
From The Character Database
Raditz render-min.png
The true warrior never hesitates to kill... not even to kill his own brother! Care for a demonstration?
― Raditz to Goku

Vital statistics
Names Raditz, Radittsu, Mr. Radish (by Goten), "Radish Boy" (by Vegeta), Long-haired Man, "Raditz the Runt"
Gender Male
Race Saiyan, Saiyajin
Occupation Space Pirate, Soldier
Origin Dragon Ball Chapter 195 (DBZ 1): "The Mysterious Warrior From Space" (謎なぞの異い星せい人じん戦せん士し Nazo no Isei-jin Senshi, lit. "The Mysterious Alien Warrior") October 4, 1988 (Weekly Shōnen Jump, 1988 #45)
Alignment Evil
Age Early 30s
Created By Akira Toriyama
Height Not Stated
Weight Not Stated
Personality Type {{{personality type}}}

Raditz (ラディッツ, Radittsu), also known as "Raditz the Runt," is a mid-class Saiyan warrior, the elder brother of Goku, and the first-born son of Bardock and Gine. He is one of the few surviving full-blooded Saiyans after the destruction of his homeworld. Raditz seeks out Goku to recruit him into the Frieza Force to aid in conquering planets.


Raditz has very long, spiky black hair with a widow's peak. He wears brown and black battle armor, similar in style to other members of the Frieza Force, along with boots, armored wristguards, and a scouter, which is blue in the manga's chapter 196 and green in the anime. He also wears two accessory bands: one on his left arm and another on his left leg, white in the manga and red in the anime. Raditz shares Bardock's eyes and complexion. Notably, Raditz is possibly the only Saiyan whose hair grows longer with age, a trait that continues into his Super Saiyan 3 form.


Raditz differs greatly from his family—Goku, Gine, and Bardock—being harsh, brutal, and arrogant like most Saiyan warriors. He offers his brother the chance to join Frieza’s empire but attacks Goku when he refuses. Raditz enjoys mocking and tormenting weaker opponents, such as when he taunts Piccolo, and takes pleasure in seeing Goku and Gohan in pain. He is manipulative, using deceit to try to escape when captured.

Raditz is also cowardly in the face of death, begging desperately when confronted with Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. Unlike most Saiyans, who are often fearless, Raditz fears death. He only accepted his fate when he believed his comrades would use the Dragon Balls to revive him. This cowardice might explain his relatively low power compared to Vegeta and Nappa; he likely faced fewer life-threatening situations and thus had fewer opportunities to gain strength through Saiyan Power.

Raditz is very proud of his Saiyan heritage, often boasting about it and the near extinction of his race. He mocks Goku for his lost tail and his failure to fulfill his mission to depopulate Earth, viewing his brother's integration into Earth's society as a weakness. Confident that Goku will join him, he kidnaps Gohan and mocks him for crying. Unlike his parents, who value family, Raditz has no hesitation in killing his brother or nephew.

Raditz shows a dependency on his scouter, assuming it is broken when detecting power levels close to his own (1,500). He underestimates Goku and Piccolo due to their low power readings, which ultimately backfires. Raditz displays a high level of arrogance, considering himself a top-class warrior. He believes his allies, Nappa and Vegeta, will revive him with the Dragon Balls, though Vegeta ultimately decides against it.

There is a hint of a positive side to Raditz; he shows genuine remorse for Goku after they are both hit by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon, lamenting that Goku would sacrifice himself. While he tries to kill his brother, he may have rationalized that at least Kakarot would die by a fellow Saiyan’s hand.

Raditz is shown to be offended when he receives no praise from Frieza or his subordinates after conquering a planet with Vegeta and Nappa. He is also upset by Vegeta's reluctance to avenge their race, revealing a sense of loyalty to his heritage and a desire for revenge against Frieza, albeit with his Saiyan comrades' help.

Some of Raditz’s more ruthless tendencies may stem from growing up around Vegeta and Nappa, elite Saiyans who regarded him as inferior due to his lower power level. His journey to Earth could have been an attempt to prove his worth by recruiting Goku (and possibly Gohan) to make conquering planets easier and possibly rebel against Frieza. His actions against Goku may also reflect awareness that allowing his brother and nephew to live peacefully would not be tolerated by Vegeta and Nappa.

In a "What-If" scenario titled Fateful Brothers, Raditz loses his memory and bonds with Goku and Gohan, ultimately sacrificing himself to stop Vegeta and Nappa. In the Japanese version, Raditz shows remorse for his past crimes, while in the English version, this remorse is downplayed.

In Granolah the Survivor Saga, a young Raditz is shown displaying a fascination with a beetle, suggesting that his later brutality might have been shaped by his experiences with Vegeta, Nappa, or his time in the Frieza Force.

Raditz’s relationship with his parents is somewhat unclear, though he recognized Goku because of their resemblance to Bardock. Gine loved both her children and was proud of Raditz's assignment with Prince Vegeta, while Bardock's attitude towards him appears strained. Various interactions in video games suggest Bardock may have disapproved of Raditz's actions. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Raditz expresses frustration over his father training another warrior over him, reflecting a strained dynamic between them.



Raditz was born to Bardock and Gine sometime before Age 736. His power level at birth was high enough for him to be classified as an upper-level warrior, leading to his assignment to the same group as Nappa. Later, Prince Vegeta joined this group as well.

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

Raditz appears as part of an invasion force on an extraterrestrial planet alongside Prince Vegeta, Nappa, and two other Saiyans. During this time, Raditz and Vegeta receive a message from Frieza through their scouters, requesting all Saiyans return to Planet Vegeta. Raditz questions if they should return, but Vegeta suggests they pretend not to have heard the order. A month later, Frieza destroys Planet Vegeta, killing most of the Saiyan race while Vegeta's platoon, including Raditz, remains away from the planet.

Before Bardock and Gine die in the destruction of Planet Vegeta, they inform Raditz of what happened to his younger brother, Kakarot (Goku). Raditz, however, believes Kakarot was officially sent to Earth to conquer it, unaware that his parents secretly sent him there to save him. Bardock had a premonition and feared that Frieza intended to destroy the Saiyans due to his concern about the Super Saiyan legend, which Frieza's orders and inquiries seemed to confirm. Vegeta's decision to ignore Frieza's order to return to Planet Vegeta ultimately saves him, Raditz, Nappa, and the other two Saiyans from being killed in the planet's destruction.

Between Jaco and Dragon Ball Z

In an anime-only flashback during the Frieza Saga, Raditz, along with Nappa and Vegeta, returns from a mission on Planet Shikk sometime after the genocide of the Saiyans. Instead of receiving praise, they are met with insults from Dodoria, Zarbon, and Frieza. While Raditz is visibly angered by this treatment, Nappa loses control and attempts to attack the trio. However, Vegeta, aware of their lack of strength compared to Frieza and his subordinates, orders Nappa to stand down to avoid certain defeat.

Dragon Ball Z:

Saiyan Saga

Raditz arrives on Earth in a space pod, searching for "Kakarot," who is later revealed to be Goku. After incapacitating a farmer who discovered his space pod, Raditz detects a power reading on his scouter and assumes it is Goku. He tracks the source of the energy and encounters Piccolo, Goku's mortal enemy at the time. Raditz demands to know where he can find "Kakarot," but Piccolo refuses and warns him to leave Earth. Raditz laughs at Piccolo, who attacks him with a powerful blast, but Raditz is left unscathed, shocking Piccolo. Before Raditz can retaliate, he detects another power level and correctly identifies it as Kakarot, the one he seeks.

Raditz heads to Kame House, where Goku is introducing his son, Gohan, to his friends Bulma, Krillin, Master Roshi, and Turtle. Raditz identifies Goku as Kakarot and reveals that he is Goku's older brother. He tells Goku that they are both Saiyan warriors and explains the Saiyan race's history of conquering planets and selling them for profit. Goku and Krillin express their disgust at Raditz's actions and ask him to leave. Krillin attempts to escort him off the island, only to be struck by Raditz's tail, revealing that he, like Goku and Gohan, has a tail.

When Goku refuses to join him, Raditz notices Gohan's potential and decides to use him as leverage. Raditz strikes Goku with a powerful knee to the stomach, knocking him to the ground, and kidnaps Gohan, who also has a Saiyan tail. Raditz informs Goku that if he wants to see Gohan again, he must eliminate one hundred people and bring their bodies to Raditz by the next day. Laughing, Raditz flies away with Gohan.

Later, Raditz locks the crying Gohan in his space pod, irritated by the noise. He is surprised when his scouter reports a power level of 710 for Gohan, which Raditz dismisses as a malfunction, as it would mean the child is stronger than his father. Shortly after, Raditz sees Goku and Piccolo approaching, having teamed up to defeat him. Realizing that Gohan's power level reading might be accurate, Raditz becomes wary.

Seeing that Goku has refused to join him and brought Piccolo as a reinforcement, Raditz declares his younger brother a disgrace to their race and sentences him to death. In the ensuing battle, Raditz proves far stronger than Goku and Piccolo combined, easily overwhelming them. He even blasts off Piccolo's left arm. However, Piccolo reveals he has developed a new attack, the Special Beam Cannon, which might kill Raditz. The attack requires several minutes to charge, forcing Goku to fight Raditz alone for five minutes.

As Piccolo prepares his attack, Goku and Raditz continue their battle, with Raditz maintaining the upper hand. Goku attempts a Kamehameha, which surprises Raditz with its concentrated power. Raditz tries to evade but ends up nullifying it with his hands. He then retaliates with a powerful counterattack, injuring Goku and knocking him out of the sky. Just as Raditz prepares to finish him off, he notices Piccolo's attack is ready. Raditz dodges the Special Beam Cannon, but it pierces one of his shoulder pads and injures him. Raditz nearly kills Piccolo but is stopped when Goku grabs his tail, causing him immense pain.

Raditz begs Goku for mercy, claiming he would never harm his own brother. Piccolo warns Goku it's a trick, but Goku hesitates and releases Raditz, who immediately takes advantage and throws Goku to the ground, stomping on his chest and crushing his ribs. Raditz boasts about his ruthless nature as a first-class warrior, mocking Goku's mercy. As he taunts Piccolo, Goku is suddenly saved by a surge of power from Gohan, whose rage causes Raditz's space pod to explode.

Enraged, Gohan charges at Raditz and severely injures him by crashing into his chest. Shocked by the child's strength, Raditz knocks Gohan away and approaches to kill him, fearing his power. Before he can act, Goku seizes Raditz from behind in a Full-Nelson, giving Piccolo time to charge another Special Beam Cannon. Raditz, aware that the attack will kill both of them, pleads with Goku to release him, but Goku refuses. Piccolo fires the Special Beam Cannon, piercing through both Raditz and Goku's chests, mortally wounding them.

As Raditz lies dying, he acknowledges his and Goku's imminent deaths, but Piccolo reveals the existence of the Dragon Balls, which can revive Goku. However, Raditz reveals that his scouter is a transmitter, and his Saiyan comrades, Nappa and Vegeta, have heard everything and will come to Earth to claim the Dragon Balls for themselves. Laughing at Piccolo's horror, Raditz dies just before Goku does.

After Raditz's death, Bulma and Krillin remove his scouter, which Bulma modifies to display numbers instead of the alien symbols used by Frieza's forces. The scouter later explodes when the revived Goku powers up during his battle with Vegeta. In the Other World, Raditz attempts to fight King Yemma but is overpowered and sent to Hell.

Dragon Ball Super

"Future" Trunks Saga

When Goku and Krillin are sent into a forest to retrieve a special herb for Master Roshi, they encounter an illusion of Raditz, along with many other past villains of the Z-Fighters, who challenge the duo in battle.

Granolah the Survivor Saga

In a flashback during the Cerealian genocide, a young Raditz is briefly shown, fascinated by some beetles. Additionally, Bardock learns from Gine about Kakarot's birth, and she jokingly asks if Raditz will be jealous of having a younger brother. Later, Goku references Raditz’s actions on Earth when suggesting that Elec may betray Gas. Monaito reveals that part of the reason Raditz survived Frieza's genocide of the Saiyans was due to Bardock's wish to the Cerealian Dragon Balls for his children to live, which frustrates Vegeta.

Dragon Ball GT

Super 17 Saga

Raditz makes a cameo appearance in a news broadcast while escaping from Hell, flying alongside Cooler, Android 19, and other villains who are released when Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu open a portal. He is likely defeated again by the Dragon Team and sent back to Hell, along with the other villains.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Supreme Kai of Time Saga

An incarnation of Raditz falls into the cracks in time and wanders through several alternate timelines, eventually achieving the Super Saiyan 3 form. He ends up in a timeline where he allies with Salza, Dore, Neiz, and several other combatants. Raditz and his allies are gathered to compete in the Super Space-Time Tournament as Team 10.

During the tournament, Raditz faces off against Turles, a fellow low-class Saiyan warrior. Both refuse to serve under the other. When confronted with the power of an Evil Saiyan, Raditz transforms into Super Saiyan 3, and initially matches Turles in battle. However, he is eventually defeated by a powerful blow to his stomach. Since his space-time could not advance further in the tournament, Raditz is erased along with it when Aeos incinerates the losing Time Scrolls.

Film Appearances

Bardock - The Father of Goku

Although Raditz does not appear in the film, he is mentioned in the Funimation dub during a conversation between Bardock and his crew after conquering Planet Kanassa. When asked if he remembers the day his son was born, Bardock mistakenly thinks of Raditz and replies, "No, but that was a long time ago."


During a mission with Vegeta, Nappa, and other Saiyans, Raditz receives a message from Frieza to return to Planet Vegeta, but they ignore it. When informed that their homeworld was destroyed by a meteorite, Raditz expresses indifference about his younger brother, Goku, being in a nursing capsule back on Planet Vegeta. Later, his mother tells him where Goku was sent before the planet's destruction. Raditz also appears in a flashback when Goku explains to Broly about the events that occurred on Earth, showing his defeat by Goku and Piccolo's Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon.

Other Dragon Ball Stories

Dragon Ball SD

Emperor Pilaf Saga

Raditz appears briefly with Nappa and Vegeta in Chapter 5, set during the start of the Emperor Pilaf Saga, where he is seen in the background while the two other Saiyans talk.

Fortuneteller Baba Saga

In a special chapter, a young Vegeta and Raditz travel to Earth to help Raditz overcome his tail weakness. They meet Goku, unaware he is Raditz's younger brother. Vegeta bullies Raditz whenever he says something the Saiyan prince dislikes. After training, they return to Planet Frieza No. 79, but due to Raditz accidentally hitting buttons in their sleep, they crash-land and suffer from amnesia.

Attack of the Saiyans

Goku is ordered by King Kai to stop Raditz's soul from causing havoc in Yemma Forest. Raditz tries to eat the Ensenji fruit to surpass King Yemma but is defeated by Goku, Gregory, and Bubbles. Raditz also attempts to obtain a Spirit Crystal to defeat King Yemma but is stopped again by Goku.

Harukanaru Densetsu

Raditz is revived for a day to fight Gohan as Fortuneteller Baba's fifth fighter. After his defeat, he is seen at Princess Snake's Palace, implying he may have escaped from Hell.

Budokai Tenkaichi 2

In the afterlife, Raditz is briefly summoned to King Kai's Planet during Goku's training. Raditz believes he has been given a chance at revenge, but Goku defeats him.

Dokkan Battle

Raditz appears in his own Story Event, "The Low-Class Warrior: Raditz's Pride," which occurs before the Raditz Saga. After being mocked by Vegeta and Nappa, Raditz dreams of his father, Bardock, who encourages him to show Saiyan grit. Raditz wakes up determined to train, improving his strength and speed, and is eventually allowed to join Vegeta and Nappa on their next mission, leading to the events of the Raditz Saga.


In Xenoverse, the Time Breakers empower Raditz so that when Goku and Piccolo use the Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon, Raditz breaks free, causing only Goku to be hit by the attack. Raditz then kills Piccolo. The Future Warrior goes back to the start of the battle to restore the timeline. Raditz, with his dark power-up, avoids Gohan's charge, but the combined effort of the Future Warrior, Goku, and Piccolo weakens him. When Goku puts Raditz in a Full-Nelson, he is unable to break free, leading to his and Goku's death by the Special Beam Cannon. Chronoa later restores the timeline by putting the Scroll of Eternity back together.

Future Trunks takes the Future Warrior on a Parallel Quest in a time fragment, encountering Raditz after defeating some Saibamen. Raditz appears in several other parallel quest timelines. In one, Raditz seeks an ally in Toki Toki City to help defeat Goku and Piccolo. The Future Warrior can assist him, unlocking a quest where they team up against Goku and Piccolo. Defeating them with Raditz’s health over 50% triggers an Ultimate Finish scenario with Kid Gohan attacking them. In another quest, the Future Warrior can help Raditz and Nappa confront Full Power Frieza, Adult Gohan, Gotenks, Vegeta, and Goku. If successful, a confrontation with Vegito occurs.

Xenoverse 2


A still picture shows Raditz and Goku being killed by the Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon as an example of a historical correction.

Raditz's Attack Saga:

As in Xenoverse, Raditz appears in the Future Warrior's first Time Patrol mission, where the battle events are altered by Dark Magic. Raditz dodges a Special Beam Cannon and injures Piccolo with a ki blast. The Future Warrior joins the fight, with Goku and Piccolo defeating Raditz with the Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon to restore the timeline.

Dragon Ball Fusions

Raditz and Nappa are summoned to the Timespace Rift due to Tekka and Pinich's wish to Shenron. They participate in the Timespace Tournament and encounter Tekka's team. Raditz faces Gotenks and initially gains the upper hand but is eventually defeated. Impressed by the Fusion, Raditz and Nappa decide to try it themselves.

Later, they meet Kid Goku, who recently joined Tekka's team. Raditz recognizes Kid Goku as his younger brother and refers to him as "Kakarot," though Kid Goku doesn't understand the name and mistakes it for something humorous. Raditz and Nappa then mimic the Fusion Dance and fuse into Natz. After their defeat and defusion, they retreat, vowing revenge.

In the Sub-Event: "Saiyan Saga: Brotherly Love," Raditz and Nappa confront Kid Goku, who learns of his Saiyan heritage and must prove himself by landing three Kamehameha attacks on Saibamen. After Kid Goku's success, Raditz, despite his animosity, shows that he cares for his little brother's growth as a warrior, revealing a hidden part of him that cares for his younger brother.

World Mission

Chapter 2, Sub Chapter 1: "An Anomaly?! The Saiyans Strike!"

In this chapter, Beat and Note are confronted by Vegeta and Nappa. To their surprise, Raditz appears alive and is accompanied by Turles. Beat and Note point out that Raditz should be dead, but Raditz dismisses their claim, acknowledging that the "Namekian" (Piccolo) caught him off guard with a lucky shot. Vegeta scolds Raditz for his poor performance, questioning his Saiyan pride. Nappa mocks Raditz as weak, which provokes Raditz, but Turles calms them down. Turles offers Beat and Note a chance to join their side, but they refuse, leading to a fight between them and the four Saiyan survivors. Beat and Note manage to defeat Raditz, Nappa, and Turles.

Shortly after, Goku and the Dragon Team arrive to join the battle. Vegeta reveals that he was holding back and transforms into Super Saiyan 3, surprising Beat and Note. Despite the power difference, Beat and Note manage to defeat Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, who retreats into an extradimensional space created by the anomaly. They follow him into this space to continue the battle.

Inside the extradimensional space within the Gizard Wasteland, they find Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta. He is joined by Nappa and Raditz, who somehow survive again due to the anomaly. Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz all transform into Super Saiyan 3, forcing Beat and Note to fight them and their Saibamen allies. The pair manage to defeat Super Saiyan 3 Nappa, who dies from his injuries. However, Raditz and Vegeta continue fighting until their Super Saiyan 3 forms are exhausted, causing them to revert to their base forms. Vegeta then creates a Power Ball that enables Raditz to transform into a Great Ape. Beat and Note defeat both Great Ape Vegeta and Great Ape Raditz, leading to Raditz's death while Vegeta retreats after being defeated.


Stop the Saiyan Invasion:

During the first chapter, Raditz is shown in his Attack Ball traveling through space. He recalls a flashback with his comrades, Nappa and Vegeta, noting that they will soon conquer a planet. Vegeta criticizes Raditz for his failure, and Nappa mocks him by calling him "Raditz the Runt." Raditz vows to perform better on the next mission. Remembering his younger brother, Kakarot (Goku), Raditz mentions he was sent to a different planet, and Vegeta is surprised there are any other Saiyans left. Raditz believes Kakarot will help them conquer the universe. Vegeta questions his confidence due to being Raditz's brother. Raditz mentions Earth as Kakarot's destination, unaware that Kakarot was sent there to escape Frieza's genocide. The scene ends with Raditz's space pod continuing its journey to Earth as the "Attack of the Saiyans" begins.

Super Villainous Raditz:

After the introduction of Villainous and Super Villainous Enemies, defeating all Villainous Enemies in the Central Plains Area triggers the appearance of Super Villainous Raditz and Super Villainous Nappa. King Kai warns the Dragon Team of their immense power. Upon their defeat, it's revealed that Towa, the Demon Scientist, is behind their resurrection and empowerment. Super Villainous Vegeta then joins Raditz and Nappa, forcing the Dragon Team to confront all three Super Villainous Saiyans.

During the Intermission following the Frieza Saga, the Dragon Team can use the Dragon Balls to revive Raditz by selecting the wish, "I want to fight Raditz again!" This allows Piccolo to face Raditz in Raditz's Sub Story.

Sub Story Adventures - The Pride of the Warrior Race:

If the player speaks to Raditz with Piccolo as the party leader, Raditz is surprised to be revived by his killer and assumes Vegeta wished him back. Piccolo dismisses this, pointing out that Vegeta wouldn't revive a weakling. Raditz, claiming he was caught off guard, is challenged by Piccolo to avenge himself and prove his Saiyan pride. Piccolo fights Raditz and two Saibamen lackeys. After Raditz's defeat, Piccolo notes Goku's refusal to complain when losing, and Raditz expresses his determination to get stronger through training. Piccolo suggests Raditz train with the Z Warriors, and Raditz agrees, vowing to surpass them. The Sub Story ends with Raditz staying on Earth to train and grow stronger.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 5-B, higher as an Oozaru

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies,[1] and they age slowly after reaching their prime in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades;[2][3] after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan than humans[4]), Acrobatics (Via Ki), Afterimages (Here[5]), Skilled in Martial Arts, Flight (Via Ki), Ki Manipulation (Advanced Level), Likely Heat Generation (Via Ki attacks), Explosion Manipulation (As shown when using Ki blasts[6]), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects[7] by tracking their smell[8] and see clearly over long distances[9]), Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Stats & Abilities - As a Saiyan, Raditz grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured[10]), Bodily Weaponry (Via Saiyan Tail[11]), Likely Transformation (Can transform into an Oozaru[12] [which also gives him Large Size (Type 1)], increasing his capabilities drastically[13])

Information Analysis and Extrasensory Perception (Via Scouter; The Scouter can be used for the following: communicate to other Scouters near[14] or as far as deep outer space,[15] detect power level,[16] location,[17] distance,[18] and velocity[19]), Limited Damage Reduction and Elasticity (Via Battle Armour[20]), Control Remote (This device can start the space pod form long distance[21] and send it to Nappa's location.[22] Also, it has a self-destruct button[23]), Space Pod (Which has capabilities of Spaceflight/FTL.[24] Also, it has life support systems[25])

Adapted to 10° times[26] Earth's Gravity via Planet Vegeta.[27] Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Saiyans are immune[28] to the Extinction Bomb,[29] which releases a planet-wide supervirus aimed at extinguishing the targeted population[30] and has been stated to work on other alien planets in the past[31]), Cold Temperatures (Should be capable of flying high into the Troposphere[32] and be unfazed by cold temperatures[33]), Radiations (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects.[34] Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high[35])

Attack Potency: Planet level (Is capable of easily defeating Piccolo who, at the time, was capable of blowing up the moon with a single ki blast. Blasted off Piccolo's arm and severely injured Goku, who was comparable if not slightly stronger than Piccolo, as well as stated to be >=1/20th his strength of when the Saiyan invasion happened), higher as an Oozaru (10 times stronger than before)

Speed: Relativistic+ combat speed (Dodged a beam from Piccolo. Outran Goku's Kamehameha), higher as an Oozaru.

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Planet level, higher as an Oozaru

Durability: Planet level (Tanked powerful ki blasts from Beginning of Z Piccolo and a full-powered Kamehameha from a Beginning of Z Goku), higher as an Oozaru

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range; Planetary with ki blasts and attacks

Standard Equipment: His Scouter, Battle Armour, and Space-pod.

Intelligence: Gifted (A capable and tactically sound fighter, serving under Frieza as a mid-class Saiyan warrior. effortlessly showcased his superior abilities to both Beginning of Z Goku and Piccolo, individually and once they were together)

Weaknesses: Can be weakened if his tail is pulled or removed. Needs a moon in order to transform and he cannot control himself as an Oozaru. Overly reliant on his scouter.

Notable Attacks/Techniques

  • Heavy Finish - The user attacks with a powerful punch, elbow, kick, or knee that hits the opponent in the stomach. This will leave the opponent damaged and briefly stunned, allowing the user to launch further assaults against the stunned opponent. The attack can also be launched in the back of the opponent, inflicting even more damage, and will then also stun the opponent for a longer period of time. Some versions not only land a blow to the stomach, but even go as far as to penetrate it.
  • I'm A Top-class Warrior! – Raditz quickly charges past the opponent as he says, "Death is near!" and elbows them from behind onto the ground, inflicting great damage.
  • Behind You! – Raditz faces away from his opponent then kicks out behind him as they close in, sending them rolling away.
  • Saturday Crush – Raditz holds his right hand high in the air and forms a pink energy sphere that he fires off at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
    • Saturday Crash – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit.
    • Super Saturday Crash - A fiery reddish orange Mouth Energy Wave variation of Saturday Crush used by Great Ape Raditz as his Super Attack in World Mission.
    • Shining Friday – Raditz raises his hand and charges purple and orange electricity. He then forms the electricity in a large, purplish-pink energy sphere and strikes the opponent with it at close range, inflicting a large amount of damage.
    • Vacation Delete - Used in the Xenoverse series as part of his Battle Suit 2 and Battle Suit 3 skillsets.
  • Begone! – Raditz raises his hand up in the air and creates a small blue and white energy sphere. Then, he fires it at his opponent in the form of a large energy wave, inflicting a great amount of damage.
    • Double Sunday – Raditz raises both of his arms up and charges two purple energy spheres. He then brings his hands forward and fires the energy spheres in the form of two energy waves at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
    • Weekend - Used in the Xenoverse series as part of Raditz's Battle Suit 1 skillset. Also used by Raditz as a Super Attack in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. It appears as Super Saiyan 3 Raditz's Super Attack in Super Dragon Ball Heroes and World Mission as well.
  • Two Knuckle Punch – A punch used by Raditz. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
  • Exciting Year – Used in the Budokai series. First, Raditz kicks the opponent into the air. Then, he punches and kicks them. Finally, he proceeds to let loose a barrage of punches and kicks to knock the target down to the ground.
  • Weekly Special – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. Raditz fires a rain of energy blasts at his opponents, inflicting great damage.
  • Day Crush – Raditz's grapple throw in the Budokai series.
  • Dynamite Monday – A High Speed Rush used in the Budokai series.
  • Diving Elbow Smash – Used in Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu.
  • Chop Beam – Used in Taiketsu.
  • Fire Somersault – Used in Taiketsu.
  • Flying Elbow Drop - Raditz jumps into the air, focuses some energy onto his elbow, and elbow drops his opponent. Used in Taiketsu.
  • Energy Beam Chop - Raditz makes an energy beam with just one of his hands, and he moves it from a 45-degree angle to a 180-degree angle. Used in Taiketsu.
  • Explosive Wave – One of Raditz's Blast 1 in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi.
  • Full Power – One of Raditz's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Saiyan Soul – One of Raditz's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Chou Makouhou – One of Great Ape Raditz's Blast 2 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
    • Chou Makousen – Great Ape Raditz's Ultimate Blast in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Gigantic Rock Throw – One of Great Ape Raditz's Blast 2 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Howl – One of Great Ape Raditz's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Sleep – One of Great Ape Raditz's Blast 1 in the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
  • Black Monday – A rush attack used by Raditz in Burst Limit. Raditz jumps into the air and delivers a flying kick covered in purple ki. Then, after flying over the opponent, he delivers another ki-charged kick to the back of his opponent
  • Max Energy Blast – A variation of the Exploding Wave used in Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans.
  • Didn't Think You'd Fall For That! – Raditz's signature attack in the Raging Blast series. Raditz crouches down to avoid an enemy attack, then counters them by delivering a powerful elbow strike to the face.
    • Cancel Counter – A technique used in Zenkai Battle where Raditz interrupts his opponent's attack and counters.
  • Scouter: On – A supportive technique used in Zenkai Battle. Raditz switches his scouter on, allowing him to detect opponents and have more accuracy in his attacks.
  • Power Level Gauge - A Special Quirk Skill Arts used by Raditz in Dragon Ball Legends.
  • Raditz's Scouter - The Ability 1 of SH1-19 Raditz in World Mission. At the end of the Power Level Battle Phase, attack the enemy with the lowest GRD. Effect is repeatable. Also appears as a Giga Rarity Accessory that allows it to be equipped to any Raditz card in a Custom Deck or add the ability to Raditz's custom cards via Card Creation.
  • Machinegun Rush – A melee rush used in Zenkai Battle.
  • Mimicry - Raditz uses this ability in Dragon Ball Fusions and its manga adaption to learn the Fusion Dance after witnessing Goten and Trunks use it.
  • Fusion Dance - Used in Dragon Ball Fusions and its manga adaption.
    • EX-Fusion - Used in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Five-Way Fusion - Used in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Sledgehammer - Used by Raditz as one of his Super Skills in his Battle Suit 3 skillset in Xenoverse 2.
  • Energy Charge - A ki charging technique used by Raditz as one of his Super Skills in his Battle Suit 1 and Battle Suit 2 skillsets in Xenoverse 2.
  • Rise to Action - One of Raditz's Super Skills in his Battle Suit 3 skillset in Xenoverse 2.
  • Cyclone Monday - Used in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. A roundhouse kick that produces a razor-sharp vortex


  • Name Ridicule: Raditz's name is mocked by several characters, referring to the vegetable "radish." His family names follow a root vegetable theme (e.g., Burdock, Onion, Carrot).
  • Attack Theme: Raditz's attacks are named after days of the week (e.g., Saturday Crush). In the Xenoverse series, this is extended to names like "Weekend" and "Vacation Delete."
  • Voice Actor Difference: In the Japanese version, Raditz is the only male biological relative of Goku not voiced by Masako Nozawa.
  • Mistaken Identity: During the Frieza Saga, Frieza incorrectly assumes Raditz is Gohan's father.
  • Fortuneteller Baba's Fighter: Raditz was brought back to life by Fortuneteller Baba to fight for her, similar to Goku's adoptive grandfather, Grandpa Gohan.
  • Interaction with Bardock: The only interactions between Raditz and his father Bardock occur in the video games.
  • Saiyan Class: Raditz is classified as a Mid-Class Soldier, but his status is ambiguous, with some sources describing him as one of the weakest Saiyans.
  • Super Saiyan 3: In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Raditz jumps straight to Super Saiyan 3, skipping the earlier forms.
  • Green Lens Scouters: Raditz and his father use green-lens scouters, continuing a family tradition.
  • Familial Relationship: Despite his actions, Goku acknowledges Raditz as his brother, although he harbors negative feelings toward him due to their past conflicts.
  • Similar to Tambourine: Raditz shares similarities with Tambourine, Piccolo's elder brother, in their elder sibling rivalry and eventual death by their respective younger brothers.
  • Irony in Actions: Raditz's arrival on Earth set in motion events that led to the downfall of Frieza's empire, aligning with his father's heroic stand against Frieza.
  • Confusion with Broly: Broly notes Raditz's similar scent to Goku but is confused by their lack of resemblance.
  • Cultural References: Raditz's alternate costume in some video games references the armor color scheme of Nappa, another Saiyan warrior.


  1. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, chapter 11, page 9
  2. “Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume
  3. Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
  4. “Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!”
  5. DB Chapter 0197-014
  6. DB Chapter 0200-013
  7. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  8. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  9. Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
  10. DB Chapter 257-12
  11. DB Chapter 0196-014
  12. DB Chapter 232-11
  13. DB Chapter 233-07
  14. DB Chapter 281-12
  15. DB Chapter 0204-07
  16. DB Chapter 0195-013
  17. DB Chapter 278-06
  18. DB Chapter 0195-010
  19. DB Chapter 0196-06
  20. DB Chapter 291/03
  21. DB Chapter 240-13
  22. DB Chapter 240-15
  23. DB Chapter 243-13
  24. DB Chapter 0195
  25. DB Chapter 246-09
  26. DB Chapter 210-15
  27. DB Chapter 211-08
  28. V-Jump December 2013 Issue (21 October 2013) — “Tera-P” & “V-Jump Cartoonists’ Collection”
  29. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11 — Mission Accomplished!
  30. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 1 — Goes To Earth
  31. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 2 — The Galactic Patrolman's Discovery
  32. DB Chapter 232-07
  33. DB Chapter 233-04
  34. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  35. Dragon Ball Super — “Broly“ (23:50-24:05)