. Goku does not object, and the group lands. Piccolo notes that the plain is surrounded by rocky mountains, suspecting that the Androids plan to use the terrain for hiding if necessary. Android 20 begins to explain that they have been monitoring Goku's battles with miniature surveillance drones since he defeated the Red Ribbon Army, searching for any weaknesses. He mentions that only the humiliated Dr. Gero remained after the Army's defeat, prompting Piccolo to remark that 20 is speaking as if he were Dr. Gero himself. Android 20 lies, claiming he is Dr. Gero's creation and that the doctor is no longer alive.

When Goku asks if they observed his battles on Planet Namek, Android 20 replies that by that time, they had sufficient data and did not need to continue monitoring him. The Androids' power levels had been adjusted to account for Goku's expected power increase. Goku, however, tells Android 20 that he missed something crucial. Surprised, both Android 20 and 19 listen as Piccolo reveals that their fatal mistake was not knowing about the Super Saiyan form. Goku then powers up and transforms into a Super Saiyan, his burst of ki alerting Gohan, Krillin, and Yamcha to the battle's location. Android 20 acknowledges that Goku has far exceeded their calculations but insists that 19 can still handle him. Goku, confident, decides to find out for himself and charges into battle.

At first, Goku dominates the fight, overwhelming Android 19. Android 20 becomes concerned that 19 will run out of energy before he can absorb any of Goku's power. Just then, the Saiyan Heart Virus begins to take its toll on Goku, weakening him significantly. Despite his exhaustion, Goku attempts to finish Android 19 with a Kamehameha. To the Androids' delight, 19 absorbs the blast with his right hand, increasing his power while Goku's energy plummets. Krillin gives Goku a Senzu Bean, hoping it will help him recover. Recognizing the bean, Android 20 realizes it is the legendary Senzu, and Yamcha regains some optimism about Goku's chances. However, the Senzu Bean cannot cure Goku's illness, and he loses his ability to maintain his Super Saiyan form.

Android 19 takes advantage, leaping onto Goku's chest and grabbing him by the neck to drain his energy. The rest of the Z Fighters rush forward to help, but Android 20 intercepts them, warning that they will not interfere and daring them to try at their own peril. Piccolo boldly charges at Android 20 but is struck down by 20's Eye Lasers, causing him to fall to the ground. Android 20 mocks Piccolo's actions as bold but foolish. Just as Goku is about to be overwhelmed, Vegeta intervenes, saving him by delivering a powerful kick to 19's face and declaring that he will be the one to end Goku.

The sudden arrival of Vegeta leaves both the Z Fighters and the Androids stunned. Piccolo, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly gets up, revealing that he had been faking defeat to catch the Android off guard. He reassures Gohan that it would take more than one blast to beat him. Vegeta, having observed everything, criticizes Goku for turning into a Super Saiyan despite noticing the anomaly in his body, then kicks him into the air. Piccolo catches Goku, and Vegeta suggests that someone should take Goku home and give him the Heart Medicine. Yamcha volunteers, acknowledging his limited usefulness in the fight. Piccolo advises Yamcha to take some medicine himself, in case the virus is contagious. As Yamcha flies off with Goku, Android 19 prepares to give chase, but Android 20 stops him, suggesting that they save Goku for last and focus on the other Z Fighters now that Vegeta has joined them.

Android 19 asks if he can kill Vegeta, and Android 20 agrees, calling him greedy and stating that he will take care of the other four. Vegeta, unimpressed by the Androids' power, notes that they are not as strong as they were rumored to be. He acknowledges their energy absorption ability but warns that Saiyans cannot be reduced to mere numbers. Vegeta then transforms into a Super Saiyan, shocking both the Z Fighters and the Androids. Krillin, surprised, comments that he thought a Super Saiyan required a pure heart. Vegeta either declares that his heart is pure but purely evil or explains how he became a Super Saiyan through intense training and rage against himself. Android 20, undeterred, claims Vegeta is still no match for them, and Android 19 charges towards Vegeta.

To Android 20's horror, Vegeta brutally beats Android 19, who, terrified, tries to flee. Vegeta rises into the air and prepares to finish off Android 19 with a Big Bang Attack, despite Android 20's demand to stop. Vegeta dismisses Android 20's command, stating that he will deal with him afterward. Vegeta's attack creates a massive explosion, leaving only Android 19's head intact, stunning the onlookers. Vegeta lands near Android 20, powers down to his base form, and taunts 20, suggesting that now is his chance to defeat him. Android 20, suspicious, wonders what trick Vegeta is trying to pull. Vegeta asks why Android 20 said he had no hope, and Android 20 retorts that even though Vegeta has exceeded their calculations, he still believes he is more powerful. Vegeta challenges Android 20 to prove it. Intimidated, Android 20 chooses to flee, heading for the nearby rocks as Piccolo had feared.

Android 20 hides from the rejuvenated Super Saiyan Vegeta, watching him from a distance. Growing impatient, Vegeta attempts to flush 20 out by destroying the surrounding area, launching a Photon Bomber toward the ground. Krillin warns Vegeta to stop, fearing that the rest of the team could be caught in the blast. Seizing the opportunity, Android 20 absorbs the energy from the blast through his palms. Vegeta immediately pursues Android 20, but 20 quickly disappears. Frustrated, Vegeta realizes that Android 20 is faster than he anticipated and has managed to evade him. Watching from above, Android 20 criticizes Vegeta for relying too much on tracking ki, noting that he has lost his ability to track movement. Despite acknowledging Vegeta's power, Android 20 is reluctant to return to his lab and instead decides to steal energy from Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Krillin, who are searching for him, to become powerful enough to defeat Vegeta.

Android 20, recognizing Piccolo as the strongest after Vegeta, decides to attack him first. He ambushes Piccolo from behind, covering his mouth to prevent him from calling for help, and begins to absorb his energy. 20 smugly informs Piccolo that the others cannot see them because he knows exactly where everyone is. However, Piccolo telepathically calls out to Gohan, who quickly detects the rapid decrease in Piccolo's ki and rushes to his aid. Just as Android 20 is about to drain the last of Piccolo's energy, Gohan arrives and strikes him from behind, knocking him off Piccolo and dislodging 20's hat in the process.

Sensing Gohan's ki, Krillin, Tien, and Vegeta quickly surround Android 20. Surprised by the sudden arrival of the other Z Fighters, Android 20 decides to stall for time, hoping to absorb more energy before he has to face Vegeta. Gohan instructs Krillin to give Piccolo a Senzu Bean, which he does. Revitalized, Piccolo removes his weighted clothing and steps forward to face Android 20, telling Vegeta not to interfere because he wants to handle the Android himself. Vegeta, showing indifference, warns Piccolo that he will only be giving Android 20 more energy, but ultimately allows him to fight.

Android 20, seeing an opportunity to absorb more energy from Piccolo, prepares to engage. However, Piccolo quickly disappears from his sight and delivers a powerful knee to his face. The two engage in battle, but it's clear that Piccolo is vastly superior due to his intense training with Goku over the past three years and his fusion with Nail. Piccolo ruthlessly severs Android 20's right arm, preparing to finish him off. However, he is momentarily distracted by the arrival of Future Trunks.

Realizing that he has miscalculated, Android 20 decides to retreat to his lab to activate Android 17 and Android 18. However, he knows he cannot fly away without being spotted and decides to make his escape on foot. At that moment, Bulma arrives in an airplane with Yajirobe and the infant Trunks. Seeing an opportunity, 20 fires a large Photon Wave at Bulma's plane, creating a cloud of smoke and dust to cover his tracks. Using the distraction, Android 20 escapes into the rocky mountains. Bulma, having recognized Android 20 as Dr. Gero, quickly informs the Z Fighters about the approximate location of his laboratory, prompting them to head toward the mountains near North City. Vegeta, feeling overconfident with his newfound Super Saiyan power, decides to go off on his own to challenge the Androids, while the rest of the group becomes determined to find Gero's lab before Vegeta does.

As he hides among the rocks, Dr. Gero sees Vegeta and Future Trunks flying overhead toward his lab. Initially thinking it a coincidence, he soon realizes that they are indeed heading for his lab to destroy Androids 17 and 18 before he can activate them. Gero races toward his lab, hoping to reach it before the Z Fighters. Along the way, Gero senses Krillin nearby and ambushes him. However, before he can kill Krillin, Gero senses Piccolo approaching and decides to spare him, hurrying to activate the Androids instead.

Dr. Gero quickly reaches his lab, leaping into the cave that houses it. As he is about to enter, his sensors detect something, and he turns to see Krillin watching him. Confident that Krillin will not be able to stop him, Gero opens the door to his lab and taunts Krillin, saying that even if he calls the others, they will be too late. Sensing Krillin's raised ki, Piccolo, Tien, Vegeta, and Trunks all head toward the lab, aware that time is running out.

Inside his lab, Dr. Gero prepares to activate Androids 17 and 18, expressing reluctance but acknowledging that he has no choice. He hopes that the androids will be obedient, despite his previous failures with their infinite energy reactors. Holding his Shut Down Remote, he activates Android 17, who greets him politely but eyes the remote with suspicion. Gero is relieved to see 17 operating as expected and then activates Android 18, who also shows a polite demeanor but similarly eyes the remote. She comments on Gero's transformation into an android and he explains that he desired eternal life. Gero admits that he had previously focused too much on their infinite energy reactors and disabled their behavioral limiters, leading to their uncontrollable nature.

Gero informs the androids that the Z Fighters are approaching and instructs them to kill them all. The androids agree, but as they prepare to do so, the Z Fighters arrive and begin trying to break into the lab. Distracted momentarily, Gero is horrified when Android 17 steals the remote from him. Android 17 crushes the remote, declaring that they will not be put to sleep again.

Vegeta then blasts the lab door open, and the Z Fighters confront the androids. Gero orders Android 17 and Android 18 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they had destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. Android 17 inquires if 19 was an energy absorption model and if he was the one who converted Gero into an android. Gero confirms this, and Android 18 questions if the switch to an infinite energy model was because they were too powerful to control. Gero dismisses these concerns, insisting that they should just kill the Z Fighters.

Android 18 begins inspecting a chamber labeled "16" and notices that Android 16 is also an infinite energy model. She asks how 16 differs from them, but Gero orders her to stay away from 16's chamber. Android 17 suggests activating Android 16, but Gero forbids it, calling 16 a failure that poses a risk to the world. Android 18 questions why Gero kept 16 if he was a failure, and Gero explains that he planned to fix him later. Android 17 insists that he has a higher power rating than 16 and demands that 16 be activated. Gero, enraged, threatens to deactivate all the androids, but Android 17 reminds him that the remote is destroyed. Gero says he can build another one.

As Gero continues to insist that 16 should not be activated, Android 17 abruptly ends Gero's life. His remains, along with what seems to be the rest of his laboratory, are later destroyed by Future Trunks, who fires a Buster Cannon at the lab with the intent of eliminating Androids 17 and 18.

Majin Buu Saga (Anime)[edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero Watches the final battle between Goku and Kid Buu, notably among the few cheering for Kid Buu.

Dragon Ball GT - Super 17 Saga[edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero is seen in Hell, where he meets Dr. Myuu after Myuu's destruction by Baby. Together, they plan to create the ultimate android by combining their technologies.

Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu fuse Hell Fighter 17 and Android 17 to create Super 17. On Earth, while Super 17 fights Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Majuub, Pan captures Dr. Gero to make Super 17 stop attacking. However, Dr. Myuu had reprogrammed Super 17 to obey only him, leading to Dr. Gero's death at Super 17's hands.

Film Appearances[edit | edit source]

Super Android 13![edit | edit source]

Dr. Gero's death is shown at the start of the film. His hatred transfers to his computer, which then creates Androids 13, 14, and 15. The Funimation dub implies Gero's voice is used by the supercomputer, while the Japanese version suggests the supercomputer acts in Gero's name.

Super Hero[edit | edit source]

Opening Sequence: Dr. Gero is shown surviving the Red Ribbon Army's downfall and attempting revenge before being killed by Android 17.

Powers and Stats[edit | edit source]

Tier: At least 5-A, possibly at least 4-C, higher after absorbing energy

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Cyberization (Full), Acrobatics, Surface Scaling (Shown here), Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Flight, Energy Absorption (Can absorb energy, including ki through his palms), Explosion Manipulation (Capable of detonating ki attacks), Heat Generation (Via ki attacks and aura), Technological Preparation (Created Androids powerful enough to keep up with Earth's mightiest defenders, albeit after many years. Created a supercomputer with his will and a remote tracking device in order to gather DNA from the Z-Fighters in order to complete Cell's development after his death), Immortality (Types 1 & 2; Attained eternal life after mechanizing himself and survived being punched through the chest and decapitated long enough to speak), Self-Sustenance (Types 2 & 3; With the exception of his brain, his body is mechanical), Extrasensory Perception and Limited Information Analysis (Can detect power through his sensors. Possesses an extensive database on the Z-Fighters and the Earth itself). Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (Has no ki, so he is invisible to Ki Sense), Pain Manipulation (Does not feel pain). Possibly Resistance to Sleep Manipulation (Does not feel fatigue)

Attack Potency: At least Dwarf Star level, possibly at least Small Star level (Threatened Goku with his lasers. Was initially confident that Android 19, and by extension himself, could handle the power of a heart virus-stricken Super Saiyan Goku. Is stronger than Android 19), higher after absorbing energy (Added the power of those whose energy he drains onto his own)

Speed: At least Hypersonic+ flight speed (Faster than Krillin who can fly this quickly), At least FTL+, possibly Massively FTL+ combat speed (Should be comparable to base Goku in the Android Saga, with he and Tien only narrowly dodging his lasers), higher after absorbing energy (Super Saiyan Vegeta was shocked by Gero's speed after he absorbed his energy blast. Managed to escape Vegeta's vision)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Dwarf Star level, possibly at least Small Star level, higher after absorbing energy

Durability: At least Dwarf Star level, possibly at least Small Star level (Was unfazed by a punch from an angered Goku. Is stronger than Android 19), higher after absorbing energy (Took several blows from an unweighted Piccolo after draining him of his power and absorbing Super Saiyan Vegeta's energy blast, but resorted to fleeing when he was surrounded by the other Z-Fighters, including Vegeta)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can keep on fighting for virtually unlimited periods of time by replenishing its power by absorbing his opponent's energy)

Range: Standard Melee Range; at least Planetary with offensive energy techniques

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (A brilliant scientist who worked for the Red Ribbon Army, and the creator of the Androids. Is able to learn all of the Z fighters combat techniques, decent in tactical abilities as a fighter)

Weaknesses: Due to being an artificial human, his energy is set at a fixed level. His brain can be easily destroyed due to only glass surrounding it. If his hands were to be removed, he would be unable to absorb energy.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Flight – The ability to fly without the use of ki through the use of wings or special mechanisms.
  • Energy Attack – The most basic form of energy wave used by androids.
  • Energy Absorption – Also known as Life Drain 20. Android 20 has special pads on his palms that allows him to absorb life-energy from his victims by grabbing them.
    • Ruthless Blow - After or while absorbing Yamcha's energy, Gero pierces him in the chest with his hand.
  • Eye Laser – A synthetic form of eye laser strong enough to pierce through someone.
    • Bionic Punisher – A powerful beam shot from both eyes which is strong enough to devastate an entire city.
  • Photon Wave – The Full Power Energy Wave he used to flee from the Z Fighters in order to activate Android 18 and Android 17. From his energy-absorbing pads, 20 releases a massive wave of explosive energy that can level an entire valley.
  • Photon Blast – The Full Power Energy Ball version of the Photon Wave, Android 20 shoots a pink energy sphere out of his hands.
  • Pesky Fly – The Rush Attack that Android 20 used against Krillin.
  • Precise Cannon – A Continuous Energy Bullets technique used in the Budokai series.
  • Rolling Crush – Android 20 kicks the opponent up and grabs them in mid-air to perform a spinning piledriver.
  • Power Break – Android 20 kicks the opponent up in the air, then he punches and kicks them down again, and finally 20 kicks his opponent in the back when he is down. Used in the Budokai series.
  • Absorption Barrier - A combination of Energy Absorption and Android Barrier developed by Android 20 for himself in his story mode in Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2. In Dragon Ball GT, this ability was incorporated into Super 17 through Hell Fighter 17 by Dr. Myuu without Dr. Gero's knowledge.
  • Finish Sign – A power-up move that Dr. Gero used in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast.
  • False Courage – A power-up move that Dr. Gero used in Raging Blast.
  • 20 Absorb - Dr. Gero's signature attack in the Raging Blast Series.
  • Twin Drain – A team attack performed by Dr. Gero and Semi-Perfect Cell in Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2.
  • Self Destruction – Like the other Androids, Android 20 has his own self-destruct device. He uses it in the Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team scenario "The Failed Experiments" to kill himself and Android 19 when 19 betrays him.
  • Five-Way Fusion - A fusion dance that allows five people to fuse to create a powerful fusion form. Android 20 can perform it with any 4 members of Tekka's Team in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • EX-Fusion - An unnatural Fusion technique created by Capsule Corporation through Bulma's development of the Metamo-Ring.
  • Infinity Bullet - An Energy Barrage technique originally used by Android 18, which appears as one of Android 20's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Infinity Missile - A stronger version used by Android 20 as one of his Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Infinity Cannon - An even stronger version used by Android 20 as one of his Special Moves.
  • Speed Up - A movement technique that increases the user's speed. One of Android 20's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Energy Drain - An rush attack where Android 20 grabs his opponent from behind and drains their energy from their mouth to restore his health. One of Android 20's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Super Energy Drain - A stronger version of Energy Drain used by Android 20 as one of his Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Hyper Energy Drain - A stronger version of Energy Drain that is more powerful than Super Energy Drain. Can be used by Android 20 as one of his Special Moves after reaching Lv. 60 in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Energy Wave Absorption - An energy absorption technique used to absorb energy based attacks which appears as one of Android 20's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Super EW Absorption - A stronger version of Energy Wave Absorption which appears as one of Android 20's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Time Travel - In Dragon Ball Heroes, Dr. Gero is capable of travelling freely through time through an unidentified technique. He uses this primarily to support his creations or assist like-minded doctors.
  • Dark Magic - Strengthened Dr. Gero is able to use Dark Energy to perfectly control his Androids.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Original Androids: Dr. Gero originally intended Android 20 and 19 to be the androids foretold by Future Trunks. However, due to criticism from his former editor, Kazuhiko Torishima, who thought they looked outdated, Toriyama opted to introduce Android 17 and 18 instead.
  • Eternal Energy Technology: Although Dr. Gero created androids with eternal energy, he did not rebuild himself using this technology. Bulma suggests this was due to the difficulty of controlling such technology.
  • Name Origin: Gero's name is derived from the Japanese word for "spew" or the sound of spewing, rather than being color-based like other Red Ribbon Army members. It is unknown if he had a color-based codename like his son, who was known as "Gold."
  • Mention and Leadership: Dr. Gero was never mentioned until Future Trunks did so in the Dragon Ball Z Trunks Saga. In the FUNimation dub, there is a confusion where Future Trunks implies Goku confronted and spared Gero, which is not depicted. In Dragon Ball Z Kai, Goku is surprised that someone from the Red Ribbon Army survived.
  • Leadership Misconception: Trunks implies Dr. Gero was the leader of the Red Ribbon Army, although Commander Red was actually the leader. In a flashback, Master Roshi refers to Gero as the "current leader" of the Red Ribbon Army, which is true in the context of being the highest-ranking surviving member.
  • Dub Differences: In different dubs, the pronunciation of Dr. Gero's name varies. The FUNimation dub uses a soft "G" and "er" pronunciation, while the Ocean dub uses a hard "J" sound.
  • Hell Appearance: Like Frieza, Dr. Gero’s android body was sent to Hell instead of his human body.
  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero: After Dr. Gero's death, Red Pharmaceuticals president Magenta hires Dr. Hedo to create new Red Ribbon Androids. Hedo is the grandson of Dr. Gero and acts as his successor in the new iteration of the Red Ribbon Army.
  • Additional Creation: According to Future Trunks, Dr. Gero was working on a gas-powered toaster oven in his lab, adding a humorous detail to his projects.