Dyspo | |
Vital statistics | |
Names | Dyspo, Dispo,
The Sonic Warrior, Warrior of Sonic Speed, Super Speed Warrior |
Gender | Male |
Race | Alien |
Occupation | Pride Trooper |
Origin | Dragon Ball Super Episode 85: "The Universes Go Into Action -- Each With Their Own Motives" (動うごき出だす宇う宙ちゅう それぞれの思おも惑わく Ugokidasu Uchū Sorezore no Omowaku, lit. "The Universes Get into Gear — Each One's Motive") April 9, 2017 |
Alignment | Good |
Age | Not Stated |
Created By | Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation, Toyotarou |
Height | Not Stated |
Weight | Not Stated |
Personality Type | {{{personality type}}} |
Dyspo (ディスポ, Disupo) is the Blitz Captain of Universe 11's elite Pride Troopers and a competitor in the Tournament of Power. Known as the "Sonic Warrior," Dyspo earned his title through his exceptional combat abilities and astonishing speed. He is a proud and determined fighter with a strong sense of justice.
Dyspo is slim, purple-skinned, and hairless, with large, elongated pointed ears, giving him a resemblance to Cornish Rex and Sphynx cats. His bulging yellow eyes and rabbit-like front teeth distinguish him from Beerus, who has more cat-like teeth and a tail. Dyspo wears the standard red and black form-fitting suit and tall white boots of the Pride Troopers.
Dyspo shares his fellow Pride Troopers' strong commitment to justice, often emphasizing the word "Justice" in his speeches. He has great respect and affection for his teammates and was visibly upset when K'nsi sacrificed himself to help him escape. Dyspo also shows unwavering dedication to his principles, refusing an alliance with Frieza after recognizing Frieza's malicious intent. He appears to be particularly close to Toppo, frequently expressing concern for his friend and rushing to his aid when needed.
Despite his commitment to justice, Dyspo can be prideful, cocky, and impolite towards his opponents, unlike Toppo. His overconfidence in his abilities led him to challenge Hit and nearly lose, as Hit quickly exploited flaws in Dyspo's tactics. Dyspo often smirks when he believes he is winning but becomes shocked and confused when things do not go his way. He can also be a sore loser, as seen when he angrily exclaimed, "Me of all people!" after his elimination. However, he eventually accepted his defeat. His cockiness likely stems from the fact that he, Top, and Jiren are significantly stronger than the other Pride Troopers.
In the manga, Dyspo is portrayed as more mature, being less arrogant and more accepting of defeat.
Dragon Ball Super:
Universe Survival Saga
Dyspo first appears on Planet Daldon after the Pride Troopers receive word of chaos caused by Araghne and a Dorakiyan. He initially tries to confront Araghne but is captured by its tentacles. Just before being consumed, Dyspo is rescued by Toppo and Kahseral. Together with the other Pride Troopers, they launch a combined attack against Araghne. Following the defeat of their enemies, Dyspo agrees with Toppo that they need to recruit additional Pride Troopers, particularly Jiren, for the Tournament of Power.
During the tournament, Dyspo joins Zoire and Zirloin to block some of the explosions from other combatants' attacks but is knocked away by Narirama's spin attack. Later, he witnesses Universe 9's erasure by Zeno and Future Zeno after Kale goes berserk in her Legendary Super Saiyan form. Dyspo continues to monitor the battle, even resisting Brianne de Chateau's heart-shaped explosion attack that fills the air with an odor inducing love.
Dyspo then confronts Hit and uses his sensitive ears to detect the muscle contractions that occur before Hit's Time-Skips. With this advantage, Dyspo overwhelms Hit with his speed but falls into a trap as Hit uses his Tides of Time technique, causing Dyspo to phase through him and nearly fall off the stage. He is saved by K'nsi's Threaded Energy, who pulls him back into the arena.
After teaming up with K'nsi to fight Hit, their battle is interrupted by Goku, who challenges Dyspo in his Super Saiyan God form. Goku is initially outsped but adapts to Dyspo's linear movements by transforming into a Super Saiyan Blue. Dyspo is then outmaneuvered by Hit, who mimics the sounds of Time-Skip muscle contractions, disrupting Dyspo’s timing. Dyspo is pummeled by Hit but refuses to surrender. He is saved again by K'nsi, who is soon eliminated by Hit. Dyspo retreats, and Toppo instructs him and Jiren to abandon their heroic behavior and focus solely on survival.
Dyspo later intercepts Maji-Kayo's attack on Jiren, but is caught in a submission hold. He frees himself with a ki blast after Jiren intervenes. Dyspo joins Top in observing Jiren's battle against Goku's Spirit Bomb and is shocked when Goku survives in Ultra Instinct Sign form. Dyspo and Top try to attack Goku but are quickly overpowered.
As the battle continues, Dyspo fights Frieza, boasting of his speed but struggling to cause damage due to Frieza's durability. After a fierce exchange, Frieza offers to help Universe 11 in exchange for the Super Dragon Balls, but Dyspo rejects the offer. When Frieza transforms into True Golden Frieza, Dyspo reveals a technique that boosts his speed to surpass Frieza's. Gohan joins the fight to help Frieza, and they use a combined strategy to limit Dyspo's movements within a Cage of Light, but Dyspo is eventually caught by Gohan. Gohan sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo from the arena by instructing Frieza to fire a Golden Death Blaster at them both.
Upon his elimination, Dyspo expresses anger and disbelief. He later watches as Toppo is put on the defensive by Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta and rushes to his aid after he is knocked out. Dyspo urges Jiren to fight for their universe's survival, only to be shocked by Jiren's disappointment in Toppo. After the remaining members of Team Universe 11 are eliminated, Dyspo is erased along with his universe by the Zenos.
Dyspo is eventually revived, along with the rest of Universe 11, when Android 17 uses the Super Dragon Balls to restore all the erased universes.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Universal Conflict Saga
In the manga, both Top and Dyspo face off against Super Saiyan 3 Cumber but find themselves struggling despite their combined efforts. When the Core Area Warriors arrive, Dyspo initially gains the upper hand against Oren thanks to his speed. However, he soon turns his attention to the group's leader, Hearts, but is swiftly defeated. Despite this setback, Dyspo recovers and pursues the newly arrived Lagss.
Film Appearances
Dyspo makes a brief cameo appearance when Goku references the Tournament of Power.
Powers and Statistics
Tier: 2-C
Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Flight, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Enhanced Senses, Afterimages, Explosion Manipulation (Can use the technique Circle Flash), Speed Boost (Can multiply his speed thousands of times over), Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation and Portal Creation (At Buu Saga levels of power he can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy). Resistance to Empathic Manipulation (Was unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love, which causes anyone who smells the aroma released by the attack to become infatuated with her and the other Kamikaze Fireballs)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Was initially overpowering Hit until he improved and fought Super Saiyan God Goku. In his Super Maximum Light Speed Mode, he was able to put Gohan and Golden Frieza in trouble)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 75.68 undecillion c. Was commented to be really fast by SSG Goku, stated to move faster than light and increased his speed by thousands of times. Kept up with Gohan and Golden Frieza in his Super Maximum Light Speed Mode)
Lifting Strength: Class T (Stronger than Base Goku, who endured Pretty Black Hole´s gravitational pull)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard Melee Range. Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks.
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Skilled fighter
Weaknesses: The linear nature of his movements make them easy to predict.
Notable Attacks/Techniques
- Energy Blade - Dyspo creates a blue ki blade around his right hand, similar to Zamasu's Aura Slide.
- Fighting Pose - Dyspo's Justice pose.
- Cannon Maximum - A energy blast launched from his hand, after a Light Bullet attack, Dyspo finishes his opponent with it. This is Dyspo's ultimate in Super Dragon Ball Heroes.
- Double Cannon Maximum - A team attack where Kahseral and Dyspo both fire a combined blast. Used to defeat Araghne.
- Light Bullet - Dyspo is stated to move thousands of times faster than his normal speed for short bursts. The main weakness to this ability is that Dyspo can only use it in straight lines which allows opponents to counter it with the right timing. When Dyspo uses Light Bullet, he is followed by red afterimages.
- Justice Crush - Dyspo charges two red energy spheres and fires them in the form of two swirling energy waves until it reaches towards the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
- Justice Kick - A flying kick.
- Super Maximum Light Speed Justice Kick - A more powerful version of the Justice Kick used in Super Maximum Light Speed Mode.
- Circle Flash - Dyspo forms a ring of energy in his hand and fires it at his opponent, trapping them. With the command of "Finish", Dyspo can make the ring explode.
- Dyspo's resemblance to Beerus is noted in the show by Champa, but it is not confirmed whether they share the same race. In his official Hero Vote bio for Xenoverse 2, it is clarified that while Dyspo looks like Beerus and Champa, he is not related to them. However, it remains unclear whether Dyspo belongs to the same race or if he is simply a member of a different race who resembles them.
- Initially, Toei Animation struggled to determine Dyspo's personality. His character traits were eventually developed based on the performance of his voice actor.
- As the fastest member of the Pride Troopers, Dyspo is similar to Burter of the Ginyu Force, who claimed to be the fastest being in the universe. Unlike Burter, whose claim was quickly disproven, Dyspo’s speed has been consistently portrayed as exceptional.
- In World Mission, the game features a crossover where the game world versions of Dyspo and Burter encounter each other during a world anomaly.
- Dyspo’s name is a pun on "disposal," as in garbage disposal, continuing the Pride Troopers' naming trend based on kitchen items.
- Vados’ comment on Dyspo’s speed has been subject to translation differences. While some English-subtitled videos suggest she barely saw his movements, the Funimation dub indicates that she was able to see Dyspo's movements clearly.
- Champa’s term "Zucchīna" (ずっちーな), used when addressing Dyspo, translates to "that's a cheat!" It is not a standard Japanese word but is a variation of "Zurīna" (ずりーな) or "Zuruina" (ずるいな), a term popularized by Yuji Oda in the TV drama "Tokyo Love Story."
- Upon his release in Dragon Ball Legends, Dyspo initially lacked English voice clips and spoke only Japanese. This issue has since been addressed with a patch.