Champa (シャンパ Shanpa) is the God of Destruction of Universe 6 and the twin brother and rival of Beerus, the God of Destruction of Universe 7. He is accompanied by his attendant and martial arts teacher, Vados.
Champa serves as the primary antagonist of the Universe 6 Saga but later takes on a supporting role in subsequent storylines.
Champa closely resembles Beerus, sharing his feline humanoid appearance, but with a rounder, plumper physique and a noticeably shorter tail. His attire mirrors that of ancient Egyptian royalty, similar to other Gods of Destruction. He wears a red and pink collar with white edges, corresponding with his attendant, Vados. Unlike Beerus and Whis, Champa and Vados have circular patterns on their collars and sashes instead of diamond-shaped ones. He also sports golden bangles and arm rings, along with a single earring in his right ear, in contrast to Beerus, who wears his on the left.
Vados once implied that Champa was leaner in the past but gained weight over time, likely due to his love for rich and sugary foods.
Champa, like his brother, is highly confident in his abilities and largely indifferent to the fate of others. However, he is even lazier than Beerus, frequently delegating his responsibilities to Vados rather than handling them himself. He is also underhanded and unconcerned with rules, as seen when he sneaks into Universe 7 to collect their portion of the Super Dragon Balls. Additionally, he modifies the Tournament of Destroyers in an attempt to give his team an unfair advantage.
Unlike Beerus, Champa is far less dignified, often avoiding direct answers when embarrassed or caught in a compromising situation. He lacks the poise and refined mannerisms that Beerus occasionally displays, further highlighting his emotional immaturity. His rivalry with Beerus is far more intense, as he prioritizes humiliating his brother over strategic decision-making—even when his survival is at stake, as seen in the Tournament of Power.
Champa is also highly selfish, immediately coveting Universe 7’s Earth after learning about its exceptional food. Like other Gods of Destruction, he has little patience for failure and is prone to throwing tantrums when things do not go his way. He is a sore loser, often making baseless accusations in an attempt to overturn unfavorable outcomes. His obsession with sweet beverages contributes to his heavier build, and his lack of perception leads him to underestimate opponents—such as when he fails to realize that Goku and Vegeta were slowed down by their weighted training suits.
Despite his arrogance, Champa shows deep respect for Zeno, like all other Gods of Destruction. He is also capable of genuine admiration and loyalty. When Hit was eliminated by Jiren, Champa did not react with anger but instead reassured Hit that he had fought well. Similarly, when Cabba was defeated by Frieza, Champa’s frustration stemmed from Frieza’s cruelty rather than the loss itself. While he was willing to recruit Frost, he openly disliked Frost’s evil nature and felt no obligation to help him if he failed.
Though he constantly bickers with Beerus, Champa’s final act before being erased was to bid his brother farewell—albeit in a teasing manner—suggesting that he harbored some attachment to him. This sentiment is reinforced when he is later revived with the Super Dragon Balls; despite not knowing who made the wish, he immediately assumes it was Beerus, demonstrating a level of trust in his twin. However, Champa's impulsive nature and emotional outbursts often cloud his judgment, preventing him from forming effective strategies, as seen when he belatedly shifts his team's approach in the Tournament of Power, instructing them to focus on survival rather than direct combat.
Long ago, on the shared birthday of Champa and Beerus, the two brothers clashed over a seemingly trivial dispute—Beerus had eaten Champa's prized Puff Puff Fruit. When Beerus justified it by saying it was his birthday as well, Champa flew into a rage and attacked him using his God of Destruction’s Menace technique. The attack pursued Beerus across the cosmos until he deflected it near a planet inhabited by a tribe of bird-like beings. As their battle escalated, Champa attempted a kick that Beerus dodged, causing the planet’s destruction and wiping out its inhabitants. Their reckless fight continued across multiple worlds, resulting in widespread devastation. Eventually, their attendants intervened to prevent them from annihilating an entire universe. As a compromise, Champa and Beerus agreed to settle future disputes through food competitions rather than outright combat.
For decades, Champa obsessively searched for the Super Dragon Balls, managing to locate six of them during his quest.
In the manga, Champa once participated in the All Universe Hide and Seek Tournament hosted by Zeno. However, the event was cut short when Beerus hid so well that he accidentally fell asleep for fifty years, forcing the tournament’s cancellation. This enraged Zeno, and Champa, along with the other Gods of Destruction, had to pacify him. Since that day, Champa and the other Destroyers have harbored resentment toward Beerus for his blunder.
Dragon Ball Super
God of Destruction Beerus Saga
In the manga, Champa and Vados enter Universe 7 and sense that Beerus has awakened. Wishing to remain unnoticed, they quietly observe as Beerus engages in battle. As they travel through Universe 7, they continue their search for the large Dragon Balls while systematically destroying planets. However, their activities do not go entirely undetected—Old Kai and Kibito Kai spot them through a crystal ball. Realizing they are being watched, Champa immediately teleports to the Sacred World of the Kai and demands to know what they overheard. Although the Kais deny hearing anything significant, Champa remains suspicious before ultimately leaving.
During his search for more Super Dragon Balls, Champa encounters the spaceship of Garana, the Frieza Force’s second-strongest warrior at the time. The soldiers aboard detect a massive Dragon Ball and attempt to report their discovery to headquarters. Before they can do so, Champa obliterates their ship. Shortly after, he and Vados prepare to return home but decide to bring a souvenir for Beerus. Unintentionally, Champa's actions contribute to the revival of Frieza—Garana’s final transmission, combined with his destruction, prompts Sorbet and Tagoma to seek out Earth’s Dragon Balls as a desperate measure to restore the Frieza Force.
Golden Frieza Saga
While searching for a specific planet in Universe 7, Champa and Vados come across a world that does not meet their criteria. Frustrated, Champa orders Vados to destroy it, but she insists that he should do it himself. Annoyed by her defiance, Champa grows impatient, prompting Vados to finally comply and obliterate the planet. However, after its destruction, they realize it was not the one they were searching for, and they resume their quest.
Universe 6 Saga
Champa arrives on Beerus' planet, noticing Goku and Vegeta and mistaking them for new students. Vados clarifies their identities, introducing Champa as the God of Destruction of Universe 6 and Beerus' twin brother. Champa, uninterested in formalities, demands that Whis wake Beerus for a food showdown. The brothers exchange delicacies, and Champa, impressed by Beerus' food, inquires about its origin. Beerus reveals that it comes from Earth, prompting Champa to recall whether his own universe has an Earth. At his request, Vados investigates and confirms that while Universe 6 does have an Earth, its inhabitants went extinct due to a global war.
Inspired, Champa proposes a tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7, with each side selecting five warriors. The winner would claim Universe 7’s Earth. Champa also declares that if he wins, he will use the Super Dragon Balls to swap the Earths between universes. If Beerus wins, Champa promises to give him the Super Dragon Balls he has already collected, except for the final one, which Beerus must find himself. The two Gods agree on tournament rules similar to the World Martial Arts Tournament, and the event is scheduled to take place in five Earth days. As he leaves, Champa dismisses Goku and Vegeta as weaklings.
To host the tournament, Champa selects a desolate celestial body, later known as the Nameless Planet, and transforms it into an arena. When Vados questions his team selection, Champa, realizing the potential of Saiyans, decides to recruit warriors from his universe. He assembles a team consisting of Hit, Cabba, Frost, Botamo, and Auta Magetta.
On the tournament day, Champa eagerly awaits Beerus and his team. When they arrive, he greets them smugly. Beerus confronts Champa about the Super Dragon Balls, but the latter insists Beerus already knew of them. Choosing to ignore the matter for now, Beerus shifts his focus to the tournament. Before the battles commence, Vegeta requests a written exam to qualify participants, a condition Champa reluctantly accepts. When Majin Buu fails the test, the tournament proceeds as a five-on-four contest in Universe 6’s favor.
As the tournament begins, Champa watches Goku face Botamo. Although confident in his warrior, Champa underestimates Goku’s strength. When Goku wins by throwing Botamo out of the ring, Champa furiously accuses him of cheating, claiming he had concealed his true power earlier. He further protests that he never agreed to projectile attacks when Goku used a Kamehameha, but the referee dismisses his objections, frustrating Champa.
During the next match, Champa observes Frost battle Goku. Initially surprised by Frost’s transformations, he asks Vados how she persuaded him to join. She explains that Champa promised Frost his support if he won, a deal that surprises him but does not concern him further. When Frost defeats Goku using poison needles, Champa is delighted.
As Frost faces Piccolo, Champa complains that Piccolo is stalling, demanding his disqualification. Beerus counters, claiming referees hold more authority than Gods in this tournament. Annoyed, Champa backs down. When Frost once again uses poison needles to disable Piccolo, Champa revels in his victory. However, when Jaco accuses Frost of using a concealed weapon, Champa immediately objects but is forced to allow an inspection. Upon discovering Frost’s deception, Champa is outraged. Vados further reveals that Frost is a space pirate profiting from war-torn planets, much to Champa’s humiliation. Furious at being deceived, Champa prepares to destroy Frost himself, but Vegeta steps in, requesting to fight him instead. Champa initially refuses, but Vados convinces him that allowing the match would be strategically beneficial. Champa begrudgingly agrees and promises Frost his support should he win.
Later, during Goku’s match against Hit, Champa orders Hit to finish Goku off, knowing the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken technique will not last long. When Cabba objects, stating it would hurt Hit’s pride, Champa angrily dismisses him, asserting that the fighters are merely pawns in his contest against Beerus. Goku and Hit glare at him coldly, momentarily startling him.
As the tournament reaches its climax, Hit deliberately loses to Monaka, securing Universe 7’s victory. Enraged by his team’s failure, Champa prepares to erase them all for their incompetence. However, Vados warns him of Zeno’s presence, immediately terrifying him. Alongside Beerus, Champa bows in submission before the Omni-King. Throughout Zeno’s speech, Champa remains tense, especially when the ruler jokes about replacing the Gods of Destruction. He also grows increasingly anxious over Goku’s casual demeanor toward Zeno.
After Zeno departs, Champa reluctantly hands over the six Super Dragon Balls to Beerus before departing. On their way home, Vados informs him that Universe 6’s Earth has been restored, likely due to Beerus using the Super Dragon Balls for him. Though irritated by his brother’s smugness, Champa smirks, muttering that Beerus always knows how to get under his skin.
Future Trunks Saga
Champa decides to challenge Beerus to a baseball game between Universe 6 and Universe 7, claiming it will help strengthen their brotherly bond. However, he privately reveals to Vados that his true intention is to trick Beerus and steal Earth's delicious food for himself. He even plans to let someone else play in his place. Vados, in turn, deceives Champa by telling him that Earth's food will taste even better after playing sports. Believing this, Champa decides to participate and asks Vados to explain the rules of baseball before they arrive on Earth.
On Universe 7's Earth, Champa's team—consisting of himself, Cabba, Botamo, Magetta, Vegeta, and Goten (who replaces Hit and Frost)—prepares for the game. When asked about Hit’s absence, Champa explains that reaching him was too difficult. During the match, when it's his turn to bat, Champa tells Goku to throw the ball with full force. Goku obliges by transforming into Super Saiyan Blue, but when Champa struggles to react, Goku slows his pitch. Champa manages to hit the ball, sending it into space, but it's ruled a foul. On his next attempt, he successfully hits the ball and starts running the bases, only for Trunks to stop it with an energy blast. Furious, Champa accuses Trunks of cheating. Later in the game, when Yamcha runs the bases, Champa strikes him in the knee, which Vados immediately declares unfair. He then throws the ball at Yamcha again, believing he won the game. However, Vados explains that he needed to be holding the ball for Yamcha to be out. Frustrated, Champa mocks Yamcha and calls Beerus a coward, sparking a clash between the two brothers that nearly destroys the arena. Whis and Vados intervene to prevent further chaos. On the way back to Universe 6 after losing, Champa vows that his team will not lose again.
Later, Champa and Vados return to Universe 7’s Earth to witness Goku’s battle against Hit. As Goku struggles to land a hit, Champa questions why, prompting Vados to ask if he understands why Hit’s ability is called "Time-Skip." Champa assumes it's because Hit stops time, but Vados corrects him, explaining that Hit actually "skips" time. Champa, confused, admits the technique is so incredible that he doesn’t even understand it. Watching the fight unfold, he concludes that Goku will be a serious threat in the upcoming Tournament of Power. He also mistakenly believes that Vados secretly hired Hit to assassinate Goku, complimenting her decision. Once the battle ends, Champa and Vados depart as Goku’s allies arrive.
Universe Survivial Saga
Champa resumes his quest to collect the Super Dragon Balls and hands over the three he possesses to the Grand Priest, who will use them as prizes for the Tournament of Power. He appears at the Zeno Expo alongside Vados and Fuwa, representing Universe 6. When Goku casually refers to Zeno as "Zen-chan," Champa panics at his lack of respect. He watches the exhibition matches and is horrified to learn that the losing universes in the tournament will be erased. His distress grows upon realizing that Vados, as an Angel, will continue to exist even if Universe 6 is erased. During Goku’s fight with Bergamo, Champa boos Goku while acknowledging his immense power. After the Zen Exhibition Matches conclude and the universes are tasked with selecting ten warriors, Champa wonders if Hit will be among Universe 6's representatives before returning to his home universe. During the 40-hour preparation period, he organizes a God of Destruction meeting after learning that the Supreme Kais held their own.
During the Tournament of Power, Champa is impressed by Narirama’s Super Survival Mode but is relieved when Hit stops him. He eagerly cheers for the Trio of Danger, irritating Beerus, and claims that Universe 7 will be easy to defeat without Goku and Vegeta. When Frost eliminates Krillin, Champa mocks Beerus, declaring that the countdown to Universe 7’s erasure has begun. Watching Gohan fight Botamo, Champa initially believes Universe 7 will lose another fighter, only to be frustrated when Gohan successfully lifts Botamo into the air and pushes him out of the ring. Enraged by Botamo’s quick elimination, Champa insults him, calling him a "useless clod."
During Hit’s battle against Dyspo, Champa fears that his strongest warrior might lose but calms down once Goku assists Hit. He grows concerned when Frost challenges Frieza but cheers when Frieza seemingly betrays Universe 7 to team up with Frost against Gohan. However, he is left in shock when Frieza unexpectedly eliminates Frost. His horror deepens when Zeno erases Frost for attempting to attack from outside the ring and warns that any further cheating will result in Universe 6’s complete erasure. Later, when Frieza knocks out Cabba, Champa furiously calls him a "craven weasel" for targeting a weakened opponent.
Following Hit’s elimination at Jiren’s hands, Champa remains proud of his warrior’s efforts to find Jiren’s weakness, believing that his determination will inspire the remaining Universe 6 fighters. He orders his team to focus solely on eliminating Universe 7 to ensure their survival. He enthusiastically supports Caulifla and Kale in their battle against Goku and is thrilled by their Potara fusion into Kefla. However, he panics when Goku once again activates Ultra Instinct. After Kefla’s defeat, Champa is frustrated that even with Potara fusion, she couldn’t overcome Goku. His frustration deepens when Vados reminds him that only two Universe 6 fighters remain, leaving their fate in the hands of Saonel and Pirina.
As Goku faces the remaining Universe 2 fighters, Champa gloats about their disadvantage after Ribrianne’s defeat but quickly realizes the dire state of his own team. Turning to Vados, he acknowledges that with only two fighters left, Universe 6 is on the verge of erasure. Eventually, Piccolo and Gohan eliminate Saonel and Pirina, sealing Universe 6’s fate. As the Zenos prepare to erase them, Champa accepts his end but takes a final moment to playfully make a rude face at Beerus before being wiped from existence.
Champa, along with the rest of Universe 6, is later revived when Android 17 uses the Super Dragon Balls to restore all erased universes. Despite knowing Universe 7’s role in their revival, Champa refuses to thank his brother, muttering that he won’t acknowledge their victory without clear proof.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, during the Universal Conflict Saga, Champa briefly appears at Zeno’s Palace, reluctantly playing hide and seek with the two Zenos and Beerus.
During the Universe Creation Saga, Champa and the other Gods of Destruction arrive at Capsule Corporation in search of Tokitoki after a prophecy warns that a mysterious bird will bring destruction to all universes. When Xeno Pan takes Tokitoki to the Time Nest, Champa dismisses their escape attempt, declaring that they cannot hide forever. The Gods prepare to attack Earth's defenders, but Beerus intervenes, insisting that he will handle matters concerning his own universe. Shortly after, the arrival of Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta shifts their attention to the Universe Tree, which is rapidly consuming planets. Realizing that Tokitoki is now a secondary concern, the Gods of Destruction return to their respective universes.
Later, Champa reappears alongside Beerus and their angel attendants after gathering the Super Dragon Balls. Together, they summon Super Shenron to request the destruction of the Universe Tree.
Attacks and Techniques
- Flight – The ability to fly using ki.
- Ki Blast – A basic energy wave attack.
- Wrath of the God of Destruction – A powerful attack used by Champa to annihilate Garana and his soldiers.
- Continuous Energy Bullet – A rapid-fire energy barrage technique, featured as one of Champa’s Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- God of Destruction's Menace – A specialized energy barrage where Champa charges an energy sphere like a Kamehameha, then splits it into four smaller spheres he can control, similar to the Spirit Ball or Death Saucer. He uses this technique against Beerus in the Dragon Ball Super manga, though Beerus dodges and deflects the blasts.
- God of Destruction's Roar – A powerful Kiai scream that forces opponents into a defensive stance. However, prolonged use can exhaust Champa. Featured as one of his Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Chaotic Sphere of Destruction – Champa’s ultimate attack. He and Beerus prepare to unleash their respective versions against each other, but their attendants intervene before they can complete the technique. This is Champa's Super Attack in Dragon Ball Super Scouter Battle.
- Hakai – As a God of Destruction, Champa wields the power to erase anything from existence, including other deities and even spirits.
- Energy of Destruction – Champa can grant a portion of his destructive energy to others in the form of a sphere capable of erasing gods or spirits. However, since this is only a fraction of his full power, it can be resisted or destroyed by other powerful beings, particularly those with godly ki, though doing so remains extremely difficult.
- Life Link – Champa’s life is directly linked to Fuwa’s. If one perishes, the other will also die, similar to the bond between Piccolo and Kami. This ensures balance between creation and destruction.
- God of Destruction's Discipline – A smaller version of the Sphere of Destruction, appearing as one of Champa's Super Attacks in Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission.
- Headshot – A forceful forehead flick, used by Champa as one of his Special Attacks in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- God of Destruction (Passive Skill) – Grants Champa a 30% damage boost to all attacks in Dragon Ball Fusions. Beerus also possesses this skill, indicating it represents their official status as Gods of Destruction.
- Capricious (Passive Skill) – Causes Champa's stats to fluctuate unpredictably with every turn in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Full Power Energy Wave – A powerful energy wave fired from his right hand, featured as one of his Ultimate Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Sledgehammer – A physical attack where Champa clasps his hands together, pulls back, and then slams his fists onto an opponent. Featured as one of his Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Maximum Charge – A ki-charging technique used by Champa in Xenoverse 2.
- Explosive Wave – An evasive skill where Champa releases a burst of energy in all directions. Featured in Xenoverse 2.
- Super Star Break – A TAA Special Ability in World Mission. When attacking from Round 2 onward, Champa enters Super Star Break Mode during his team's attack phase. He summons a swarm of meteors to deal massive damage. Achieving a Perfect Break triggers additional effects depending on the variation. Can be used once per battle.
- Obstructing Star Break – A variation of Super Star Break in World Mission. Achieving a Perfect Break reduces the enemy’s Super Attack damage by 50% permanently.
- Super Energy – A TAA Special Ability in World Mission. When attacking from Round 2 onward, Champa enters Super Energy Mode during his team's attack phase. If successful, he unleashes a devastating Ki Blast, with the power scaling based on the team's Hero Energy. Achieving an Ace triggers additional effects depending on the variation. Can be used once per battle.
- Obstructing Super Energy – A variation of Super Energy in World Mission. Achieving an Ace permanently reduces the targeted enemy’s Power Level by 50%.
Powers and Statistics
Tier: 2-C
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Flight, Master Martial Artist, Afterimage Creation, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Ki Sensing, Enhanced Senses and Cosmic Awareness, Sealing (Can seal people away), Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Likely Regeneration (Low), Telekinesis (Other Gods have demonstrated this ability), Attack Reflection (Able to redirect an opponent's attack with ki), Shockwaves Generation, Sound Manipulation (Via God of Destruction Roar), Weather Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement (Corroded a room[1] around him alongside Beerus), Acausality (Type 4; Gods do not follow mortal logic, when a god affects another god, it won't cause the timeline to split,[2] despite Dragon Ball's cosmology solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[3]), Existence Erasure (History & Space-Time; With the Power of Destruction, a God of Destruction can erase everything from existence, from living beings, souls, spirits to physical objects, energy[4] attacks. Can erase[5] beings like Dr. Mashirito, and likely even Arale Norimaki, both of whom resisted narrative existence erasure,[6][7] Power of Destruction also capable of destroying universes[8] along with their individual history,[9] including multiple space-time continuums),Limited Causality Manipulation (Capable of erasing Zamasu across space-time, without splitting the timeline.[10] Effectively destroyed Zamasu across all points in time despite Dragon Ball's cosmology solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[11]), Space-Time Erasure (Power of Destruction can erase universal space-times), Soul Destruction (Can erase souls, spirits and ghosts), Aura (Overwhelming; Via Energy of Destruction, Gods of Destruction can engulf their body with Hakai energy, which erases whatever touches it[12]), Non-Physical Interaction (Power of Destruction can erase souls, spirits, ghosts from existence. Can warp the World of Void,[13] a realm of eternal nothingness devoid of time and space[13]), Void Manipulation (Via Energy of Destruction; Scales to Toppo, who warped[14] the environment of the World of Void,[15] a realm of eternal nothingness devoid of time and space,[15] with his Energy of Destruction), Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation and Portal Creation.
Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiation (Able to travel in outer space, which is extremely cold[16][17] and filled with cosmic radiation), Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a “God”), Extreme Heat (Other Gods can withstand the extremely high temperatures at the Earth's core without any protection), Empathic Manipulation (Was unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love), Corrosion Inducement (Stood in a corroding aura and still fine), Existence Erasure, Soul Destruction, Void Manipulation and Space-Time Erasure (History & Space-Time; Gods of Destruction have the same Energy of Destruction Aura as Toppo, and it is completely ineffective against other Gods of Destruction)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (A fight between two Gods of Destruction is taboo[18] and will result in the destruction of two universes[19]. Should be comparable or superior to a limit-broken Vegeta, who was capable of fighting competently with a held-back Jiren, who is stated several times to be the strongest foe in Dragon Ball history and surpassing the likes of even an incomplete Infinite Zamasu. Comparable to Beerus)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 12.1088 quattuordecillion c)
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Stronger than Base Goku, who endured Pretty Black Hole´s gravitational pull)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level
Stamina: Unknown (See weaknesses below)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Low Multiversal with attacks/shockwaves and ki blasts
Standard Equipment: None Notable
Intelligence: Years of fighting experience and training under Vados, mastery of various martial arts techniques and skills
Weaknesses: He is sometimes presented as very out of shape, and easily tired, and sometimes not. Arrogant and makes miscalculations. If the Kaioshin of the respective universe is killed, so is the god of destruction
- Champa's name appears to be derived from "champagne," continuing the tradition of alcohol-themed names among the Gods of Destruction and their attendants.
- In the Super Star Guide, a mini-comic features Beerus disguising himself as Champa by wearing his brother’s clothes while Whis inflates his body. This suggests that if not for his weight, Champa would likely look identical to Beerus.
- Notably, Champa’s life-linked Supreme Kai, Fuwa, is also overweight, contrasting with their Universe 7 counterparts, Beerus and Shin, who have leaner physiques.
- In 2017, the Indian animated series Super Bheem featured a character inspired by Champa.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 28
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Manga Chapter 357
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 125
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 69
- ↑ Dr. Slump Arale-chan episode 82
- ↑ Dr. Slump Arale-chan episode 240
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name Is Champa!
- ↑ V-Jump October 2022 Dragon Ball Super Interval Special
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Manga Chapter 357
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 125
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 78
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 125
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 78
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Light Novel)
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 70 - A Challenge From Champa! This Time, a Baseball Game!
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name Is Champa!