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Base Kale .png

Kale (ケール Kēru) is a Saiyan from Universe 6 and a member of Team Universe 6. She is the latest Legendary Saiyan of Universe 6, a demon warrior who appears once every 1,000 years.

Names Kale (ケール Kēru)
Gender Female
Race Saiyan/Sayajin (Mutant)
Occupation Martial Artist
Origin Dragon Ball Super Episode 89: "A Mysterious Beauty Appears! The Enigma of the Tien Shin-Style Dojo?"あらわれたなぞじょてんしんりゅうどうじょうかい!?Arawareta nazo no bijo! Tenshin-ryū Dōjō no kai!? lit. "A Mysterious Beauty Appears! The Tenshin-Style Dojo's Mystery?!" May 7, 2017
Alignment Good
Age Unknown
Created By Toei Animation
Height Varies
Weight Not Stated

Concept and Creation

Kale, like other Saiyans, is named after a vegetable—in her case, the leafy green "kale." She was designed in response to the popularity of Broly, a fan-favorite character known as the Legendary Super Saiyan, and shares similarities with his berserker form. Kale was initially created by Toei Animation for the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super.

Her original backstory, which differed from her final version, was found in the source code of Toei Animation’s website. In this version, Kale was looked down upon by the Saiyans of Universe 6, particularly Cabba, due to her timid demeanor. After Cabba pushed her to transform into a Super Saiyan, she unleashed a berserker form, much stronger than anticipated. However, once the character was shown to Akira Toriyama, he decided to introduce Caulifla as her companion, leading to adjustments in Kale's story.


Kale is a Saiyan with a slender frame and an average height, standing slightly taller than Caulifla and Cabba. She has tanned skin, downcast grey eyes, and shaggy shoulder-length black hair, usually tied in a high ponytail with a white hair-tie, while a bang covers part of her left eye. Kale's outfit includes a red cropped shirt that exposes her midriff, a matching red skirt with a brown belt and silver buckle, and black compression shorts underneath. She also wears golden boots with red tips, golden bracelets that cover her forearms, and golden hoop earrings. In the anime, she wears red lipstick, which is not present in the black-and-white manga but is added in the digital colored version.

In the manga, Kale initially appears in a long, hooded robe while serving as Caulifla's henchman. The robe is secured by a belt similar to the one in her usual outfit, which she changes into before heading to Champa’s planet.


In the anime, Kale stands out among Saiyans for her meek and timid nature, which contrasts with the typically assertive or strong-willed personalities of her kind. She suffers from great insecurity and a lack of self-confidence, believing herself to be unremarkable and often feeling socially awkward. Her timid demeanor leads to ridicule from other Saiyans, but Caulifla, recognizing her hidden potential, has always supported her. This support has fostered a deep bond between Kale and Caulifla, with Kale viewing her as a mentor and longing to prove herself worthy of Caulifla’s praise.

Kale's insecurities often revolve around feeling like a burden to Caulifla, and she becomes disheartened when she can't provide adequate support. Her desire is to fight alongside Caulifla as an equal, and her emotions toward Caulifla's approval act as powerful triggers in battle. Whether witnessing Caulifla in danger, feeling replaced, or receiving praise from Caulifla, Kale's emotional responses have unlocked deeper levels of her latent power.

When Kale first accessed her Super Saiyan powers, her personality underwent a dramatic transformation, similar to Broly from the Dragon Ball films. In this berserker state, she became excessively violent, cocky, and even sadistic, showing a smirk while promising to kill her foes. As her rage escalated, she grew more savage and merciless, typical of the Legendary Super Saiyan form. However, only Caulifla's words could calm her and bring her back to her normal self. Kale's devotion to Caulifla was so intense that if she perceived Caulifla was favoring someone else, her jealousy would trigger her berserker transformation, and she would attempt to eliminate the perceived rival, even if it meant attacking Caulifla.

Over time, Kale's devotion to Caulifla enabled her to gradually master her powers while retaining her true personality. Driven by her desire to assist Caulifla, Kale overcame many of her insecurities and learned to control her berserker form, even focusing her power into a more stable state. This earned her praise from Caulifla, helping Kale build confidence in herself. By the time of the Universal Conflict Saga, she showed significant self-assurance, facing her enemies with determination and expressing defiance.

In the manga, Kale is portrayed as slightly less timid than in the anime. Though still meek and subservient, she demonstrates more assertiveness, such as when she disarms enemies or retrieves items without being noticed. Her loyalty to Caulifla remains strong, but Caulifla’s view of Kale is more detached, seeing her as another member of her gang rather than a close friend. Kale, knowing that her power surpasses Caulifla's, prefers not to outshine her leader, as she feels indebted to her for giving her a home. This loyalty drove Kale to become a Super Saiyan to avenge Caulifla after being defeated by Frieza, but her continued power escalation during a fight with Frieza and Goku was implied by Vados to risk damaging her mental stability.


Dragon Ball Super

Universe Survival Saga

In Dragon Ball Super's Universal Survival Saga, Kale is introduced as a member of Caulifla's gang and her protégé, often looked down upon by other Universe 6 Saiyans due to her shy and timid personality.

In the manga, Kale, lost, was taken in by Caulifla, leading to her admiration of her.

In the manga, Kale is seen with Caulifla when they steal from Sadala Army members. When a soldier tries to shoot Caulifla, Kale swiftly steals and breaks the gun without anyone noticing. She also observes Caulifla's battle with Cabba and becomes irritated when Cabba defeats Caulifla using his Super Saiyan form. Kale stealthily steals the pendant that Cabba had taken from Caulifla and returns it to her. Impressed by her hidden power, Cabba invites Kale to join the Universe 6 team for the Tournament of Power.

In the anime, after Cabba teaches Caulifla to transform into a Super Saiyan, he and Caulifla try to help Kale achieve the same form. Initially unsuccessful, Kale eventually unleashes her berserk Super Saiyan state after seeing Cabba and Caulifla seemingly "flirting." Enraged, she attacks Cabba with lethal intent but is stopped by Caulifla, who transforms into Super Saiyan 2 and saves Cabba. Realizing Kale's jealousy, Caulifla reassures her that she would never fall for someone like Cabba, calming Kale down and allowing her to revert to normal.

Later, in both the anime and manga, Kale joins Caulifla and Cabba in meeting Champa to prepare for the tournament. In the anime, Champa gives Caulifla and Kale Potara Earrings as a secret trump card for the tournament, though the two are initially reluctant to use them.

When Universe 6 arrives at the Null Realm for the Tournament of Power, Cabba introduces Caulifla and Kale to Goku and Vegeta. Kale, however, shyly hides behind Caulifla when Goku asks if she is a Saiyan. She tries to prevent Caulifla from insulting Goku and Vegeta, though Vegeta becomes offended. As the tournament begins, Kale watches alongside Caulifla as Goku and Vegeta overpower the Trio of Danger's Triangle Danger Beam with their God Final Kamehameha, leading to Universe 9's erasure by Zeno and Future Zeno.

Kale is soon attacked by Napapa and Methiop but is saved by Caulifla, who tells her to rest. Caulifla attempts to boost Kale's confidence by encouraging her to fight Goku, but Kale is initially unable to transform. As Kale watches Caulifla engage Goku in battle, she becomes jealous and angry, feeling that Goku is "taking" Caulifla away from her. This triggers Kale's transformation into her Berserker Super Saiyan form. In her berserk state, she easily overpowers Goku, even when he transforms into Super Saiyan Blue. She walks through Goku's Kamehameha without being harmed and unleashes a destructive rampage, causing chaos across the battlefield.

Despite her immense power, Kale loses control, throwing Goku aside rather than killing him and wreaking havoc with a Blaster Meteor attack, eliminating three contestants from the tournament. Vewon, a Pride Trooper, tries to restrain her but is quickly overpowered and knocked out of the tournament. Kale’s uncontainable power causes Jiren to step in, and he easily defeats her with a single attack, sending her flying and establishing his dominance.

Later, as Kale is caught by Caulifla, the two are attacked by Kahseral, Cocotte, Zoire, Kettol, and Tupper from the Pride Troopers. Android 18 eliminates Tupper, but Cocotte traps Kale and Caulifla in a barrier. When Caulifla is on the verge of being eliminated, Kale transforms again, this time into a more controlled Super Saiyan form. Together, she and Caulifla engage in a beam struggle with the Pride Troopers. Initially, the Pride Troopers have the upper hand, but when Kale enters her Berserker Super Saiyan form, she and Caulifla overpower their opponents, eliminating Kahseral, Kettol, and Zoire. After breaking free from Cocotte's barrier, Kale collapses from exhaustion.

As Kale regains consciousness in the damaged arena, she spots Hit fighting against the Pride Trooper Dyspo. Worried after Dyspo claims he can beat Hit's Time-Skip ability, Kale watches as Caulifla expresses confidence that Hit will prevail. As Hit strategically forces Dyspo to the edge of the ring, Kale observes K'nsi saving Dyspo and the two attacking Hit together. Caulifla considers stepping in to help but is interrupted when Goku, in his Super Saiyan God form, arrives just in time to block Dyspo's punch, allowing him and Hit to handle the situation together. Kale and Caulifla continue resting as they watch the fight unfold.

Later, they witness Goku's battle with Jiren, observing Goku tapping into Ultra Instinct Sign. They also see Hit challenging Jiren and plan to assist him, but Cabba advises them to let Hit continue alone, as he claims Hit has a plan. However, Hit is ultimately defeated and knocked out by Jiren, shocking Kale and Caulifla. The two discuss the intense fight between Goku and Jiren, which excites Caulifla and strengthens her desire to become even stronger.

Shortly afterward, Kale and Caulifla are attacked by Monna from Universe 4. Caulifla orders Kale not to interfere, preparing to take on Monna herself. Before the battle can escalate, Cabba arrives and instructs them to retreat and recover their stamina while he fights Monna in their place.

As Kale watches Caulifla's fight with Goku, she realizes Caulifla is enjoying the battle. Goku points out Kale's presence, and Caulifla invites her to join in. Eager to fight alongside her mentor, Kale transforms into a Super Saiyan and attacks Goku alongside Caulifla. Their combination attacks manage to land several hits on Goku, pushing him back. When they fire energy blasts at him, Goku blocks the attacks with his aura and briefly transforms into Super Saiyan 3, stunning both Caulifla and Kale. However, Goku quickly reverts to Super Saiyan 2, explaining that he hasn't yet recovered enough stamina to maintain the Super Saiyan 3 form.

Kale, determined to grow stronger, powers up to her Berserker Super Saiyan form, which alarms everyone watching. Goku, excited by the challenge, prepares to face her. Kale's energy is so intense that it causes even Jiren to flinch during his meditation and distracts Vegeta and Top from their battle. Caulifla, amazed by Kale's raw power, approaches her and praises her for finally mastering that energy. She extends her hand to Kale, acknowledging her not just as a protégé, but as her true friend, and suggests that together they could become the greatest threat to all the universes.

Kale, initially forcefully gripping Caulifla's hand to the point of cracking the arena beneath them, suddenly gains full control of her power, transforming into her "True Legendary Super Saiyan" form. This surprises Goku, and they begin their battle. Goku struggles to keep up with the combined attacks from Kale and Caulifla, who work seamlessly together. When Caulifla attempts to strike Goku, he uses the Solar Flare to blind her, causing her to crash. Kale, angered that Caulifla couldn't land her attack, uses her immense strength to push Goku back.

In the midst of the fight, Catopesra tries to shift his mode to challenge Frieza, but both Kale and Goku quickly knock him aside. Goku, still grappling with Kale's overwhelming power, is nearly knocked out of the ring by her but manages to send her flying back with a ki blast fired from his foot, keeping the intense battle going.

As Goku continues his fight with Caulifla and Kale, he becomes excited to face them with everything he has. Caulifla creates a smokescreen, which allows Kale to grab Goku while Caulifla attacks him. Goku quickly counters by flipping and causing Kale to crash to the ground, freeing himself. He attempts to use Instant Transmission, but Caulifla uses her senses to predict his reappearance and attacks him mid-move. Goku acknowledges the duo as the perfect tag team and then transforms into Super Saiyan God.

Goku launches several Finger Beams, which Kale and Caulifla dodge, but despite their powerful combination attacks, Goku manages to hold his own. When the two Saiyans try to blast Goku from both sides, he counters with blasts of his own. Kale struggles against her blast, and although she deflects it, she watches as Caulifla is hit directly. Goku praises their performance but notes that they still need more training, suggesting he would like to fight them again after the tournament.

Realizing she can't win alone, Caulifla tells Kale to use "that thing" they received before the tournament—the Potara earrings. As Goku fires a Kamehameha, shattering the ring around them, Caulifla and Kale fuse into Kefla, evening the odds against Goku. Despite their newfound power, Kefla is later separated and both Caulifla and Kale are eliminated from the tournament by Goku's Ultra Instinct Sign Divine Kamehameha. Kale apologizes to Champa and Fuwa for their defeat, and afterward, Universe 6 is erased.

Later, when Android 17's wish restores the erased universes, Kale is revived alongside her teammates. Overjoyed to see Caulifla again, she bursts into tears, and Caulifla, putting an arm around her shoulder, drags her off to greet the also-revived Cabba.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

In the Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universal Conflict Saga, Kale, alongside Caulifla, Cabba, and Hit, faces Oren and Kamin, two powerful members of the Core Area Warriors, on Planet Sadala. Kale fights alongside Caulifla in their Super Saiyan forms, but their combined attacks prove ineffective against Oren. The situation worsens when Oren and Kamin switch places, continuing to outmatch the Saiyans. Kamin kicks Kale to the ground, but Kale retaliates from below, creating an opening for Caulifla to attack. However, Kamin quickly regenerates from the damage and eventually defeats Caulifla. When Kamin goes to attack Kale with an energy blast, Vegeta and Future Trunks arrive just in time to deflect the attack and continue the battle in Kale's place.

Later, Kamin possesses Kale's body through Tuffleization, using her as a vessel to fight against the heroes. The possession ends when Kamin leaves Kale’s body to avoid being trapped by Hit and Trunks and evade Vegeta's Final Flash. Unfortunately, this leaves Kale vulnerable, and she gets hit by Vegeta's attack instead.

In the Supreme Kai of Time Saga, Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba make an appearance to assist Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta in their battle against Broly.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: Unknown | 2-C

Key: Base | Super Saiyan Forms

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies,[1] and they age slowly after reaching their prime[2] in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades;[3] after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan[4] than humans), Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Flight, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects[5] by tracking their smell[6] and see clearly over long distances[7]), Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Stats & Abilities - As a Saiyan, Kale grows stronger every time she fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever she is mortally injured), Rage Power, Berserk Mode, Transformation (Initially transformed into into a Super Saiyan Berserker and later controlled the form as True Legendary Super Saiyan, both forms increases her capabilities drastically), Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation and Portal Creation (At this level of power she can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with her energy). Resistance to Cold and Radiations (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects[8]. Capable of fighting in the upper atmosphere, where temperatures are very cold and radiation levels are exceedingly high[9])

Attack Potency: Unknown (Her base power is unknown) | Low Multiverse level (When transformed she managed to demolish Super Saiyan Cabba.[10] As a Super Saiyan Berserker, Kale tossed around Super Saiyan 2 Goku.[11] Her True Legendary Super Saiyan state could overpower SSJ2 Goku and briefly contend with Super Saiyan God Goku, redirecting SSG Goku's Twin Dragon Shot[12])

Speed: Unknown | Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 18.92 Octillion c)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Class T (Stronger than Base Goku, who endured Pretty Black Hole´s gravitational pull)

Striking Strength: Unknown | Low Multiverse level

Durability: Unknown | Low Multiverse level (Casually tanked SSJ2 Goku's attacks.[11] Withstood a massively held back Kamehameha from Super Saiyan Blue Goku, albeit doing so exhausted her.[11] Took hits from Super Saiyan God Goku as a True Legendary Super Saiyan[12])

Stamina: Average | Superhuman (According to Kale, her Ki was overflowing)

Range: Standard Melee Range | Standard Melee Range; Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Initially was unable to properly control her berserker form.

Attacks and Techniques

  • Gigantic Impact: Kale charges green energy around her, forming a bright-green energy sphere, which she shoots forward to deal critical damage. It can also be used defensively by charging it on her chest.
  • Gigantic Fury: She grabs her opponent and slams them to the ground, alternating sides with each slam.
  • Blaster Meteor: Kale forms an Energy Shield and releases multiple homing energy blasts, inflicting massive damage.
  • Gigantic Lariat: Kale rushes at the enemy, grabs their neck, and slams them into a wall, creating a crater. She continues to strangle them before releasing them once they lose consciousness.
  • Trap Shooter: She charges a green or yellow energy sphere and fires several compact energy sphere bullets that track the opponent's movements.
  • Blaster Cannon: Kale throws a charged energy sphere that splits into smaller ki spheres concentrated in one area before exploding.
  • Blaster Bomb: A series of concentrated green ki blasts explode in a single area.
  • Resist Blast: Kale thrusts both hands forward to fire an energy wave.
  • Blaster Stream: An enhanced green energy wave that can be charged for greater force, used against Super Saiyan God Goku.
  • Limit Break Blaster: A combined energy blast from Kale and Caulifla, creating a large red and green energy wave.
  • Seismic Combat: Kale and Caulifla attack together, with Kale knocking the opponent away while Caulifla charges and fires her Crush Cannon.
  • The Strongest Force in the Cosmos: A teamwork move where Caulifla reassures Kale, giving her confidence that they are the strongest force in the cosmos.
  • Resist Cannon: Kale's special attack in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Gigantic Shout: Kale's special attack as Legendary Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Heroes.
  • Gigantic Omega: Kale knocks the opponent away and centers a green explosion on them, used in Xenoverse 2.


  • Kale displays immense physical strength, capable of lifting Auta Magetta with one arm, while Super Saiyan Vegeta could not move him at all.
  • She is the first female Saiyan in the mainstream Dragon Ball series to show a Super Saiyan transformation, although Caulifla transforms first in the series.
  • Kale is the first female Legendary Saiyan and the first Legendary Saiyan to appear canonically, as the canon Broly was introduced later in Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
  • Goku's comment about Broly being able to control his power likely stems from observing Kale’s ability to control her power in the anime.
  • The vegetable kale shares a plant species (Brassica oleracea) with broccoli, reinforcing her connection to Broly, while cauliflower relates to Caulifla.
  • Kale was introduced in the Universal Survival Saga due to Broly's popularity, and she shares several similarities with him, including fighting style, techniques, and appearance.
  • In their base forms, both Kale and Broly have long, shaggy hairstyles and calm appearances that turn violent when accessing their true power.
  • Kale's and Broly's transformations are unique, with a green tint to their hair and aura, and they both can walk through Goku’s Kamehameha unharmed.
  • While Kale ultimately learns to control her powers and retains her sanity, Broly does not due to his emotional turmoil.
  • Vegeta's assessment of Kale during her battle suggests he recalls his fear when facing Broly's transformation.
  • Kale’s clothing changes when she transforms, losing sleeves but regaining them when reverting to base form.
  • She is one of the few characters to cause the ground to rumble while walking, alongside Broly and Future Trunks.
  • Kale instills fear in Goku during their battle, making her one of the few characters to do so in the series.
  • In the Tournament of Power, Kale has the most eliminations, achieving five knockouts in the anime and more than any other fighter in the manga.
  • Her feelings towards Caulifla are often interpreted as ambiguous, with moments suggesting romantic undertones, including her calling Caulifla her "one and only."
  • In Dragon Ball Legends, Kale shows jealousy towards Shallot for being around Caulifla and expresses feelings of heartbreak.
  • There are hints of Caulifla reciprocating Kale’s feelings, such as when she refers to Kale as "My Kale" during an intense moment.
  • Kale was created by Toei in response to Broly's popularity, leading to the introduction of Caulifla by Akira Toriyama as her counterpart.


  1. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11, Page 9
  2. Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume, Chapter 11, Page 9
  3. Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
  4. Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!
  5. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  6. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  7. Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
  8. Dragon Ball, Chapter 232 — The “Moon“
  9. Dragon Ball Super — “Broly“ (23:50-24:05)
  10. Dragon Ball Super: Episode 93 - You're Our Tenth Warrior! Goku Approaches Frieza!!
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 Dragon Ball Super: Episode 100 - Rampage! A Crazed Warrior's Savagery Awakens!
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Dragon Ball Super: Episode 114 - Bloodcurdling! The Explosive Birth of a New Super Warrior!